999 resultados para Peptide hydrolysis


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The possible nonplanar distortions of the amide group in formamide, acetamide, N-methylacetamide, and N-ethylacetamide have been examined using CNDO/2 and INDO methods. The predictions from these methods are compared with the results obtained from X-ray and neutron diffraction studies on crystals of small open peptides, cyclic peptides, and amides. It is shown that the INDO results are in good agreement with observations, and that the dihedral angles N and defining the nonplanarity of the amide unit are correlated approximately by the relation N = -2, while C is small and uncorrelated with . The present study indicates that the nonplanar distortions at the nitrogen atom of the peptide unit may have to be taken into consideration, in addition to the variation in the dihedral angles (,), in working out polypeptide and protein structures.


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The rates of base-catalyzed hydrolysis of pseudo esters derived from y-keto acids show strikingly poor sensitivity to the nature of the leaving group.la The rates vary in the narrow range of about 12-fold as contrasted to a 103-fold spread of the corresponding benzoate esters. The results presented are consistent with a rate-determining formation of a tetrahedral intermediate (11) and i t s rapid collapse, by the cleavage of the lactone ring in a fast step.


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In this study, for the first time the effects of glycerol on enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation were investigated. Enzymatic hydrolysis was inhibited slightly with 2.0 wt% glycerol, leading to reduction in glucan digestibility from 84.9% without glycerol to 82.9% (72 h). With 5.0 wt% and 10.0 wt% glycerol, glucan digestibility reduced by 4.5% and11.0%, respectively. However, glycerol appeared not detrimental to cellulase enzymes. Ethanol fermentation was not affected with glycerol up to 5.0 wt%, and was inhibited slightly with 10.0 wt% glycerol, which resulted in reduction in ethanol yield from 86.0% without glycerol to 83.7% (20 h). Based on laboratory and pilot scale enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol production results, it was estimated that 0.142 kg ethanol could be produced from 1.0 kg dry bagasse (a glucan content of 38.0%) after pretreatment with acidified glycerol solution.


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The pseudoproline residue (Psi Pro, L-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid) has been introduced into heterochiral diproline segments that have been previously shown to facilitate the formation of beta-hairpins, containing central two and three residue turns. NMR studies of the octapeptide Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (1), Boc-Leu-Val-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-Val-Val-OMe (2), and the nonapeptide sequence Boc-Leu-Phe-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-(D)Ala-Leu-Phe-Val-OMe (3) established well-registered beta-hairpin structures in chloroform solution, with the almost exclusive population of the trans conformation for the peptide bond preceding the Psi Pro residue. The beta-hairpin conformation of 1 is confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Truncation of the strand length in Boc-Val-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-OMe (4) results in air increase in the population of the cis conformer, with a cis/trans ratio of 3.65. Replacement of Psi Pro in 4 by (L)Pro in 5, results in almost exclusive population of the trans form, resulting in an incipient beta-hairpin conformation, stabilized by two intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Further truncation of the sequence gives an appreciable rise in the population of cis conformers in the tripeptide piv-(D)Pro-Psi Pro-Leu-OMe (6). In the homochiral segment Piv-Pro Psi Pro-Leu-OMe (7) only the cis form is observed with the NMR evidence strongly supporting a type VIa beta-turn conformation, stabilized by a 4 -> 1 hydrogen bond between the Piv (CO) and Leu (3) NH groups. The crystal structure of the analog peptide 7a (Piv-Pro-Psi(H,CH3)Pro-Leu-NHMe) confirms the cis peptide bond geometry for the Pro-Psi(H,CH3)pro peptide bond, resulting in a type VIa beta-turn conformation.


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The hydrolysis of thiophosphoryl fluoride has been studied both in acid and alkaline medium. The products are phosphate, fluoride and varying amounts of sulphide, sulphite, thiosulphate and elemental sulphur depending on experimental conditions. The probable mode of formation of the different sulphur species has been explained on the basis of sulphur in a higher oxidation state in the thiophosphoryl fluoride molecule.


