988 resultados para Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.
"Table of cases": p. 581-594.
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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
We investigate the automatic regularity of continuous algebra homomorphisms between Riesz algebras of regular operators on Banach lattices.
The use of green manures (GMs) in combination with nitrogen (N) fertilizer application is a promising practice to improve N fertilizer management in agricultural production systems. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the N use efficiency (NUE) of rice plant, derived from GMs including sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.), millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) and urea in the greenhouse. The experimental treatments included two GMs (sunn hemp-15N and millet-15N), absence of N organic source (without GM residues in soil) and four N rates, as urea-15N (0, 28.6, 57.2 and 85.8 mg N kg-1). The results showed that both rice grain and straw biomass yields under sunn hemp were greater than that of millet or without the application of GM. The NUE of rice under sunn hemp was greater than that under millet (18.9 and 7.8% under sunn hemp and millet, respectively). The urea N application rates did not affect the fertilizer NUE by rice (53.7%) with or without GMs. The NUE of GMs by rice plants ranged from 14.1% and 16.8% for root and shoot, respectively. The study showed that green manures can play an important role in enhancing soil fertility and N supply to subsequent crops.
The objective of this work was to screen plants with insecticide activity, in order to isolate, identify and assess the bioactivity of insecticide compounds present in these plants, against Coleoptera pests of stored products: Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. (Silvanidae), Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Bostrichidae) and Sitophilus zeamais Mots. (Curculionidae). The plant species used were: basil (Ocimum selloi Benth.), rue (Ruta graveolens L.), lion's ear (Leonotis nepetifolia (L.) R.Br.), jimson weed (Datura stramonium L.), baleeira herb (Cordia verbenacea L.), mint (Mentha piperita L.), wild balsam apple (Mormodica charantia L.), and billy goat weed or mentrasto (Ageratum conyzoides L.). The insecticide activity of hexane and ethanol extracts from those plants on R. dominica was evaluated. Among them, only hexane extract of A. conyzoides showed insecticide activity; the hexane extract of this species was successively fractionated by silica gel column chromatography, for isolation and purification of the active compounds. Compounds 5,6,7,8,3',4',5'-heptamethoxyflavone; 5,6,7,8,3'-pentamethoxy-4',5'-methilenedioxyflavone and coumarin were identified. However, only coumarin showed insecticide activity against three insect pests (LD50 from 2.72 to 39.71 mg g-1 a.i.). The increasing order of insects susceptibility to coumarin was R. dominica, S. zeamais and O. surinamensis.
Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos de diferentes perÃodos de matocompetição sobre o crescimento e produtividade da cultura do amendoim cultivar Tatu-53, conduziu -se o presente experimento sobre solo Latossol Vermelho escuro fase arenosa na região de Jaboticabal, SP. ConstituÃram-se os tratamentos de vários perÃodos de convivência da comunidade infestante na cultura do amendoim, considerados à partir da emergência da cultura até 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84 e 117 dias (colheita). Após o perÃodo de convivência, a cultura foi mantida no limpo através de capinas na entre-linha e monda na linha de semeadura, a cada duas semanas. Houve ainda, um tratamento em que a cultura foi mantida no limpo durante todo o ciclo. O espaçamento foi de 0,60 m com densidade de 25 sementes por metro de sulco. As principais espécies de plantas daninhas que ocorreram na área experimental foram Cenchrus echinatus L., Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop., Alternantera ficoidea (L.) R. Br., Emilia sonchifolia DC. e Sida spp. O perÃodo em que a competição torna-se crÃtica para a produtividade do amendoim inicia-se entre 42 e 56 dias do ciclo da cultura. Os parâmetros produtivos afetados pela matocompetição foram produção de vagens e grãos por hectare e por indivÃduos, número médio de vagens por planta e por parcela e distribuição de grãos de diferentes tamanhos na massa produzida.
