932 resultados para Pedestrian crossing
We address the problem of high-resolution reconstruction in frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT). The traditional method employed uses the inverse discrete Fourier transform, which is limited in resolution due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We propose a reconstruction technique based on zero-crossing (ZC) interval analysis. The motivation for our approach lies in the observation that, for a multilayered specimen, the backscattered signal may be expressed as a sum of sinusoids, and each sinusoid manifests as a peak in the FDOCT reconstruction. The successive ZC intervals of a sinusoid exhibit high consistency, with the intervals being inversely related to the frequency of the sinusoid. The statistics of the ZC intervals are used for detecting the frequencies present in the input signal. The noise robustness of the proposed technique is improved by using a cosine-modulated filter bank for separating the input into different frequency bands, and the ZC analysis is carried out on each band separately. The design of the filter bank requires the design of a prototype, which we accomplish using a Kaiser window approach. We show that the proposed method gives good results on synthesized and experimental data. The resolution is enhanced, and noise robustness is higher compared with the standard Fourier reconstruction. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America
A $k$-box $B=(R_1,...,R_k)$, where each $R_i$ is a closed interval on the real line, is defined to be the Cartesian product $R_1\times R_2\times ...\times R_k$. If each $R_i$ is a unit length interval, we call $B$ a $k$-cube. Boxicity of a graph $G$, denoted as $\boxi(G)$, is the minimum integer $k$ such that $G$ is an intersection graph of $k$-boxes. Similarly, the cubicity of $G$, denoted as $\cubi(G)$, is the minimum integer $k$ such that $G$ is an intersection graph of $k$-cubes. It was shown in [L. Sunil Chandran, Mathew C. Francis, and Naveen Sivadasan: Representing graphs as the intersection of axis-parallel cubes. MCDES-2008, IISc Centenary Conference, available at CoRR, abs/cs/ 0607092, 2006.] that, for a graph $G$ with maximum degree $\Delta$, $\cubi(G)\leq \lceil 4(\Delta +1)\log n\rceil$. In this paper, we show that, for a $k$-degenerate graph $G$, $\cubi(G) \leq (k+2) \lceil 2e \log n \rceil$. Since $k$ is at most $\Delta$ and can be much lower, this clearly is a stronger result. This bound is tight. We also give an efficient deterministic algorithm that runs in $O(n^2k)$ time to output a $8k(\lceil 2.42 \log n\rceil + 1)$ dimensional cube representation for $G$. An important consequence of the above result is that if the crossing number of a graph $G$ is $t$, then $\boxi(G)$ is $O(t^{1/4}{\lceil\log t\rceil}^{3/4})$ . This bound is tight up to a factor of $O((\log t)^{1/4})$. We also show that, if $G$ has $n$ vertices, then $\cubi(G)$ is $O(\log n + t^{1/4}\log t)$. Using our bound for the cubicity of $k$-degenerate graphs we show that cubicity of almost all graphs in $\mathcal{G}(n,m)$ model is $O(d_{av}\log n)$, where $d_{av}$ denotes the average degree of the graph under consideration. model is O(davlogn).
Shoe-mounted inertial sensors offer a convenient way to track pedestrians in situations where other localization systems fail. This tutorial outlines a simple yet effective approach for implementing a reasonably accurate tracker. This Web extra presents the Matlab implementation and a few sample recordings for implementing the pedestrian inertial tracking system using an error-state Kalman filter for zero-velocity updates (ZUPTs) and orientation estimation.
We establish zero-crossing rate (ZCR) relations between the input and the subbands of a maximally decimated M-channel power complementary analysis filterbank when the input is a stationary Gaussian process. The ZCR at lag is defined as the number of sign changes between the samples of a sequence and its 1-sample shifted version, normalized by the sequence length. We derive the relationship between the ZCR of the Gaussian process at lags that are integer multiples of Al and the subband ZCRs. Based on this result, we propose a robust iterative autocorrelation estimator for a signal consisting of a sum of sinusoids of fixed amplitudes and uniformly distributed random phases. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed estimator is better than the sample autocorrelation over the SNR range of -6 to 15 dB. Validation on a segment of a trumpet signal showed similar performance gains.