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CXCL-8 (Interleukin 8) is a CXC chemokine with a central role in the human immune response. We have undertaken extensive in silico analyses to elucidate the interactions of CXCL-8 with its various binding partners, which are crucial for its biological function. Sequence and structure analyses showed that residues in the thirdq β-sheet and basic residues in the heparin binding site are highly variable, while residues in the second β-sheet are highly conserved. Molecular dynamics simulations in aqueous solution of dimeric CXCL-8 have been performed with starting geometries from both X-ray and NMR structures showed shearing movements between the two antiparallel C-terminal helices. Dynamic conservation analyses of these simulations agreed with experimental data indicating that structural differences between the two structures at quaternary level arise from changes in the secondary structure of the N-terminal loop, the 310-helix, the 30s, 40s, and 50s loops and the third β-sheet, resulting in a different interhelical separation. Nevertheless, the observation of these different states indicates that CXCL-8 has the potential to undergo conformational changes, and it seems likely that this feature is relevant to the mode of binding of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) mimetics such as cyclitols. Simulations of the receptor peptide fragment−CXCL-8 complex identified several specific interactions of the receptor peptide with CXCL-8 that could be exploited in the structure-based design of competitive peptides and nonpeptidic molecules targeting CXCL-8 for combating inflammatory diseases. Simulations of the CXCL-8 dimer complexed with a 24-mer heparin fragment and of the CXCL-8−receptor peptide complex revealed that Arg60, Lys64, and Arg68 in the dimer bind to cyclitols in a horseshoe pattern, defining a region which is spatially distinct from the receptor binding site. There appears to be an optimum number of sulfates and an optimum length of alkyl spacers required for the interaction of cyclitol inhibitors with the dimeric form of CXCL-8. Calculation of the binding affinities of cyclitol inhibitors reflected satisfactorily the ranking of experimentally determined inhibitory potencies. The findings of these molecular modeling studies will help in the search for inhibitors which can modulate various CXCL-8 biological activities and serve as an excellent model system to study CXC-inhibitor interactions.


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Aggregation of the microtubule associated protein tau (MAPT) within neurons of the brain is the leading cause of tauopathies such as Alzheimer's disease. MAPT is a phospho-protein that is selectively phosphorylated by a number of kinases in vivo to perform its biological function. However, it may become pathogenically hyperphosphorylated, causing aggregation into paired helical filaments and neurofibrillary tangles. The phosphorylation induced conformational change on a peptide of MAPT (htau225−250) was investigated by performing molecular dynamics simulations with different phosphorylation patterns of the peptide (pThr231 and/or pSer235) in different simulation conditions to determine the effect of ionic strength and phosphate charge. All phosphorylation patterns were found to disrupt a nascent terminal β-sheet pattern (226VAVVR230 and 244QTAPVP249), replacing it with a range of structures. The double pThr231/pSer235 phosphorylation pattern at experimental ionic strength resulted in the best agreement with NMR structural characterization, with the observation of a transient α-helix (239AKSRLQT245). PPII helical conformations were only found sporadically throughout the simulations. Proteins 2014; 82:1907–1923. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Nature has used the all-alpha-polypeptide backbone of proteins to create a remarkable diversity of folded structures. Sequential patterns of 20 distinct amino adds, which differ only in their side chains, determine the shape and form of proteins. Our understanding of these specific secondary structures is over half a century old and is based primarily on the fundamental elements: the Pauling alpha-helix and beta-sheet. Researchers can also generate structural diversity through the synthesis of polypeptide chains containing homologated (omega) amino acid residues, which contain a variable number of backbone atoms. However, incorporating amino adds with more atoms within the backbone introduces additional torsional freedom into the structure, which can complicate the structural analysis. Fortunately, gabapentin (Gpn), a readily available bulk drug, is an achiral beta,beta-disubstituted gamma amino add residue that contains a cyclohexyl ring at the C-beta carbon atom, which dramatically limits the range of torsion angles that can be obtained about the flanking C-C bonds. Limiting conformational flexibility also has the desirable effect of increasing peptide crystallinity, which permits unambiguous structural characterization by X-ray diffraction methods. This Account describes studies carried out in our laboratory that establish Gpn as a valuable residue in the design of specifically folded hybrid peptide structures. The insertion of additional atoms into polypeptide backbones facilitates the formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds whose directionality is opposite to that observed in canonical alpha-peptide helices. If hybrid structures mimic proteins and biologically active peptides, the proteolytic stability conferred by unusual backbones can be a major advantage in the area of medicinal chemistry. We have demonstrated a variety of internally hydrogen-bonded structures in the solid state for Gpn-containing peptides, including the characterization of the C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonds, which can lead to ribbons in homo-oligomeric sequences. In hybrid alpha gamma sequences, district C-12 hydrogen-bonded turn structures support formation of peptide helices and hairpins in longer sequences. Some peptides that include the Gpn residue have hydrogen-bond directionality that matches alpha-peptide helices, while others have the opposite directionality. We expect that expansion of the polypeptide backbone will lead to new classes of foldamer structures, which are thus far unknown to the world of alpha-polypeptides. The diversity of internally hydrogen-bonded structures observed in hybrid sequences containing Gpn shows promise for the rational design of novel peptide structures incorporating hybrid backbones.


