981 resultados para Pancreatite alcoólica - Complicações


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The increased prevalence of diabetic individuals has become a public health problem. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by an increase in plasma glucose levels. It impairs the physiological equilibrium in utilization of carbohydrate by tissues. The persistent hyperglycemia can produce deleterious effects on bone formation due the microvascular complication. The present paper reviews the bibliography linking the impact of glycemic control at complications associated at diabetes mellitus on osseointegration. In experimental models of diabetes it was observed a reduced level of bone-implant contact. This failure can be reduced by means of hyperglycemia control. Also, several studies point the beneficial effect of coated implant on osseointegration process. It is necessary to take special care into account for the placement of implants in diabetic patient and improve the percentages of implant survival. A rigorous control of plasma glycaemia, together with other measures, like as absence of chronic complications, good oral hygiene and regular medical follow-up has been related to rising the percentages of successful in diabetic patients.


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The oral rehabilitation now has a powerful ally: the dental implants. There is no denying the importance of the implant within the context of dental practice. Initially indicated for the rehabilitation of fully edentulous patients, now has gained growing space, with indications for partial edentulism, multiple unit, with high predictability of success in esthetic restorations, combined with the techniques of manipulation of soft tissues, and guided tissue regenerationearly prosthetic loading. But like any dental procedure, whether surgical or medical implantology is also subject to the occurrence of failures and complications. This paper aims to provide a review of the literature for discussion of these complications, their causes, their managements and proservation.


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Neste trabalho, foi estudado o modelo matemático oscilatório proposto por Daugulis et al. (1997) referente a um processo contínuo de fermentação alcoólica, de modo a compreender sua estrutura, variáveis, fenômenos e hipóteses postuladas. O estudo foi realizado de modo a compreender como os mecanismos de inibição por produto e substrato, e como os mecanismos adaptativos do microrganismo são levados em consideração pelo modelo, resultando no comportamento oscilatório desejado. Por fim, foram realizadas simulações com perturbações do tipo degrau na taxa de diluição e na concentração de substrato na alimentação, de modo a extrapolar o comportamento do modelo.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Raízes e Amidos Tropicais – CERAT, Na UNESP em Botucatu, estado de São Paulo onde foram realizados ensaios de fermentação alcoólica com hidrolisado de amido de mandioca. A fécula de mandioca foi utilizada como fonte de carboidrato para obtenção dos açúcares redutores consumidos no processo. Em um reator agitado foi produzido 12Kg de hidrolisado a partir de suspensão de fécula a 30% (p/p) utilizando enzimas alfa amilase na primeira etapa, seguida de amiloglucosidase na etapa posterior. As dosagens em unidades enzimáticas foram 2KNU.g-1 de amido e 2AGU.g-1 de amido respectivamente. O planejamento experimental considerou a realização de três ensaios de hidrolisados e três ensaios de fermentação a partir do mosto produzido; a) mosto aerado; b) com microaeração; c) em meio anaeróbio. Os ensaios foram realizados em erlenmeyers com 2,5 Kg de hidrolisado, ajustado a concentração de glicose a 100g.L-1 sendo inoculada a levedura do gênero Saccharomyces cerevisiae à taxa de 1,5% (p/p). Todos os erlenmeyers foram colocados sob agitação orbital e temperatura controlada de 30ºC sendo acompanhado o processo de fermentação através de coleta de amostras do mosto a cada hora. A aeração nos frascos erlenmeyers foi realizada através de mangueira coletora de válvula que regulava a vazão de ar. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode se concluir que o sistema anaeróbio em 32h foi o mais eficiente para a produção de etanol. Também foi possível observar que enquanto ocorre aeração no meio não se observa alteração significativa na concentração de etanol e quando cessa a aeração o meio torna se anaeróbio e tem início a produção de etanol. Quando aumenta a concentração de etanol no meio, o crescimento celular do sistema anaeróbio cai e etanol inibe a levedura, parando o crescimento celular.


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Objetive: The goal of this review is to present up-to-date information on the prevalence of overweight and obesity and to discuss the evidence regarding the impact of these conditions on the health of mother.Data Collection Method: We conducted a search for articles in the Medline, PubMed and Scielo databases covering the past 5 years, and reviewed the bibliographical references contained in the articles selected. Articles were selected by subjective evaluation in terms of methodology, sample size and year of publication. Summary of evidence: Current information points to a high and growing prevalence of overweight and obesity. We found strong evidence linking excess weight before pregnancy with the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension, gestational diabetes, pregnancy at 41 weeks or over, thromboembolism, cesarean section and puerperal infection. Conclusions: Excess weight in the pre-pregnancy is one of the most important risk factors of maternal health, whose importance increases because it is a modifiable risk factor. The obese pregnant woman should be considered at high risk and it is recommended that women be with the weight as close to normal as possible before conception.


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Objetive: The goal of this review is to discuss the evidence regarding the impact of pre-pregnancy overweight and obesity on perinatal outcomes. Data Collection Method: We conducted a search for articles in the Medline, PubMed and Scielo databases covering the past 5 years, and reviewed the bibliographical references contained in the articles selected. Articles were selected by subjective evaluation in terms of methodology, sample size and year of publication. Summary of evidence: We found strong evidence linking excess weight before pregnancy with the development of birth defects, fetal and neonatal deaths and macrosomia,. Conclusions: Excess weight in the pre-pregnancy is an important risk factor for the health of the fetus, whose importance increases because it is a modifiable risk factor.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between phenolic compounds and alcoholic fermentation efficiency. The yield of sugarcanebyproducts (glycerol, acidity, and biomass) was determined in a continuous process at SaoManoel Sugarcane Mill, (Sao Paulo, Brazil) during the 2011/2012 harvest period. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain used as inoculum was the CAT-1. During the harvest, the endogenous yeast outcompeted the selected strain, hence eliminating it from the process. This research consists of a case of study on the ethanol production facility. FolinCiocauteau and methylene blue method was used to assess phenolic compounds. The efficiencyof the byproducts generated during the fermentation processwas calculated. Statistics analyses were carried out using Pearson correlation and its significance, by thet-test. We concluded that the phenolic compounds within the must could not be correlated to the byproducts’fermentation efficiency calculated during a continuous fermentation process.


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The aim of this work was to compare the efficiency of conventional antibiotics in relation to hop-based antimicrobials, in industrial-scale bioethanol production. The comparison was made by calculating the lactic acid bacteria population reduction in two consecutive fermentation cycles. To conduct the experiment, it was used five treatments (three conventional antibiotics: Kamoran WP, Corstan and Alcapen 1030, and two hop-based antimicrobials: BetaBio and IsoStab). The samples were collected in the fermentation vat. In order to quantify the initial lactic acid bacteria population, a sample was collected at the end of the fermentation process (wine) before the treatment with antibiotics or antimicrobials, and to determine the final population, another sample was collected at the end of the fermentation process (wine) after the treatment with antibiotics or antimicrobials. The experiment was completely randomized and the statistical analysis was performed through analysis of variance (ANOVA) for data processed using the equation y’ = . After the data transformation, the Levene's test was applied to verify data adherence to normal distribution, and the averages were compared through Tukey’s test at 5% probability. The results showed that the hop-based antimicrobials (IsoStab and BetaBio) can be used to substitute the conventional antibiotics (Kamoran, Alcapen and Corstan), since there was no statistical difference between the treatments.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)