992 resultados para Phase stability field


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In the present thesis, the geochemistry, petrology and geochronology of ophiolite complexes from central northern Greece were studied in detail in order to gain insights on the petrogenetic pathways and geodynamic processes that lead to their formation and evolution. The major- and trace-element content of minerals and whole rocks from all four ophiolite complexes was determined using high-precision analytical equipment. These results were then coupled with Nd and Sr isotopic measurements. In order to precisely place the evolution of these ophiolites in time, U-Pb geochronology on zircons was conducted using a SHRIMP-II. The data obtained suggest that the ophiolites studied invariably show typical characteristics of subduction-zone magmatism (e.g. negative Nb anomalies, Th enrichment). In N-MORB-normalised multielement profiles the high field-strength elements display patterns that vary from depleted to N-MORB-like. Chondrite-normalised rare-earth element (REE) profiles show flat heavy-REE patterns suggesting a shallow regime of source melting for all the ophiolites, well within the stability field of spinel lherzolite. The majority of the samples have light-REE depleted patterns. 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios range from 0.703184 to 0.715853 and are in cases influenced by alteration. The εNd values are positive (the majority of the mafic samples is typically 7.1-3.1) but lower than N-MORB and depleted mantle. With the exception of the Thessaloniki ophiolite that has uniform island-arc tholeiitic chemical characteristics, the rest of the ophiolites show dual chemistry consisting of rocks with minor subduction-zone characteristics that resemble chemically back-arc basin basalts (BABB) and rocks with more pronounced subduction-zone characteristics. Tectonomagmatic discrimination schemes classify the samples as island-arc tholeiites and back-arc basin basalts or N-MORB. Melting modelling carried out to evaluate source properties and degree of melting verifies the dual nature of the ophiolites. The samples that resemble back-arc basin basalts require very small degrees of melting (<10%) of fertile sources, whereas the rest of the samples require higher degrees (25-15%) of melting. As deduced from the present geochemical and petrological investigation, the ophiolites from Guevguely, Oraeokastro, Thessaloniki, and Chalkidiki represent relics of supra-subduction zone crust that formed in succeeding stages of island-arc rifting and back-arc spreading as well as in a fore arc setting. The geochronological results have provided precise determination of the timing of formation of these complexes. The age of the Guevguely ophiolite has been determined as 167±1.2 Ma, that of Thessaloniki as 169±1.4 Ma, that of Kassandra as 167±2.2 Ma and that of Sithonia as 160±1.2 Ma.


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The radio communication system is one of the most critical system of the overall satellite platform: it often represents the only way of communication, between a spacecraft and the Ground Segment or among a constellation of satellites. This thesis focuses on specific innovative architectures for on-board and on-ground radio systems. In particular, this work is an integral part of a space program started in 2004 at the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, which led to the completion of the microsatellite ALMASat-1, successfully launched on-board the VEGA maiden flight. The success of this program led to the development of a second microsatellite, named ALMASat-EO, a three-axis stabilized microsatellite able to capture images of the Earth surface. Therefore, the first objective of this study was focused on the investigation of an innovative, efficient and low cost architecture for on-board radio communication systems. The TT&C system and the high data rate transmitter for images downlink design and realization are thoroughly described in this work, together with the development of the embedded hardware and the adopted antenna systems. Moreover, considering the increasing interest in the development of constellations of microsatellite, in particular those flying in close formations, a careful analysis has been carried out for the development of innovative communication protocols for inter-satellite links. Furthermore, in order to investigate the system aspects of space communications, a study has been carried out at ESOC having as objective the design, implementation and test of two experimental devices for the enhancement of the ESA GS. Thus, a significant portion of this thesis is dedicated to the description of the results of a method for improving the phase stability of GS radio frequency equipments by means of real-time phase compensation and a new way to perform two antennas arraying tracking using already existing ESA tracking stations facilities.


