971 resultados para Peptide secondary structure


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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Short peptides corresponding to two to four a-helical turns of proteins are not thermodynamically stable helices in water. Unstructured octapeptide Ac-His1*-Ala2-Ala3-His4*-His5*-Glu6-Leu7-His8*-NH2 (1) reacts with two [Pd ((NH2)-N-15(CH2)(2) (NH2)-N-15)(NO3)(2)] in water to form a kinetically stable intermediate, [{Pden}(2)-{(1,4)(5,8)-peptide}](2), in which two 19-membered metallocyclic rings stabilize two peptide turns. Slow subsequent folding to a thermodynamically more stable two-turn a-helix drives the equilibrium to [{Pden}(2)-{(1,5)(4,8)-peptide}] (3), featuring two 22-membered rings. This transformation from unstructured peptide via turns to an a-helix suggests that metal clips might be useful probes for investigating peptide folding.


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Cyclic pentapepticles are not known to exist in a-helical conformations. CD and NMR spectra show that specific 20-membered cyclic pentapepticles, Ac-(cyclo-1,5) [KxxxD]-NH2 and Ac-(cyclo-2,6)R[KxxxD]-NH2, are highly a-helical structures in water and independent of concentration, TFE, denaturants, and proteases. These are the smallest a-helical peptides in water.


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The caseins (alpha(s1), alpha(s2), beta, and kappa) are phosphoproteins present in bovine milk that have been studied for over a century and whose structures remain obscure. Here we describe the chemical synthesis and structure elucidation of the N-terminal segment (1-44) of bovine K-casein, the protein which maintains the micellar structure of the caseins. K-Casein (1-44) was synthesised by highly optimised Boc solid-phase peptide chemistry and characterised by mass spectrometry. Structure elucidation was carried out by circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. CD analysis demonstrated that the segment was ill defined in aqueous medium but in 30% trifluoroethanol it exhibited considerable helical structure. Further, NMR analysis showed the presence of a helical segment containing 26 residues which extends from Pro(8) to Arg(34). This is the first report which demonstrates extensive secondary structure within the casein class of proteins. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Experimental characterization of molecular details is challenging, and although single molecule experiments have gained prominence, oligomer characterization remains largely unexplored. The ability to monitor the time evolution of individual molecules while they self assemble is essential in providing mechanistic insights about biological events. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can fill the gap in knowledge between single molecule experiments and ensemble studies like NMR, and are increasingly used to gain a better understanding of microscopic properties. Coarse-grained (CG) models aid in both exploring longer length and time scale molecular phenomena, and narrowing down the key interactions responsible for significant system characteristics. Over the past decade, CG techniques have made a significant impact in understanding physicochemical processes. However, the realm of peptide-lipid interfacial interactions, primarily binding, partitioning and folding of amphipathic peptides, remains largely unexplored compared to peptide folding in solution. The main drawback of existing CG models is the inability to capture environmentally sensitive changes in dipolar interactions, which are indigenous to protein folding, and lipid dynamics. We have used the Drude oscillator approach to incorporate structural polarization and dipolar interactions in CG beads to develop a minimalistic peptide model, WEPPROM (Water Explicit Polarizable PROtein Model), and a lipid model WEPMEM (Water Explicit Polarizable MEmbrane Model). The addition of backbone dipolar interactions in a CG model for peptides enabled us to achieve alpha-beta secondary structure content de novo, without any added bias. As a prelude to studying amphipathic peptide-lipid membrane interactions, the balance between hydrophobicity and backbone dipolar interactions in driving ordered peptide aggregation in water and at a hydrophobic-hydrophilic interface, was explored. We found that backbone dipole interactions play a crucial role in driving ordered peptide aggregation, both in water and at hydrophobic-hydrophilic interfaces; while hydrophobicity is more relevant for aggregation in water. A zwitterionic (POPC: 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) and an anionic lipid (POPS: 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine) are used as model lipids for WEPMEM. The addition of head group dipolar interactions in lipids significantly improved structural, dynamic and dielectric properties of the model bilayer. Using WEPMEM and WEPPROM, we studied membrane-induced peptide folding of a cationic antimicrobial peptide with anticancer activity, SVS-1. We found that membrane-induced peptide folding is driven by both (a) cooperativity in peptide self interaction and (b) cooperativity in membrane-peptide interactions. The dipolar interactions between the peptide and the lipid head-groups contribute to stabilizing folded conformations. The role of monovalent ion size and peptide concentration in driving lipid domain formation in anionic/zwitterionic lipid mixtures was also investigated. Our study suggest monovalent ion size to be a crucial determinant of interaction with lipid head groups, and hence domain formation in lipid mixtures. This study reinforces the role of dipole interactions in protein folding, lipid membrane properties, membrane induced peptide folding and lipid domain formation. Therefore, the models developed in this thesis can be used to explore a multitude of biomolecular processes, both at longer time-scales and larger system sizes.


