931 resultados para Patient-reported outcomes


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Problématique : La satisfaction des patients et la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire (OHRQoL) sont deux mesures de résultats fréquemment utilisées durant les études cliniques. Néanmoins, chez les patients totalement édentés, les évidences scientifiques relatives au niveau de relation entre ces deux mesures sont faibles. De plus, on ignore toujours quels éléments de la satisfaction des patients relativement à leurs prothèses partagent la meilleure relation avec la OHRQoL. Objectifs : Déterminer, chez les patients totalement édentés, s’il existe un lien entre leur satisfaction de leurs prothèses et leur OHRQoL et identifier les déterminants de satisfaction qui démontrent le meilleur niveau de relation avec la OHRQoL. Méthodologie : Les données provenant de 255 patients totalement édentés qui ont participé à une étude randomisée et contrôlée ont été utilisées. La OHRQoL a été évaluée à l’aide du questionnaire Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-20). Le McGill Denture Satisfaction Instrument a été utilisé pour estimer la satisfaction des patients. Ces mesures ont été prises au temps initial, à 6 mois et à 12 mois suivants la mise en bouche des prothèses. Des analyses statistiques de régression linéaire simples et multiples ont été utilisées afin d’évaluer la relation entre les deux mesures. Résultats : Une relation positive et considérable existe entre la satisfaction des patients totalement édentés et leur OHRQoL. La difficulté masticatoire (P = .005) et la condition buccale (P = .002) sont les éléments de la satisfaction qui possèdent le meilleur lien avec la OHRQoL. Ces deux facteurs expliquent 46.4% (P = .0001) de la variance dans l’amélioration d’OHIP suivant un traitement prosthodontique. La relation décrite est dépendante du temps, mais pas du type de traitement ni des variables sociodémographiques. Conclusions : Dans les limites de l’étude, il est conclu qu’une relation positive existe entre la satisfaction des patients et leur OHRQoL. La difficulté masticatoire et la condition buccale sont les deux éléments de la satisfaction les plus importants.


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Problématique : La majorité des études publiées sur la réhabilitation par mise en charge immédiate de deux implants non jumelés avec une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement n’ont rapporté que des mesures cliniques objectives et très peu ont évalué les mesures centrées sur le patient, et ce, avec des erreurs de mesure. Aucune étude n’a évalué les attentes des patients vis-à-vis d'un tel protocole. Objectifs : Évaluer les attentes, le niveau de satisfaction ainsi que la qualité de vie reliée à la santé bucco-dentaire des édentés complets suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate. Méthodologie : Cet essai clinique de phase 1 utilise un design pré-post afin d’évaluer les mesures centrées sur le patient. Dix-huit individus, complètement édentés et âgés en moyenne de 62,39 ± 7,65 ans, ont reçu une prothèse totale mandibulaire de recouvrement sur deux implants non jumelés suite à un protocole de mise en charge immédiate, conjointement à une prothèse totale conventionnelle maxillaire. Un instrument adapté pour mesurer leurs attentes à l’aide d’échelles visuelles analogues, le questionnaire « McGill Denture Satisfaction Instrument » ainsi que le questionnaire OHIP-20 ont été remis aux patients avant de procéder aux traitements (T0), ainsi qu’aux rendez-vous de suivi à 2 semaines (T1), 1 mois (T2) et 4 mois (T3). De plus, l’inventaire de personnalité révisé (NÉO PI-R) ainsi qu’un questionnaire sociodémographique ont été remplis par les participants. Les « change scores » ont été calculés puis des tests non paramétriques et des analyses de variances en mesures répétées suivies de comparaisons par paires ont été utilisés afin d’analyser les données recueillies. La taille d’effet a été estimée. Résultats : Les participants avaient différentes attentes par rapport à la mise en charge immédiate. Certains s’attendaient à un effet positif à court terme par rapport à leur apparence esthétique (83,3 %) et à leur vie sociale (55,7 %), alors que d’autres avaient des craintes envers leur confort (5,6 %), leur habileté à mastiquer (11,1 %) et à nettoyer leur prothèse inférieure (11,1 %). À 4 mois, le protocole de mise en charge immédiate avait rencontré la majorité des attentes des patients par rapport à l’esthétique (94.4 %), la mastication (83.3 %), la phonétique (61.1 %), le confort (94.4 %), l’hygiène (88.9 %) et leur vie sociale (88.9 %). Une amélioration statistiquement significative de la satisfaction en générale, du confort, de l’esthétique, de la stabilité de la prothèse inférieure et de l’habileté à mastiquer a été notée à 2 semaines (p<0,001). Également, les comparaisons par paires ont révélé une diminution statistiquement significative du score total de l’OHIP-20 (p < 0,001) de même que la majorité des domaines de l’OHIP (p < 0.01), sauf pour l’handicap social qui n’a diminué significativement qu’après 1 mois (p = 0.01). Ces changements (pour la satisfaction et la qualité de vie) sont restés stables au cours des suivis subséquents. Indépendamment des traits de personnalité et des variables sociodémographiques, le protocole immédiat a satisfait 94,4 % des participants et a amélioré leur qualité de vie avec une large magnitude d’effet (d = 1.9; p < 0.001). Bien que deux patients aient perdu des implants au cours du traitement, 100 % des participants étaient d’accord pour recommander cette procédure à leurs pairs. Conclusions: Le protocole de mise en charge immédiate semble satisfaire les patients quelles que soient leurs attentes. Le protocole MCI peut améliorer, à court terme, la qualité de vie des patients totalement édentés. Les résultats prometteurs de la phase 1 devraient être corroborés lors de la 2e phase de cette étude.


