275 resultados para Perforator flaps
Objective: Local shockwave-application (SW) has shown to improve healing of various tissues and decrease necrosis of flaps. Though, there is no data about the optimal time-point of SW-application with regard to induction of ischemia (i.e. flap elevation) and subsequent effect on flap survival. Therefore we compared 2 shock-wave protocols in a model of persistent ischemia and investigated underlying mechanisms. Methods: 18 C57BL/6-mice equipped with a skinfold chamber containing a musculocutaneous flap were assigned to 3 experimental groups: 1. One session of 500 SWimpulses at 0·15 mJ/mm2 applied 24 hrs before (preconditioning) or 2. Applied 30 min after flap elevation (treatment). 3. Untreated flaps (control). Tissue necrosis,microhemodynamics, inflammation, apoptosis and angiogenesis were assessed by intravital epi-fluorescence microscopy over 10 days. Results: SW significantly reduced flap necrosis independent from the application time-point (preconditioning: 29 ± 7%; treatment: 25 ± 7% vs. control: 47 ± 2%; d10, p<0·05). This was associated with an early increase of functional capillary density (preconditioning: 236 ± 39 cm/cm2; treatment: 211 ± 33 cm/cm2 vs. control: 141 ± 7 cm/cm2; day1, p<0·05). Arteriolar diameter, red blood cell velocity and blood flow were comparable between the 3 experimental groups. SW-application significantly decreased the ischemiainduced inflammatory response (apoptotic cell death and leukocyte-endothelial interaction: (p<0·05)). Sprouts indicating angiogenesis were observed from day 7 only after SW-application. Conclusions: SW protects ischemically challenged musculocutaneous tissue. Interestingly, postoperative SW-application is as efficient as preoperative SWapplication. The protective effect induced by mechanical stress might be based on an early recruitment of ''sleeping capillaries'' maintaining nutritive perfusion and an anti-inflammatory effect within the ischemically jeopardized tissue. SWapplication provides a non-invasive alternative to local thermic and systemic pre-treatment of endangered tissues.
Extensive defects of the pelvis and genitoperineal region are a reconstructive challenge. We discuss a consecutive series of 25 reconstructions with the pedicled anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap including muscle part of the vastus lateralis (VL) in 23 patients from October 1999 to September 2012.Only surface defects larger than 100 cm and reconstructions by composite ALT + VL were included in this retrospective analysis. Of the 23 patients, 19 underwent oncologic resection, whereas 4 cases presented Fournier gangrene. Three patients did not reach 6 months of follow-up and were excluded from further data analysis. Among the remaining 20 patients (22 reconstructions), average follow-up period was 14 months (range, 10-18 months). Patient's average age was 60 years. Average size of the defect was 182 cm.Postoperative complications included 1 (4.5%) flap necrosis out of 22 raised flaps, 1 partial flap necrosis after venous congestion, and 2 cases where a complementary reconstructive procedure was performed due to remaining defect or partial flap failure. In 6 cases, peripheral wound dehiscence (27%) was treated by debridement followed by split-thickness skin graft or advancement local flaps. Defect size was significantly related to postoperative complications and increased hospital stay, especially in those patients who underwent preoperative radiotherapy. At the end of the follow-up period, a long-term and satisfactory coverage was obtained in all patients without functional deficits.This consecutive series of composite ALT + VL flap shows that, in case of extended defects, the flap provides an excellent and adjustable muscle mass, is reliable with minimal donor-site morbidity, and can even be designed as a sensate flap.
AIM: The study aimed to compare the rate of success and cost of anal fistula plug (AFP) insertion and endorectal advancement flap (ERAF) for anal fistula. METHOD: Patients receiving an AFP or ERAF for a complex single fistula tract, defined as involving more than a third of the longitudinal length of of the anal sphincter, were registered in a prospective database. A regression analysis was performed of factors predicting recurrence and contributing to cost. RESULTS: Seventy-one patients (AFP 31, ERAF 40) were analysed. Twelve (39%) recurrences occurred in the AFP and 17 (43%) in the ERAF group (P = 1.00). The median length of stay was 1.23 and 2.0 days (P < 0.001), respectively, and the mean cost of treatment was euro5439 ± euro2629 and euro7957 ± euro5905 (P = 0.021), respectively. On multivariable analysis, postoperative complications, underlying inflammatory bowel disease and fistula recurring after previous treatment were independent predictors of de novo recurrence. It also showed that length of hospital stay ≤ 1 day to be the most significant independent contributor to lower cost (P = 0.023). CONCLUSION: Anal fistula plug and ERAF were equally effective in treating fistula-in-ano, but AFP has a mean cost saving of euro2518 per procedure compared with ERAF. The higher cost for ERAF is due to a longer median length of stay.
