967 resultados para Percepção musical
As micro, pequenas e médias empresas geram cerca de 20% do PIB brasileiro. Estima-se que, atualmente, 60% dos postos de trabalho e cerca de 85% dos novos empregos no Brasil são gerados por micro, pequenas e médias empresas. Nesse sentido, a implementação de políticas públicas destinadas as micro, pequenas e médias empresas possuem a dupla dimensão de favorecer tanto o crescimento econômico como a melhoria de indicadores sociais como a distribuição desigual da renda ou a desigualdade regional. Entretanto, um importante debate amadurece no país a respeito da efetividade e dos retornos gerados pelas concessões de incentivos fiscais. Alinhados a este cenário, o objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o impacto dos incentivos fiscais do setor têxtil das pequenas e médias empresas da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro através da visão de seus gestores e dos indicadores econômicos. Foi realizado um estudo de campo no qual os gestores das PME do setor têxtil da região serrana do estado do Rio de Janeiro responderam um questionário composto por dezoito perguntas. As respostas foram comparadas a um cálculo de estimativa de renuncia entre o Lucro Presumido e o SIMPLES Nacional. Como resultados verificou-se a não efetividade dos incentivos fiscais no seu principal papel de geração de emprego e renda e uma sensação de insuficiência, desconhecimento e, consequentemente, falta de transparência em relação aos incentivos fiscais disponíveis e concedidos especificamente para o setor ou região, na percepção dos gestores das PME.
Tendo como pressuposto teórico a regionalização das questões de segurança internacional no pós Guerra Fria, esta dissertação objetiva realizar uma análise comparativa da Política de Defesa de três potências regionais, quais sejam, África do Sul, Brasil e Índia, identificando percepção de ameaça no âmbito das suas políticas de defesa. Para fazê-lo, fez-se necessário ter em consideração as capacidades materiais (inspirado no neorrealismo e realismo neoclássico), e os aspectos relativos à percepção de ameaças, numa dimensão ampliada dos estudos de segurança (inspirados pela Escola de Copenhague). Com isso em mente, este trabalho lida com a literatura sobre a segurança regional e as potências regionais, a qual se baseia em vários pressupostos teóricos Neorrealistas, Realistas Neoclássicos e da Escola de Copenhague. A proposição heurística que guia este trabalho é, dado que a percepção de ameaça externa vem de uma leitura, feita pelo Estado, do seu contexto regional, um Estado com baixo nível de ameaças externas tende a vincular de forma mais intensiva de segurança com o desenvolvimento. As fontes utilizadas são dados quantitativos (Composite Index of National Capabilities do projeto Correlates of War), que permitem avaliar a distribuição de capacidades materiais em três regiões (América do Sul, África do Sul, e no Sul da Ásia) e, principalmente, as políticas declaratórias de defesa, os documentos que carregam percepção dos Estados em relação à segurança. Na comparação dos casos, dois aspectos são o foco para a análise do discurso de segurança: as percepções de segurança sobre as suas regiões, o nexo entre segurança e desenvolvimento.
O presente trabalho aborda duas sub-bacias hidrográficas do município do Rio de Janeiro através da apresentação de indicadores ambientais e da percepção de seus moradores. Destaca-se que a interação/utilização dos recursos no meio urbano em um município de alta densidade demográfica sofre reflexos principalmente do padrão de ocupação do território. As duas sub-bacias aqui analisadas, do rio Morto e do rio Maracanã, representam, respectivamente, bacias periurbanas e urbanas. Como indicadores ambientais são apresentados dados secundários, majoritariamente de órgãos públicos, como IBGE e INEA. A percepção dos moradores é representada pelas respostas a 210 questionários aplicados nas áreas das sub-bacias. Os principais resultados são apresentados ao longo do texto em mapas temáticos. Tanto entre os indicadores, quanto em relação à percepção, os serviços de saneamento demonstraram ter papel fundamental nas condições dos rios. Pequenos trechos mais carentes de cobertura de esgoto nas sub-bacias resultam em deterioração da qualidade da água, embora a cobertura de coleta geral apresente altos percentuais. Um ponto de destaque entre os problemas levantados através dos questionários é a ocorrência de enchentes. Dentre resultados positivos cita-se a cobertura de coleta de lixo, próxima a 100% nas sub-bacias. Uma matriz PEIR (pressão-estado-impacto-resposta) condensou as informações obtidas pelos indicadores e sinalizou os fatores associados. A matriz destacou para a sub-bacia do rio Morto o menor acesso ao abastecimento de água e à rede de esgoto, e para sub-bacia do rio Maracanã a degradação da qualidade da água, representada pelas baixas concentrações de oxigênio. Áreas com mais alta densidade populacional representaram a principal pressão exercida nas sub-bacias.