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The global mid-ocean ridge system creates oceanic crust and lithosphere that covers more than two-thirds of the Earth. Basalts are volumetrically the most important rock type sampled at mid-ocean ridges. For this reason, our present understanding of upper mantle dynamics and the chemical evolution of the earth is strongly influenced by the study of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). However, MORB are aggregates of polybarically generated small melt increments that can undergo a variety of physical and chemical processes during their ascent and consequently affect their derivative geochemical composition. Therefore, MORB do not represent “direct” windows to the underlying upper mantle. Abyssal peridotites, upper mantle rocks recovered from the ocean floor, are the residual complement to MORB melting and provide essential information on melt extraction from the upper mantle. In this study, abyssal peridotites are examined to address these overarching questions posed by previous studies of MORB: How are basaltic melts formed in the mantle, how are they extracted from the mantle and what physical and chemical processes control mantle melting? The number of studies on abyssal peridotites is small compared to those on basalts, in part because seafloor exposures of abyssal peridotites are relatively rare. For this reason, abyssal peridotite characteristics need to be considered in the context of subaerially exposed peridotites associated with ophiolites, orogenic peridotite bodies and basalt-hosted xenoliths. However, orogenic peridotite bodies are mainly associated with passive continental margins, most ophiolites are formed in supra-subduction zone settings, and peridotite xenoliths are often contaminated by their host magma. Therefore, studies of abyssal peridotites are essential to understanding the primary characteristics of the oceanic upper mantle free from the influence of continental rifting, subduction and tectonic emplacement processes. Nevertheless, numerous processes such as melt stagnation and cooling-induced, inter-mineral exchange can affect residual abyssal peridotite compositions after the cessation of melting. The aim of this study is to address these post-melting modifications of abyssal peridotites from a petrological-geochemical perspective. The samples in this study were dredged along the axis of the ultraslow-spreading Gakkel Ridge in the Arctic Ocean within the “Sparsely Magmatic Zone”, a 100 km ridge section where only mantle rocks are exposed. During two expeditions (ARK XVII-2 in 2001 and ARK XX-2 in 2004), exceptionally fresh peridotites were recovered. The boulders and cobbles collected cover a range of mantle rock compositions, with most characterized as plagioclase-free spinel peridotites or plagioclase- spinel peridotites. This thesis investigates melt stagnation and cooling processes in the upper mantle and is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on processes in the stability field of spinel peridotites (>10 kb) such as melt refertilization and cooling related trace element exchange, while the second part investigates processes in the stability field of plagioclase peridotites (< 10 kb) such as reactive melt migration and melt stagnation. The dissertation chapters are organized to follow the theoretical ascent of a mantle parcel upwelling beneath the location where the samples were collected.


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The introduction of exotic species is one of the most important threats to biodiversity.This phenomenon may cause economic and environmental damage. To prevent these invasions there are institutions like EPPO. Nevertheless, the introduction of exotic pests is an increasing issue, difficult to control. Classic biological control, based on importation of natural enemies from the country of origin, has been successfully used for over 120 years, but it has also raised some criticism. My research work has focused on the study of the new associations occurring between indigenous parasitoids and three exotic pests introduced in Italy and Europe. The three target insects considered were: Cacyreus marshalli Butler (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), a pest of Geranium plants; Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), a plague of Castanea sp. and Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). This ladybug has been introduced as a biological control agent, but since some years it considered as an invasive species. For C. marshalli I performed laboratory tests on acceptance and suitability of immature stages of this butterfly by Exorista larvarum (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Brachymeria tibialis (Hymenoptera: Chalcidicae). The experiments showed that these two parasitoids could be used to contain this pest. For D. kuriphilus I performed field samplings in an infested chestnut area, the samples were maintained in rearing chamber until gall wasp or parasitoids emergence. In the 3-year research many parasitoids of gall wasps were found; one of these, Torymus flavipes (Walker), was found in large number. For H. axyridis the research work included a first phase of field sampling, during which I searched indigenous parasitoids which had adapted to this new host; the only species found was Dinocampus coccinellae (Schrank) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Laboratory tests were performed on the wasp rearing, biology and capacity to contain H. axyridis.


