226 resultados para Phonons


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We report on the observation of resonant Raman scattering in low-temperature-grown AlGaAs/GaAs structure. Two kinds of excitation lights, 632.8 and 488 nm laser lines, were used to detect scattering signal from different regions based on different penetration depths. Under the outgoing resonant condition, up to fourth-order resonant Raman peaks were observed in the low-temperature-grown AlGaAs alloy, owing to a broad exciton luminescence in low-temperature-grown AlGaAs alloy induced by intrinsic defects and As cluster after post-annealing. These resonant peaks were assigned according to their fundamental modes. Among the resonant peaks, besides the overtones of the GaAs- or AlAs-like mode, there exist combination bands of these two kinds of modes. In addition, a weak scattering peak similar to the bulk GaAs longitudinal optical mode was observed in low-temperature Raman experiments. We consider the weak signal correlated with GaAs clusters appearing in AlGaAs alloys. The accumulation of GaAs in AlGaAs alloys was enhanced after annealing at high temperatures. A detailed study of the dependence of vibration modes on measuring temperature and post-annealing conditions is given also. In light of our experiments, it is suggested that a Raman scattering experiment is a sensitive microscopic probe of local disorder and, especially performed at low temperature, is a superior method in detecting and analyzing the weak interaction between phonons and electrons.


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Electron cyclotron resonance CR) measurements have been carried out in magnetic fields up to 32 T to study electron-phonon interaction in two heavily modulation-delta -doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As single-quantum-well samples. No measurable resonant magnetopolaron effects were observed in either sample in the region of the GaAs longitudinal optical (LO) phonons. However, when the CR frequency is above LO phonon frequency, omega (LO)=E-LO/(h) over bar, at high magnetic fields (B>27 T), electron CR exhibits a strong avoided-level-crossing splitting for both samples at frequencies close to (omega (LO)+ (E-2-E-1)1 (h) over bar, where E-2, and E-1 are the energies of the bottoms of the second and the first subbands, respectively. The energy separation between the two branches is large with the minimum separation of 40 cm(-1) occurring at around 30.5 T. A detailed theoretical analysis, which includes a self-consistent calculation of the band structure and the effects of electron-phonon interaction on the CR, shows that this type of splitting is due to a three-level resonance between the second Landau level of the first electron subband and the lowest Landau level of the second subband plus one GaAs LO phonon. The absence of occupation effects in the final states and weak screening or this three-level process yields large energy separation even in the presence of high electron densities. Excellent agreement between the theory and the experimental results is obtained.


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The Raman scattering spectra of MBE-grown GaNAs epilayers were investigated. The resonant enhancement of Raman scattering due to the E+ states in the conduction band was observed and the Raman peaks related to the phonons at non-Gamma points of the Brillouin Zone were detected. II was clearly seen that the local vibrational mode induced by nitrogen impurities evolves to the GaN-like lattice phonon mode when the nitrogen content increases. By comparing the Raman spectra measured before and after 850 degreesC rapid thermal annealing, it was tentatively suggested that two weak peaks were induced by the pairing or clustering effect of nitrogen.


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By extending the microscopic dipole model on optical-phonon modes as applied in quantum wells and quantum wires, to rectangular quantum dots (QD), optical phonon modes and their accompanying Frohlich potentials in QD are calculated and classified. When the bulk phonon dispersion is ignored, the optical phonon modes in QD can be clearly divided into the confined LO- and TO-bulk-like modes and the extended interface-like modes. Among the interface-like modes, a special attention is given to the corner modes, whose anisotropic behavior is depicted in the long wavelength limit. Based on the numerical results, a set of analytical formula are proposed to approximately describe the bulk-like modes, for which both the optical displacements and Frohlich potentials vanish at the interfaces. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Raman scattering measurement has been used to study the residual strains in the thin 3C-SiC/Si(001) epilayers with a variation of film thickness from 0.1 to 1.2 mu m. which were prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD)growth. Two methods have been exploited to figure our the residual strains and the exact LO bands. The final analyzing results show that residual strains exist in the 3C-SiC epilayers. The average stress is 1.3010 GPa, and the relative change of the lattice constant is 1.36 parts per thousand. Our measurements also show that 3C-SiC phonons are detectable even for the samples with film thickness in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 mu m. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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A Raman-forbidden phonon mode at about 840 cm(-1) is observed popularly on the surface of pun and La-doped Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.8) single crystals annealed in oxygen. A remarkable excitation dependence of this additional line is found. Based on the properties of the structure of the Bi-O layer with excess oxygen atoms and the similarity in the appearance of the Raman-forbidden modes between RBa2Cu3Ox (R = Y, Nd, Gd, Pr) and Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+y systems, we attribute the manifestation of this additional line to the ordering of the interstitial oxygen in the Bi-O layers. Our results provide Raman evidences for confirming that the ordering of the movable oxygen may exist universally in high-temperature superconductors.


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Electron cyclotron resonance (CR) has been studied in magnetic fields up to 32 T in two heavily modulation-delta-doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As single quantum well samples. Little effect on electron CR is observed in either sample in the region of resonance with the GaAs LO phonons. However, above the LO-phonon frequency energy E-LO at B > 27 T, electron CR exhibits a strong avoided-level-crossing splitting for both samples at energies close to E-LO + (E-2 - E-1), where E-2, and E-1 are the energies of the bottoms of the second and the first subbands, respectively. The energy separation between the two branches is large, reaching a minimum of about 40 cm(-1) around 30.5 T for both samples. This splitting is due to a three-level resonance between the second LI, of the first electron subband and the lowest LL of the second subband plus an LO phonon. The large splitting in the presence: of high electron densities is due to the absence of occupation (Pauli-principle) effects in the final states and weak screening for this three-level process. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phonon modes in spherical GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with up to 11,855 atoms (8 nm in size) are calculated by using an empirical microscopic model. The group theory is employed to reduce the computational intensity, which further allows us to investigate the quantum confinement of phonon modes with different symmetries and reveals a phenomenon that phonon modes with different symmetries have different quantum confinement effect. For zinc-blende structure, the modes with the A(1) symmetry has the strongest quantum confinement effect and the T-1 modes the weakest. This could cause a crossover of symmetries of the highest frequency from A(1) to T-2 when the size of QDs decreases. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.


