400 resultados para Parasympathetic tonus
Leite fresco-crú ou fervido nenhuma acção exerce sobre o tonus de uma preparação de intestino isolado e perfundido, entretanto determina augmento bastante apreciavel da amplitude das contracções rhythmicas. O leite fermentado, natural ou experimentalmente, pela proliferação de bacilos coli ou aerogenes, por espaço de 6 a 24 horas, em estufa a 37° C., determina muitas vezes augmento consideravel do tonus do segmento de intestino, bem assim augmento da amplitude das oscilações phasicas, em todo caso, uma e outra alteração mostrando-se de modo menos energico do que já observaramos com os filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli. A acção sobre o tonus não parece depender da acidez do leite fermentado, desde que ella não desapparece com a neutralisação do leite. De outro lado, uma solução de acído lactíco do mesmo theôr encontrado no leite fermentado, expresso em graus Dornic, não determina augmento do tonus da preparação. O aquecimento até 115° C., ou o resfriamento prolongado a + 3° C., não supprime a actividade do leite fermentado natural - ou artificialmente, no que concerne seus efeitos sobre tonus da preparação de intestino isolado, facto analogo tendo sido já por nós observado com os filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli. A ingestão prévia de filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli, ou de leite fermentado experimentalmente por esse germe, parece determinar uma maior reactividade do segmento de intestino, o que se póde averiguar pelas reacções mais promptas e mais energicas, quando dos ensaios in-vitro com leite fermentado experimentalmente com bacillo coli, em confronto com as experiencias realisadas com intestino de coelhos normaes. O mesmo facto já havia sido por nós observado com os filtrados de culturas antigas de bacillo coli.
On peut distinguer dans la préparation de l'intestin grêle des mammifères, isolé et en perfusion, deux fonctions élémentaires: 1) le tonus du muscle lisse; 2) l'activité rythmique et automatique de ce muscle (automatisme rythmique). L'activité rythmique et automatique de la préparation de l'intestin grêle ne dépend pas directement du tonus de la préparation, comme on peut le démonter par nombre de faits d'observation. Ainsi, par exemple, les oscilations rythmiques peuvent persister au moment d'altérations brusques du tonus de la préparation du muscle de l'instestin grêle, qu'elles soient positives (augmentation du tonus), ou négatives (diminution du tonus). Ce fait démontre d'une façon sure l'indèpendance des deux fonctions et temoigne de l'existence de substrata histologiques spécifiques attribués á chacune des deux fonctions élémentaires de l'intestin grêle isolé et en perfusion. Le plexus d'AUERBACH ne doit pas être consideré comme le substratum anatomique de la fonction automatique de l'intestin grêle. Le substratutum de l'activité rythmique et automatique de l'intestin parait être réprésenté par le réseau de cellules de la paroi de l'intestin, décrites par S. RAMON Y CAJAL sous le non de cellules intersticielles.
Empirical evidence supports the hypothesis that emotional states might contribute to cardiovascular disease and health through multiple pathways. To the extent that the acute cardiovascular response to emotional events plays a role in cardiovascular health and disease, an essential step in order to understand this possible link is to define the hemodynamic response to affective challenges. This was the aim of the present study. We assessed blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), stroke volume (SV), cardiac output, and total peripheral resistance (TPR) in response to 13 picture series in 18 men and 19 women (mean age 26) in order to investigate their hemodynamic responses associated with activation of the appetitive and defensive motivational systems underlying emotional experience. The hemodynamic parameters were recorded by finger-cuff photoplethysmography with Finometer™ (FMS Finapres Medical Systems, Amsterdam) and electrocardiography with the Lifeshirt system (VivoMetrics Inc., Ventura, California). Participants rated self-perceived pleasantness and arousal for each series. In men, BP and SV, but not TPR, increased with increasing self-rated arousal both for appetitive and defensive activation, whereas in women these relationships were almost absent, especially, for defensive activation. HR decelerated more in response to negative than positive and neutral pictures, and more so in men than women. These findings indicate striking sex differences. In particular, it is suggested that the sympathetic inotropic effect to the heart increases with increasing self-rated arousal strongly in men but only weakly in women. Regardless of sex differences, the modulation of the cardiovascular response to affective pictures along the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal is primarily myocardial, and the pattern of cardiovascular response is consistent with a configuration of cardiac sympathetic-parasympathetic coactivation. One possible implication of the observed sex differences concerns the link between affective states and cardiovascular health and disease. Men have a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases than premenopausal women, and exaggerated sympathetic reactivity to emotional events is a potential pathophysiological mechanism. These findings extend current knowledge showing that under several acute behavioral challenges men demonstrate stronger cardiovascular reactivity than women.