This paper proposes a Bayesian method for polyphonic music description. The method first divides an input audio signal into a series of sections called snapshots, and then estimates parameters such as fundamental frequencies and amplitudes of the notes contained in each snapshot. The parameter estimation process is based on a frequency domain modelling and Gibbs sampling. Experimental results obtained from audio signals of test note patterns are encouraging; the accuracy is better than 80% for the estimation of fundamental frequencies in terms of semitones and instrument names when the number of simultaneous notes is two.
As part of a larger research project in musical structure, a program has been written which "reads" scores encoded in an input language isomorphic to music notation. The program is believed to be the first of its kind. From a small number of parsing rules the program derives complex configurations, each of which is associated with a set of reference points in a numerical representation of a time-continuum. The logical structure of the program is such that all and only the defined classes of events are represented in the output. Because the basis of the program is syntactic (in the sense that parsing operations are performed on formal structures in the input string), many extensions and refinements can be made without excessive difficulty. The program can be applied to any music which can be represented in the input language. At present, however, it constitutes the first stage in the development of a set of analytic tools for the study of so-called atonal music, the revolutionary and little understood music which has exerted a decisive influence upon contemporary practice of the art. The program and the approach to automatic data-structuring may be of interest to linguists and scholars in other fields concerned with basic studies of complex structures produced by human beings.
Euterpe is a real-time computer system for the modeling of musical structures. It provides a formalism wherein familiar concepts of musical analysis may be readily expressed. This is verified by its application to the analysis of a wide variety of conventional forms of music: Gregorian chant, Mediaeval polyphony, Back counterpoint, and sonata form. It may be of further assistance in the real-time experiments in various techniques of thematic development. Finally, the system is endowed with sound-synthesis apparatus with which the user may prepare tapes for musical performances.
O carvão e outros combustíveis fósseis, continuarão a ser, por décadas, a principal matéria-prima energética para as Centrais Térmicas, não obstante os esforços para, dentro do possível, substituir os combustíveis fósseis por fontes de energia renovável.Tal como está, hoje, bem documentado, a produção de gases com efeito estufa (GEE), designadamente CO2, resulta da combustão dos ditos combustíveis fósseis, sendo que se espera ser possível mitigar substancialmente a emissão de tais gases com a aplicação das chamadas Tecnologias Limpas do Carvão.Há, pois, necessidade de promover o abatimento do CO2 através de Tecnologias de Emissão Zero ou Tecnologias Livres de Carbono, incluindo designadamente a Captura, o Transporte e a Sequestração geológica de CO2 correspondentes ao que é costume designar por Tecnologias CAC (Captação e Armazenamento de Carbono). De facto, tais tecnologias e, designadamente, o armazenamento geológico de CO2 são as únicas que, no estado actual do conhecimento, são capazes de permitir que se cumpram as metas do ambicioso programa da EU para a energia e o ambiente conhecido por “20 20 para 2020” em conjugação com os aspectos económicos das directivas relativas ao Comércio Europeu de Licenças de Emissão – CELE (Directivas 2003/87/EC, 2004/101/EC e 2009/29/EC).A importância do tema está, aliás, bem demonstrada com o facto da Comissão Europeia ter formalmente admitido que as metas supracitadas serão impossíveis de atingir sem Sequestração Geológica de CO2. Esta é, pois, uma das razões de ter sido recentemente publicada a Directiva Europeia 2009/31/EC de 23 de Abril de 2009 expressamente dedicada ao tema do Armazenamento Geológico de CO2.Ora, a questão do armazenamento geológico de CO2 implica, para além das Tecnologias CAC acima mencionadas e da sua viabilização em termos tanto técnicos como económicos, ou seja, neste último aspecto, competitiva com o sistema CELE, também o conhecimento, da percepção pública sobre o assunto. Isto é, a praticabilidade das Tecnologias CAC implica que se conheça a opinião pública sobre o tema e, naturalmente, que face a esta realidade se prestem os esclarecimentos necessários como, aliás, é reconhecido na própria Directiva Europeia 2009/31/EC.Dado que a Fundação Fernando Pessoa / Universidade Fernando