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The structural stabilizing property of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) in peptides has been widely demonstrated, More recently, TFE has been shown to enhance secondary structure content in globular proteins, and to influence quaternary interactions in protein multimers. The molecular mechanisms by which TFE exerts its Influence on peptide and protein structures remain poorly understood. The present analysis integrates the known physical properties of TFE with a variety of experimental observations on the interaction of TFE with peptides and proteins and on the properties of fluorocarbons. Two features of TFE, namely the hydrophobicity of the trifluoromethyl group and the hydrogen bonding character (strong donor and poor acceptor), emerge as the most important factors for rationalising the observed effects of TFE. A model is proposed for TFE interaction with peptides which involves an initial replacement of the hydration shell by fluoroalcohol molecules, a process driven by apolar interactions and favourable entropy of dehydration. Subsequent bifurcated hydrogen-bond formation with peptide carbonyl groups, which leave intramolecular interactions unaffected, promotes secondary structure formation.


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The tetrapeptide t-butyloxycarbonyl--aminoisobutyryl--aminoisobutyryl-L- phenylalanyl-L-methionyl amide crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with a= 9.096, b= 18.067, c= 21.701 Å and Z= 4. The crystals contain one molecule of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) associated with each peptide. The structure has been solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.103 for 2 672 observed reflections. The peptide adopts a distorted 310 helical structure stabilized by two intramolecular 4 1 hydrogen bonds between the Boc CO and Aib(1) CO groups and the NH groups of Phe(3) and Met(4), respectively. A long hydrogen bond (N O = 3.35 Å) is also observed between Aib(2) CO and one of the terminal amide hydrogens. The DMSO molecule is strongly hydrogen bonded to the Aib(1) NH group. The solid-state conformation agrees well with proposals made on the basis of n.m.r. studies in solution.


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While many measures of viewpoint goodness have been proposed in computer graphics, none have been evaluated for ribbon representations of protein secondary structure. To fill this gap, we conducted a user study on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform, collecting human viewpoint preferences from 65 participants for 4 representative su- perfamilies of protein domains. In particular, we evaluated viewpoint entropy, which was previously shown to be a good predictor for human viewpoint preference of other, mostly non-abstract objects. In a second study, we asked 7 molecular biology experts to find the best viewpoint of the same protein domains and compared their choices with viewpoint entropy. Our results show that viewpoint entropy overall is a significant predictor of human viewpoint preference for ribbon representations of protein secondary structure. However, the accuracy is highly dependent on the complexity of the structure: while most participants agree on good viewpoints for small, non-globular structures with few secondary structure elements, viewpoint preference varies considerably for complex structures. Finally, experts tend to choose viewpoints of both low and high viewpoint entropy to emphasize different aspects of the respective structure.