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Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Synthese von nanostrukturierten Antimoniden, wobei die folgenden beiden Themen bearbeitet wurden: rnAus chemischer Sicht wurden neue Synthesewege entwickelt, um Nanopartikel der Verbindungen in den binären Systemen Zn-Sb und Fe-Sb herzustellen (Zn4Sb3, ZnSb, FeSb2, Fe1+xSb). Anders als in konventionellen Festkörperreaktionen, die auf die Synthese von Bulk-Materialien oder Einkristallen zielen, muss die Synthese von Nanopartikeln Agglomerate und Ostwald-Wachstum vermeiden. Daher benötigen annehmbare Reaktionszeiten und vergleichsweise tiefe Reaktionstemperaturen kurze Diffusionswege und tiefe Aktivierungsbarrieren. Demzufolge bedient sich die Synthese der Reaktion von Antimon-Nanopartikeln und geeigneten molekularen oder nanopartikulären Edukten der entsprechenden Übergangsmetalle. Zusätzlich wurden anisotrope ZnSb Strukturen synthetisiert, indem eine Templat-Synthese mit Hilfe von anodisierten Aluminiumoxid- oder Polycarbonat-Membranen angewandt wurde. rnDie erhaltenen Produkte wurden hauptsächlich durch Röntgen-Diffraktion und Elektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Die Auswertung der Pulver Röntgendiffraktions-Daten stellte eine Herausforderung dar, da die Nanostrukturierung und die Anwesenheit von mehreren Phasen zu verbreiterten und überlagernden Reflexen führen. Zusätzliche Fe-Mößbauer Messungen wurden im Falle der Fe-Sb Produkte vorgenommen, um detailliertere Informationen über die genaue Zusammensetzung zu erhalten. Die erstmals hergestellte Phase Zn1+xSb wurde einer detaillierten Kristallstrukturanalyse unterzogen, die mit Hilfe einer neuen Diffraktionsmethode, der automatisierten Elektronen Diffraktions Tomographie, durchgeführt wurde.rnrnAus physikalischer Sicht sind Zn4Sb3, ZnSb und FeSb2 interessante thermoelektrische Materialien, die aufgrund ihrer Fähigkeit thermische in elektrische Energie umzuwandeln, großes Interesse geweckt haben. Nanostrukturierte thermoelektrische Materialien zeigen dabei eine höhere Umwandlungseffizienz zu erhöhen, da deren thermische Leitfähigkeit herabgesetzt ist. Da thermoelektrische Bauteile aus dichten Bulk-Materialien gefertigt werden, spielte die Verfestigung der synthetisierten nanopartikulären Pulver eine große Rolle. Die als „Spark Plasma Sintering“ bezeichnete Methode wurde eingesetzt, um die Proben zu pressen. Dies ermöglicht schnelles Heizen und Abkühlen der Probe und kann so das bei klassischen Heißpress-Methoden unvermeidliche Kristallitwachstum verringern. Die optimalen Bedingungen für das Spark Plasma Sintern zu finden, ist Inhalt von bestehender und weiterführender Forschung. rnEin Problem stellt die Stabilität der Proben während des Sinterns dar. Trotz des schnellen Pressens wurde eine teilweise Zersetzung im Falle des Zn1+xSb beobachtet, wie mit Hilfe von Synchrotrondiffraktionsuntersuchungen aufgedeckt wurde. Morphologie und Dichte der verschiedenen verfestigten Materialien wurden mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und Lasermikroskopie bestimmt. Die Gitterdynamik wurde mit Hilfe von Wärmekapazitätsmessungen- und inelastischer Kern-Streuung untersucht. Die Wärmeleitfähigkeit der nanostrukturierten Materialien ist im Vergleich zu den Festkörpern ist drastisch reduziert - im Falle des FeSb2 um mehr als zwei Größenordnungen. Abhängig von der Zusammensetzung und mechanischen Härte wurden für einen Teil der verfestigten Nanomaterialien die thermoelektrische Eigenschaften, wie Seebeck Koeffizient, elektrische und Wärmeleitfähigkeit, gemessen.rn


