992 resultados para Pediatrics.


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Esta pesquisa refere-se ao desenvolvimento de um novo sistema triagem ou classificação de risco para os serviços de urgências e emergências pediátricas e ao estudo de validade e confiabilidade deste instrumento. O primeiro tópico trata de conceitos e fundamentos relacionados à triagem e evidencia a complexidade do tema em vários aspectos. O segundo tópico apresenta as justificativas para o desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de classificação de risco para o contexto de saúde brasileiro, diante das inadequações de se adotar sistemas idealizados em países com desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural diversos. O terceiro tópico apresenta os objetivos da pesquisa: rever o estado da arte em relação à validade e confiabilidade de sistemas de triagem em crianças, descrever o desenvolvimento de um sistema brasileiro de classificação de risco para urgências e emergências pediátricas e estudar a validade e confiabilidade do novo instrumento. O quarto tópico é uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a validade e confiabilidade dos sistemas de triagem utilizados na população pediátrica. Localizaram-se estudos sobre sete sistemas de triagem desenvolvidos no Canadá, Reino Unido, EUA, Austrália, Escandinávia e África do Sul. Constatou-se a dificuldade de se comparar o desempenho de diferentes instrumentos, devido à heterogeneidade dos desfechos, das populações e dos contextos de saúde estudados. O quinto tópico descreve o processo de desenvolvimento de um instrumento brasileiro de classificação de risco em pediatria, CLARIPED, a partir do consenso entre especialistas e pré-testes. Justificou-se a escolha da Escala Sul Africana de Triagem como referência, pela sua simplicidade e objetividade e pela semelhança socioeconômica e demográfica entre os dois países. Introduziram-se várias modificações, mantendo-se a mesma logística do processo de triagem em duas etapas: aferição de parâmetros fisiológicos e verificação da presença de discriminadores de urgência. O sexto tópico se refere ao estudo prospectivo de validade e confiabilidade do CLARIPED no setor de emergência pediátrica de um hospital terciário brasileiro, no período de abril a julho de 2013. Uma boa validade de construto convergente foi confirmada pela associação entre os níveis de urgência atribuídos pelo CLARIPED e os desfechos evolutivos utilizados como proxies de urgência (utilização de recursos, hospitalização, admissão na sala de observação e tempo de permanência no setor de emergência). A comparação entre o CLARIPED e o padrão de referência mostrou boa sensibilidade de 0,89 (IC95%=0,78-0,95) e especificidade de 0,98 (IC95%=0,97-0,99) para diagnosticar elevada urgência. A confiabilidade interobservadores, resultou num kappa ponderado quadrático substancial de 0,75 (IC95%: 0,74-0,79). O sétimo e último tópico tece considerações finais sobre dois aspectos: a insuficiência de evidências científicas sobre os sistemas de triagem na população pediátrica e a oportunidade e relevância de se desenvolver um sistema brasileiro de classificação de risco para urgências e emergências pediátricas, válido e confiável, com possibilidades de adoção em âmbito nacional.


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Early growth response-1 (Egr-1) is expressed in human airways and found to modulate tumor necrosis factor, immunoglobulin E (IgE), airway responsiveness, and interleukin-13-induced inflammation in mice. We investigated the effects of Chinese-tagging singl


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The aim of the present study was to assess the factors which may influence the timing of the introduction of solid food to infants. The design was a prospective cohort study by interview and postal questionnaire. Primiparous women (n 541) aged between 16 and 40 years were approached in the Forth Park Maternity Hospital, Fife, Scotland. Of these, 526 women agreed to participate and seventy-eight were used as subjects in the pilot study. At 12 weeks we interviewed 338 women of the study sample. The postal questionnaire was returned by 286 of 448 volunteers. At 12 weeks 133 of 338 mothers said that they had introduced solids. Those that said that they had introduced solids early (<12 weeks) were compared with those who had introduced solids late (>12 weeks) by bivariate and multiple regression analysis. Psychosocial factors influencing the decision were measured with the main outcome measure being the time of introduction of solid food. The early introduction of solids was found to be associated with: the opinions of the infant's maternal grandmother; living in a deprived area; personal disagreement with the advice to wait until the baby was 4 months; lack of encouragement from friends to wait until the baby was 4 months; being in receipt of free samples of manufactured food. Answers to open-ended questions indicated that the early introduction appeared to be influenced by the mothers’ perceptions of the baby's needs. Some of the factors influencing a woman's decision to introduce solids are amenable to change, and these could be targeted in educational interventions.


