943 resultados para Planted forest of Eucalyptus


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The metabolic effects caused by hydric deficiency (HD) on Eucalyptus grandis clones were assessed by an experiment where plants were cultivated in four blocks. The first was the control block, normally irrigated, whereas the other three blocks were submitted to cycles of hydric deficiency. Analysis of photosynthetic efficiency, enzymatic activity of antioxidant response system, level of pigments and L-proline concentration were performed to evaluate the HD effects. Results showed that HD altered some parameters related to photosynthetic activity, pigments accumulation, proline and enzymatic activity. Clone 433 of E. grandis presented higher response ability to HD.


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The fishes of the present study were collected in the headwater streams of the Sorocaba, Paranapanema and Ribeira de Iguape river basins during the dry period in 2010. A total of 2892 fishes, grouped in 53 species, were captured. The composition of the ichthyofauna captured in the streams of Sorocaba and Paranapanema river basin was greatly similar. On the other hand, the fish fauna of the streams of Ribeira de Iguape river basin were quite different from the ones captured in the others basins, with the occurrence of endangered species (Isbrueckerichthys epakmos and I. duseni) and exotic species (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus). The previous list of fish for the Sorocaba river basin increased with the addition of seven species of Characiformes, one Gymnotiformes and four Siluriformes. © 2012 Check List and Authors.


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A new species of miniaturized froglet (genus Brachycephalus) is described from Morro Prumirim in the municipality of Ubatuba, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Specimens were collected from the leaf litter at approximately 800 m above sea level. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: snout-vent length 8.7-13.4 mm; skin on head and dorsum with dermal ossification; general color orange, with a narrow brownish vertebral stripe and belly without spots; and skull, spinal processes of sacral and pre-sacral vertebrae, and process of the fourth vertebra hyperossified. Canonical variates analysis of linear body measurement demonstrates that the new species is easily discriminated from other Brachycephalus species with which it shares an intermediate condition of hyperossification. © 2012 by The Herpetologists League, Inc.


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The objective of this study was evaluate the effect of the log steaming on the chemical properties and decay resistance of Eucalyptus grandis wood. Logs with diameter between 20 and 22 cm were studied. Half of logs were kept in its on original condition, and the other half was steamed at 90°C for 13 hours. The holocellulosc, Klason lignin, total extractives content and the weight loss caused by the decay fungus Pycnoporus sanguineous were characterized. The results showed that the log steaming of E. grandis wood cause: (l)a significantly decreased in holocellulose content; (2) an increase of 4.8% and 4.4% in total extractives and lignin content, respectively; and (3) a decrease in its durability against the decay fungus P. sanguineus in order of 13.03%. Copyright © (2012) by WCTE 2012 Committee.


