950 resultados para Patrick Van
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1. Pesquisamos a atividade antibacteriana em 14 amostras de Aspergillus niger da National Collection of Type Cultures. 2. Em meio de Raulin e Mosseray, sete amostras apresentaram atividade total, nunca superior a 1:10, contra Staphylococcus aureus nº 553, sendo que as amostras 1.161 e 2.390 permaneceram ativas por mais de 40 dias. 3. A utilização do meio de Czapek-Dox com 5% de "corn-steep" não melhorou os resultados obtidos com o meio de Raulin e Mosseray. 4. No meio de levedo peptonado, todas as amostras apresentaram-se inativas.
Ascarophis brasiliensis recovered from the stomach of Trachinotus carolinus (L. 1766), is proposed as a new species and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pereirai Annereaux, 1946 is redescribed from a new host: Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steind., 1875). A. brasiliensis is more closely related to A. crassicolis Dollfus & Campana-Rouget, 1956, from which it differs mainly by the absence of cervical cuticular expansion and size of the eggs. The new species is also compared to A. cooperi johnston & Mawson, 1945 and A. girellae (Yamaguti, 1935) Campana-rouget, 1955. The validity of the proposed species is discussed.
Otodistomum cestoides (van Beneden, 1871) (Azygiidae: Digenea) is reported for the first time from Psammobatis scobina and Raja flavirostris. The skates were caught off the coast of San Antonio, Chile.
Inversion Analytics es una herramienta para facilitar el análisis en inversiones que se planteen en pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas, en el que se plasmará toda la información necesaria para determinar los valores que entran en juego en la inversión. La aplicación realiza esta función mediante el cálculo de VAN (Valor Actual Neto) y TIR (Tasa Interna de Rentabilidad) de una inversión determinada, a partir de la información introducida por el usuario y teniendo en cuenta los distintos métodos de amortización de la inversión inicial, así como los distintos enfoques o supuestos en el que clasificaremos el horizonte temporal de la misma.
Currently, the most widely used criteria for assessing response to therapy in high-grade gliomas are based on two-dimensional tumor measurements on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in conjunction with clinical assessment and corticosteroid dose (the Macdonald Criteria). It is increasingly apparent that there are significant limitations to these criteria, which only address the contrast-enhancing component of the tumor. For example, chemoradiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastomas results in transient increase in tumor enhancement (pseudoprogression) in 20% to 30% of patients, which is difficult to differentiate from true tumor progression. Antiangiogenic agents produce high radiographic response rates, as defined by a rapid decrease in contrast enhancement on CT/MRI that occurs within days of initiation of treatment and that is partly a result of reduced vascular permeability to contrast agents rather than a true antitumor effect. In addition, a subset of patients treated with antiangiogenic agents develop tumor recurrence characterized by an increase in the nonenhancing component depicted on T2-weighted/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequences. The recognition that contrast enhancement is nonspecific and may not always be a true surrogate of tumor response and the need to account for the nonenhancing component of the tumor mandate that new criteria be developed and validated to permit accurate assessment of the efficacy of novel therapies. The Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology Working Group is an international effort to develop new standardized response criteria for clinical trials in brain tumors. In this proposal, we present the recommendations for updated response criteria for high-grade gliomas.