913 resultados para Percepção Ambiental


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Squares are urban public open spaces whose use combines a number of elements that can provide their vitality, some of which can be enhanced through strategic projects. Given this general framework, the starting question which triggered this thesis: Would the elements that the literature indicate influence the vitality of the squares be perceived by their users? The hypothesis put forward was that users give priority to elements directly involved in the appropriation of space, especially the furniture and existing equipment, levels of shade and security. The focus of empirical research were public squares located in the city of Natal-RN, with the aim to identify elements that contribute to the vitality of the public squares in the city, through the relationship between spatial morphology and environmental awareness. The methodology adopted was a Case Study conducted by multimethod, using the following procedures: morphological analysis based on literature and information at three levels (radius of influence, 500m; immediate surroundings; environment itself); systematic observation (behavioral mapping centred in the location); and semi-structured interviews with users. The results showed that the public spaces more integrated in the urban areas have greater potential for use, however, its effective use depends on the perception of individuals, so that its vitality is mainly due to items identified by users as central to their continued presence in the environment because they directly affect their wellbeing and the image of the location. So some elements, notably furniture and urban equipment, are more easily detected than others, revealing that they are essential to the perception of users, so that their presence, quality and location appeared to have greater impact on use. In addition, the amount of shade and security showed as items that ensure that individuals experience public spaces more often, since the (likely) users are aware of the conservation actions or abandonment that take place on these sites, revealing itself to be potentially involved in the rescue of these spaces. Overall, the general hypothesis is only partially proven because in many situations, the vitality of squares appeared not only to be related to the elements investigated, but also additional aspects - environmental, nature, economic, social and cultural - which should also be studied.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of the huts of Praia do Futuro to their users and to the city of Fortaleza in Ceará through the comprehension of relations between morphological categories - in urban and edified contexts - of the establishments and their use patterns. This place is one of the main recreation and leisure areas of the city, formed by six kilometres of waterfront, corresponding to a differentiated area through the coast. This space has beach huts with varied profiles: while some more simple huts persist, great complexes are being developed, building even water parks on the beach area. This study analyses relations between:i) spatial configuration (in geometric and mainly topological terms) based on the Social Logic of Space; ii) edified typology (analysing capacity, landscap treatment and program of the huts); and iii) use and environmental perception of the beach by its frequenters. There are consistent relations between the type of hut and their localization in the urban grid, of which were identified groups with different patterns: segregated (north, central and south) and integrated (north: more integrated. and south: less integrated). Such relations also reflect, in varied patterns of use and environmental perception. In spite of their strong economy, the beach huts find themselves in a fragile legal situation because they occupy the beach area, so that this study may come to assist the decision-making for the future of the region. For a sustainable development of the area by those responsible and managers it is necessary to evaluate the cultural importance of the huts at Praia do Futuro, understanding their occupation and uses.


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This work aims to analyze and evaluate the Urban furniture designed to public areas according to the Revitalization planning for Rio Grande do Norte coastland, defining visual relations among urban elements in the landscape of revitalized public urban areas with cultural, paisagistic and touristic values and the design process used for developing urban furniture to those areas, observing the incoming consequences use to that process in a specific urban context which alters use, functions, cultural images as well as social values attributed to each particular place. Environmental perceptions, legibility of local cultural references and their representation through the design of urban elements, act in a positive or negative manner over the inhabitants cognition process of some particular revitalized area, determining new use and attributions to those areas. Designs for coastal urban interventions try excessively to standardize technical media, construction materials and planning configurations, creating artificial sceneries that segregates users, imposing new structures and usage, generating, consequently, the so called non-places and burlesque regionalism. The research is divided into 4 chapters: 1) Theoretical support (Industrial design; Urban furniture; Public urban spaces; Urban image and environmental perception; Urban occupation and interventions in coastland areas); 2) Methodological procedures and data collection; 3) Analysis of Rio Grande do Norte coastal areas and their urban interventions; 4) Final considerations and Industrial Design contributions to the subject


