968 resultados para Plano ambiental
Diferentemente de muitas cidades europeias, a urbanização da cidade de São Paulo ocorreu na medida de seu crescimento econômico e populacional, formando um desenho urbano heterogêneo, sem padrões. A falta de um planejamento eficaz somada à priorização do transporte individual geraram problemas urbanos tais como congestionamentos, degradação ambiental, transporte público incipiente, etc. O novo plano diretor estratégico de São Paulo surge com uma proposta para reorganização da cidade, adensando regiões providas de maior infraestrutura e limitando a densidade populacional das outras regiões. Responsável pelo desenvolvimento imobiliário, o setor de real estate é afetado diretamente pelas novas diretrizes do plano diretor. Neste trabalho, são discutidos os impactos do novo plano diretor no planejamento de produtos residenciais, identificando os efeitos na formação de preços e das tipologias que passarão a ser ofertadas de acordo com as novas diretrizes de uso do solo, bem como as possíveis respostas do mercado, ou seja, empreendedores e a população. A metodologia de pesquisa contou com estudos bibliográficos, coleta de dados em uma incorporadora tradicional da cidade de São Paulo, e estudos de qualidade de investimento. Uma base de dados de terrenos foi submetida ao modelo de modo a comparar os resultados de empreender considerando a legislação anterior e a atual imposta pelo plano. Como resultado, verificou-se que a consequência indireta do plano será o aumento de preço de venda de apartamentos. Para minimizar esse efeito, será necessário: reduzir as taxas de retorno do empreendedor, reduzir as áreas privativas, custos de obra e os custos de terreno. Para os empreendedores, o planejamento de produtos se tornará ainda mais importante, diante das novas limitações e da provável redução de seus resultados financeiros. Ainda, a tendência é que terrenos localizados próximos dos eixos de transporte tenham seus preços de comercialização elevados, e a oferta de apartamentos nessas regiões será de produtos de até 80 metros quadrados. Já os terrenos localizados em regiões de baixo aproveitamento poderão ter a atividade de incorporação inviabilizada, a não ser que haja reduções consideráveis dos custos de terreno.
Este trabalho faz parte do Projeto Grande Minas - União Pelas Águas, que realizou o Zoneamento Ambiental das Sub-Bacias Hidrográficas dos Afluentes Mineiros do Médio Rio Grande. O zoneamento foi concluído em 2013 e produziu importantes informações sobre os meios físico, biótico e socioeconômico dos 22 municípios que compõem a bacia hidrográfica, dentre eles o local de estudo, que é o município de Delfinópolis - MG. Dentre os instrumentos que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento sustentável, o município pode utilizar, além do zoneamento ambiental, o plano diretor municipal e o plano de manejo do Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, uma vez que esta unidade de conservação insere-se no município. Torna-se importante, entretanto, a integração destes três importantes instrumentos de gestão para que o planejamento municipal e as ações de política pública possam ser realizados de forma consistente. Este trabalho vem contribuir na avaliação e integração destas informações (Plano Diretor Municipal, Plano de Manejo, Zoneamento Ambiental) e os resultados deverão contribuir com os administradores públicos na tomada de decisões e na resolução dos problemas enfrentados na região, como exemplo as queimadas, o uso inadequado dos recursos hídricos, as atividades modificadoras do meio físico. A sistemática metodológica adotada envolveu a avaliação de dados existentes e a construção de um banco de dados digital do município; análise dos instrumentos legais de planejamento e gestão municipal e elaboração de produtos cartográficos interpretativos de fácil leitura e entendimento que possam ser utilizados diretamente pelos gestores públicos. A análise e avaliação dos dados existentes permitiu diagnosticar algumas características peculiares ao município, como a sua vocação para o turismo, com mais de 40 atrativos ligados ao ecoturismo; o grande número de minerações de areia e cascalho, grande parte delas não regularizada; e os conflitos locais existentes diante das atividades da economia rural e a necessidade de preservação impostas pela unidade de conservação.
Plano de desenvolvimento estratégico do INSA,I.P. para 2008-2012. Este instrumento tem como objetivo apresentar a visão, os valores institucionais e as linhas estratégicas a adotar durante este período.