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INTRODUCTION Breast reconstruction is routinely offered to women who undergo mastectomy for breast cancer. However, patient-reported outcomes are mixed. Child abuse has enduring effects on adults’ well-being and body image. As part of a study into damaging effects of abuse on adjustment to breast cancer, we examined: (i) whether women with history of abuse would be more likely than other women to opt for reconstruction; and (ii) whether mood problems in women opting for reconstruction can be explained by greater prevalence of abuse. PATIENTS AND METHODS We recruited 355 women within 2-4 days after surgery for primary breast cancer; 104 had mastectomy alone and 29 opted for reconstruction. Using standardised questionnaires, women self-reported emotional distress and recollections of childhood sexual abuse. Self-report of distress was repeated 12 months later. RESULTS Women who had reconstruction were younger than those who did not. Controlling for this, they reported greater prevalence of abuse and more distress than those having mastectomy alone. They were also more depressed postoperatively, and this effect remained significant after controlling for abuse. CONCLUSIONS One interpretation of these findings is that history of abuse influences women's decisions about responding to the threat of mastectomy, but it is premature to draw inferences for practice until the findings are replicated. If they are replicated, it will be important to recognise increased vulnerability of some patients who choose reconstruction. Studying the characteristics and needs of women who opt for immediate reconstruction and examining the implications for women's adjustment should be a priority for research.


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Objective : This study examined the classical pre-intervention/post-intervention assessment (pre–post) and the single post-intervention transition question assessment (transition question) to determine how well these methods reflected qualitative interview–based participant-reported outcomes from chronic disease self-management education programs (CDSMEPs).

Study Design and Setting :
A mixed-method qualitative and quantitative approach was applied in 25 interviews with participants recruited from CDSMEPs within Australia. Qualitative interviews with participants were used as a relative “gold standard” and compared with questionnaire-based pre–post and transition question assessments.

Results : Comparison of the two questionnaire-based assessments showed that most of the individual paired responses were discordant (61%). Using participant's qualitative narratives as a “true” indicator, the pre–post assessment was found on more occasions to be discordant with participant-reported outcomes than the transition question. The origin of the inconsistency was largely because of a change in respondents' perspective that had occurred after pretest, which was mediated by CDSMEPs' experiences and insights.

Conclusion : This study suggests that the pre–post assessment has poor validity for the assessment of health education program outcomes. Alternative assessments, such as the transition question, may result in a more accurate reflection of the impact of such programs on participants.


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Hypoglycemia is the commonest and most serious side-effect of insulin treatment for Type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The prevalence of hypoglycemia is lower in insulin-treated Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) than in T1DM but the prevalence increases with duration of insulin therapy and increasingly resembles T1DM. As hypoglycemia has not been widely recognised to affect people with T2DM, its impact on quality of life (QoL) has received little attention.

A systematic literature review was performed to identify empirical papers published in English since 1966 reporting the effect of hypoglycemia on any patient-reported outcomes (PROs), including QoL, in T2DM. Despite our specific interest in QoL, the inclusion criteria were defined broadly to encompass a range of self-assessed psychosocial outcomes, including generic and diabetes-specific QoL, emotional well-being and health utilities. Studies were excluded in which the impact of hypoglycemia was confounded by treatment effects. Our search included: MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL. Abstracts were screened independently by two investigators.

Of 2,469 abstracts, Thirty-one met the inclusion criteria and were subjected to data extraction and analysis. These comprised four controlled trials and twenty-seven others (including cross-sectional and health utility studies). The results indicate associations between the experience of hypoglycemia and a range of adverse PROs, including impaired QoL and well-being, higher levels of anxiety, depression and anger and loss of health utility. Fear of hypoglycemia was also associated with compensatory lifestyle limitations and changes.