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Hantaviruses, members of the genus Hantavirus in the Bunyaviridae family, are enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses with tri-segmented genome of negative polarity. In humans, hantaviruses cause two diseases, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS), which vary in severity depending on the causative agent. Each hantavirus is carried by a specific rodent host and is transmitted to humans through excreta of infected rodents. The genome of hantaviruses encodes four structural proteins: the nucleocapsid protein (N), the glycoproteins (Gn and Gc), and the polymerase (L) and also the nonstructural protein (NSs). This thesis deals with the functional characterization of hantavirus N protein with regard to its structure. Structural studies of the N protein have progressed slowly and the crystal structure of the whole protein is still not available, therefore biochemical assays coupled with bioinformatical modeling proved essential for studying N protein structure and functions. Presumably, during RNA encapsidation, the N protein first forms intermediate trimers and then oligomers. First, we investigated the role of N-terminal domain in the N protein oligomerization. The results suggested that the N-terminal region of the N protein forms a coiled-coil, in which two antiparallel alpha helices interact via their hydrophobic seams. Hydrophobic residues L4, I11, L18, L25 and V32 in the first helix and L44, V51, L58 and L65 in the second helix were crucial for stabilizing the structure. The results were consistent with the head-to-head, tail-to-tail model for hantavirus N protein trimerization. We demonstrated that an intact coiled-coil structure of the N terminus is crucial for the oligomerization capacity of the N protein. We also added new details to the head-to-head, tail-to-tail model of trimerization by suggesting that the initial step is based on interaction(s) between intact intra-molecular coiled-coils of the monomers. We further analyzed the importance of charged aa residues located within the coiled-coil for the N protein oligomerization. To predict the interacting surfaces of the monomers we used an upgraded in silico model of the coiled-coil domain that was docked into a trimer. Next the predicted target residues were mutated. The results obtained using the mammalian two-hybrid assay suggested that conserved charged aa residues within the coiled-coil make a substantial contribution to the N protein oligomerization. This contribution probably involves the formation of interacting surfaces of the N monomers and also stabilization of the coiled-coil via intramolecular ionic bridging. We proposed that the tips of the coiled-coils are the first to come into direct contact and thus initiate tight packing of the three monomers into a compact structure. This was in agreement with the previous results showing that an increase in ionic strength abolished the interaction between N protein molecules. We also showed that residues having the strongest effect on the N protein oligomerization are not scattered randomly throughout the coiled-coil 3D model structure, but form clusters. Next we found evidence for the hantaviral N protein interaction with the cytoplasmic tail of the glycoprotein Gn. In order to study this interaction we used the GST pull-down assay in combination with mutagenesis technique. The results demonstrated that intact, properly folded zinc fingers of the Gn protein cytoplasmic tail as well as the middle domain of the N protein (that includes aa residues 80 248 and supposedly carries the RNA-binding domain) are essential for the interaction. Since hantaviruses do not have a matrix protein that mediates the packaging of the viral RNA in other negatve stranded viruses (NSRV), hantaviral RNPs should be involved in a direct interaction with the intraviral domains of the envelope-embedded glycoproteins. By showing the N-Gn interaction we provided the evidence for one of the crucial steps in the virus replication at which RNPs are directed to the site of the virus assembly. Finally we started analysis of the N protein RNA-binding region, which is supposedly located in the middle domain of the N protein molecule. We developed a model for the initial step of RNA-binding by the hantaviral N protein. We hypothesized that the hantaviral N protein possesses two secondary structure elements that initiate the RNA encapsidation. The results suggest that amino acid residues (172-176) presumably act as a hook to catch vRNA and that the positively charged interaction surface (aa residues 144-160) enhances the initial N-RNA interacation. In conclusion, we elucidated new functions of hantavirus N protein. Using in silico modeling we predicted the domain structure of the protein and using experimental techniques showed that each domain is responsible for executing certain function(s). We showed that intact N terminal coiled-coil domain is crucial for oligomerization and charged residues located on its surface form a interaction surface for the N monomers. The middle domain is essential for interaction with the cytoplasmic tail of the Gn protein and RNA binding.


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The circular dichroism spectra of four 0-turn model peptides, Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Pro- OMe (l), Piv-Pro-Aib-NHMe (2), Piv-Pro-D-Ala-NHMe (3) and Piv-Pro-Val-NHMe (4) have been examined under a wide range of solvent conditions, using methanol, hexafluoroisopropanol and cyclohexane. Type I and Type I1 0-turns have been observed for peptides 1 and 2 respectively, in the solid state, while the Pro-D-Ala sequence adopts a Type I1 Sturn in a related peptide crystal structure. A class C spectrum is observed for 1 in various solvents, suggesting a variant of a Type I(II1) structure. The Type I1 f3-turn is characterized by a CD spectrum having two positive CD bands at - 230 nm and - 202 nm, a feature observed in Piv-Pro- D-Ala-NHMe in cyclohexane and methanol and for Piv-Pro-Aib-NHMe in methanol. Peptide 2 exhibits solvent dependent CD spectra, which may be rationalized by considering Type 11, I11 and V reverse turn structures. Piv-Pro- Val-NHMe adopts nonaturn structures in polar solvents, but exhibits a class B spectrum in cyclohexane suggesting a population of Type I &turns.


