938 resultados para Plasmodium-chabaudi-adami
The transmission of malaria in Brazil is heterogeneous throughout endemic areas and the presence of asymptomatic Plasmodium sp. carriers (APCs) in the Brazilian Amazon has already been demonstrated. Malaria screening in blood banks is based on the selection of donors in respect to possible risks associated with travel or residence, clinical evidence and/or inaccurate diagnostic methods thereby increasing the probability of transfusion-transmitted infection. We evaluated the frequency of APCs in four blood services in distinct areas of the Brazilian Amazon region. DNA was obtained from 400 human blood samples for testing using the phenol-chloroform method followed by a nested-PCR protocol with species-specific primers. The positivity rate varied from 1 to 3% of blood donors from the four areas with an average of 2.3%. All positive individuals had mixed infections for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum. No significant differences in the results were detected among these areas; the majority of cases originated from the transfusion centres of Porto Velho, Rondônia State and Macapá, Amapá State. Although it is still unclear whether APC individuals may act as reservoirs of the parasite, efficient screening of APCs and malaria patients in Brazilian blood services from endemic areas needs to be improved.
A parasitological, clinical, serological and molecular cross-sectional study carried out in a highly endemic malaria area of Rio Negro in the Amazon State, Brazil, revealed a high prevalence of asymptomatic Plasmodium vivax infection. A total of 109 persons from 25 families were studied in five villages. Ninety-nine inhabitants (90.8%) had at least one previous episode of malaria. Serology showed 85.7% and 46.9% of positivity when P. falciparum antigens and P. vivax MSP-1, respectively, were used. Twenty blood samples were PCR positive for P. vivax (20.4%) and no P. falciparum infection was evidenced by this technique. No individual presenting positive PCR reaction had clinical malaria during the survey neither in the six months before nor after, confirming that they were cases of asymptomatic infection. Only one 12 year old girl presented a positive thick blood smear for P. vivax. This is the first description of asymptomatic Plasmodium infection in this area studied.
We determined the relationship between plasma and red blood cell concentrations of quinine in children with uncomplicated falciparum malaria from an endemic area of Amazonian region. Quinine was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection. In the steady state the ratio between plasma and red blood cell quinine concentration was 1.89 ± 1.25 ranging from 1.05 to 2.34. This result demonstrated that quinine do not concentrate in red blood cell of Brazilian children and characterize the absence of interracial difference in this relationship.
Malaria in Brazil is endemic in the Amazon region, but autochthonous cases with low parasitaemia occur in the Atlantic Forest area of the country. According to Brazilian legislation no test is mandatory for blood donors from non-endemic areas. However if they have traveled to malaria transmission regions they are deferred for six months before they can donate. This report describes a transfusion-transmitted malaria case in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where one recipient received infected blood and developed the disease. He lived in Sao Paulo and had no previous transfusion or trips to endemic areas, including those of low endemicity, such as Atlantic Forest. Thick blood smears confirmed Plasmodiummalariae. All donors lived in Sao Paulo and one of them (Donor 045-0) showed positive hemoscopy and PCR. This asymptomatic donor had traveled to Juquia, in the Atlantic Forest area of S ao Paulo State, where sporadic cases of autochthonous malaria are described. DNA assay revealed P. malariae in the donor's (Donor 045-0) blood. Serum archives of the recipient and of all blood donors were analyzed by ELISA using both P. vivax and P. falciparum antigens, and IFAT with P. malariae. Donor 045-0's serum was P. malariae IFAT positive and the P. vivax ELISA was reactive. In addition, two out of 44 donors' archive sera were also P. vivax ELISA reactive. All sera were P. falciparum ELISA negative. This case suggests the need of reviewing donor selection criteria and deferral strategies to prevent possible cases of transfusion-transmitted malaria.
