1000 resultados para Petróleo e Gás Natural
A experiência internacional indica a existência de cinco alavancas principais comumente relacionadas à expansão do consumo de gás natural: a) disponibilidade de reservas de gás natural; b) restrições à oferta de outros energéticos (especialmente para a geração de eletricidade); c) preocupação com o meio ambiente em uma legislação ambiental cada dia mais rigorosa; d) liberalização de empresas privadas na distribuição e comercialização de gás natural, atraindo investimentos; e) liberalização da indústria, atraindo investimentos privados, como opção. Dentro desse cenário, as obras de construção do gasoduto Coari (Base de Extração Urucu)-Manaus, com cerca de 670 quilômetros de extensão total, ficarão prontas em abril de 2008 conforme previsão da Petrobrás divulgada no dia 21/05/2007, o qual transportará 4,7 milhões de metros cúbicos por dia de gás natural na primeira fase de operação. O investimento total previsto é de R$2,4 bilhões. O gás natural substituirá o diesel e o óleo combustível usados principalmente na produção de grande parte da energia elétrica consumida no Estado do Amazonas. Será usado também nos processos industrial e comercial, bem como para abastecer veículos automotores (automóveis, pickups, caminhões leves, ônibus) com segurança. Essa última aplicação incentivou por excelência esta dissertação, fazendo uma análise técnico-econômica da substituição parcial do combustível diesel pelo gás natural em motores marítimos na região Amazônica, pois as embarcações são veículos que singram os rios da Amazônia, usados no transporte de carga e passageiros. Demonstra primeiramente que é possível tecnicamente a conversão dos motores diesel para consumirem diesel misturado com gás natural às taxas de substituição de diesel por gás natural de 5% a 90%, usando tecnologias já disponíveis no mercado brasileiro, sob a ótica de desempenho energético e ambiental. Posteriormente apresenta uma análise econômica da conversão, levando em consideração os reservatórios para gás natural comprimido - GNC ofertados no mercado nacional e os kits de conversão, em que ficam demonstradas: a) a viabilidade econômica do empreendimento, se desprezados os pesos e os volumes dos reservatórios de gás natural comprimido, principalmente os pesos; b) a inviabilidade econômica, considerando o transporte dos reservatórios nas embarcações como fretes que deixaram de gerar receitas pelos volumes e pesos ocupados nelas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com a busca por fontes de energia alternativas, o gás natural vem adquirindo posicionamento de destaque por seu relativo baixo custo de aquisição ao consumidor final e por apresentar reduzidos impactos na implantação de dutovias, comparados com outras fontes de energia (hidroelétrica e fissão). O presente trabalho foi direcionado para a verificação de possíveis impactos oriundos de vazamentos em tubulações de gás em sua fase operacional. A área de estudo localiza-se no Município de São Paulo; sua escolha deve-se por apresentar tubulações centenárias que demandam constantes intervenções ou manutenções e pela fácil captação de amostras para análise. Foram amostrados 40 pontos e nestes analisados aspectos dos meios antrópico, biótico e físico-químico. O método adotado fundamentou-se na caracterização dos dutos de gás e sua manutenção, no diagnóstico ambiental, considerados os fatores ambientais solo, ar, flora, fauna, condições de vida da população e paisagem urbana, e posterior identificação de impactos, nas situações de alteração dos impactos ambientais. Os resultados demonstraram que qualquer vazamento de gás gera uma alteração em pelo menos um fator ambiental, denotando um impacto. Novas linhas de estudo são propostas como melhor análise químico-física do material exposto ao contaminante e reações químicas do odorante com o solo que teve contato.