BACKGROUND: Abdominoperineal resection (APR) following radiotherapy is associated with a high rate of perineal wound complications. The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap, combined with the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle, can cover complex perineal and pelvic anteroposterior defects. This is used for the first time transabdominally through the pelvis and the perineum (TAPP) in the infero-posterior directions; this technique has been described and illustrated in this study. METHODS: Among over 90 patients who underwent perineal reconstruction between May 2004 and June 2011, six patients presented high-grade tumours invading perineum, pelvis and sacrum, thereby resulting in a continuous anteroposterior defect. ALT + VL TAPP reconstructions were performed after extended APR and, subsequently, sacrectomy. Patients were examined retrospectively to determine demographics, operative time, complications (general and flap-related), time to complete healing and length of hospital stay. Long-term flap coverage, flap volume stability and functional and aesthetic outcomes were assessed. RESULTS: Mean operating time of the reconstruction was 290 min. No deaths occurred. One patient presented partial flap necrosis. Another patient presented a novel wound dehiscence after flap healing, due to secondary skin dissemination of the primary tumour. Following volumetric flap analysis on serial post-operative CT scans, no significant flap atrophy was observed. All flaps fully covered the defects. No late complications such as fistulas or perineal hernias occurred. Donor-site recovery was uneventful with no functional deficits. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the ALT + VL flap transabdominally is an innovative method to reconstruct exceptionally complex perineal and pelvic defects extending up to the lower back. This flap guarantees superior bulk, obliterating all pelvic dead space, with the fascia lata (FL) supporting the pelvic floor.
Aims:This study was carried out to evaluate the feasibility of two different methods to determine free flap perfusion in cancer patients undergoing major reconstructive surgery. The hypotheses was that low perfusion in the flap is associated with flap complications. Patients and methods: Between August 2002 and June 2008 at the Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, and at the PET Centre, Turku, 30 consecutive patients with 32 free flaps were included in this study. The perfusion of the free microvascular flaps was assessed with positron emission tomography (PET) and radioactive water ([15O] H2O) in 40 radiowater injections in 33 PET studies. Furthermore, 24 free flaps were monitored with a continuous tissue oxygen measurement using flexible polarographic catheters for an average of three postoperative days. Results: Of the 17 patients operated on for head and neck (HN) cancer and reconstructed with 18 free flaps, three re-operations were carried out due to poor tissue oxygenation as indicated by ptiO2 monitoring results and three other patients were reoperated on for postoperative hematomas in the operated area. Blood perfusion assessed with PET (BFPET) was above 2.0 mL / min / 100 g in all flaps and a low flap-to-muscle BFPET ratio appeared to correlate with poor survival of the flap. Survival in this group of HN cancer patients was 9.0 months (median, range 2.4-34.2) after a median follow-up of 11.9 months (range 1.0-61.0 months). Seven HN patients of this group are alive without any sign of recurrence and one patient has died of other causes. All of the 13 breast reconstruction patients included in the study are alive and free of disease at a median follow-up time of 27.4 months (range 13.9-35.7 months). Re-explorations were carried out in three patients due data provided by ptiO2 monitoring and one re-exploration was avoided on the basis of adequate blood perfusion assessed with PET. Two patients had donorsite morbidity and 3 patients had partial flap necrosis or fat necrosis. There were no total flap losses. Conclusions: PtiO2 monitoring is a feasible method of free flap monitoring when flap temperature is monitored and maintained close to the core temperature. When other monitoring methods give controversial results or are unavailable, [15O] H2O PET technique is feasible in the evaluation of the perfusion of the newly reconstructed free flaps.
We report the case of a 42 years old female that presented a simultaneous bronchial and esophagopleural fistula 32 months following a right pneumonectomy for pulmonary tuberculosis. The clinical findings were mainly related to pleural sepsis. The treatment consisted initially in clearing the pleural infection, followed by closure of both fistulae, using muscle flaps and thoracoplasty. The post operative course was uneventful and the patient is doing well over three years later.