Pessoa através do seu Centro de Investigação em Alterações Globais, Energia, Ambiente e Bioengenharia – CIAGEB tem ultimado um Projecto de Engenharia relativo à Sequestração Geológica de CO2 nos Carvões (Metantracites) da Bacia Carbonífera do Douro – o Projecto COSEQ, preocupou-se naturalmente, desde o início, com o lançamento de inquéritos de percepção da opinião pública sobre o assunto.Tal implicou, nesta fase, a tradução para português e o lançamento do inquérito europeu ACCSEPT que não tinha sido ainda formalmente lançado de forma generalizada entre nós. Antes, porém, de lançar publicamente tal inquérito – o que está actualmente já em curso – resolveu-se testar o método de lançamento, a recolha de dados e o seu tratamento com uma amostra correspondente ao que se designou por Comunidade Fernando Pessoa, i.e. o conjunto de docentes, discentes, funcionários e outras pessoas relacionadas com a Universidade Fernando Pessoa (cerca de 5000 individualidades).Este trabalho diz, precisamente, respeito à preparação, lançamento e análise dos resultados do dito inquérito Europeu ACCSEPT a nível da Comunidade Fernando Pessoa. Foram recebidas 525 respostas representando 10,5% da amostra. A análise de resultados foi sistematicamente comparada com os obtidos nos outros países europeus, através do projecto ACCSEPT e, bem assim, com os resultados obtidos num inquérito homólogo lançado no Brasil. The use of coal, and other fossil fuels, will remain for decades as the main source of energy for power generation, despite the important efforts made to replace, as far as possible, fossil fuels with renewable power sources.As is well documented, the production of Greenhouse Gases (GHG), mainly CO2, arises primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. The increasing application of Clean Coal Technologies-CCTs, is expected to mitigate substantially against the emission of such gases.There is consequently a need to promote the CO2 abatement through Zero Emission (Carbon Free) Technologies - ZETs, which includes CO2 capture, transport and geological storage, i.e. the so-called CCS (Carbon, Capture and Storage) technologies. In fact, these technologies are the only ones that are presently able to conform to the ambitious EU targets set out under the “20 20 by 2020” EU energy and environment programme, jointly with the economic aspects of the EU Directives 2003/87/EC, 2004/101/EC and 2009/29/EC concerned with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading Scheme – ETS scheme. The European Commission formal admission that the referred targets will be impossible to reach without the implementation and contribution of geological storage clearly demonstrate the importance of this particular issue, and for this reason the EC Directive 2009/31/EC of April 23, 2009 on Geological Storage of CO2 was recently published.In considering the technical and economical viabilities of CCS technologies, the latter in competition with the ETS scheme, it is believed that public perception will dictate the success of the development and implementation of CO2 geological storage at a large industrial level. This means that, in order to successfully implement CCS technologies, not only must public opinion be taken into consideration but objective information must also be provided to the public in order to raise subject awareness, as recognized in the referred Directive 2009/31/EC.In this context, the Fernando Pessoa Foundation / University Fernando Pessoa, through its CIAGEB (Global Change, Energy, Environment and Bioengineering) RDID&D Unit, is the sponsor of an Engineering Project for the Geological Sequestration of CO2 in Douro Coalfield Meta-anthracites - the COSEQ Project, and is therefore also engaged in public perception surveys with regards to CCS technologies.At this stage, the original European ACCSEPT inquiry was translated to Portuguese and submitted only to the “Fernando Pessoa Community” - comprising university lecturers, students, other employees, as well as, former students and persons that have a professional or academic relationship with the university (c. 5000 individuals). The results obtained from this first inquiry will be used to improve the survey informatics system in terms of communication, database, and data treatment prior to resubmission of the inquiry to the Portuguese public at large.The present publication summarizes the process and the results obtained from the ACCSEPT survey distributed to the “Fernando Pessoa Community”. 525 replies, representing 10.5% of the sample, have been received and analysed. The assessment of the results was systematically compared with those obtained from other European Countries, as reported by the ACCSEPT inquiry, as well as with those from an identical inquiry launched in Brazil.
Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau Licenciada em Medicina Dentária
The enculturation of Irish traditional musicians involves informal, non-formal, and sometimes formal learning processes in a number of different settings, including traditional music sessions, workshops, festivals, and classes. Irish traditional musicians also learn directly from family, peers, and mentors and by using various forms of technology. Each experience contributes to the enculturation process in meaningful and complementary ways. The ethnographic research discussed in this dissertation suggests that within Irish traditional music culture, enculturation occurs most effectively when learners experience a multitude of learning practices. A variety of experiences insures that novices receive multiple opportunities for engagement and learning. If a learner finds one learning practice ineffective, there are other avenues of enculturation. This thesis explores the musical enculturation of Irish traditional musicians. It focuses on the process of becoming a musician by drawing on methodologies and theories from ethnomusicology, education, and Irish traditional music studies. Data was gathered through multiple ethnographic methodologies. Fieldwork based on participant-observation was carried out in a variety of learning contexts, including traditional music sessions, festivals, workshops, and weekly classes. Additionally, interviews with twenty accomplished Irish traditional musicians provide diverse narratives and firsthand insight into musical development and enculturation. These and other methodologies are discussed in Chapter 1. The three main chapters of the thesis explore various common learning experiences. Chapter 2 explores how Irish traditional musicians learn during social and musical interactions between peers, mentors, and family members, and focuses on live music-making which occurs in private homes, sessions, and concerts. These informal and non-formal learning experiences primarily take place outside of organizations and institutions. The interview data suggests these learning experiences are perhaps the most pervasive and influential in terms of musical enculturation. Chapter 3 discusses learning experience in more organized settings, such as traditional music classes, workshops, summer schools, and festivals. The role of organizations such as Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann and pipers’ clubs are discussed from the point of view of the learner. Many of the learning experiences explored in this chapter are informal, non-formal, and sometimes formal in nature, depending on the philosophy of the organization, institution, and individual teacher. The interview data and field observations indicate that learning in these contexts is common and plays a significant role in enculturation, particularly for traditional musicians who were born during and after the 1970s. Chapter 4 explores the ways Irish traditional musicians use technology, including written sources, phonography, videography, websites, and emerging technologies, during the enculturation process. Each type of technology presents different educational implications, and traditional musicians use these technologies in diverse ways and some more than others. For this, and other reasons, technology plays a complex role during the process of musical enculturation. Drawing on themes which emerge during Chapter 2, 3, and 4, the final chapter of this dissertation explores overarching patterns of enculturation within Irish traditional music culture. This ethnographic work suggests that longevity of participation and engagement in multiple learning and performance opportunities foster the enculturation of Irish traditional musicians. Through numerous and prolonged participation in music-making, novices become accustomed to and learn musical, social, and cultural behaviours. The final chapter also explores interconnections between learning experiences and also proposes directions for future research.