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The objective of this study is to compare the incidence and epidemiology of bacteremic community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the setting of changes in 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) coverage. In the region of Madrid, universal immunization with the PCV13 started in May 2010. In July 2012, public funding ceased. Vaccination coverage decreased from >95% to 82% in 2013 and to 67% in 2014. We performed a multicenter surveillance and case-control study from 2009-2014. Cases were hospitalized children with bacteremic CAP. Controls were children selected 1:1 from next-admitted with negative blood cultures and typical, presumed bacterial CAP. Annual incidence of bacteremic CAP declined from 7.9/100 000 children (95% CI 5.1-11.1) in 2009 to 2.1/100 000 children (95% CI 1.1-4.1) in 2012. In 2014, 2 years after PCV13 was withdrawn from the universal vaccination program, the incidence of bacteremic CAP increased to 5.4/100 000 children (95% CI 3.5-8.4). We enrolled 113 cases and 113 controls. Streptococcus pneumoniae caused most of bloodstream infections (78%). Empyema was associated with bacteremia (P = .003, OR 3.6; 95% CI 1.4-8.9). Simple parapneumonic effusion was not associated with bacteremia. Incomplete PCV immunization was not a risk factor for bacteremic pneumonia.


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In countries where the incidence of tuberculosis is low, perinatal tuberculosis is seldom diagnosed. With increasing numbers of human immunodeficiency virus-infected people and increasing immigrant population from high tuberculosis incidence countries, one might expect perinatal tuberculosis to become more frequent. Early recognition of newborns at risk for perinatal tuberculosis infection is of utmost importance to prevent disease by chemoprophylaxis. We describe a case of latent perinatal tuberculosis infection in a newborn infected from a mother with extrapulmonary primary tuberculosis. Tuberculin skin test was negative, and latent tuberculosis infection was eventually diagnosed by specific immunological tests. We discuss the difficulties in diagnosis of recent tuberculosis infection in neonates and infants, and the risk factors for vertical transmission of tuberculosis, which need to be taken into account in considering the need for chemoprophylaxis in the newborn. Although perinatal TB infection is a rare condition and diagnosis is difficult due to poor diagnostic testing in pregnancy and newborns, a high index of suspicion is needed to limit the diagnostic delay and to avoid progression to perinatal TB disease.


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CONTEXT: In 1997, Congress authorized the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to grant 6-month extensions of marketing rights through the Pediatric Exclusivity Program if industry sponsors complete FDA-requested pediatric trials. The program has been praised for creating incentives for studies in children and has been criticized as a "windfall" to the innovator drug industry. This critique has been a substantial part of congressional debate on the program, which is due to expire in 2007. OBJECTIVE: To quantify the economic return to industry for completing pediatric exclusivity trials. DESIGN AND SETTING: A cohort study of programs conducted for pediatric exclusivity. Nine drugs that were granted pediatric exclusivity were selected. From the final study reports submitted to the FDA (2002-2004), key elements of the clinical trial design and study operations were obtained, and the cost of performing each study was estimated and converted into estimates of after-tax cash outflows. Three-year market sales were obtained and converted into estimates of after-tax cash inflows based on 6 months of additional market protection. Net economic return (cash inflows minus outflows) and net return-to-costs ratio (net economic return divided by cash outflows) for each product were then calculated. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Net economic return and net return-to-cost ratio. RESULTS: The indications studied reflect a broad representation of the program: asthma, tumors, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, hypertension, depression/generalized anxiety disorder, diabetes mellitus, gastroesophageal reflux, bacterial infection, and bone mineralization. The distribution of net economic return for 6 months of exclusivity varied substantially among products (net economic return ranged from -$8.9 million to $507.9 million and net return-to-cost ratio ranged from -0.68 to 73.63). CONCLUSIONS: The economic return for pediatric exclusivity is variable. As an incentive to complete much-needed clinical trials in children, pediatric exclusivity can generate lucrative returns or produce more modest returns on investment.