Acquired chest wall defects present a challenging problem for thoracic surgeons. Many of such defects can be repaired with the use of local and regional musculocutaneous flaps, but larger defects compromising skeletal structure require increasingly sophisticated reconstructive techniques. The following discussion will review the options for repair acquired chest wall defects based in literature. The authors searched the Pubmed (www.pubmed.com) and found citations from January 1996 to February 2008. By reading the titles and the abstracts most of the citations were discharged because they focused in congenital chest wall defects or were cases report. However, many papers were found describing the outcome of large series of patients with acquired chest wall deformities. A review of recent literature shows that the repair of chest wall defects with soft tissues, if possible, remains the treatment of choice. Large chest wall defects require skeletal reconstruction to prevent paradoxical respiration. The selection of the most appropriate flap is primary dictated by the location and the size of the defect. It is important to transfer tissue with good vitality, so understanding the vascular supply is imperative. Autogenous grafts have been used in the past for skeletal reconstruction but a combination of synthetic materials with musculocutaneous flaps has been used lately. Based in the literature, the use of prosthetic material in chest wall reconstruction does not significantly increases the risk of wound infection.
L’ostéochondrite disséquante (OCD) est un défaut focal du processus d’ossification endochondrale en des sites spécifiques au niveau épiphysaire. Elle est caractérisée par la présence de fragments ostéochondraux pouvant se détacher de la surface articulaire. Cette maladie a un impact majeur sur les performances athlétiques des chevaux. Les deux hypothèses principales présentement véhiculées quant à sa pathogénie sont une nécrose ischémique du cartilage de croissance et une altération du métabolisme de la matrice de collagène de type II au sein du cartilage de croissance. Malgré de nombreuses années de recherche sur le sujet, plusieurs aspects de cette maladie demeurent inconnus. L’objectif de cette étude était de décrire le développement épiphysaire équin au niveau du membre pelvien à l’aide de l’imagerie médicale afin de déterminer si des variations du processus de maturation à certains sites pouvaient être un facteur prédisposant au développement de lésions d’OCD. Des membres pelviens de fœtus et de jeunes poulains ont été étudiés post-mortem. L’épiphyse du fémur distal, tibia distal et du talus ont été examinées par tomodensitométrie (CT) et résonnance magnétique 1.5 Tesla (IRM) dans le but de documenter le degré et le patron d’ossification, la régularité du front d’ossification, de même que le pourcentage du diamètre épiphysaire demeurant occupé par le complexe de cartilage articulaire-épiphysaire, et ce au niveau de certains sites prédéterminés. Les centres secondaires d’ossification (SOCs) ont été détectés pour la première fois à 7 mois de gestation (MOG) au niveau de l’épiphyse fémorale distale et à 8 MOG au niveau de l’épiphyse tibiale distale et du talus. À 8-9 MOG la lèvre latérale de la trochlée fémorale, la malléole médiale du tibia (MM) et la partie crâniale de la crête intermédiaire du tibia distal (DIRT(Cr)), tous des sites prédisposés à la maladie, avaient le plus haut pourcentage de cartilage de tous les sites évalués. Post-partum, le pourcentage de cartilage de la MM et de la DIRT(Cr) sont demeurés importants. Le CT et l’IRM ont su illustrer le développement épiphysaire équin et soutenir d’avantage le fait qu’un cartilage plus épais à certains sites articulaires pourrait avoir un rôle dans le développement de lésions d’OCD.
Facial Artery Musculomucosal Flap in Skull Base Reconstruction Xie L. MD, Lavigne F. MD, Rahal A. MD, Moubayed SP MD, Ayad T. MD Introduction: Failure in skull base defects reconstruction can have serious consequences such as meningitis and pneumocephalus. The nasoseptal flap is usually the first choice but alternatives are necessary when this flap is not available. The facial artery musculomucosal (FAMM) flap has proven to be successful in head and neck reconstruction but it has never been reported in skull base reconstruction. Objective: To show that the FAMM flap can reach some key areas of the skull base and be considered as a new alternative in skull base defects reconstruction. Methods: We conducted a cadaveric study with harvest of modified FAMM flaps, endoscopic skull base dissection and maxillectomies in 13 specimens. Measures were taken for each harvested FAMM flap. Results: The approximate mean area for reconstruction from the combination of the distal FAMM and the extension flaps is 15.90 cm2. The flaps successfully covered the simulated defects of the frontal sinus, the ethmoid areas, the planum sphenoidale, and the sella turcica. Conclusion: The FAMM flap can be considered as a new alternative in the reconstruction of skull base defects. Modifications add extra length to the traditional FAMM flap and can contribute to a tighter seal of the defect as opposed to the FAMM flap alone.