In recent years, the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has come through an intense process of expansion, common for the Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) - Higher Education Institutions – since the implantation of the Programa de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), a program of restructuring and expansion of the federal universities. The incentives made at UFRN can be seen into the expansion of the fields of teaching, research and extension, besides hiring human resources and adaptation / expansion of physical spaces. The focus of the UFRN at the technological area through the project (REUNI) has reflected in a significant expansion of the physical structure of the Center of Technology, area where the section of classes IV remains being the main set of rooms that supports the demand of the courses in the technological area, in which highlights the lack of classrooms. In this sense, the work presented here, proposes an architectural blueprint for expanding the physical space of this sector, based in this main parameters: (i) the spatial flexibility that attends the varying numbers of students per class; (ii) the environmental comfort, using the parameters and guidelines constructive for the Bioclimatic Zone 8; (iii) the requirements contained in the rules of ABNT NBR 9050:2004, 9077:2001 and NBR NBR 15220-3:2003. The architectural proposal used the maximum template allowed by the UFRN Central Campus Master Plan, four floors, considering the existing building (area equal to 7413.95 m²) as the ground floor and the extension proposed distributed on three floors, with an area of around 2,535, 00 m² each, making up a total of 7602.65 m² of total area built
The right to the preservation of a healthy environment is perceived as a Fundamental Right, inserted in the National Constitution and referring to present and future generations. The preservation of the environment is directly connected to the right to Health and Human Dignity and, therefore, must be treated as a personal right, unavailable, claiming for a positive response from the Brazilian State, through the development of related public policies, control of potentially harmful economic activities, with special focus on the principles of precaution and solidarity. The Brazilian judiciary must thus be attentive to the guardianship of the Fundamental Right. The judiciary control over the execution of public policies is based on obeying the principle of the separation, independence and harmony between the Powers, however it should never deviate from the constitutional obligation of caring for the effectivation of the rights and guarantees within the Magna Carta. In the balance between the principle of human dignity, from which springs the right to a healthy environment and the principle of separation of powers, the former should prevail, maintaining the latter to a core minimum.
This research investigates the microclimate and the morphology features of the central campus of the UFRN, in Natal-RN, through the use of bioclimatic tools of analysis in order to assist the implementation of the campus´ Master Plan. It develops a diagnosis of the evolution and growth of the urban space surveyed by analyzing its initial plan and the basic urban conception behind it, as well as the morphology and typologies utilized. The study makes a qualitative analysis of the local microclimate by using Katzschner (1997) methodology, with land-use and topography maps, building heights, vegetation and soil covering. It also makes use of the methodology proposed by Oliveira (1993), which examines, from the bioclimatic standpoint, the human environment as related to the urban form (site and built mass). It identifies zones whose climatic characteristics are representative of the local microclimate and classifies them into areas to be strictly preserved, areas to be protected and areas to be improved. By means of the methodology for spatial and environmental assessment developed by Bustos Romero (2001), the survey selects characteristic points of each area in order to register the environmental data relative to the two basic seasons found in the region where the campus is located, that is, the dry and the rainy season, so that it can evaluate changes in the environment which might have been caused by urban density growth, by arborization or by the influence of the urban form. It then proceeds to a quantitative and statistical survey of the collected data with the purpose of evaluating the degree of influence of the identified features over the environmental variables along the different scales of approach. The study shows the existence of different microclimates and emphasizes the relevance of the bioclimatic analysis of the built environment as a tool for the decision-making process along the development of the Master Plan for UFRN Central Campus
Acompanha: Material paradidático em educação ambiental para o 6º ano do ensino fundamental
One of the biggest environmental problems of the population is the lack of sewage treatment, especially in rural communities and low-income. The development of technologies for efficient, low-cost sanitation need to be developed to meet the disadvantaged people of this basic service. This work was the implementation proposal of a technology called constructed wetlands, also known as Wastewater Treatment Plant for Roots Zone - ETEZR. The objective was to develop a non- formal environmental education proposal for redevelopment, using outreach methods for residents and deployment of this technology ETEZR in the rural community of Cologne Grebe in Sao Jose dos Pinhais - PR. With technical support from the Paranaense Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Institute -EMATER and the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, 5 ETEZR were deployed in the colony through three theoretical and practical workshops, which involved total 67 people from the community 5 technicians EMATER and 13 of the Municipal Town Hall. Após4 months of implementation were carried out two collections of raw wastewater and treated to analyze physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results evaluated by chemical parameters BOD, COD, phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen comparing raw and treated sewage, demonstrate that ETEZR are effective in the treatment of sewage. 5 Seasons minimum and maximum efficiency between the basic parameters analyzed were 52.2 to 95.5% for BOD; 47 to 94.5% for COD; 21.5 to 96% phosphorus; 30-98% for ammonia nitrogen. Oils and greases, and a series of solid also achieved a significant reduction in their values when comparing the raw sewage and treated sewage, and biological parameters evaluated by means of coliforms showed a reduction of 80 to 99%. With the implementation of environmental education process aimed sanitation was possible to evaluate the perception of the population to accept the environmental sanitation technology using the ETEZR, understand the needs and sanitation concepts for the community. This research evaluated the development of the methodology applied by the non-formal environmental education in order to provide subsidies for rural sanitation plan process for the municipality.
Plano de atividades do INSA, I.P. para o ano de 2016. Este instrumento constitui um referencial para a atividade a desenvolver pelo Instituto durante este ano, baseado nas estratégias objetivos e metas institucionalmente consensualizados.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hídricos, 2015.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agronegócios, 2016.