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We present a new thermodynamic activity-composition model for di-trioctahedral chlorite in the system FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O that is based on the Holland–Powell internally consistent thermodynamic data set. The model is formulated in terms of four linearly independent end-members, which are amesite, clinochlore, daphnite and sudoite. These account for the most important crystal-chemical substitutions in chlorite, the Fe–Mg, Tschermak and di-trioctahedral substitution. The ideal part of end-member activities is modeled with a mixing-on-site formalism, and non-ideality is described by a macroscopic symmetric (regular) formalism. The symmetric interaction parameters were calibrated using a set of 271 published chlorite analyses for which robust independent temperature estimates are available. In addition, adjustment of the standard state thermodynamic properties of sudoite was required to accurately reproduce experimental brackets involving sudoite. This new model was tested by calculating representative P–T sections for metasediments at low temperatures (<400 °C), in particular sudoite and chlorite bearing metapelites from Crete. Comparison between the calculated mineral assemblages and field data shows that the new model is able to predict the coexistence of chlorite and sudoite at low metamorphic temperatures. The predicted lower limit of the chloritoid stability field is also in better agreement with petrological observations. For practical applications to metamorphic and hydrothermal environments, two new semi-empirical chlorite geothermometers named Chl(1) and Chl(2) were calibrated based on the chlorite + quartz + water equilibrium (2 clinochlore + 3 sudoite = 4 amesite + 4 H2O + 7 quartz). The Chl(1) thermometer requires knowledge of the (Fe3+/ΣFe) ratio in chlorite and predicts correct temperatures for a range of redox conditions. The Chl(2) geothermometer which assumes that all iron in chlorite is ferrous has been applied to partially recrystallized detrital chlorite from the Zone houillère in the French Western Alps.


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The southwestern Tianshan (China) metamorphic belt records high-pressure (HP) to ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) conditions corresponding to a cold oceanic subduction-zone setting. Serpentinites enclosing retrogressed eclogite and rodingite occur as lenses within metapelites in the UHP unit, which also hosts coesite-bearing eclogites. Based on the petrology and petrography of these serpentinites, five events are recognized: (1) formation of a wehrlite–harzburgite–dunite association in the mantle; (2) retrograde metamorphism and partial hydration during exhumation of the mantle rocks close to the seafloor; (3) oceanic metamorphism leading to the first serpentinization and rodingitization; (4) UHP metamorphism during subduction; (5) retrograde metamorphism during exhumation together with a second serpentinization. The peak metamorphic mineral assemblage of the serpentinized wehrlite comprises Ti-chondrodite + olivine + antigorite + chlorite + magnetite + brucite. A computed pseudosection for this serpentinized wehrlite shows that the Al content in antigorite is mostly sensititive to temperature but can also be used to constrain pressure. The average XAl = 0·204 ± 0·026 of antigorite (XAl = Al (a.p.f.u.)/8, where Al is in atoms per formula unit for a structural formula M48T34O85(OH)62, and M and T are octahedral and tetrahedral sites, respectively) included in Ti-chondrodite and average XAl = 0·203 ± 0·019 of antigorite in the matrix result in a well-constrained peak metamorphic temperature of 510–530°C. Peak pressures are less precisely constrained at 37 ± 7 kbar. The Tianshan serpentinites thus record UHP metamorphic conditions and represent the deepest subducted serpentinites discovered so far. The retrograde evolution occurs within the stability field of brucite + antigorite + olivine + chlorite and formation of Ti-clinohumite at the expense of Ti-chondrodite has been observed, suggesting isothermal decompression. The resulting P–T path is in excellent agreement with the metamorphic evolution of country rocks, indicating that the UHP unit in Tianshan was subducted and exhumed as a coherent block. To refine the metamorphic path of the ultramafic rocks, we have investigated the stability fields of Ti-chondrodite and Ti-clinohumite using piston-cylinder experiments. A total of 11 experiments were conducted at 25–55 kbar and 600–750°C in a F-free natural system. Combined with previous experiments and information from natural rocks we constructed a petrogenetic grid for the stability of Ti-chondrodite and Ti-clinohumite in F-free peridotite compositions. The formation of Ti-chondrodite in serpentinites requires a minimum pressure of about 26 kbar, whereas in Ti-rich systems it can form at considerably lower pressures. A key finding is that at UHP conditions, F-free Ti-chondrodite or Ti-clinohumite breaks down in the presence of orthopyroxene between 700 and 750°C, at temperatures that are significantly lower than those of the terminal breakdown reactions of these humite minerals. These breakdown reactions are an additional source of fluid during prograde subduction of serpentinites.