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As alterações climáticas impuseram modificações significativas na estrutura e dinâmica natural dos ecossistemas costeiros comprometendo as suas capacidades de resiliência cujos limites têm sido ultrapassados. A falta de políticas integradas de gestão territorial e adaptação às alterações climáticas intensificaram os riscos e vulnerabilidades sócio- ambientais em muitos espaços costeiros. Este trabalho foi realizado no município de Luanda onde a erosão, as inundações e os movimentos de massa são uma realidade cada vez mais preocupante. A metodologia de investigação para este trabalho contou com as consultas aos decisores políticos, população e ONGs presididas por inquéritos por questionário e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com primado para os aspectos qualitativos. As principais fontes de consulta foram as institucionais e os repositórios científicos de diversas universidades assim como a recolha bibliográfica. Os resultados obtidos apontam claramente para a falta de participação activa dos munícipes em processos de formação e tomada de iniciativas em sede de políticas ambientais, a gestão insustentável da zona costeira, o baixo grau de percepção ambiental e a falta de articulação integrada das instituições quanto ao ambiente.


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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the importance of the huts of Praia do Futuro to their users and to the city of Fortaleza in Ceará through the comprehension of relations between morphological categories - in urban and edified contexts - of the establishments and their use patterns. This place is one of the main recreation and leisure areas of the city, formed by six kilometres of waterfront, corresponding to a differentiated area through the coast. This space has beach huts with varied profiles: while some more simple huts persist, great complexes are being developed, building even water parks on the beach area. This study analyses relations between:i) spatial configuration (in geometric and mainly topological terms) based on the Social Logic of Space; ii) edified typology (analysing capacity, landscap treatment and program of the huts); and iii) use and environmental perception of the beach by its frequenters. There are consistent relations between the type of hut and their localization in the urban grid, of which were identified groups with different patterns: segregated (north, central and south) and integrated (north: more integrated. and south: less integrated). Such relations also reflect, in varied patterns of use and environmental perception. In spite of their strong economy, the beach huts find themselves in a fragile legal situation because they occupy the beach area, so that this study may come to assist the decision-making for the future of the region. For a sustainable development of the area by those responsible and managers it is necessary to evaluate the cultural importance of the huts at Praia do Futuro, understanding their occupation and uses.


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This work aims to analyze and evaluate the Urban furniture designed to public areas according to the Revitalization planning for Rio Grande do Norte coastland, defining visual relations among urban elements in the landscape of revitalized public urban areas with cultural, paisagistic and touristic values and the design process used for developing urban furniture to those areas, observing the incoming consequences use to that process in a specific urban context which alters use, functions, cultural images as well as social values attributed to each particular place. Environmental perceptions, legibility of local cultural references and their representation through the design of urban elements, act in a positive or negative manner over the inhabitants cognition process of some particular revitalized area, determining new use and attributions to those areas. Designs for coastal urban interventions try excessively to standardize technical media, construction materials and planning configurations, creating artificial sceneries that segregates users, imposing new structures and usage, generating, consequently, the so called non-places and burlesque regionalism. The research is divided into 4 chapters: 1) Theoretical support (Industrial design; Urban furniture; Public urban spaces; Urban image and environmental perception; Urban occupation and interventions in coastland areas); 2) Methodological procedures and data collection; 3) Analysis of Rio Grande do Norte coastal areas and their urban interventions; 4) Final considerations and Industrial Design contributions to the subject


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Esse trabalho discute experiência didática recentemente desenvolvida na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais/ Belo Horizonte (MG)- Brasil,  que teve como objetivo essencial a investigação das interfaces entre diferentes campos do Conhecimento, viabilizando a reelaboração de idéias em torno de um período emblemático da história do país: o  Ciclo do Café. A abordagem adotada privilegiou categorias conceituais de análise e  paradigmas de interpretação da Etnogeografia e Percepção Ambiental, colocando em pauta a memória visual dos processos de etnocídio e desterritorialização indígena associados ao avanço da fronteira agrícola neste período histórico em São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Paraná, utilizando a iconografia como instrumental metodológico. A proposta fundamentou-se numa postura de respeito às diferenças de estilo e habilidades de aprendizagem dos graduandos, procurando estimular suas potencialidades criativas, afetivas e sociointerativas.