This research investigates the microclimate and the morphology features of the central campus of the UFRN, in Natal-RN, through the use of bioclimatic tools of analysis in order to assist the implementation of the campus´ Master Plan. It develops a diagnosis of the evolution and growth of the urban space surveyed by analyzing its initial plan and the basic urban conception behind it, as well as the morphology and typologies utilized. The study makes a qualitative analysis of the local microclimate by using Katzschner (1997) methodology, with land-use and topography maps, building heights, vegetation and soil covering. It also makes use of the methodology proposed by Oliveira (1993), which examines, from the bioclimatic standpoint, the human environment as related to the urban form (site and built mass). It identifies zones whose climatic characteristics are representative of the local microclimate and classifies them into areas to be strictly preserved, areas to be protected and areas to be improved. By means of the methodology for spatial and environmental assessment developed by Bustos Romero (2001), the survey selects characteristic points of each area in order to register the environmental data relative to the two basic seasons found in the region where the campus is located, that is, the dry and the rainy season, so that it can evaluate changes in the environment which might have been caused by urban density growth, by arborization or by the influence of the urban form. It then proceeds to a quantitative and statistical survey of the collected data with the purpose of evaluating the degree of influence of the identified features over the environmental variables along the different scales of approach. The study shows the existence of different microclimates and emphasizes the relevance of the bioclimatic analysis of the built environment as a tool for the decision-making process along the development of the Master Plan for UFRN Central Campus
The State of Paraíba is one of the most dynamic states of Brazil, strategically located in the northeast, is notable for the excellent potential for integration of different transportation modes forming the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Alagoas. The dynamic that occurs with port activity causes changes in the space where it is installed. And the elements of this space are always more than suffering direct or indirect influences as the flow in the port is expanded. Therefore, this region became subject to the accidental spillage of oil, because it presents a heavy traffic of ships of various sizes that can run aground or collide with oil causing accidental events. The study of geomorphological and sedimentological compositions of seafloor becomes important as more is known about the relationships between these parameters and associated fauna, and can identify their preferred habitats. The database background, acoustically collected along the proposed study area, is a wealth of information, which were duly examined, cataloged and made available. Such information can serve as an important tool, providing a geomorphological survey of the sedimentary area studied, and come to subsidize, in a flexible, future decision making. With the study area Port of Cabedelo, Paraíba - Brazil, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of the tidal surface and background in modeling the seabed, including the acquisition of information about the location of submerged rocky bodies and the depth of these bodies may turn out to be natural traps for the trapping of oil in case of leaks, and obtain the relationship between types of bed and the hydrodynamic conditions present in the region. In this context, for this study were collected bathymetric data (depth) and physical oceanographic (height of water column, water temperature, intensity and direction of currents, waves and turbidity), meteorological (rainfall, air temperature, humidity, winds and barometric pressure) of the access channel to the Port of Cabedelo / PB and its basin evolution (where the cruise ships dock), and includes tools of remote sensing (Landsat 7 ETM +, 2001), so that images and the results are integrated into Geographic Information Systems and used in the elaboration of measures aimed at environmental protection areas under the influence of this scale facilities, serving as a grant to prepare a contingency plan in case of oil spills in the region. The main findings highlight the techniques of using hydroacoustic data acquisition together bathymetric surveys of high and low frequency. From there, five were prepared in bathymetric pattern of Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation - DHN, with the depth in meters, on a scale of 1:2500 (Channel and Basin Evolution of Access to Port of Cabedelo), where there is a large extent possible beachrocks that hinder the movement of vessels in the port area, which can cause collisions, running aground and leaking oil. From the scatter diagram of the vectors of currents, it can be seen as the tidal stream and undergoes a channeling effect caused by the bidirectional effect of the tide (ebb and flood) in the basin of the Port of Cabedelo evolution in NW-direction SE and the highest speed of the currents occurs at low tide. The characterization weather for the period from 28/02 to 04/07/2010 values was within the expected average for the region of study. The multidisciplinary integration of products (digital maps and remote sensing images), proved to be efficient for the characterization of underwater geomorphological study area, reaching the aim to discriminate and enhance submerged structures, previously not visible in the images
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública, 2015.
O discurso cotidiano repetido nas últimas décadas é o de como a produção de lixo nos diferentes espaços aumentou. Com isso, vários problemas inerentes a administração dos resíduos interferem na conservação dos recursos naturais. Diante desta problemática ambiental, destinar efetivamente os resíduos sólidos é garantir alguns anos de sobrevivência para tais recursos com também à população que necessita utilizá-los. Este trabalho sugere diretrizes à elaboração de um Plano de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos para o município do Cabo de Santo Agostinho/PE. O estudo é descritivo e comparativo e os dados são avaliados qualitativamente. Para sua realização fez-se necessário levantamento dos principais conceitos inerentes como também a caracterização geográfica, histórica e ambiental do município. Além disso, foi feita a busca de dados na Prefeitura Municipal e a elaboração das diretrizes do plano propriamente dito, comparando a realidade com os dados colhidos. O município do Cabo de Santo Agostinho possui um diagnóstico dos resíduos sólidos, no entanto o Plano de Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos ainda não foi feito. O aumento da produção do lixo se tornou um tema preocupante e, o correto armazenamento e destino final dos resíduos produzidos, são urgentes.