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The conformation of amino acid side chains as observed in well-determined structures of globular proteins has earlier been extensively investigated. In contrast, the structural features of the polypeptide backbone that result from the occurrence of specific amino acids along the polypeptide have not been analysed. In this article, we present the statistically significant features in the backbone geometry that appear to be a consequence of the occurrence of rotamers of different amino acid side chains by analysing 102 well-refined structures that form a random collection of proteins. It is found that the persistence of helical segments around each residue is influenced by the residue type. Several residues exert asymmetrical influence between the carboxyl and amino terminal polypeptide segments. The degree to which secondary structures depart from an average geometry also appears to depend on residue type. These departures are correlated to the corresponding Chou and Fasman parameters of amino acid residues. The frequency distribution of the side chain rotamers is influenced by polypeptide secondary structure. In turn, the rotamer conformation of side chain affects the extension of the secondary structure of the backbone. The strongest correlation is found between the occurrence of g+ conformation and helix propagation on the carboxyl side of many residues.


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Earlier we have demonstrated the presence of internal ribosome entry site (IRES) within tumor suppressor p53 mRNA. Here we have mapped the putative secondary structure of p53-IRES RNA using information from chemical probing and nuclease mapping experiments. Additionally, the secondary structure of the IRES element of the wild-type RNA was compared with cancer-derived silent mutant p53 RNAs. These mutations might result in the conformational alterations of p53-IRES RNAs. The results also indicate decreased IRES activities of the mutants as compared to wild-type RNA. Further, it was observed that some of the cytoplasmic trans-acting factors, critical for enhancing IRES function, were unable to bind mutant RNAs as efficiently as to wild-type. Our results suggest that hnRNP C1/C2 binds to p53-IRES and siRNA mediated partial silencing of hnRNP C1/C2 showed appreciable decrease in IRES function and consequent decrease in the level of the corresponding p53 isoform. Interestingly mutant p53 IRES showed lesser binding with hnRNP C1/C2 protein. Finally, upon doxorubicin treatment, the mutant RNAs were unable to show enhanced p53 synthesis to similar extent compared to wild type. Taken together, these observations suggest that mutations occurring in the p53 IRES might have profound implications for de-regulation of its expression and activity.


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The complete amino-acid sequence of sheep liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase was determined from an analysis of tryptic, chymotryptic, CNBr and hydroxylamine peptides. Each subunit of sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase consisted of 483 amino-acid residues. A comparison of this sequence with 8 other serine hydroxymethyltransferases revealed that a possible gene duplication event could have occurred after the divergence of animals and fungi. This analysis also showed independent duplication of SHMT genes in Neurospora crassa. At the secondary structural level, all the serine hydroxymethyltransferases belong to the alpha/beta category of proteins. The predicted secondary structure of sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase was similar to that of the observed structure of tryptophan synthase, another pyridoxal 5'-phosphate containing enzyme, suggesting that sheep liver serine hydroxymethyltransferase might have a similar pyridoxal 5'-phosphate binding domain. In addition, a conserved glycine rich region, G L Q G G P, was identified in all the serine hydroxymethyltransferases and could be important in pyridoxal 5'-phosphate binding. A comparison of the cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferases from rabbit and sheep liver with other proteins sequenced from both these sources showed that serine hydroxymethyltransferase was a highly conserved protein. It was slightly less conserved than cytochrome c but better conserved than myoglobin, both of which are well known evolutionary markers. C67 and C203 were specifically protected by pyridoxal 5'-phosphate against modification with [C-14]iodoacetic acid, while C247 and C261 were buried in the native serine hydroxymethyltransferase. However, the cysteines are not conserved among the various serine hydroxymethyltransferases. The exact role of the cysteines in the reaction catalyzed by serine hydroxymethyltransferase remains to be elucidated.


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This paper presents a model study to understand the effect of surfactants on the physicochemical properties of human hair. FT-IR ATR spectroscopy has been employed to understand the chemical changes induced by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) on human scalp hair. In particular, the SDS induced changes in the secondary structure of protein present in the outer protective layer of hair, i.e. cuticle, have been investigated. Conformational changes in the secondary structure of protein were studied by curve fitting of the amide I band after every phase of SDS treatment. It has been found that SDS brings rearrangements in the protein backbone conformations by transforming beta-sheet structure to random coil and beta-turn. Additionally, AFM and SEM studies were carried out to understand the morphological changes induced on the hair surface. SEM and AFM images demonstrated the rupture and partial erosion of cuticle sublayers.