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Using the Green function method, we have studied the cyclotron resonance of an electron interacting with bulk longitudinal optical(BO) phonons as well as surface optical(SO) phonons in a polar crystal slab at finite temperatures. It is found that the temperature dependence of magnetopolaron depends strongly on the strength of the magnetic field. The numerical results show that the cyclotron resonance mass of polaron in a slab is an increasing or decreasing function of temperature when the magnetic field is lower or higher than the resonant magnetic field region, respectively. The magnetic field and slab width dependence of cyclotron resonance mass are also studied in this paper. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The formation of arsenic clusters in a system of vertically aligned InAs quantum islands on GaAs during thermal annealing under As overpressure has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Raman scattering. Semicoherent arsenic clusters, identified by TEM examination, have been formed on the surface of the GaAs capping layer. The existence of arsenic precipitates is also confirmed by Raman spectra, showing new peaks from the annealed specimen at 256 and 199 cm(-1). These peaks have been ascribed to A(1g) and E-g Raman active phonons of crystalline arsenic. The phenomenon can be understood by a model of strain-induced selected growth under As overpressure. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(99)02045-8].


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The room temperature Raman spectra of the Ga(0.5)Al(0.5)AS and the In0.52Al0.48As epilayer grown on [n11]-oriented substrates were measured in various back scatterng geometries, The relative intensity of TO modes and LO modes in those samples shows a regular Variation with differently oriented substrates in the experiments. By comparing experimental data with Raman scattering selection rules for the zincblende structure epilayer grown on [n11]-oriented substrates, it was found that the present calculations are in good agreement with the experimental results.


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Fabricated one-dimensional (1D) materials often have abundant structural defects. Experimental observation and numerical calculation indicate that the broken translation symmetry due to structural defects may play a more important role than the quantum confinement effect in the Raman features of optical phonons in polar semiconductor quantum wires such as SiC nanorods, (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The annealing behavior of the hexagonal phase content in cubic GaN (c-GaN) thin films grown on GaAs (001) by MOCVD is reported. C-GaN thin films are grown on GaAs (001) substrates by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). High temperature annealing is employed to treat the as-grown c-GaN thin films. The characterization of the c-GaN films is investigated by photoluminescence (PL) and Raman scattering spectroscopy. The change conditions of the hexagonal phase content in the metastable c-GaN are reported. There is a boundary layer existing in the c-GaN/GaAs film. When being annealed at high temperature, the intensity of the TOB and LOB phonon modes from the boundary layer weakens while that of the E-2 phonon mode from the hexagonal phase increases. The content change of hexagonal phase has closer relationship with annealing temperature than with annealing time period.


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The room-temperature Raman scattering studies of longitudinal optic phonons in AlAs/AlxGa1-xAs and GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs short-period superlattices with different layer thicknesses were reported. The AlAs LO modes confined in AlAs layers and GaAs-like LO modes confined in AlxGa1-xAs layers were observed in AlAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices under off-resonance conditions. And the GaAs LO modes confined in GaAs layers and AlAs-like LO modes confined in AlxGa1-xAs layers were observed in GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices. In addition, the AlAs interface mode in AlAs/AlxGa1-xAs was also observed under near-resonance conditions. Based on the linear chain mode, the frequencies of confined LO modes measured by Raman scattering were unfolded according to q=m/(n+1)(2 pi/a(0)) by which the dispersion curves of AlAs-like and GaAs-like LO phonons in AlxGa1-xAs mixed crystal were obtained.


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By using three analytical phonon models in quantum wells-the slab model, the guided-mode model, and the improved version of the Huang-Zhu model [Phys. Rev. B 38, 13 377 (1998)], -and the phonon modes in bulk, the energy-loss rates of hot carriers due to the Frohlich potential scattering in GaAs/AlAs multiple quantum wells (MQW's) are calculated and compared to those obtained based on a microscopic dipole superlattice model. In the study, a special emphasis is put on the effects of the phonon models on the hot-carrier relaxation process when taking the hot-phonon effect into account. Our numerical results show that, the calculated energy-loss rates based on the slab model and on the improved Huang-Zhu model are almost the same when ignoring the hot-phonon effect; however, with the hot phonon effect considered, the calculated cooling rate as well as the hot phonon occupation number do depend upon the phonon models to be adopted. Out of the four analytical phonon models investigated, the improved Huang-Zhu model gives the results most close to the microscopic calculation, while the guided-mode model presents the poorest results. For hot electrons with a sheet density around 10(12)/cm(2), the slab model has been found to overestimate the hot-phonon effect by more than 40% compared to the Huang-Zhu model, and about 75% compared to the microscopic calculation in which the phonon dispersion is fully included. Our calculation also indicates that Nash's improved version [J. Lumin. 44, 315 (1989)] is necessary for evaluating the energy-loss rates in quantum wells of wider well width, because Huang-Zhu's original analytical formulas an only approximately orthogonal for optical phonons associated with small in-plane wave numbers. [S0163-1829(99)08919-5].