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Abundant serpentinite seamounts are found along the outer high of the Mariana forearc at the top of the inner slope of the trench. One of them, Conical Seamount, was drilled at Sites 778, 779, and 780 during Leg 125. The rocks recovered at Holes 779A and 780C, respectively, on the flanks and at the summit of the seamount, include moderately serpentinized depleted harzburgites and some dunites. These rocks exhibit evidence of resorption of the orthopyroxene, when present, and the local presence of very calcic-rich diopside in veins oblique to the main high-temperature foliation of the rock. The peridotites, initially well-foliated with locally poikiloblastic textures, show overprints of a two-stage deformation history: (1) a high-temperature (>1000°C), low-stress (0.02 GPa), homogeneous deformation that has led to the present Porphyroclastic textures displayed by the rocks and (2) heterogeneous ductile shearing at a much higher stress (0.05 GPa). This heterogeneous shearing probably describes a single tectonic event because it began at high temperatures, producing dynamic recrystallization of olivine in the shear zone, and ended at low temperatures in the stability field of chlorite and serpentine. In a few samples, olivine shows evidence of quasi-hydrostatic recrystallization at a very high temperature. Here, we propose that this recrystallization was related to fluid/magma percolation, a process that can also account for the resorption of the orthopyroxene and for the late crystallization of diopside veins in the rock. The impregnation by fluid or magma, development of the main high-temperature, low-stress deformation, and subsequent migration recrystallization of olivine probably occurred in a mantle fragment involved in the arc formation. In addition, this mantle has preserved structures that may have formed earlier in the oceanic lithosphere upon which the arc formed. Heterogeneous ductile shear zones in the peridotites may have developed during uplift. The "cold" deformation may have taken place during diapiric rise of hot mantle that underwent subsequent serpentinization or gliding along normal faults associated with the extension of the eastern margin of the forearc.


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In this paper, a new digital elevation model (DEM) is derived for the ice sheet in western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. It is based on differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (SAR) from the European Remote Sensing 1/2 (ERS-1/2) satellites, in combination with ICESat's Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS). A DEM mosaic is compiled out of 116 scenes from the ERS-1 ice phase in 1994 and the ERS-1/2 tandem mission between 1996 and 1997 with the GLAS data acquired in 2003 that served as ground control. Using three different SAR processors, uncertainties in phase stability and baseline model, resulting in height errors of up to 20 m, are exemplified. Atmospheric influences at the same order of magnitude are demonstrated, and corresponding scenes are excluded. For validation of the DEM mosaic, covering an area of about 130,000 km**2 on a 50-m grid, independent ICESat heights (2004-2007), ground-based kinematic GPS (2005), and airborne laser scanner data (ALS, 2007) are used. Excluding small areas with low phase coherence, the DEM differs in mean and standard deviation by 0.5 +/- 10.1, 1.1 +/- 6.4, and 3.1 +/- 4.0 m from ICESat, GPS, and ALS, respectively. The excluded data points may deviate by more than 50 m. In order to suppress the spatially variable noise below a 5-m threshold, 18% of the DEM area is selectively averaged to a final product at varying horizontal spatial resolution. Apart from mountainous areas, the new DEM outperforms other currently available DEMs and may serve as a benchmark for future elevation models such as from the TanDEM-X mission to spatially monitor ice sheet elevation.


