913 resultados para Pedro Antonio Cerviño


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Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services are emerging as context-awareness solutions to support elderly people?s autonomy. The context-aware paradigm makes applications more user-adaptive. In this way, context and user models expressed in ontologies are employed by applications to describe user and environment characteristics. The rapid advance of technology allows creating context server to relieve applications of context reasoning techniques. Specifically, the Next Generation Networks (NGN) provides by means of the presence service a framework to manage the current user's state as well as the user's profile information extracted from Internet and mobile context. This paper propose a user modeling ontology for AAL services which can be deployed in a NGN environment with the aim at adapting their functionalities to the elderly's context information and state.


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El progresivo envejecimiento de la población está produciendo una elevada demanda de servicios socio‐asistenciales por parte de las personas mayores para mantener su vida independiente y el consiguiente “envejecimiento activo”. La iniciativa Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) promueve el “envejecimiento activo” a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) y es en ella donde se centrará el trabajo de esta tesis doctoral. Una característica fundamental de los servicios AAL es su adaptación y personalización a las características y preferencias del usuario y su contexto. Así, el paradigma “context awareness” presenta una gran relevancia en la provisión de servicios AAL y en el soporte a la vida independiente de las personas mayores. Concretamente, la utilización de ontologías permite crear modelos de usuarios y contexto que pueden ser utilizadas para los mecanismos de razonamiento incluidos en los servicios context‐aware. Por otra parte, los usuarios actualmente precisan acceder a un conjunto de servicios desde cualquier red de acceso y desde cualquier dispositivo. Las redes de próxima generación (Next Generation Networks‐NGN) lo hacen posible pues ofrecen una convergencia dispositivo‐red‐servicio. La tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) es una arquitectura que implementa el paradigma NGN y ofrece una serie de servicios de red genéricos llamados servicios habilitadores o enablers que pueden ser reutilizados en cualquier aplicación, soportando mecanismos de interoperabilidad entre aplicaciones y permitiendo un desarrollo robusto, rápido y sencillo. Además, los servicios enablers permiten mecanismos de gestión de la información de usuario para realizar una provisión adaptada del servicio en función de la información del estado del usuario. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centra en establecer un marco de convergencia entre estos dos campos diseñando y desarrollando un conjunto de servicios enablers soportados en una arquitectura IMS implementada para soportar la provisión de aplicaciones AAL bajo el paradigma context‐awareness y la triple convergencia reddispositivo‐ servicio cubriendo así las necesidades y requisitos de las personas mayores. Entre las aportaciones de la presente tesis se destaca la realización de un modelo de plataforma servicios AAL, denominado Residencia Virtual Asistiva, para su provisión en el domicilio de la persona mayor, así como la propuesta de implementación de sus servicios a través de servicios enablers. Por otra parte se define una ontología destinada a modelar servicios AAL así como sus usuarios (personas mayores) para lograr una provisión personalizada y adaptada de servicios AAL. Esta ontología se ha implementado a través del servicio de presencia de la arquitectura IMS para poder crear perfiles de usuario y así poder realizar dicha provisión personalizada. Además, se desarrolla una aplicación de teleconsulta, como ejemplo de servicio AAL, que utiliza una serie de servicios enablers desarrollados para ofrecer funcionalidades avanzadas a la aplicación. Bajo el paradigma contex‐awareness se ha desarrollado y evaluado técnicamente un servicio enabler para ofrecer soporte a la movilidad y a la independencia de las personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo que sufren episodios de desorientación espacial. ABSTRACT The progressive ageing of the population is making elderly people demand sociohealthcare services to maintain an independent living and therefore an “active ageing”. The initiative Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), on which the current PhD thesis is focused, promotes the “active ageing” by means of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Essential features of AAL services are the adaptation and personalization to the user’s characteristics and preferences as well as user’s context. Thus, the “context‐awareness” paradigm implies a great importance in the AAL service provision and the elderly independent living support. In particular, the usage of ontologies allows creating user and contexts models to be employed in the reasoning mechanism of context‐aware services. On the other hand, users currently require accessing to a set of services from anywhere and any device. Next‐Generation Networks (NGN) support this need by offering a service‐network‐device convergence. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) technology is an architecture that implements the NGN paradigm and offers a generic network services know as service enabler which can be reused by any application supporting application interoperability mechanism as well as allowing a simple, fast and robust application development. Furthermore, the service enablers offer user’s information management procedures to achieve and adapt service provision considering the user’s status. The objective of this PhD thesis is focused on establishing a convergence framework between these two previous fields by designing and developing a group of service enablers that will be deployed in an IMS architecture. The enablers developed will support the AAL applications provision from the context‐awareness paradigm and service‐network‐device convergence in order to cover the elderly people’s requirements and needs. Among the contributions achieved in this PhD thesis, the definition of an AAL platform service model, named as “Assited Virtual Nursing Home”, for being deployed in the older adult home is emphasised. In addition, a proposal of service enablers to support the AAL service defined in the model is made. Otherwise, an ontology is defined to model AAL services as well as their users with the aim at achieve a personalized and adapted AAL service. This ontology has been implemented by means of the IMS service presence in order to create users profiles to be used in the personalized AAL services. As an example of AAL service, a teleconsulting application has been developed to employ a group of service enablers developed using a set of advanced functionalities. Considering the context‐paradigm, a service enabler has been developed and technologically evaluated to support the mobility and independence of elderly people with mild cognitive impairment who suffers spatial disorientation episodes.