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Natural peptide libraries often contain cyclodepsipeptides containing alpha or beta hydroxy residues. Extracts of fungal hyphae of Isaria yield a microheterogenous cyclodepsipeptide mixture in which two classes of molecules can be identified by mass spectral fragmentation of negative ions. In the case of isaridins, which contain an alpha-hydroxy residue and a beta-amino acid residue, a characteristic product ion corresponding to a neutral loss of 72 Da is obtained. hi addition, neutral loss of water followed by a 72 Da loss is also observed. Two distinct modes of fragmentation rationalize the observed product ion distribution. The neutral loss of 72 Da has also been obtained for a roseotoxin component, which is also an alpha-hydroxy residue containing cyclodepsipeptide. In the case of isariins, which contain a beta-hydroxy acid residue, ring opening and subsequent loss of the terminal residue as an unsaturated ketene fragment, rationalizes the observed product ion formation. Fragmentation of negative ions provide characteristic neutral losses, which are diagnostic of the presence of alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy residues.


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The molecular mechanism of helix nucleation in peptides and proteins is not yet understood and the question of whether sharp turns in the polypeptide backbone serve as nuclei for protein folding has evoked controversy1,2. A recent study of the conformation of a tetrapeptide containing the stereochemically constrained residue alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, both in solution and the solid state, yielded a structure consisting of two consecutive beta-turns, leading to an incipient 310 helical conformation3,4. This led us to speculate that specific tri- and tetra-peptide sequences may indeed provide a helical twist to the amino-terminal segment of helical regions in proteins and provide a nucleation site for further propagation. The transformation from a 310 helical structure to an alpha-helix should be facile and requires only small changes in the phi and psi conformational angles and a rearrangement of the hydrogen bonding pattern5. If such a mechanism is involved then it should be possible to isolate an incipient 310 helical conformation in a tripeptide amide or tetrapeptide sequence, based purely on the driving force derived from short-range interactions. We have synthesised and studied the model peptide pivaloyl-Pro-Pro-Ala-NHMe (compound I) and provide here spectroscopic evidence for a 310 helical conformation in compound I.


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The stepwise synthesis of amino terminal pentapeptide of alamethicin, Z-Aib-Pro-Aib-Ala-Aib-OMe, by the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide mediated couplings leads to extensive racemization at the Ala and Pro residues. Racemization is largely suppressed by the use of additives like N-hydroxysuccinimide and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. The presence of diastereomeric peptides may be detected by the observation of additional methyl ester and benzylic methylene signals in the 270 MHz 1H NMR spectra. Unambiguous spectral assignment of the signals to the diastereomers has been carried out by the synthesis and NMR studies of the D-Ala tetra and pentapeptides. The racemization at Pro is of particular relevance in view of the reported lack of inversion at C-terminal Pro on carboxyl activation.


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Peptide NH chemical shifts and their temperature dependences have been monitored as a function of concentration for the decapeptide, Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-OMe in CDCl3 (0.001-0.06M) and (CD3)2SO (0.001-0.03M). The chemical shifts and temperature coefficients for all nine NH groups show no significant concentration dependence in (CD3)2SO. Seven NH groups yield low values of temperature coefficients over the entire range, while one yields an intermediate value. In CDCl3, the Aib(1) NH group shows a large concentration dependence of both chemical shift and temperature coefficient, in contrast to the other eight NH groups. The data suggest that in (CD3)2SO, the peptide adopts a 310 helical conformation and is monomeric over the entire concentration range. In CDCl3, the 310 helical peptide associates at a concentration of 0.01M, with the Aib(1) NH involved in an intermolecular hydrogen bond. Association does not disrupt the intramolecular hydrogen-bonding pattern in the decapeptide.


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The dispersion of aqueous γ-Y2Si2O7 suspensions, which contain only one component but have a complex ion environment, was studied by the introduction of two different polymer dispersants, polyethylenimine (PEI) and polyacrylic acid (PAA). The suspension without any dispersant remains stable in the pH range of 9-11.5 because of electrostatic repulsion, while it is flocculated upon stirring due to the readsorption of hydrolyzed ions on the colloid surface. However, suspensions with 1 dwb% PEI exhibit greater stability in the pH range of 4-11.5. The addition of PEI shifts the isoelectric point (IEP) of the suspensions from pH 5.8 to 10.8. Near the IEP (pHIEP=10.8), the stability of the suspensions with PEI is dominated by the steric effect. When the pH is decreased to acid direction, the stabilization mechanism is changed from steric hindrance to an electrosteric effect little by little. PAA also has the effect of reducing the hydrolysis speed via a "buffer effect" in the basic pH range, but the lack of adsorption between the highly ionized anionic polymer molecules and the negative colloid particle surfaces shows no positive effect on hydrolysis of colloids and on the stabilization of Y2Si 2O7 suspensions.