870 resultados para Parenting Dimensions
The information gathered with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) are of great value in endovascular techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of IVUS when measuring vessel dimensions by comparison with an established reference method. The left carotid artery was exposed in 4 pigs (45-55 kg) and two piezoelectric crystals were sutured on the adventitia in the same cross-sectional plane. The distance between them was measured either by IVUS and by sonomicrometers. The mean distance between the two crystals calculated by the sonomicrometer was 4.7+/-0.4 mm (mean systolic distance was 4.9+/-0.2 mm, mean diastolic distance was 4.6+/-0.1 mm). The mean distance between the two targets calculated by IVUS was 4. 5+/-0.2 mm (mean systolic distance was 4.6+/-0.2 mm and mean diastolic 4.4+/-0.2 mm). Regression analysis of the two series of data shows a R(2)=0.9984. IVUS measurements are an average 5% smaller than sonomicrometer measurements (3.6% up to 8.3%) and the difference is statistically significant ( p <0.05). The underestimation of IVUS measurements will affect the accuracy, and probably the long-term outcome, of endovascular procedures.
OBJECTIVE: To identify which physician and patient characteristics are associated with physicians' estimation of their patient social status.DESIGN: Cross-sectional ulticentric survey. SETTING: Fourty-seven primary care private offices in Western Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Random sample of 2030 patients ≥ 16, who encountered a general practitioner (GP) between September 2010 and February 2011. MAIN MEASURES: PRIMARY OUTCOME: patient social status perceived by GPs, using the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status, ranging from the bottom (0) to the top (10) of the social scale.Secondary outcome: Difference between GP's evaluation and patient's own evaluation of their social status. Potential patient correlates: material and social deprivation using the DiPCare-Q, health status using the EQ-5D, sources of income, and level of education. GP characteristics: opinion regarding patients' deprivation and its influence on health and care. RESULTS: To evaluate patient social status, GPs considered the material, social, and health aspects of deprivation, along with education level, and amount and type of income. GPs declaring a frequent reflexive consideration of their own prejudice towards deprived patients, gave a higher estimation of patients' social status (+1.0, p = 0.002). Choosing a less costly treatment for deprived patients was associated with a lower estimation (-0.7, p = 0.002). GP's evaluation of patient social status was 0.5 point higher than the patient's own estimate (p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: GPs can perceive the various dimensions of patient social status, although heterogeneously, according partly to their own characteristics. Compared to patients' own evaluation, GPs overestimate patient social status.
Three-dimensional models of organ biogenesis have recently flourished. They promote a balance between stem/progenitor cell expansion and differentiation without the constraints of flat tissue culture vessels, allowing for autonomous self-organization of cells. Such models allow the formation of miniature organs in a dish and are emerging for the pancreas, starting from embryonic progenitors and adult cells. This review focuses on the currently available systems and how these allow new types of questions to be addressed. We discuss the expected advancements including their potential to study human pancreas development and function as well as to develop diabetes models and therapeutic cells.
OBJECTIVE: To better understand the structure of the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) instrument. More specifically to test all published validation models, using one single data set and appropriate statistical tools. DESIGN: Validation study using data from cross-sectional survey. PARTICIPANTS: A population-based sample of non-institutionalized adults with diabetes residing in Switzerland (canton of Vaud). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: French version of the 20-items PACIC instrument (5-point response scale). We conducted validation analyses using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The original five-dimension model and other published models were tested with three types of CFA: based on (i) a Pearson estimator of variance-covariance matrix, (ii) a polychoric correlation matrix and (iii) a likelihood estimation with a multinomial distribution for the manifest variables. All models were assessed using loadings and goodness-of-fit measures. RESULTS: The analytical sample included 406 patients. Mean age was 64.4 years and 59% were men. Median of item responses varied between 1 and 4 (range 1-5), and range of missing values was between 5.7 and 12.3%. Strong floor and ceiling effects were present. Even though loadings of the tested models were relatively high, the only model showing acceptable fit was the 11-item single-dimension model. PACIC was associated with the expected variables of the field. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the model considering 11 items in a single dimension exhibited the best fit for our data. A single score, in complement to the consideration of single-item results, might be used instead of the five dimensions usually described.