Crossing the Threshold, one of a series of advice and guidance publications, is designed to support use of the online e-Portfolio Implementation Toolkit and video case studies by those involved in wide-scale implementation of e-portfolios in their institutions. As the resources address the needs of both managers and practitioners, the publication has relevance for a wide range of readers in further and higher education and work-based learning. To assist the planning and effective management of a large-scale e-portfolio implementation, Crossing the Threshold follows the stages of an implementation journey with insights and guidance drawn from the toolkit and its supporting case studies. Links are provided throughout the publication to more detailed information in the two online resources.
I. Crossing transformations constitute a group of permutations under which the scattering amplitude is invariant. Using Mandelstem's analyticity, we decompose the amplitude into irreducible representations of this group. The usual quantum numbers, such as isospin or SU(3), are "crossing-invariant". Thus no higher symmetry is generated by crossing itself. However, elimination of certain quantum numbers in intermediate states is not crossing-invariant, and higher symmetries have to be introduced to make it possible. The current literature on exchange degeneracy is a manifestation of this statement. To exemplify application of our analysis, we show how, starting with SU(3) invariance, one can use crossing and the absence of exotic channels to derive the quark-model picture of the tensor nonet. No detailed dynamical input is used.
II. A dispersion relation calculation of the real parts of forward π±p and K±p scattering amplitudes is carried out under the assumption of constant total cross sections in the Serpukhov energy range. Comparison with existing experimental results as well as predictions for future high energy experiments are presented and discussed. Electromagnetic effects are found to be too small to account for the expected difference between the π-p and π+p total cross sections at higher energies.
Este trabalho de pesquisa apresenta como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de investigação experimental dinâmica sobre estrutura real de uma passarela tubular mista aço-concreto. O sistema estrutural objeto deste trabalho corresponde a uma passarela composta por três vãos (32,5m, 17,5m e 20,0m, respectivamente) e dois balanços (7,50m e 5,0m, respectivamente), com comprimento total de 82,5m. A passarela com estrutura contínua de aço com as ligações soldadas se apoia em quatro pórticos também de aço. Estruturalmente está constituída por duas treliças planas que se interligam através de contraventamentos horizontais fixados na corda superior e inferior da treliça e lajes de concreto, formando um sistema misto com interação completa. A estrutura está submetida correntemente à travessia de pedestres e ciclistas. Testes experimentais foram realizados sobre o sistema estrutural e confrontados com resultados numéricos. Para a modelagem numérica do sistema são empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos (MEF), por meio do programa ANSYS. Os resultados experimentais são analisados de acordo com a metodologia desenvolvida, sendo realizada análise modal experimental para a determinação das propriedades dinâmicas: freqüências, modos e taxa de amortecimento, enquanto que os resultados da estrutura, em termos de aceleração de pico, são comparados com os valores limites propostos por diversos autores, normas e recomendações de projeto, para uma avaliação do desempenho da estrutura em relação a vibração quando solicitada pelo caminhar dos pedestres no que diz respeito a critério para conforto humano.
Observation shows that the watershed-scale models in common use in the United States (US) differ from those used in the European Union (EU). The question arises whether the difference in model use is due to familiarity or necessity. Do conditions in each continent require the use of unique watershed-scale models, or are models sufficiently customizable that independent development of models that serve the same purpose (e.g., continuous/event- based, lumped/distributed, field-Awatershed-scale) is unnecessary? This paper explores this question through the application of two continuous, semi-distributed, watershed-scale models (HSPF and HBV-INCA) to a rural catchment in southern England. The Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) model is in wide use in the United States. The Integrated Catchments (INCA) model has been used extensively in Europe, and particularly in England. The results of simulation from both models are presented herein. Both models performed adequately according to the criteria set for them. This suggests that there was not a necessity to have alternative, yet similar, models. This partially supports a general conclusion that resources should be devoted towards training in the use of existing models rather than development of new models that serve a similar purpose to existing models. A further comparison of water quality predictions from both models may alter this conclusion.