Fatores de risco que afetam a produção de sementes em Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. (Convolvulaceae) foram avaliados em 10 praias da Ilha de Santa Catarina, SC. Ipomoea pes-caprae é auto-incompatÃvel, possui longos estolões, com difÃcil individualização dos genetas em campo. Assim, manchas de I. pes-caprae foram monitoradas, sendo definidas como áreas ocupadas pela espécie, descontÃnuas entre si. Nestas, 9,4% a 76,0% das inflorescências estavam abortadas. Soterramentos causaram perda de botões e frutos, mas a ineficiência de polinização parece explicar a grande taxa de abortos após a floração. A predação de sementes pelas larvas dos bruquÃdeos Megacerus baeri e M. reticulatus e por lagartas da mariposa Ephestia kuhniella foi expressiva. Os bruquÃdeos ovipõem preferencialmente em frutos em amadurecimento, danificando até 65,7% das sementes produzidas nas manchas. Ephestia kuhniella danificou até 57,4% das sementes em 1996 e até 5,4% em 1997, ano com menor abundância de frutos. Frutos com mariposa não abrem para dispersão, permanecendo três meses e meio presos à planta. As sementes intactas destes frutos são viáveis e com sobrevivência de plântulas similar à s provindas de frutos sem infestação. Os danos registrados podem reduzir as sementes viáveis a 9% do total produzido, estimando-se de 0,5 a 30,6 sementes viáveis m-2 nas manchas estudadas. As maiores densidades de sementes viáveis ocorreram nas manchas com mais frutos, reforçando como vantajosa, uma alta produção de frutos. A baixa densidade de sementes viáveis encontradas em algumas localidades talvez possa comprometer a regeneração local da espécie.
A field experiment with millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) and groundnut (Arachnis hypogeae L.) was conducted on severely P-deficient acid sandy soils of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso to measure changes in pH and nutrient availability as affected by distance from the root surface and by mineral fertiliser application. Treatments included three rates of phosphorus (P) and four levels of nitrogen (N) application. Bulk, rhizosphere and rhizoplane soils were sampled at 35, 45 and 75 DAS in 1997 and at 55 and 65 DAS in 1998. Regardless of the cropping system and level of mineral fertiliser applied, soil pH consistently increased between 0.7 and two units from the bulk soil to the rhizoplane of millet. Similar pH gradients were observed in cowpea, but pH changes were much smaller in sorghum with a difference of only 0.3 units. Shifts in pH led to large increases in nutrient availability close to the roots. Compared with the bulk soil, available P in the rhizoplane was between 190 and 270% higher for P-Bray and between 360 and 600% higher for P-water. Exchangeable calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) levels were also higher in the millet rhizoplane than in the bulk soil, whereas exchangeable aluminium (Al) levels decreased with increasing pH close to the root surface. The results suggest an important role of root-induced pH increases for crops to cope with acidity-induced nutrient deficiency and Al stress of soils in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa.
The use of crop residues (CR) has been widely reported as a means of increasing crop yields across West Africa. However, little has been done to compare the magnitude and mechanisms of CR effects systematically in the different agro-ecological zones of the region. To this end, a series of field trials with millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], and maize (Zea mays L.) was conducted over a 4-yr period in the Sahelian, Sudanian, and Guinean zones of West Africa. Soils ranged in pH from 4.1 to 5.4 along a rainfall gradient from 510 to 1300 mm. Treatments in the factorial experiments were three CR rates (0,500, and 2000 kg ha^-1)and several levels of phosphorus and nitrogen. The results showed CR-induced total dry matter (TDM) increases in cereals up to 73% for the Sahel compared with a maximum of 16% in the wetter Sudanian and Guinean zones. Residue effects on weakly buffered Sahelian soils were due to improved P availability and to a protection of seedlings against wind erosion. Additional effects of CR mulching on topsoil properties in the Sahel were a decrease in peak temperatures by 4°C and increased water availability. These mulch effects on soil chemical and physical properties strongly decreased from North to South. Likely explanations for this decrease are the decline of dust deposition and wind erosion hazards, the higher soil clay content, lower air temperature, and a faster decomposition rate of mulch material with increasing rainfall from the Sahel to the Sudanian and Guinean zones.
In ago-pastoral systems of the semi-arid West African Sahel, targeted applications of ruminant manure to the cropland is a widespread practice to maintain soil productivity. However, studies exploring the decomposition and mineralisation processes of manure under farmers' conditions are scarce. The present research in south-west Niger was undertaken to examine the role of micro-organisms and meso-fauna on in situ release rates of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) from cattle and sheep-goat manure collected from village corrals during the rainy season. The results show tha (1) macro-organisms played a dominant role in the initial phase of manure decomposition; (2) manure decomposition was faster on crusted than on sandy soils; (3) throughout the study N and P release rates closely followed the dry matter decomposition; (4) during the first 6 weeks after application the K concentration in the manure declined much faster than N or P. At the applied dry matter rate of 18.8 Mg ha^-1, the quantities of N, P and K released from the manure during the rainy season were up to 10-fold larger than the annual nutrient uptake of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.), the dominant crop in the traditional agro-pastoral systems. The results indicate considerable nutrient losses with the scarce but heavy rainfalls which could be alleviated by smaller rates of manure application. Those, however, would require a more labour intensive system of corralling or manure distribution.