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We studied the vegetation of two crystalline rock outcrops in the Atlantic Forest of northeastern Brazil. We recorded typically rupicolous species, which are rare or classified as extremely endangered, such as Aechmea guainumbiorum, found exclusively in one of the study sites. In both areas there was a predominance of therophytes over other life-forms, in contrast to observations made in rock outcrops of the southern Atlantic Forest. Therophytes also stood out in other rock outcrops at similar latitudes as our study site, regardless of the surrounding vegetation. Plants of other life-forms had significantly lower richness and showed adaptations to drought, such as succulent stem, pseudobulbs, dense pilosity, and underground storage organs. Our results suggest that invasive species may modify the vegetation of crystalline rock outcrops, as they change the number of species of all life-forms in comparison between sites. Hence, our results present the biological identity of these rupicolous habitats, which are marginal to forests, and point to the need for conserving them, in order to protect the Atlantic Forest's biodiversity. © 2013 Botanical Society of Sao Paulo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Although vast areas in tropical regions have weathered soils with low potassium (K) levels, little is known about the effects of K supply on the photosynthetic physiology of trees. This study assessed the effects of K and sodium (Na) supply on the diffusional and biochemical limitations to photosynthesis in Eucalyptus grandis leaves. A field experiment comparing treatments receiving K (+K) or Na (+Na) with a control treatment (C) was set up in a K-deficient soil. The net CO2 assimilation rates were twice as high in +K and 1.6 times higher in +Na than in the C as a result of lower stomatal and mesophyll resistance to CO2 diffusion and higher photosynthetic capacity. The starch content was higher and soluble sugar was lower in +K than in C and +Na, suggesting that K starvation disturbed carbon storage and transport. The specific leaf area, leaf thickness, parenchyma thickness, stomatal size and intercellular air spaces increased in +K and +Na compared to C. Nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations were also higher in +K and +Na than in C. These results suggest a strong relationship between the K and Na supply to E. grandis trees and the functional and structural limitations to CO2 assimilation rates. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Aquaporins have important roles in various physiological processes in plants, including growth, development and adaptation to stress. In this study, a gene encoding a root-specific tonoplast intrinsic aquaporin (TIP) from Eucalyptus grandis (named EgTIP2) was investigated. The root-specific expression of EgTIP2 was validated over a panel of five eucalyptus organ/tissues. In eucalyptus roots, EgTIP2 expression was significantly induced by osmotic stress imposed by PEG treatment. Histochemical analysis of transgenic tobacco lines (Nicotiana tabacum SR1) harboring an EgTIP2 promoter:GUS reporter cassette revealed major GUS staining in the vasculature and in root tips. Consistent with its osmotic-stress inducible expression in eucalyptus, EgTIP2 promoter activity was up-regulated by mannitol treatment, but was down-regulated by abscisic acid. Taken together, these results suggest that EgTIP2 might be involved in eucalyptus response to drought. Additional searches in the eucalyptus genome revealed the presence of four additional putative TIP coding genes, which could be individually assigned to the classical TIP1-5 groups. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Neste estudo foram investigados os hábitos alimentares do bagre Auchenipterichthys longimanus coletados em rios da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã (Amazônia Oriental, Brasil) ao longo de diferentes períodos hidrológicos (seco, enchendo, cheio e vazando). Foram coletados 589 espécimes durante sete amostragens, entre julho de 2008 e julho de 2009, dos quais 74eram machos jovens, 177 machos adultos, 89 fêmeas jovens e 249 fêmeas adultas. A composição da dieta, analisada pelo Índice de Importância Alimentar (IAi%) foi avaliada por um escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (nMDS) e pela análise de similaridade (ANOSIM), que incluiu 37 itens alimentares agrupados em nove categorias (insetos aquáticos, outros invertebrados aquáticos, fragmento de artrópodes, peixe, fragmento de planta, sementes, insetos terrestres, outros invertebrados terrestrese vertebrados terrestres). Também foram obtidos a amplitude de nicho (Índice de Levins) e o Índice de Repleção (IR%) da dieta do bagre. Foram observadas diferenças na composição da dieta entre os períodos hidrológicos, principalmente relacionada à estação seca e cheia, mas não houve variação na composição da dieta entre os sexos e maturidade. No período de cheia (especificamente no mês de março/2009) o bagre mostrou uma alimentação mais especialista enquanto que no período de seca (novembro/2008) os valores de amplitude de nicho classificaram-no com hábitos mais generalistas quanto a alimentação. A quantidade de alimentos ingeridos por A. longimanus com base no Índice de Repleção (IR%), não diferiram significativamente entre o sexo e maturidade. No entanto, foram evidenciadas diferenças quando comparados os meses estudados. Estes resultados fornecem informações biológicas importantes sobre a ecologia trófica de peixes da família Auchenipteridae. Tendo em vista a maior ocorrência de itens alóctones na dieta deste bagre, esta pesquisa também reforça a importância das matas ciliares em ambientes críticos na manutenção e conservação das populações selvagens de peixes na bacia amazônica.


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The largest area of preserved Atlantic forest is located in the southern portion of Brazil. The region of Paranapiacaba is depicted in Brazilian zoological studies as one of the first and most intensely sampled areas of the state of São Paulo.We provide a concise list of reptiles and amphibians from the Paranapiacaba Municipal Park. It represents the first comprehensive survey of the group in the area. We recorded 136 species of reptiles and amphibians from field surveys, museum collections and the literature. The anuran diversity of Paranapiacaba is greater than that of Estação Ecológica de Boracéia, which has been considered the most distinctive areas in São Paulo in terms of amphibian diversity. The rich history of herpetological research in the region, including the occurrence of the two most threatened species in Brazil, converts the area to an important conservation landmark for the Brazilian herpetofauna.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of thermal treatment on the physical properties of juvenile and mature woods of Eucalyptus grandis. Boards were taken from 30-year-old E. grandis trees. The boards were thermally modified at 180 °C in the Laboratory of Wood Drying and Preservation at UNESP, Botucatu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The results showed that thermal modification caused: (1) decrease of 6.8% in the density at 0% equilibrium moisture content of mature wood; (2) significant decreases of 14.7% and 35.6% in the maximum volumetric swellings of juvenile and mature woods, respectively; (3) significant decreases of 13.7% and 21.3% in the equilibrium moisture content of juvenile and mature woods, respectively. The influence of thermal modification in juvenile wood was lower than in mature wood and caused greater uniformity in the physical variations between these types of wood in E. grandis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)