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As relações entre populações humanas e Unidades de Conservação no bioma Mata Atlântica são, muitas vezes, marcadas por conflitos que envolvem as diferentes percepções que as mesmas possuem sobre essas áreas. Entender como se manifestam tais relações constitui-se num desafio para a preservação da biodiversidade in situ nos seus ecossistemas remanescentes. No âmbito do Sistema de Unidades de Conservação brasileiro a realização desse trabalho em uma Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) justifica-se por esta categoria ser menos restritiva quanto ao uso da terra, o que possibilita uma maior ação do uso social sobre fragmentos florestais. A APA escolhida para o estudo de caso deve-se ao seu papel ecológico de conexão espacial no contexto da figura do Mosaico de UCs do Central Fluminense - RJ. Este trabalho objetiva entender como as práticas sociais mediadas pelas percepções ambientais dessas populações, estabelecidas em diferentes paisagens geográficas (rural, urbana e rururbana), matrizes de fragmentos florestais remanescentes, podem interferir no processo de sucessão ecológica dos mesmos. A partir de entrevistas de populações em quatro matrizes diferentes. Apreendem-se padrões de percepções de diferentes atores e suas possíveis resultantes para cenários de conflitos sociais nessa mediação de preservação da sucessão ecológica dos fragmentos florestais. 


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Nos anos de 1969 e 2001 em São Sebastião das Águas Claras – MG, o rompimento de uma barragem de contenção de rejeitos de minério, provocou a morte de operários e um grave impacto ambiental. O acidente assoreou o Córrego Alegria, um dos principais cursos d’ água da região. Estes rejeitos não são tóxicos, entretanto aumentam consideravelmente a turbidez da água, alterando os parâmetros químicos, físicos e biológicos da água.O projeto PAVIECO visa à utilização dos rejeitos de minério de ferro para confecção de pavimento ecologicamente correto, retirando o rejeito de minério do córrego assoreado, tornando-o ao mesmo tempo, em um produto comercializável.O trabalho identifica e analisa a percepção ambiental dos moradores do distrito em relação à implantação do pavimento em suas respectivas áreas. Além, propõe um projeto de Educação Ambiental que contribua com o desenvolvimento local e socioambiental. Para tal, foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos, cartográficos, fotográficos, visitas técnicas, análises, interpretações, discussões e revisões dos dados e a proposta de um programa de Educação Ambiental.Observasse a importância da Geografia neste trabalho, pois possibilita compreender as diversas relações entre o meio físico, biótico e socioeconômico.


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A disponibilidade gratuita na Internet de imagens de satélite e SIG somada à facilidade dos alunos no manuseio de multimídia através dos seus smartphones criam possibilidades para trabalhar com geotecnologias e recursos de multimídia no ensino de Cartografia. Nesta pesquisa foram avaliadas as contribuições, os limites e as possibilidades da inserção da tecnologia espacial, geoprocessamento e recursos de multimídia nas aulas de Geografia do sétimo ano da rede pública municipal de São Gonçalo/RJ; foi desenvolvida uma metodologia em meio digital, por meio da Internet, denominada Mapeando Meu Rio (MMR) cuja temática abordada foi a Percepção Socioambiental do Rio Alcântara. Observaram-se o interesse e o envolvimento dos alunos no decorrer das atividades propostas, por meio do uso de recursos de multimídia e geotecnologias como materiais de apoio à Educação Ambiental. Os resultados da avaliação do MMR mostraram que os alunos chegaram ao final do sétimo ano com dificuldades em relação à alfabetização cartográfica; isso foi constatado tanto na produção dos mapas mentais como também pela utilização do GPS, Google Earth e do ArcGIS Online. Os alunos tiveram dificuldades em utilizar os conhecimentos básicos da Cartografia para elaborar uma representação espacial, mais especificamente, legenda, coordenadas geográficas e orientação espacial. A alfabetização cartográfica não deve ser considerada como conteúdo que se restringe ao 6 ano, mas uma linguagem de comunicação para o entendimento da dinâmica espacial no decorrer do Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio. As atividades geográficas deve permitir ao aluno melhorar a compreensão do espaço geográfico de uma maneira mais significativa para construir abstrações a partir da própria realidade, ou seja, do espaço vivido.