Asymptomatic Plasmodium infection is a new challenge for public health in the American region. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the best method for diagnosing subpatent parasitemias. In endemic areas, blood collection is hampered by geographical distances and deficient transport and storage conditions of the samples. Because DNA extraction from blood collected on filter paper is an efficient method for molecular studies in high parasitemic individuals, we investigated whether the technique could be an alternative for Plasmodium diagnosis among asymptomatic and pauciparasitemic subjects. In this report we compared three different methods (Chelex®-saponin, methanol and TRIS-EDTA) of DNA extraction from blood collected on filter paper from asymptomatic Plasmodium-infected individuals. Polymerase chain reaction assays for detection of Plasmodium species showed the best results when the Chelex®-saponin method was used. Even though the sensitivity of detection was approximately 66% and 31% for P. falciparum and P. vivax, respectively, this method did not show the effectiveness in DNA extraction required for molecular diagnosis of Plasmodium. The development of better methods for extracting DNA from blood collected on filter paper is important for the diagnosis of subpatent malarial infections in remote areas and would contribute to establishing the epidemiology of this form of infection.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
In Iran, both Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum malaria have been detected, but P. vivax is the predominant species. Point mutations in dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) gene in both Plasmodia are the major mechanisms of pyrimethamine resistance. From April 2007 to June 2009, a total of 134 blood samples in two endemic areas of southern Iran were collected from patients infected with P. vivax and P. falciparum. The isolates were analyzed for P. vivax dihydrofolate reductase (pvdhfr) and P. falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (pfdhfr) point mutations using various PCR-based methods. The majority of the isolates (72.9%) had wild type amino acids at five codons of pvdhfr. Amongst mutant isolates, the most common pvdhfr alleles were double mutant in 58 and 117 amino acids (58R-117N). Triple mutation in 57, 58, and 117 amino acids (57L/58R/117N) was identified for the first time in the pvdhfr gene of Iranian P. vivax isolates. All the P. falciparumsamples analyzed (n = 16) possessed a double mutant pfdhfrallele (59R/108N) and retained a wild-type mutation at position 51. This may be attributed to the fact that the falciparum malaria patients were treated using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in Iran. The presence of mutant haplotypes in P. vivax is worrying, but has not yet reached an alarming threshold regarding drugs such as SP. The results of this study reinforce the importance of performing a molecular surveillance by means of a continuous chemoresistance assessment.
Os autores fazem breve revisão sôbre o período de duração da infecção pelo P. falciparum, citando casos em que êsse período atingiu até 3 anos, sob forma latente. Referem-se ao risco que êsse fato representa através transfusões de sangue e finalmente relatam 3 casos em que julgam ter ocorrido essa situação que poderá ter conseqüências gravíssimas: 1. Pela possibilidade de ser transfundida uma raça de P. falciparum resistente aos diferentes anti-maláricos. 2. Pelo fato de serem as transfusões de sangue feitas de um modo geral em pacientes com condições áébilitantes as mais diversas. 3. Pela dificuldade com que se defrontam os técnicos em transfusão na detectação do parasito resistente ou não em casos assintomáticos. 4. Pela difusão relativamente significativa de raças de P. falciparum resistentes, a vários pontos do território nacional.
São apresentados os resultados preliminares de um estudo evolutivo da localização renal de complexos antígeno-anticorpo solúveis em ratos infectados com P. berghei. Embora no 2º dia o animal já apresentasse parasitos circulantes e no 6.° dia fôsse demonstrado anticorpos circulantes, somente no 12.° dia ficou caracterizada a presença simultânea de antígeno e anticorpo, por imunofluorescência, nos glomérulos e arteríolas renais, correspondendo a uma queda do nível sérico de complemento. No 16.° dia o depósito glomerular era mínimo e o complemento retornou a níveis considerados normais. Após um confronto com os dados obtidos em outros trabalhos o A. sugere que o P. berghei possa apresentar uma ação patogênica para o hospedeiro através da formação de complexos Ag-Ac embora acentuando a necessidade de estudos adicionais.
Thirty-nine symptomless carriers of P. vivax parasites in the blood gave blood films at monthly intervals for four to six months during the non- transmission season. It was found that parasitaemias can continue for many months. Thirteen of those studied relapsed with symptoms and were treated with chloroquine at a dosage of 600 mg for adults with proportionate doses for children. Of these nine relapsed silently while under observation: a symptomless relapse rate of approximately 70 per cent. One case had symptoms attributable to malaria close to the time of the original survey (the day before). Of the remaining 38 asymptomatic parasite carriers four showed microgametocytes in a density that suggested a potentially high infectivity and six showed microgametocytes in a density suggesting a potentially low to moderate infectivity for mosquito vectors. There was thus a proportion of one smptomatic case of malaria to 10 potentially infective symptomless parasite carriers. Because they feel no need to seek treatment, such persons may form an important reservoir of infection when vectors cannot be fully controlled by spraying. Some possible methods of dealing with such situations are discussed.
A propósito de 2 Casos Clínicos de malária maligna internados na U.C.I. do Hospital Curry Cabral(em 1983 e 1984), um dos quais de evolução letal, chama-se a atenção para a necessidade do seu diagnóstico precoce.
A associação da suljametoxazol (SMZ) ao Trimelhoprim (TMP) foi ensaiada em 40 portadores de malária pelo Plasmodium falciparum, em duas etapas. Na primeira, foram observados 20 pacientes resistentes às 4-aminoquinoleinas. oligossintomáticos e com densidade parasitária baixa. A administração de 800 mg de SMZ + 160 mg de TMP a dez pacientes, em dose única, bem como, diariamente, durante 2 dias, a 10 outros, se mostrou capaz de promover o desaparecimento dos trofozitos do sangue periférico em todos os 20 casos. Seis dentre 13 pacientes deste grupo apresentaram recrudescência da parasitemia assexuada durante o período de controle, de 30 dias. Não foram observadas manifestações de intolerância. Na segunda etapa foram observados mais 20 pacientes também, em sua maioria, resistentes às 4-aminoquinoleinas, incluindo agora casos com quadro clínico severo. A administração de 1.600 mg SMZ + 320 mg de TMP, diariamente, durante 4 dias. promoveu a negativação de parasitemia assexuada em todos os pacientes dentro de um período de 82 a 96 horas. Deste grupo, 2 dentre os 20 pacientes apresentaram recrudescência clinica e parasitária no período de controle. Apenas 1 teve discreta anemia megaloblastica após o tratamento, que desapareceu espontâneamente.
Insulin added to Plasmodium falciparum cultures (0.2 IU/ml) reduced the requirement for human serum from ten to five percent. This represents an obvious advantage by its serum-sparing effect and by reducing the chances of using contaminated serum in cultures. The growth-promoting ability of insulin was observed eitherin culture- adapted P. falciparum or in newly-isolated samples.
Foi padronizado um teste de hemaglutinação para a sorologia da malária humana, com reagente constituído de suspensão de hemácias de camundongos infectadas pelo Plasmodium berghei e preservadas por fixação aldeídica. Em pacientes com parasitemia por P. falciparum ou P. vivax obteve-se uma sensibilidade de 98,9% nos 88 casos estudados, o teste apresentando títulos entre 40 e 640. Para o grupo de 476 soros de indivíduos não-maláricos, obteve-se uma especificidade de 96,0%. O teste apresentou elevada reprodutibilidade, mesmo para diferentes lotes de antígenos. Nos 200 soros, obtidos ao acaso, de indivíduos de área endêmica, o teste apresentou positividade de 48,5%, contra 88,0% do teste de imunofluorescência-IgG. A baixa positividade pode ser devida a que o teste de hemaglutinação detecta anticorpos IgM. Após tratamento com 2-mercaptoetanol, todos os soros de pacientes com parasitemia tornaram-se não reagentes. Em relação ao teste de imunofluorescência-IgG, o teste de hemaglutinação apresentou índice de co-positívidade de 0,989 para os soros de maláricos com parasitemia. Para os soros de não-maláricos o teste de hemaglutinação apresentou índice de co-negatividade de 0,969. Por outro lado, no grupo de soros de área endêmica, o índice de co-positividade foi de 0,528 e o de co-negatividade, de 0,833.
Através da prova de 7 dias foi estudado o grau de resistência do Plasmodium falciparum à cloroquina, amodiaquina e sulfadoxina-pirimetamina em Porto Velho, Estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nas médias de parasitas nos dias de seguimento e nas proporções de resistência entre os três medicamentos testados, fazendo com que os autores recomendem a manutenção das 4-aminoquinoleínas como drogas a serem usadas atualmente em infecções não graves por P. falciparum na área de Porto Velho.