Publications suggest that QoL and other psychosocial outcomes are impaired by the experience and/or fear of hypoglycemia in T2DM, however, very few studies have directly investigated this phenomenon to date. Interpretation of the evidence is hampered by inconsistent or inadequate definitions and measurement of both hypoglycemia and QoL outcomes, by confounding of the impact of hypoglycemia and by treatment factors. Targeted research using appropriate study design is needed to quantify and qualify the true impact of hypoglycemia on QoL in people with T2DM.


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Clinical trials of new agents to reduce the severity and impact of influenza require accurate assessment of the effect of influenza infection. Because there are limited high-quality adult influenza Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) measures, the aim was to develop and validate a simple but comprehensive questionnaire for epidemiological research and clinical trials.


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Clinical trials of new agents to reduce the severity and impact of influenza require accurate assessment of the effect of influenza infection. Because there are limited high-quality adult influenza Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) measures, the aim was to develop and validate a simple but comprehensive questionnaire for epidemiological research and clinical trials.

Construct and item generation was guided by the literature, concept mapping, focus groups, and interviews with individuals with laboratory-confirmed influenza and expert physicians. Items were administered to 311 people with influenza-like illness (ILI) across 25 US sites. Analyses included classic psychometrics, structural equation modeling (SEM), and Rasch analyses.

Concept mapping generated 149 concepts covering the influenza experience and clustered into symptoms and impact on daily activities, emotions, and others. Items were drafted using simplicity and brevity criteria. Eleven symptoms from the literature underwent review by physicians and patients, and two were removed and one added. The symptoms domain factored into systemic and respiratory symptoms, whereas the impact domains were unidimensional. All domains displayed good internal consistency (Cronbach α ≥ 0.8) except the three-item respiratory domain (α = 0.48). A five-factor SEM indicated excellent fit where systemic, respiratory, and daily activities domains differentiated patients with ILI or confirmed influenza. All scales were responsive over time.

Patient and clinician consultations resulted in an influenza PRO measure with high validity and good overall evidence of reliability and responsiveness. The Influenza Intensity and Impact Questionnaire (FluiiQ™) will improve the evaluation of existing and future agents designed to prevent or control influenza infection by increasing the breadth and depth of measurement in this field.


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Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are particularly relevant in influenza vaccine trials in the elderly where reduction in symptom severity could prevent illness-related functional impairment.


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Pediatric palliative care randomized controlled trials (PPC-RCTs) are uncommon.


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Since there was no Portuguese questionnaire to evaluate cutaneous allodynia, which has been pointed out as a risk factor of migraine, we aimed to perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the 12 item Allodynia Symptom Checklist for the Brazilian population and to test its measurement properties. It consisted in six stages: translation, synthesis, back translation, revision by a specialist committee, pretest and submission the documents to the committee. In the pretest stage, the questionnaire was applied to 30 migraineurs of both sexes, who had some difficulty in understanding it. Thus, a second version was applied to 30 additional subjects, with no difficulties being reported. The mean filling out time was 3'36", and the internal consistency was 0.76. To test reproducibility, 15 other subjects filled out the questionnaire at two different times, it was classified as moderate (weighted kappa=0.58). We made available to Brazilian population an easy, quick and reliable questionnaire.


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Background:In the BIG 1-98 trial objective cognitive function improved in postmenopausal women 1 year after cessation of adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer. This report evaluates changes in subjective cognitive function (SCF).Methods:One hundred postmenopausal women, randomised to receive 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen, letrozole, or a sequence of the two, completed self-reported measures on SCF, psychological distress, fatigue, and quality of life during the fifth year of trial treatment (year 5) and 1 year after treatment completion (year 6). Changes between years 5 and 6 were evaluated using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Subjective cognitive function and its correlates were explored.Results:Subjective cognitive function and the other patient-reported outcomes did not change significantly after cessation of endocrine therapy with the exception of improvement for hot flushes (P=0.0005). No difference in changes was found between women taking tamoxifen or letrozole. Subjective cognitive function was the only psychosocial outcome with a substantial correlation between year 5 and 6 (Spearman's R=0.80). Correlations between SCF and the other patient-reported outcomes were generally low.Conclusion:Improved objective cognitive function but not SCF occur following cessation of adjuvant endocrine therapy in the BIG 1-98 trial. The substantial correlation of SCF scores over time may represent a stable attribute.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 24 April 2012; doi:10.1038/bjc.2012.156 www.bjcancer.com.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the initiation of and response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors for axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) in private rheumatology practices versus academic centers. METHODS We compared newly initiated TNF inhibition for axSpA in 363 patients enrolled in private practices with 100 patients recruited in 6 university hospitals within the Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) cohort. RESULTS All patients had been treated with ≥ 1 nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug and > 70% of patients had a baseline Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) ≥ 4 before anti-TNF agent initiation. The proportion of patients with nonradiographic axSpA (nr-axSpA) treated with TNF inhibitors was higher in hospitals versus private practices (30.4% vs 18.7%, p = 0.02). The burden of disease as assessed by patient-reported outcomes at baseline was slightly higher in the hospital setting. Mean levels (± SD) of the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score were, however, virtually identical in private practices and academic centers (3.4 ± 1.0 vs 3.4 ± 0.9, p = 0.68). An Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS40) response at 1 year was reached for ankylosing spondylitis in 51.7% in private practices and 52.9% in university hospitals (p = 1.0) and for nr-axSpA in 27.5% versus 25.0%, respectively (p = 1.0). CONCLUSION With the exception of a lower proportion of patients with nr-axSpA newly treated with anti-TNF agents in private practices in comparison to academic centers, adherence to ASAS treatment recommendations for TNF inhibition was equally high, and similar response rates to TNF blockers were achieved in both clinical settings.