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Pedro Antonio de la Puente es seudónimo de Antonio Ponz


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Pedro Antonio de la Puente es seud. de Antonio Ponz y Piquer


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Within the technological framework of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), consumers are currently requesting multimedia services with simplicity of use, reliability, security and service availability through mobile and fixed access. Network operators are proposing the Next Generation Networks (NGN) to address the challenges of providing both services and network convergence. Apart from these considerations, there is a need to provide social and healthcare assistance services in order to support the progressive aging in the elderly population. In order to achieve this objective, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) initiative proposes ICT systems and services to promote autonomy and an independent life among the elderly. This paper describes the design and implementation of a group of services, called “service enablers”, which helps AAL applications to be supported in NGN. The presented enablers are identified to support the teleconsulting applications requirements in an NGN environment, involving the implementation of a virtual waiting room, a virtual whiteboard, a multimedia multiconference and a vital-signs monitoring presence status. A use case is defined and implemented to evaluate the developed enablers' performance.


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The progressive ageing of population has turned the mild cognitive impairment (MCI) into a prevalent disease suffered by elderly. Consequently, the spatial disorientation has become a significant problem for older people and their caregivers. The ambient-assisted living applications are offering location-based services for empowering elderly to go outside and encouraging a greater independence. Therefore, this paper describes the design and technical evaluation of a location-awareness service enabler aimed at supporting and managing probable wandering situations of a person with MCI. Through the presence capabilities of the IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) architecture, the service will alert patient's contacts if a hazardous situation is detected depending on his location. Furthermore, information about the older person's security areas has been included in the user profile managed by IMS. In doing so, the service enabler introduced contribute to “context-awareness” paradigm allowing the adaptation and personalization of services depending on user's context and specific conditions or preferences.


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The increasing ageing population is demanding new care approaches to maintain the quality of life of elderly people. Informal carers are becoming crucial agents in the care and support of elderly people, which can lead to those carers suffering from additional stress due to competing priorities with employment or due to lack of knowledge about elderly people?s care needs. Thus, support and stress relief in carers should be a key issue in the home-care process of these older adults. Considering this context, this work presents the iCarer project aimed at developing a personalized and adaptive platform to offer informal carers support by means of monitoring their activities of daily care and psychological state, as well as providing an orientation to help them improve the care provided. Additionally, iCarer will provide e-Learning services and an informal carers learning network. As a result, carers will be able to expand their knowledge, supported by the experience provided by expert counsellors and fellow carers. Additionally, the coordination between formal and informal carers will be improved, offering the informal carers flexibility to organize and combine their assistance and social activities.


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El aumento de las personas con discapacidad está demandando la aparición de nuevos modelos de cuidado en los que el cuidador informal desarrolle un papel fundamental como fuente de provisión de cuidados. La falta de preparación del cuidador junto con los frecuentes episodios de estrés y depresión que sufren ante la elevada carga psicológica y laboral, tienen un impacto muy negativo tanto en la condición del cuidador como en las tareas de cuidado. Con el objetivo de mejorar los cuidados provistos y la calidad de vida de los cuidadores informales surge la plataforma CareCloud. Esta plataforma proporciona al cuidador informal servicios destinados a la provisión de contenidos personalizados de formación sobre los distintos cuidados que prestan a sus familiares. Además, permite la gestión de los cuidados a través de servicios de coordinación entre distintos cuidadores, así como procedimientos de evaluación del cuidado que permitan detectar problemas ocurridos en la asistencia prestada.


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Al comienzo del texto esc. xil. de Valencia


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Este trabajo aborda el tema del acceso abierto (open access) de la literatura científica. Se analizan las declaraciones sobre las que se basan sus cimientos y las estrategias existentes para la difusión del conocimiento. Así mismo, se tratan las iniciativas que colaboran con este fin: los repositorios, los directorios de repositorios de acceso abierto y las licencias abiertas (open licenses). Por último, se pone de manifiesto la relación que existe entre el movimiento de acceso abierto y las iniciativas relacionadas con los recursos educativos abiertos.


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This paper studies the use of directories of open access repositories worldwide (DOARW) to search Spanish repositories containing learning objects in the field of building engineering (BE). Results show that DOARW are powerful tools, but deficiencies (indicated in this study) have to be solved in order to obtain more accurate searches, and to facilitate repository-finding for potential users who are seeking learning objects (LOs) for reuse. Aiming to contribute to the promotion of the reuse of Spanish LOs, this study exposes to the academic community all existing Spanish repositories with LOs, and in particular, the repositories that contain LOs in the field of BE. This paper also studies the critical mass of available content (LOs) in the field of BE in Spain. It has been found to be low.


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Se ha realizado una investigación acerca del uso del ordenador y de los objetos de aprendizaje que utilizan los estudiantes en una asignatura de Arquitectura Técnica de la Universidad de Alicante. Para ello, se ha creado un instrumento que analiza la utilidad percibida de los objetos de aprendizaje en la adquisición de las competencias y las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia el uso del ordenador. Los análisis realizados indican que el instrumento de medición elaborado es fiable y válido. La validez de contenido del instrumento se analizó a través del juicio de expertos (validez general del cuestionario = .912, p-valor = .000). La validez de constructo se estudió a través del análisis de su estructura interna, sometiendo a un análisis factorial los ítems de la versión definitiva del cuestionario (se identificaron cuatro factores que juntos explicaron el 45.65% de la varianza). La fiabilidad del instrumento se analizó calculando su consistencia interna por medio del coeficiente alpha de Cronbach (? para el total de la escala = .90).