Introducción: En la actualidad se están implementando nuevas técnicas, para el tratamiento de líneas de expresión facial. El Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP) utiliza factores de crecimiento humano autólogos con fines médicos estéticos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el tratamiento con plasma rico en plaquetas en el manejo del rejuvenecimiento periocular. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en una cohorte de 27 pacientes entre 30 a 70 años de ambos sexos,tratados con PRP sin tratamientos médicos estéticos previos . Se compararon fotografías del sistema VISIA®, previo y posterior el PRP, para determinar los cambios del área periocular. Con análisis comparativo de medias utilizando pruebas t de student. Resultados: De 27 historias clínicas revisadas 96,3% eran mujeres, la edad promedio fue de 52.67 años. Se observaron cambios clínicos satisfactorios en el manejo del foto envejecimiento periocular con mejoría estadísticamente significativa entre el promedio inicial y el post tratamiento en arrugas, textura y porfirinas (p: 0.000). No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de edad (p = 0,62). Los pacientes analizados posterior al tratamiento se encuentran en mejor estado que el 63,78% de la población de su mismo sexo, edad y fototipo de piel. Los eventos adversos fueron disminuyendo en su frecuencia en cada una de las sesiones siguientes. Discusión: El PRP proporciona una mejoría global en los parámetros de envejecimiento periocular lo cual se correlaciono con los estudios previos in vitro. Conclusiones: El PRP es seguro y eficaz en contorno de ojos.
Introducción: El carcinoma de mama es el tumor maligno más frecuente entre las mujeres y representa una significativa mortalidad en los países en vías de desarrollo. Según datos del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología en el 2010 se reportaron 672 nuevos casos de cáncer de mama, lo que representó el 18% de todos los tumores malignos en mujeres. Durante las últimas 3 décadas las técnicas quirúrgicas para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama han presentado un cambio significativo y proponen disminución de procedimientos agresivos y radicales, intervenciones como: mastectomía radical modificada, cirugía conservadora y la disección de ganglio centinela son ejemplos claros de esta evolución asociado al incremento de la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata. Metodología: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte retrospectivo en el cual se revisó una base de datos de pacientes con cáncer de mama de las cuales 632 fueron sometidas a mastectomía radical con preservación de piel y complejo areola- pezón y mastectomía radical con preservación de piel sin preservación del complejo areola-pezón, los dos procedimientos asociados a reconstrucción mamaria inmediata y se comparó la frecuencia de recaída local entre los dos grupos. Resultados: De las 632 pacientes estudiadas al 30.5% se les realizo preservación del complejo areola pezón. Las mujeres a quienes se les realizó preservación del complejo areola pezón presentaron menor sobrevida a la recaída local a 10 años (80.51%) comparado con las mujeres a quienes no se les preservó el complejo areola pezón (87.40%), sin embargo no se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa para determinar que las probabilidades de sobrevida sean diferentes. Discusión: No se evidenció diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los 2 procedimientos quirúrgicos (con y sin preservación del complejo areola pezón) en relación a la recaída local, estudios retrospectivos no han evidenciado una mayor tasa de recaídas locales en pacientes a quienes se les preserva el complejo areola-pezón, sin embargo hacen falta estudios prospectivos y aleatorizados que puedan otorgar un mayor sustento científico que garantice la seguridad de la preservación del complejo areola-pezón.
Existen varias causas de la insuficiencia venosa profunda, la insuficiencia venosa superficial es una de ellas; por tal motivo, una intervención activa de la insuficiencia superficial ya sea cirugía convencional, esclerosis o radiofrecuencia mejora el reflujo del sistema venoso profundo. En nuestro medio no se acostumbra a intervenir los pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta bajo la creencia de exacerbar la enfermedad o generar complicaciones. Se pretende documentar los cambios clínicos y hemodinámicos en pacientes con insuficiencia venosa mixta según tipo de manejo, médico vs quirúrgico
The “butterfly effect” is a popularly known paradigm; commonly it is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings in Brazil, it may cause a tornado in Texas. This essentially describes how weather forecasts can be extremely senstive to small changes in the given atmospheric data, or initial conditions, used in computer model simulations. In 1961 Edward Lorenz found, when running a weather model, that small changes in the initial conditions given to the model can, over time, lead to entriely different forecasts (Lorenz, 1963). This discovery highlights one of the major challenges in modern weather forecasting; that is to provide the computer model with the most accurately specified initial conditions possible. A process known as data assimilation seeks to minimize the errors in the given initial conditions and was, in 1911, described by Bjerkness as “the ultimate problem in meteorology” (Bjerkness, 1911).