To assess the role of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) in glucose homeostasis, we investigated glucose metabolism in knockout mice deficient of this receptor subtype (alpha1b-AR-/-). Mutant mice had normal blood glucose and insulin levels, but elevated leptin concentrations in the fed state. During the transition to fasting, glucose and insulin blood concentrations remained markedly elevated for at least 6 h and returned to control levels after 24 h whereas leptin levels remained high at all times. Hyperinsulinemia in the post-absorptive phase was normalized by atropine or methylatropine indicating an elevated parasympathetic activity on the pancreatic beta cells, which was associated with increased levels of hypothalamic NPY mRNA. Euglycemic clamps at both low and high insulin infusion rates revealed whole body insulin resistance with reduced muscle glycogen synthesis and impaired suppression of endogenous glucose production at the low insulin infusion rate. The liver glycogen stores were 2-fold higher in the fed state in the alpha1b-AR-/- compared with control mice, but were mobilized at the same rate during the fed to fast transition or following glucagon injections. Finally, high fat feeding for one month increased glucose intolerance and body weight in the alpha1b-AR-/-, but not in control mice. Altogether, our results indicate that in the absence of the alpha1b-AR the expression of hypotalamic NPY and the parasympathetic nervous activity are both increased resulting in hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance as well as favoring obesity and glucose intolerance development during high fat feeding.
Objectif : Les variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls (AOP) dérivées du signal de l'oxymètre de pouls digital reflètent les variations du tonus sympathique durant le sommeil. Le but de cette étude était de démontrer la relation entre les chutes de l'AOP nocturnes et l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) ainsi que le diabète de type 2. Méthode: 1740 sujets (50.5 % de femmes, de 56.2 ± 10.5 ans, BMI 25.4 ± 4.4 kg/m2) participant à une étude de cohorte sur le sommeil (HypnoLaus) ont bénéficié d'un enregistrement polysomnographique complet (PSG) à domicile. L'index de chutes de l'AOP (AOPi) et la durée des chutes de l'AOP (AOPd) ont été mesurés pour chaque patient. Le diabète de type 2 a été défini par une glycémie à jeun de ≥ 7 mmol/L ou la prise d'un traitement antidiabétique. Une HTA a été définie par une TA systolique ≥ 130 mmHg, ou une TA diastolique ≥ 90 mmHg, ou la prise d'un traitement antihypertenseur. Les sujets ont été considérés comme n'ayant pas de troubles du sommeil s'ils avaient < 5 apnéeshypopnées/ heure (IAH), <15 mouvements périodiques des jambes/heure (IMPJ) et un score de somnolence d'Epworth <11/24. Résultats : L'AOPi moyen dans la population sans trouble du sommeil était de 40.2 ± 15.8 chutes/h. L'AOPd moyenne était de 13.7 ± 2.6 s. L'AOPd était significativement corrélée à la TA systolique (P=0.0038) et à la TA diastolique (P<0.0001). La prévalence d'HTA augmentait significativement avec l'AOPd (OR 1.66 (1.15 - 2.4) ; P <0.01). La prévalence de diabète de type 2 augmentait également significativement avec l'AOPd (OR 2.27 (1.46 - 5.75) ; P<0.01). Ces résultats restent significatifs indépendamment du sexe, de l'âge, du tour de cou ou de la taille, de la consommation d'alcool ou de tabac. Comparé avec d'autres marqueurs de fractionnement du sommeil, l'AOPd était le marqueur le plus significativement associé à l'HTA et au diabète de type 2. L'AOPi n'était pas associé à une augmentation du diabète ou de l'HTA. Il était par contre corrélé avec l'index apnées hypopnées (p < 0.0001) et de microréveils (p<0.0001). Conclusion : La durée des variations de l'amplitude de l'onde pouls pendant le sommeil (AOPd), et non sa fréquence (AOPi), est associée avec une augmentation de prévalence de diabète de type 2 et d'hypertension.
Glucose-sensing neurons in the brainstem participate in the regulation of energy homeostasis but have been poorly characterized because of the lack of specific markers to identify them. Here we show that GLUT2-expressing neurons of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius form a distinct population of hypoglycemia-activated neurons. Their response to low glucose is mediated by reduced intracellular glucose metabolism, increased AMP-activated protein kinase activity, and closure of leak K(+) channels. These are GABAergic neurons that send projections to the vagal motor nucleus. Light-induced stimulation of channelrhodospin-expressing GLUT2 neurons in vivo led to increased parasympathetic nerve firing and glucagon secretion. Thus GLUT2 neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius link hypoglycemia detection to counterregulatory response. These results may help identify the cause of hypoglycemia-associated autonomic failure, a major threat in the insulin treatment of diabetes.
Introduction: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) may be used to treat severe depression and needs a specific general anaesthesia. Important cardiovascular changes occur during the ECT with a parasympathetic induced bradycardia followed by a sympathetic response. A dedicated protocol was designed 6 years ago. The goal of this study was to analyse the management of anaesthesia for ECT in our institution, the adherence to the protocol and the occurrence of adverse events during anaesthesia. Methods: After Institutional Ethics Committee approval, we conducted a retrospective analysis of our anaesthesia protocol for patients scheduled for electroshock therapy during a five years period (2004- 2008). The protocol includes administration of atropine subcutaneously 30 minutes before the procedure, followed by general anaesthesia induced with etomidate (0.2 mg/kg). Suxamethonium (1 mg/kg) is administered after the inflation of a pneumatic tourniquet on the opposite arm, in order to observe the electroshocks convulsive effects. The psychiatrist initiates the convulsive crisis once curarisation is achieved. Face mask ventilation is then applied during the post-ictal phase with closed blood pressure monitoring. : 228 ECT were performed in 25 patients. The median dosage of etomidate was 0.37 mg/kg and suxamethonium 1.20 mg/kg. Hypertension during the ECT procedure was present in 62.7% of cases, tachycardia 23.2% and bradycardia 10.5%. Esmolol was administered in 73.4% of hypertensive patients in a range of 0 to 30 mg. The protocol was followed in half of the cases in regards to atropine administration (50.4%). We observed a significant increase of hypertension (73.9%, p = 0.001) after atropine administration, without effect on heart rate. Conclusions: The management of anaesthesia for ECT is specific and follows a predefined protocol in our institution. Adherence to our protocol was poor. Adverse events are frequent and significant association between the administration of atropine and the incidence of hypertension as well as poor protocol adherence implies reconsideration of our anaesthesia protocol for electroconvulsive therapy and better quality control of the clinical practice.
Gastric lipase (HGL) contributes significantly to fat digestion. However, little is known about its neurohormonal regulation in humans. We studied the role of CCK and cholinergic mechanisms in the postprandial regulation of HGL and pancreatic lipase (HPL) secretion in six healthy subjects. Gastric emptying of a mixed meal and outputs of HGL, pepsin, acid, and HPL were determined with a double-indicator technique. Three experiments were performed in random order: intravenous infusion of 1) placebo, 2) low-dose atropine (5 micrograms.kg-.h-1), and 3) the CCK-A receptor antagonist loxiglumide (22 mumol.kg-.h-1). Atropine decreased postprandial outputs of HGL, pepsin, gastric acid, and HPL (P < 0.03) while slowing gastric emptying (P < 0.05). Loxiglumide markedly increased the secretion of HGL, pepsin, and acid while distinctly reducing HPL outputs and accelerating gastric emptying (P < 0.03). Plasma CCK and gastrin levels increased during loxiglumide infusion (P < 0.03). Atropine enhanced gastrin but not CCK release. Postprandial HGL, pepsin, and acid secretion are under positive cholinergic but negative CCK control, whereas HPL is stimulated by cholinergic and CCK mechanisms. We conclude that CCK and cholinergic mechanisms have an important role in the coordination of HGL and HPL secretion to optimize digestion of dietary lipids in humans.
The glucose transporter isoform GLUT2 is expressed in liver, intestine, kidney and pancreatic islet beta cells, as well as in the central nervous system, in neurons, astrocytes and tanycytes. Physiological studies of genetically modified mice have revealed a role for GLUT2 in several regulatory mechanisms. In pancreatic beta cells, GLUT2 is required for glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. In hepatocytes, suppression of GLUT2 expression revealed the existence of an unsuspected glucose output pathway that may depend on a membrane traffic-dependent mechanism. GLUT2 expression is nevertheless required for the physiological control of glucose-sensitive genes, and its inactivation in the liver leads to impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, revealing a liver-beta cell axis, which is likely to be dependent on bile acids controlling beta cell secretion capacity. In the nervous system, GLUT2-dependent glucose sensing controls feeding, thermoregulation and pancreatic islet cell mass and function, as well as sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. Electrophysiological and optogenetic techniques established that Glut2 (also known as Slc2a2)-expressing neurons of the nucleus tractus solitarius can be activated by hypoglycaemia to stimulate glucagon secretion. In humans, inactivating mutations in GLUT2 cause Fanconi-Bickel syndrome, which is characterised by hepatomegaly and kidney disease; defects in insulin secretion are rare in adult patients, but GLUT2 mutations cause transient neonatal diabetes. Genome-wide association studies have reported that GLUT2 variants increase the risks of fasting hyperglycaemia, transition to type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolaemia and cardiovascular diseases. Individuals with a missense mutation in GLUT2 show preference for sugar-containing foods. We will discuss how studies in mice help interpret the role of GLUT2 in human physiology.
The brain, and in particular the hypothalamus and brainstem, have been recognized for decades as important centers for the homeostatic control of feeding, energy expenditure, and glucose homeostasis. These structures contain neurons and neuronal circuits that may be directly or indirectly activated or inhibited by glucose, lipids, or amino acids. The detection by neurons of these nutrient cues may become deregulated, and possibly cause metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Thus, there is a major interest in identifying these neurons, how they respond to nutrients, the neuronal circuits they form, and the physiological function they control. Here I will review some aspects of glucose sensing by the brain. The brain is responsive to both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, and the glucose sensing cells involved are distributed in several anatomical sites that are connected to each other. These eventually control the activity of the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system, which regulates the function of peripheral organs such as liver, white and brown fat, muscle, and pancreatic islets alpha and beta cells. There is now evidence for an extreme diversity in the sensing mechanisms used, and these will be reviewed.
Abstract Introduction The primary function of the contractile vascular smooth muscle cells (cVSMCs) is the regulation of the vascular contractility which means the adaptation of the vascular tonus in response to the modulation of the blood pressure and blood flow. The cVSMCs are essentially quiescent, and therefore their synthesis rate is very limited. They are characterized by the expression of contractile proteins specific to the muscular tissue including myosin, h-‐caldesmon and <-‐smooth muscle actin (〈-‐SMA). These contractile cells are strongly represented in the media layer of the arterial wall and, in a smaller proportion, of the vein wall. Their typical stretched-‐out morphology allows recognizing them by a histological analysis. They do not produce any extracellular matrix (ECM), and do not migrate through the different layers of the vessel wall, and are not directly involved in the development of intimal hyperplasia (IH). Neointimal formation occurs after endothelial disruption leading to complex molecular and biological mechanisms. The de-‐differentiation of cVSMCs into synthetic VSMCs (sVSMCs) is mentioned as a key element. These non mature cells are able to proliferate and produce ECM. The characterization of the vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from healthy and stenosed vascular tissues will contribue to the understanding of the different biological processes leading to IH and will be useful for the development of new therapies to interfere with the cVSMCs growth and migration. The aim of our research was to quantify the proportion of cVSMCs and sVSMCs into the healthy and pathologic human blood vessel wall and to characterize their phenotype. Methods We selected 23 specimens of arterial and venous segments from 18 patients. All these specimens were stored in the biobank from the thoracic and vascular surgery departement. 4 groups were designed (group 1 :arteries without lesions (n=3) ;group 2 : veins without lesions (n=1); group 3: arteries with stenosis (n=9); group 4: veins with stenosis (n=10)). Histology: 5µm-‐sections were made from each sample embedded in paraffin wax and further stained with hematoxylin & eosin (HE), Van Gieson's stain (VGEL) and Masson's Trichrome (TMB). Pathologic tissues were defined using the label that was given to the macroscopic samples by the surgeon and also, based on the histological analysis with HE and VGEL evaluating the presence of a thickened intima. The same was done to the control samples evaluating the absence of thickening. Immunohistochemistry : The primary antibodies were used :〈-‐SMA, vimentin, h-‐ caldesmon, calponin, smooth muscle-myosin heavy chain (SM-‐MHC), tropomyosin-‐4, retinol binding protein-‐1 (RBP-‐1), nonmuscle-‐myosin heavy chain-‐B (NM-‐MHC-‐B), Von Willebrand factor (VWF). A semi-‐quantitative assessment of the intensity of each sample stained was performed. Western Blot : Segments of arteries and veins were analyzed using the following primary antibodies :〈-‐SMA, Calponin, SM-‐MHC, NM-‐MHC-‐B. The given results were then normalized with tubulin. Results Our data showed that, when using immunohistochemistry analysis we found that〈-‐SMA was mostly expressed in control arteries, whereas NM-‐MHC-‐B in the pathologic ones. Using SM-‐MHC, calponin, vimentin and caldesmon we found no significative differences in the expression of these proteins in the control and in the pathologic samples. Western Blot analysis showed an inverse correlation between healthy and pathological samples as <-‐ SMA was more expressed in the pathological samples, while NM-‐MHC-‐B in the control group; SM-‐MHC and calponin were mostly expressed in the pathologic samples. Conclusion Our study showed no clear differences between stenotic and control arterial and venous segments using semi-‐quantitative assessement by immunohistochemistry. Western Blot showed a significant increased expression of 〈-‐SMA, calponin and SM-‐MHC in the arteries with stenosis, while NM-‐MHC-‐B was mostly expressed in the arteries without lesions. Further studies are needed to track the lineage of VSMCs to understand the mechanisms leading toIH.
Hirschsprung disease (HSCR) is defined by the absence of intramural ganglia of Meissner and Auerbach along variable lengths of the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal neuronal dysplasia (IND) type B is characterized by the malformation of the parasympathetic submucous plexus of the gut. A connection appears to exist between these two enteric nervous system abnormalities. Due to the major role played by the RET proto-oncogene in HSCR, we sought to determine whether this gene was also related to INDB. dHPLC techniques were employed to screen the RET coding region in 23 patients presenting with INDB and 30 patients with a combined HSCR+INDB phenotype. In addition, eight RET single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were strategically selected and genotyped by TaqMan technology. The distribution of SNPs and haplotypes was compared among the different groups of patients (INDB, HSCR+INDB, HSCR) and the controls. We found several RET mutations in our patients and some differences in the distribution of the RET SNPs among the groups of study. Our results suggest an involvement of RET in the pathogenesis of intestinal INDB, although by different molecular mechanisms than those leading to HSCR. Further investigation is warranted to elucidate these precise mechanisms and to clarify the genetic nature of INDB.
Bone remodeling is regulated by the two branches of the autonomic nervous system: the adrenergic and the cholinergic branches. Adrenergic activity favors bone loss, whereas cholinergic activity has been recently shown to favor bone mass accrual. In vitro studies have reported that cholinergic activity induces proliferation and differentiation of bone cells. In vivo studies have shown that the inhibition of cholinergic activity favors bone loss, whereas its stimulation favors bone mass accrual. Clinical studies have shown that bone density is associated with the function of many cholinergic-regulated tissues such as the hypothalamus, salivary glands, lacrimal glands and langerhans cells, suggesting a common mechanism of control. Altogether, these observations and linked findings are of great significance since they improve our understanding of bone physiology. These discoveries have been successfully used recently to investigate new promising therapies for bone diseases based on cholinergic stimulation. Here, we review the current understanding of the cholinergic activity and its association with bone health.
OBJECTIVES This study was designed to assess effects of cholinergic stimulation using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs), a group of drugs that stimulate cholinergic receptors and are used to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD), on healing of hip fractures. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed using 46-female AD patients, aged above 75 years, who sustained hip fractures. Study analyses included the first 6-months after hip fracture fixation procedure. Presence of AChEIs was used as predictor variable. Other variables that could affect study outcomes: age, body mass index (BMI), mental state or type of hip fracture, were also included. Radiographic union at fracture site (Hammer index), bone quality (Singh index) and fracture healing complications were recorded as study outcomes. The collected data was analyzed by student's-t, Mann-Whitney-U and chi-square tests. RESULTS No significant differences in age, BMI, mental state or type of hip fracture were observed between AChEIs-users and nonusers. However, AChEIs-users had better radiographic union at the fracture site (relative risk (RR),2.7; 95%confidence interval (CI),0.9-7.8), better bone quality (RR,2.0; 95%CI,1.2-3.3) and fewer healing complications (RR,0.8; 95%CI,0.7-1.0) than nonusers. CONCLUSION In elderly female patients with AD, the use of AChEIs might be associated with an enhanced fracture healing and minimized complications.
Exposure to fine particles and noise has been linked to cardiovascular diseases and elevated cardiovascular mortality affecting the worldwide population. Residence and/or work in proximity to emission sources as for example road traffic leads to an elevated exposure and a higher risk for adverse health effects. Highway maintenance workers spend most of their work time in traffic and are exposed regularly to particles and noise. The aims of this thesis were to provide a better understanding of the workers' mixed exposure to particles and noise and to assess cardiopulmonary short term health effects in relation to this exposure. Exposure and health data were collected in collaboration with 8 maintenance centers of the Swiss Road Maintenance Services located in the cantons Bern, Fribourg and Vaud in western Switzerland. Repeated measurements with 18 subjects were conducted during 50 non-consecutive work shifts between Mai 2010 and February 2012, equally distributed over all seasons. In the first part of this thesis we tested and validated measurements of ultrafine particles with a miniature diffusion size classifier (miniDiSC) - a novel particle counting device that was used for the exposure assessment during highway maintenance work. We found that particle numbers and average particle size measured by the miniDiSC were highly correlated with data from the P-TRAK, a condensation particle counter (CPC), as well as from a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). However, the miniDiSC measured significantly more particles than the P-TRAK and significantly less than the SMPS in its full size range. Our data suggests that the instrument specific cutoffs were the main reason for the different particle counts. The first main objective of this thesis was to investigate the exposure of highway maintenance workers to air pollutants and noise, in relation to the different maintenance activities. We have seen that the workers are regularly exposed to high particle and noise levels. This was a consequence of close proximity to highway traffic and the use of motorized working equipment such as brush cutters, chain saws, generators and pneumatic hammers during which the highest exposure levels occurred. Although exposure to air pollutants were not critical if compared to occupational exposure limits, the elevated exposure to particles and noise may lead to a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases in this worker population. The second main objective was to investigate cardiopulmonary short-term health effects in relation to the particle and noise exposure during highway maintenance work. We observed a PM2.5 related increase of the acute-phase inflammation markers C-reactive protein and serum amyloid A and a decrease of TNFa. Heart rate variability increased as a consequence of particle as well as noise exposure. Increased high frequency power indicated a stronger parasympathetic influence on the heart. Elevated noise levels during recreational time, after work, were related to increased blood pressure. Our data confirmed that highway maintenance workers are exposed to elevated levels of particles and noise as compared to the average population. This exposure poses a cardiovascular health risk and it is therefore important to make efforts to better protect the workers health. The use of cleaner machines during maintenance work would be a major step to improve the workers' situation. Furthermore, regulatory policies with the aim of reducing combustion and non-combustion emissions from road traffic are important for the protection of workers in traffic environments and the entire population.