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The proposed origins for the Enriched Mantle I component are many and various and some require an arbitrary addition of an exotic component, be it pure sediment or an enriched melt from the subcontinental lithosphere. With Pitcairn, Walvis Ridge is the 'type-locality' for the Enriched Mantle I (EMI) component. We analyzed basalts from DSDP Site 525A, Site 527 and Site 528 on the Walvis Ridge with the aim to constrain the history of its source. The isotopic compositions we measured for the three sites overlap with the values obtained by Richardson et al. (1982a) and extend towards less radiogenic Sr and more radiogenic Pb and Nd isotopic compositions. We used our new trace element and radiogenic isotope (Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr) characterization in combination with the literature data to produce the simplest possible model that satisfies the trace element and isotopic constraints. Although the elevated 207Pb/204Pb with respect to 206Pb/204Pb predicts an ancient origin for EMI, none of the proposed origins had modeled it as such. The data is consistent with the EMI composition being formed by the addition of a melt to a mantle with bulk Earth-like composition followed by melt extraction of a low degree melt. The timing of these two events is such that the metasomatism has to have taken place prior to 4 Ga and the subsequent melt removal before 3.5 Ga. This confirms the expectation of an ancient character for the EMI component. The Walvis Ridge data shows two distinct two component mixing trends: one formed by the less enriched Site 527 and Site 528 basalts and one formed by the Site 525A basalts. The two trends have the EMI endmember in common. The less depleted end of the Site 527-Site 528 basalts is FOZO-like and can be explained by the addition of a recycled component (basaltic oceanic crust plus sediment). This recycled component was altered during subduction. The sense and magnitude of the chemical fractionation resulting from the subduction alteration are in agreement with dehydration experiments on basalts and sediment. Compared to other EMI like basalts the Walvis Ridge basalts have flatter REE patterns and show less fractionation between large ion lithophile and heavy REE elements. Using the isotopic compositions as constrains for the parent-daughter ratios we were able to model the trace element patterns of the basalts as melting between 5 and 10% for Site 525A and between 10 and 15% for the depleted end of the Site 528-Site 527 array. In all cases a significant portion of melting takes place in the garnet stability field.


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This study presents electron microprobe data for dunite xenoliths from a lamprophyre dyke located on the island of Qeqertaa, West Greenland. The minimum age of this dyke is Palaeoproterozoic and it experienced amphibolite facies metamorphism and deformation during that era. The samples consist of nearly 200 xenoliths with a size range of 0.5-8 cm. These dunite xenoliths have olivine Mg#, that range from 80.3 to 94.6 (n = 579) with a mean of 92.6. Orthopyroxene is found in three xenoliths and garnet in five others. The latter suggests the depth of the Qeqertaa xenolith suite to be near the diamond stability-field, which is substantiated by the finding of diamonds in bulk samples of the Qeqertaa dyke. This further indicates the presence of a lithospheric mantle domain dominated by high-Mg# dunite to this depth in Palaeoproterozoic time. Cr-rich spinel, in the 0.1-0.2 mm size range, is found within and between olivine grains in individual xenoliths. These Cr-spinels yield Fe-Mg exchange temperatures of 400-600°C. However, the presence of intermediate spinel compositions spanning the lower temperature solvus suggests that equilibration temperatures were >550°C. Fe3+#, expressed as 100xFe3+/(Fe3++Al+Cr)), is shown to be a useful parameter in order to screen for altered spinel (Fe3+#>10) with disturbed Mg# and Cr#. The screened spinel data (Fe3+#<10) show a distinctly different trend in terms of spinel Cr# versus Mg#, compared to unmetamorphosed xenoliths in Tertiary lavas and dikes from Ubekendt Ejland and Wiedemann Fjord, respectively, also located within the North Atlantic craton. This difference likely reflects amphibolite facies metamorphic resetting of the Qeqertaa xenolith suite by Fe-Mg exchange. Given the similarity of the Qeqertaa xenolith suite with the Ubekendt and Wiedemann suites, in terms of their olivine Mg# and spinel Cr# distribution, high-Mg# dunite is likely to be an important component of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the North Atlantic craton and appears to have spanned a vertical distance of at least 150 km in this region, even during the Palaeoproterozoic.