On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT P110, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of nonmetallic inclusions in the welded joint
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O sistema estuarino do Rio Curimataú, uma planície lamosa amplamente coberta por vegetação de mangue e relativamente pouco impactada, foi estudado quanto à distribuição espacial da microfauna de foraminíferos e suas condicionantes. Vinte e cinco gêneros e quarenta espécies foram identificadas a partir dos sedimentos superficiais, considerando-se os indivíduos vivos e mortos presentes em 10 pontos ao longo do estuário, dos quais se extraíram ao menos 100 espécimes por amostra. O sistema pôde ser compartimentado em quatro sub-ambientes halínicos (hiperhalino, mesohalino, polihalino e euhalino), correspondentes, respectivamente, a quatro ecofácies de foraminíferos designadas de Ammotium spp., Miliammina fusca, Arenoparrella mexicana e Ammonia spp. Cada um destes segmentos ambientais foi caracterizado segundo os padrões de riqueza, diversidade e equitatividade das espécies. Os resultados deste estudo poderão servir para comparações a serem feitas com outros estuários tropicais modernos (impactados antropicamente ou não) e antigos. Tem aplicação, portanto, no setor de petróleo e gás, sendo de interesse às atividades de gestão ambiental de áreas litorâneas e de investigação da história geológica das bacias sedimentares
On the grounds of the great advances achieved over recent years, the process HF/ERW (High-Frequency/Electric Resistance Welding)welded pipe have played an active role in the oil and gas industry for deep water applications, at high and extremely low temperatures, under high pressure and in highly corrosive environments, gradually replacing manufactured pipes by other processes. However, studies have shown that defects in the welded joints are a the leading causes of pipelines failures, which has required the determination of toughness values in this region, in compliance with the strict recommendations of the codes and standards with manufacturers and construction companies, on the oil and gas sector. As part of the validation process required toughness values, this research project focuses on a microstructural analysis in HF / ERW tubes microalloyed, steel grade API 5CT N80, designed to explore oil and gas in deep waters, the subject of strategic relevance to the country because of the recent discoveries in the Santos mega fields: Tupi and Libra (pre-salt). In this scientific work will be presented and discussed the results of mechanical tensile and Charpy, a few CTOD tests curves (showing the trend of toughness values to be obtained), and the microstructures of the base material obtained by optical microscopy, with special emphasis on the formation of non-metallic inclusions in the welded joint
In the last two decades, the United States have substantially increased their presence in Central Asia. Therefore their presence left China in an uncomfortable position, as China seeks to build a stable and peaceful environment in its near abroad, having under its influence all the countries of Central Asia. One of the ways used by the Chinese government to get closer to the countries of this region is through the oil. Being so, the Chinese oil companies buy rights of exploitation of oil and gas reserves in Central Asia and through this establishes and deepens friendly ties with these countries. This practice became known as oil diplomacy. This new tool of the Chinese government has a double effect: it increases the projection of the Chinese power and dilutes the American influence in the region. In other words, it displeases the United States, and in turn tries to be even more present in Central Asia. The main goal to be worked in this study is how the oil diplomacy increases Chinese influence in Central Asia and dilutes American power in the region. It also aims to explain how the United States uses its presence in Central Asia and on sea lines of communication used to transport oil to contain the Chinese expansion
Pós-graduação em Design - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Economia - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Despite the growing concern in seeking more sustainable energy sources, oil demand is likely to grow in coming years. To keep up with this growth, the oil industry has increasingly invested in innovation and efficiency. Knowing that, new technologies have been developed to explore deeper waters, without giving up the best practices in worldwide operational safety. The use of rigid pipelines in deepwater offshore facilities is increasing quickly and because of this, the ways of storing and launching pipe have been studied and perfected. In this paper the Bauschinger effect on API 5L X70 steel was analyzed proving that there was a reduction in yield strength when an effort was applied in a previous direction, then an effort was then applied in the opposite direction. To observe this phenomenon, the tensile test was conducted to determine the mechanical properties of the base metal, such as yield stress, tensile strength, elasticity and maximum tensile, so then compare it with the results obtained in the Bauschinger Effect Test. The analysis results showed that the steel had high resistance, with good plastic deformation capacity without failing, well-defined yield point, showing itself appropriate for the operation of oil and gas pipes
The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of natural gas applied to the public transportation as well as the environmental, economical and technical impacts in this sector. Also it is given specific information to be considered when comparing natural gas to other fuels, specially the diesel. At this point is presented the types of internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel cycle) and which type is used in each vehicle. Moreover, it is presented the main standards pollutant emission (Euro, US and Proconve) with a brief explanation of the tests made in order to approve the engines. This paper is focused on heavy duty vehicles. Also in this paper is exposed the economic impact due to the natural gas use in the public transportation fleet. In addition is presented a real case (of Berlin) and an estimative to a Brazilian city, presenting the potential of natural gas as vehicular fuel in Brazil, as well as financial and environmental aspects of the substitution
Despite the growing concern in seeking more sustainable energy sources, oil demand is likely to grow in coming years. To keep up with this growth, the oil industry has increasingly invested in innovation and efficiency. Knowing that, new technologies have been developed to explore deeper waters, without giving up the best practices in worldwide operational safety. The use of rigid pipelines in deepwater offshore facilities is increasing quickly and because of this, the ways of storing and launching pipe have been studied and perfected. In this paper the Bauschinger effect on API 5L X70 steel was analyzed proving that there was a reduction in yield strength when an effort was applied in a previous direction, then an effort was then applied in the opposite direction. To observe this phenomenon, the tensile test was conducted to determine the mechanical properties of the base metal, such as yield stress, tensile strength, elasticity and maximum tensile, so then compare it with the results obtained in the Bauschinger Effect Test. The analysis results showed that the steel had high resistance, with good plastic deformation capacity without failing, well-defined yield point, showing itself appropriate for the operation of oil and gas pipes
The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main aspects of natural gas applied to the public transportation as well as the environmental, economical and technical impacts in this sector. Also it is given specific information to be considered when comparing natural gas to other fuels, specially the diesel. At this point is presented the types of internal combustion engines (Otto and Diesel cycle) and which type is used in each vehicle. Moreover, it is presented the main standards pollutant emission (Euro, US and Proconve) with a brief explanation of the tests made in order to approve the engines. This paper is focused on heavy duty vehicles. Also in this paper is exposed the economic impact due to the natural gas use in the public transportation fleet. In addition is presented a real case (of Berlin) and an estimative to a Brazilian city, presenting the potential of natural gas as vehicular fuel in Brazil, as well as financial and environmental aspects of the substitution