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OBJECTIVES Clinical benefit response (CBR), based on changes in pain, Karnofsky performance status, and weight, is an established palliative endpoint in trials for advanced gastrointestinal cancer. We investigated whether CBR is associated with survival, and whether CBR reflects a wide-enough range of domains to adequately capture patients' perception. METHODS CBR was prospectively evaluated in an international phase III chemotherapy trial in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer (n = 311) in parallel with patient-reported outcomes (PROs). RESULTS The median time to treatment failure was 3.4 months (range: 0-6). The majority of the CBRs (n = 39) were noted in patients who received chemotherapy for at least 5 months. Patients with CBR (n = 62) had longer survival than non-responders (n = 182) (hazard ratio = 0.69; 95% confidence interval: 0.51-0.94; p = 0.013). CBR was predicted with a sensitivity and specificity of 77-80% by various combinations of 3 mainly physical PROs. A comparison between the duration of CBR (n = 62, median = 8 months, range = 4-31) and clinically meaningful improvements in the PROs (n = 100-116; medians = 9-11 months, range = 4-24) showed similar intervals. CONCLUSION CBR is associated with survival and mainly reflects physical domains. Within phase III chemotherapy trials for advanced gastrointestinal cancer, CBR can be replaced by a PRO evaluation, without losing substantial information but gaining complementary information.


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BACKGROUND Treatment of furcation defects is a core component of periodontal therapy. The goal of this consensus report is to critically appraise the evidence and to subsequently present interpretive conclusions regarding the effectiveness of regenerative therapy for the treatment of furcation defects and recommendations for future research in this area. METHODS A systematic review was conducted before the consensus meeting. This review aims to evaluate and present the available evidence regarding the effectiveness of different regenerative approaches for the treatment of furcation defects in specific clinical scenarios compared with conventional surgical therapy. During the meeting, the outcomes of the systematic review, as well as other pertinent sources of evidence, were discussed by a committee of nine members. The consensus group members submitted additional material for consideration by the group in advance and at the time of the meeting. The group agreed on a comprehensive summary of the evidence and also formulated recommendations for the treatment of furcation defects via regenerative therapies and the conduction of future studies. RESULTS Histologic proof of periodontal regeneration after the application of a combined regenerative therapy for the treatment of maxillary facial, mesial, distal, and mandibular facial or lingual Class II furcation defects has been demonstrated in several studies. Evidence of histologic periodontal regeneration in mandibular Class III defects is limited to one case report. Favorable outcomes after regenerative therapy for maxillary Class III furcation defects are limited to clinical case reports. In Class I furcation defects, regenerative therapy may be beneficial in certain clinical scenarios, although generally Class I furcation defects may be treated predictably with non-regenerative therapies. There is a paucity of data regarding quantifiable patient-reported outcomes after surgical treatment of furcation defects. CONCLUSIONS Based on the available evidence, it was concluded that regenerative therapy is a viable option to achieve predictable outcomes for the treatment of furcation defects in certain clinical scenarios. Future research should test the efficacy of novel regenerative approaches that have the potential to enhance the effectiveness of therapy in clinical scenarios associated historically with less predictable outcomes. Additionally, future studies should place emphasis on histologic demonstration of periodontal regeneration in humans and also include validated patient-reported outcomes. CLINICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the prevailing evidence, the following clinical recommendations could be offered. 1) Periodontal regeneration has been established as a viable therapeutic option for the treatment of various furcation defects, among which Class II defects represent a highly predictable scenario. Hence, regenerative periodontal therapy should be considered before resective therapy or extraction; 2) The application of a combined therapeutic approach (i.e., barrier, bone replacement graft with or without biologics) appears to offer an advantage over monotherapeutic algorithms; 3) To achieve predictable regenerative outcomes in the treatment of furcation defects, adverse systemic and local factors should be evaluated and controlled when possible; 4) Stringent postoperative care and subsequent supportive periodontal therapy are essential to achieve sustainable long-term regenerative outcomes.