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The present work has an objective of investigate the acceptability of consumption of the goat meat and studies the perception of university students on the productive sector of goats in the Northeast. The habit to eat goat meat has strong regional traditions and has been suffering the demographic, cultural, economic and personal influences. Currently, a new habit in the food consumers is observed and has been configuring itself a trend that concern with the health and welfare in general, in countries mainly developed. This fact comes directly contributing for the modernization of the production models, including the ambient conscience. The methodology applied includes bibliographical research, data-collecting through questionnaires applied in the UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte ) and analysis of the data using statistic techniques assisted for software Statistica V6. It is concluded that the rate of consumption of goat meat is low in the population studied. The frequency of consumption is higher in times of leisure or to visit relatives. The descriptive analysis of the responses of interviewees shows ignorance of the production of goat meat and its importance to the state of Rio Grande do Norte.


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The search for a sustainable development is result of the exhaustion of the natural resources of the planet that demands globalizated politics with practical of compatible economic development with the protection of the quality of life for the future generations. This work presents a study on the thematic on the environmental liabilities in the organizations with focus in the industry of the oil and the production of oil in land in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Some types of environmental liabilities are presented, as well as, some estimates techniques. Moreover, this work presents surveys of some variable that stimulate the organizations to implant technologies of reduction of the impacts in the environment as: the environmental legislation, costs, the main impacts of the production of oil in land. On the basis of the bibliographical research and in the identified variable, it was carried a case study with state and municipal technician that act in the sectors of fiscalization (IBAMA-RN and IDEMA-RN) with the objective to deepen the discussion regarding the impacts of the industry of the oil, the effectiveness of the current law, the performance of the institutions the federal level and how to prevent impacts in the environment. It was observed that the environmental liabilities are a little spread subject in the organizations, perhaps to be unknown and of few theoretical referencees at the national level, regarding to the evaluation techniques. At the same time, absentee in the national politics that conducts the oil exploration


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O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa cujo objetivo foi identificar as percepções dos professores de Biologia do município de Piracicaba, SP, e dos alunos concluintes de um curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas em relação à presença da Educação Ambiental em sua formação inicial, a fim de discutir a inserção da temática na universidade em geral e, especificamente, na licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas. Os resultados indicam que o professor de Biologia ainda necessita de uma formação mais crítica em relação à educação ambiental e que, numa perspectiva complexa, essa formação necessita ser tratada de forma mais rigorosa na universidade e nas licenciaturas em Ciências Biológicas para que os profissionais formados possam atuar, efetivamente, na formação cidadã para uma sociedade mais sustentável.


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The present work aimed at investigating the small hotel managers perceptions from Natal/RN concerning the environmental practice uses as a competitive factor. This study is characterized as a descriptive exploratory research that used an aleatory probabilistic sample followed by the application of collect data instrument (questionnaire). The small hotels located in Natal/RN were the study participants and the specific location where 35 questionnaires were answered. Based on the data and on the mangers point of view, it is possible to comprehend that, among the presented indicators, the development of environmental programs in the hotel enterprise is showed as the least important for the client s choice. As the main conclusion it is relevant to argue that, according to the small hotel managers, the guests do not still search for hotels that implement environmental practices. On the other side, the interviewed managers believe that the use of these practices can generate a great competitive advantage in relation to their competitors. The information obtained by this present research will be able to contribute to establish a contemporary panorama in relation to the importance attributed by the managers concerning the use of environmental practices in small hotel enterprises in Natal/RN. In addition the correct use of this information can generate possibilities of major competitiveness in this segment


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