The objective of the study was to validate the content of the dimensions that constituted nonadherence to treatment of arterial systemic hypertension. It was a methodological study of content validation. Initially an integrative review was conducted that demonstrated four dimensions of nonadherence: person, disease/treatment, health service, and environment. Definitions of these dimensions were evaluated by 17 professionals, who were specialists in the area, including: nurses, pharmacists and physicians. The Content Validity Index was calculated for each dimension (IVCi) and the set of the dimensions (IVCt), and the binomial test was conducted. The results permitted the validation of the dimensions with an IVCt of 0.88, demonstrating reasonable systematic comprehension of the phenomena of nonadherence.
Gray (1988) has put forward a hypothesis on how a national accountingenvironment might reflect the cultural dimensions identified by Hofstede (1980, 1983). A number of studies have tested Gray's hypothesis, including one by Pourjalali and Meek (1995) which identified a match between changes in cultural dimensions and the accounting environment in Iran following the revolution. In this paper we replicate this work in the context of Spain following the death of Franco in 1975 and the emergence of a democratic constitution in 1978. Specifically, we: 1) Consider Gray's hypothesis built on Hofstede's cultural dimensions and review some empirical tests of the hypotheses.2) Building on the work of Hofstede and Gray, we: put forward some hypotheses on how we would expect cultural dimensions to change in Spain with the transition to democracy.3) Review developments in accounting in Spain following the transition to democracy, in order to identify how well these fit with our hypotheses.
Cette recherche investigue l'impact de la transition à la parentalité sur l'identité conjugale. Afin de mettre en évidence les bouleversements induits par l'arrivée du premier enfant sur le système-couple, deux groupes de sujets ont constitué notre échantillon : des couples parents d'un premier enfant âgé de 9 à 12 mois et des couples sans enfant mais avec une durée de vie commune équivalente au premier groupe. Chaque couple a été rencontré dans le cadre d'un unique entretien. Leur première tâche a été de décrire leurs vies de couple passée et actuelle au travers de valeurs et devises. Un questionnaire créé pour cette recherche a ensuite permis d'évaluer la représentation des conjoints quant à l'évolution de leur couple, et ce sur la base de cinq dimensions à même de caractériser la manière d'être ensemble des conjoints. Finalement, les jeunes parents ont participé à un entretien semi-directif afin de témoigner des changements personnels et de couple vécus dans le cadre de la transition à la parentalité. Des analyses qualitatives et quantitatives basées sur les données récoltées au travers de nos trois outils révèlent plusieurs résultats. Les conjoints sans enfant décrivent avant tout leur couple comme un cocon au sein duquel deux individus autonomes trouvent refuge et réconfort. Les jeunes parents se démarquent quant à eux par une diminution de leur sentiment d'indépendance, reflet de la nécessaire collaboration propre au co-parentage. Une analyse des entretiens semi-structurés croisée avec l'évaluation du degré de satisfaction conjugale permet le constat suivant : la diminution avérée de la satisfaction conjugale lors de la transition à la parentalité n'est pas strictement associée aux bouleversements conjugaux. Ce déclin lors de l'arrivée et de l'accueil du premier enfant semble en effet être également en lien avec une difficile articulation, chez chaque partenaire, de leurs identités personnelle, conjugale, parentale et socio-professionnelle. - This research investigates the impact of the transition to parenthood on marital identity. To highlight the changes brought about by the arrival of the first child on the couple, two groups of subjects constituted our sample: couples with a first child of 9 to 12 months and childless couples but with a period of cohabitation equivalent to that of the first group. Each couple was interviewed once only. Their first task was to describe their lives as a couple past and present through values and principles. A questionnaire devised for this research was then used to evaluate partners' responses regarding the evolution of their relationship, this based on five criteria to characterise the couples' way of being together. Finally, young parents participated in a semi- structured interview to describe personal changes and those as a couple experienced in the transition to parenthood. Qualitative and quantitative analyses based on data collected through our three tools reveal several results. Spouses without children describe their relationship primarily as a cocoon in which two autonomous individuals find refuge and comfort. Young parents differ in reducing their feelings of independence, reflecting the collaborative needs specific to co-parenting. An analysis of the semi- structured interviews crossed with the assessment of marital satisfaction gives rise to the following observation: the pronounced reduction in marital satisfaction during the transition to parenthood is not strictly associated with marital disruption. This decline upon the arrival of the first child seems to be in line with a difficult balance for each partner between their personal, marital, parental and socio- professional identities.