The British Edward Elgar and Czech Bohuslav MartinB were two of the most prominent Nationalistic composers of their respective countries during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Their musical patriotism incorporates the unique paths of their lives as socially isolated and self-taught composers as expressed their outstanding Nationalistic compositions produced through the period of history encompassing the two World Wars.In the first chapter of this dissertation, a brief biography of Elgar is presented and the essential aspects of his formative years influencing him to become a self-taught musician are discussed. The second chapter demonstrates Elgar's musical characteristics through the study of a selection of his masterpieces. In the third chapter, a brief biography of Martinti is presented along with a history of his musical development, characterized by his social isolation during four different periods of his life-his residences in PoliCka, Prague, Paris, and then in the United States. The fourth chapter considers MartinB's musical characteristics as revealed through the study of a selection of his greatest works. In support of this doctoral project, I performed two recitals of cello works by Elgar and Martini3 at the University of Maryland, College Park. The first recital, accompanied by Susan Slingland and Hiroko Yamazaki, included three of Martini3's works, Sonata No. 2 for Cello and Piano (1941); Variations on a Theme of Rossini for Cello and Piano (1 942); and Sonata No. 3 for Cello and Piano (1952). The second recital, accompanied by Wonyoung Chang and Naoko Takao, presented Martini3's Sonata No. 1 for Cello and Piano (1939) and Elgar's Concerto for Cello and Orchestra Op. 85 in E minor (1 919).
The performance of devotional music in India has been an active, sonic conduit where spiritual identities are shaped and forged, and both history and mythology lived out and remembered daily. For the followers of Sikhism, congregational hymn singing has been the vehicle through which text, melody and ritual act as repositories of memory, elevating memory to a place where historical and social events can be reenacted and memorialized on levels of spiritual significance. This dissertation investigates the musical process of Shabad Kirtan, Sikh hymn singing, in a Sikh musical service as a powerful vehicle to forge a sense of identification between individual and the group. As an intimate part of Sikh life from birth to death, the repertoire of Shabad Kirtan draws from a rich mosaic of classical and folk genres as well as performance styles, acting as a musical and cognitive archive. Through a detailed analysis of the Asa Di Var service, Shabad Kirtan is explored as a phenomenological experience where time, place and occasion interact as a meaningful unit through which the congregation creates and recreates themselves, invoking deep memories and emotional experiences. Supported by explanatory tables, diagrams and musical transcriptions, the sonic movements of the service show how the Divine Word as Shabad is not only embodied through the Guru Granth Sahib, but also encountered through the human enactment of the service, aurally, viscerally and phenomenologically.
It is essential in musical performance not only to convey the unique language of the composers but also to approach each composition from the perspective of its style. During the 20th century, diverse musical idioms co-existed, sometimes mixing or fusing, yet retaining recognizable characteristics and thereby remaining distinctive. This dissertation explores myriad examples from Late Romanticism/Post- Romanticism, Naturalism, Neo-Classicism, Nationalism and Impressionism composed during this unusually rich period. In order to explore a broad range of collaborative repertoire and to deepen my knowledge of the styles and performance practices relating to these pieces, I studied and performed the repertoire with pianist Eunae Baik–Kim, clarinetist Jihoon Chang, and singers Joshua Brown and Young Joo Lee. The first program featured Post-Romantic, Neo-Classic and Impressionist two-piano works composed by Debussy, Rachmaninoff, and Stravinsky. Each of the three composers used their own distinctive harmonies, rhythms, melodic inventions, pedaling and figurations. In all of the works, both piano parts were densely interwoven, having equal importance. Lied and operatic aria was the focus of the second recital. Brahms’ Vier Ernste Gesänge Op. 121, Ravel’s Don Quichotte a Dulcineé and Italian, French and German operatic arias were the examples of Post-Romanticism and Nationalism. The representative composers were Verdi, Massenet, Korngold, Leoncavallo, Ravel and Wagner. Despite the fact that all of the repertoire was written in traditional musical forms, the composers’ unique voices mark each work as belonging to a particular genre. The third recital focused on Post-Romantic and Impressionistic music written for clarinet and piano: the Première Rhapsodie by Debussy, the Sonata by Poulenc and Brahms’ Sonata in F minor Op. 120, No. 1. These works, although profoundly different in style, share elements of simplicity, clarity and elegance as well as technical virtuosity, articulation and profound musical depth. The three recitals which comprise this dissertation project were performed at the University of Maryland Gildenhorn Recital Hall on February 27, 2010, October 25, 2010, and January 31, 2011. The recitals were recorded on compact disc and are archived within the Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM).