942 resultados para Panoramic projections. Virtual Environments. Navigation in 3D environments. Virtual Reality


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The vehicle navigation problem studied in Bell (2009) is revisited and a time-dependent reverse Hyperstar algorithm is presented. This minimises the expected time of arrival at the destination, and all intermediate nodes, where expectation is based on a pessimistic (or risk-averse) view of unknown link delays. This may also be regarded as a hyperpath version of the Chabini and Lan (2002) algorithm, which itself is a time-dependent A* algorithm. Links are assigned undelayed travel times and maximum delays, both of which are potentially functions of the time of arrival at the respective link. The driver seeks probabilities for link use that minimise his/her maximum exposure to delay on the approach to each node, leading to the determination of the pessimistic expected time of arrival. Since the context considered is vehicle navigation where the driver is not making repeated trips, the probability of link use may be interpreted as a measure of link attractiveness, so a link with a zero probability of use is unattractive while a link with a probability of use equal to one will have no attractive alternatives. A solution algorithm is presented and proven to solve the problem provided the node potentials are feasible and a FIFO condition applies for undelayed link travel times. The paper concludes with a numerical example.


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One problem in most three-dimensional (3D) scalar data visualization techniques is that they often overlook to depict uncertainty that comes with the 3D scalar data and thus fail to faithfully present the 3D scalar data and have risks which may mislead users’ interpretations, conclusions or even decisions. Therefore this thesis focuses on the study of uncertainty visualization in 3D scalar data and we seek to create better uncertainty visualization techniques, as well as to find out the advantages/disadvantages of those state-of-the-art uncertainty visualization techniques. To do this, we address three specific hypotheses: (1) the proposed Texture uncertainty visualization technique enables users to better identify scalar/error data, and provides reduced visual overload and more appropriate brightness than four state-of-the-art uncertainty visualization techniques, as demonstrated using a perceptual effectiveness user study. (2) The proposed Linked Views and Interactive Specification (LVIS) uncertainty visualization technique enables users to better search max/min scalar and error data than four state-of-the-art uncertainty visualization techniques, as demonstrated using a perceptual effectiveness user study. (3) The proposed Probabilistic Query uncertainty visualization technique, in comparison to traditional Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) methods, enables radiologists/physicians to better identify possible alternative renderings relevant to a diagnosis and the classification probabilities associated to the materials appeared on these renderings; this leads to improved decision support for diagnosis, as demonstrated in the domain of medical imaging. For each hypothesis, we test it by following/implementing a unified framework that consists of three main steps: the first main step is uncertainty data modeling, which clearly defines and generates certainty types of uncertainty associated to given 3D scalar data. The second main step is uncertainty visualization, which transforms the 3D scalar data and their associated uncertainty generated from the first main step into two-dimensional (2D) images for insight, interpretation or communication. The third main step is evaluation, which transforms the 2D images generated from the second main step into quantitative scores according to specific user tasks, and statistically analyzes the scores. As a result, the quality of each uncertainty visualization technique is determined.


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Objectives: To evaluate virtual reality as a laparoscopic training device in helping surgeons to automate to the “fulcrum effect” by comparing it to time-matched training programs using randomly alternating images (ie, y-axis inverted and normal laparoscopic) and normal laparoscopic viewing conditions.

Methods: Twenty-four participants (16 females and 8 males), were randomly assigned to minimally invasive surgery virtual reality (MIST VR), randomly alternating (between y-axis inverted and normal laparoscopic images), and normal laparoscopic imaging condition. Participants were requested to perform a 2-minute laparoscopic cutting task before and after training.

Results: In the test trial participants who trained on the MIST VR performed significantly better than those in the normal laparoscopic and randomly alternating imaging conditions.

Conclusion: The results show that virtual reality training may provide faster skill acquisition with particular reference to automation of the fulcrum effect. MIST VR provides a new way of training laparoscopic psychomotor surgical skills.


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Nowadays few people consider finding their way in unfamiliar areas a problem as a GPS (Global Positioning System) combined with some simple map software can easily tell you how to get from A to B. Although this opportunity has only become available during the last decade, recent experiments show that long-distance migrating animals had already solved this problem. Even after displacement over thousands of kilometres to previously unknown areas, experienced but not first time migrant birds quickly adjust their course toward their destination, proving the existence of an experience-based GPS in these birds. Determining latitude is a relatively simple task, even for humans, whereas longitude poses much larger problems. Birds and other animals however have found a way to achieve this, although we do not yet know how. Possible ways of determining longitude includes using celestial cues in combination with an internal clock, geomagnetic cues such as magnetic intensity or perhaps even olfactory cues. Presently, there is not enough evidence to rule out any of these, and years of studying birds in a laboratory setting have yielded partly contradictory results. We suggest that a concerted effort, where the study of animals in a natural setting goes hand-in-hand with lab-based study, may be necessary to fully understand the mechanism underlying the long-distance navigation system of birds. As such, researchers must remain receptive to alternative interpretations and bear in mind that animal navigation may not necessarily be similar to the human system, and that we know from many years of investigation of long-distance navigation in birds that at least some birds do have a GPS-but we are uncertain how it works.


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Bats have been extensively studied with regard to their ability to orient, navigate and hunt prey by means of echolocation, but almost nothing is known about how they orient and navigate in situations such as migration and homing outside the range of their echolocation system. As volant animals, bats face many of the same problems and challenges as birds. Migrating bats must relocate summer and winter home ranges over distances as far as 2,000 km. Foraging bats must be able to relocate their home roost if they range beyond a familiar area, and indeed circumstantial evidence suggests that these animals can home from more than 600 km. However, an extensive research program on homing and navigation in bats halted in the early 1970s. The field of bird navigation has advanced greatly since that time and many of the mechanisms that birds are known to use for navigation were not known or widely accepted at this time. In this paper I discuss what is known about orientation and navigation in bats and use bird navigation as a model for future research in bat navigation. Technology is advancing such that previous difficulties in studying orientation in bats in the field can be overcome and so that the mechanisms of navigation in this highly mobile animal can finally be elucidated.