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Background: Considerable variation in the prevalence of childhood asthma and its symptoms (wheezing) has been observed in previous studies and there is evidence that the prevalence has been increasing over time. Methods: We have systematically reviewed the reported prevalence and time trends of wheezing symptoms among children, worldwide and within the same country over time. All studies comprising more than 1000 persons and meeting certain other quality criteria published over a 16-year period, between January 1990 and December 2005, are reported and a comparison of ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) and non-ISAAC studies is made, in part as a way of expanding the power to examine time trends (the older studies tend to be non-ISAAC), but also to examine possible methodological differences between ISAAC and non-ISAAC questions. Results: A wide range of current prevalence of wheeze was observed between and within countries over time. The UK had the highest recorded prevalence of 32.2% in children aged 13–14 in 1994–5 and Ethiopia had the lowest prevalence, 1.7% in children aged 10–19 in 1996. All studies in Australia and the UK were compared using multiple logistic regression. ISAAC phase I and III studies reported significantly higher prevalence of current wheeze (OR = 1.638) compared with non-ISAAC studies, after adjusting for various other factors (country, survey year, age of child, parental vs child response to the survey). Australia showed a significantly higher prevalence of current wheezing (OR = 1.343) compared with the UK, there was a significant increase in the prevalence odds ratio per survey year (2.5% per year), a significant decrease per age of child (0.7% per year), and a significantly higher response in current wheezing if the response was self-completed by the child (OR = 1.290). These factors, when explored separately for ISAAC and non-ISAAC studies, showed very different results. In ISAAC studies, or non-ISAAC studies using ISAAC questions, there was a significant decrease in current wheezing prevalence over time (2.5% per year). In non-ISAAC studies, which tend to cover an earlier period, there was a significant increase (2.6% per year) in current wheezing prevalence over time. This is very likely to be a result of prevalence of wheezing increasing from the 1970s up to the early 1990s, but decreasing since then. Conclusion: The UK has the highest recorded prevalence of wheezing and Ethiopia the lowest. Prevalence of wheezing in Australia and the UK has increased from the 1970s up to the early 1990s, but decreased since then and ISAAC studies report significantly higher prevalences than non-ISAAC studies.


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Numerous studies have investigated the benefits of respite to families with a disabled child. Far fewer have examined the effects on the child and none have systematically compared information about this from different sources. Reports of behavioural reactions and views on distress were gathered from parents, teachers and respite staff. Children were also asked for their views. Over half the children (54%) were reported to show medium or strong negative reactions lasting for 1 or more days by a parent or teacher. Reported reactions varied widely between home and school and no concordance was found between parents, teachers and respite staff groups regarding distress. Some children's views differed from those of their parent or teacher. The findings highlight the extent of differences in perspectives and suggest the need for greater awareness of the possible distress to children attending respite. This is discussed in relation to factors such as the potential conflict of interests between parents and children, communication and behavioural difficulties, and the context in which the child is observed.


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[Letter to the editor of BJLD]


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Children and young people account for a quarter of all patients treated in emergency departments in the UK, with three million children attending emergency departments every year. Emergency Care of Children and Young People prepares practitioners for the challenges of caring for children in emergency departments. Children requiring emergency care have unique and differing needs and may not respond or cooperate during an initial assessment as an adult would.