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Over the last decade pockmarks have proven to be important seabed features that provide information about fluid flow on continental margins. Their formation and dynamics are still poorly constrained due to the lack of proper three dimensional imaging of their internal structure. Numerous fluid escape features provide evidence for an active fluid-flow system on the Norwegian margin, specifically in the Nyegga region. In June-July 2006 a high-resolution seismic experiment using Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) was carried out to investigate the detailed 3D structure of a pockmark named G11 in the region. An array of 14 OBS was deployed across the pockmark with 1 m location accuracy. Shots fired from surface towed mini GI guns were also recorded on a near surface hydrophone streamer. Several reflectors of high amplitude and reverse polarity are observed on the profiles indicating the presence of gas. Gas hydrates were recovered with gravity cores from less than a meter below the seafloor during the cruise. Indications of gas at shallow depths in the hydrate stability field show that methane is able to escape through the water-saturated sediments in the chimney without being entirely converted into gas hydrate. An initial 2D raytraced forward model of some of the P wave data along a line running NE-SW across the G11 pockmark shows, a gradual increase in velocity between the seafloor and a gas charged zone lying at ~300 m depth below the seabed. The traveltime fit is improved if the pockmark is underlain by velocities higher than in the surrounding layer corresponding to a pipe which ascends from the gas zone, to where it terminates in the pockmark as seen in the reflection profiles. This could be due to the presence of hydrates or carbonates within the sediments.


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Ocean drilling has revealed that, although a minor mineral phase, native Cu ubiquitously occurs in the oceanic crust. Cu isotope systematics for native Cu from a set of occurrences from volcanic basement and sediment cover of the oceanic crust drilled at several sites in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans constrains the sources of Cu and processes that produced Cu**0. We propose that both hydrothermally-released Cu and seawater were the sources of Cu at these sites. Phase stability diagrams suggest that Cu**0 precipitation is favored only under strictly anoxic, but not sulfidic conditions at circum-neutral pH even at low temperature. In the basaltic basement, dissolution of primary igneous and potentially hydrothermal Cu-sulfides leads to Cu**0 precipitation along veins. The restricted Cu-isotope variations (delta 65Cu = 0.02-0.19 per mil) similar to host volcanic rocks suggest that Cu**0 precipitation occurred under conditions where Cu+-species were dominant, precluding Cu redox fractionation. In contrast, the Cu-isotope variations observed in the Cu**0 from sedimentary layers yield larger Cu-isotope fractionation (delta 65Cu = 0.41-0.95 per mil) suggesting that Cu**0 precipitation involved redox processes during the diagenesis, with potentially seawater as the primary Cu source. We interpret that native Cu precipitation in the basaltic basement is a result of low temperature (20°-65 °C) hydrothermal processes under anoxic, but not H2S-rich conditions. Consistent with positive delta 65Cu signatures, the sediment cover receives major Cu contribution from hydrogenous (i.e., seawater) sources, although hydrothermal contribution from plume fallout cannot be entirely discarded. In this case, disseminated hydrogenous and/or hydrothermal Cu might be diagenetically remobilized and reprecipitated as Cu**0 in reducing microenvironment.