217 resultados para Paleontologia - Pleistoceno - Pleistoceno


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No presente trabalho apresentamos o resultado das pesquisas geológicas efetuadas na província alcalina do Itatiaia. Decorridos 25 anos após o trabalho de LAMEGO (23) houve considerável avanço no conhecimento dos maciços alcalinos; a melhoria nas condições de acesso ao corpo intrusivo possibilitou-nos a coleta de novas informações sobre aquela região. Dada a grande extensão da área, o relevo acentuado e a floresta densa, o nosso trabalho constou da elaboração de um mapa geológico na escala 1:50.000 e coleta de dados estruturais e morfológicos de natureza geral, sem a possibilidade de nos aprofundarmos nos detalhes. Do ponto de vista da geologia regional, foram tiradas algumas conclusões interessantes: a) As rochas alcalinas não ocorrem além das imediações da cidade de Passa Quatro, contrariamente ao que se imaginava. b) Não foi confirmada a existência de rochas alcalinas na serra da Bocaina, mencionadas por DERBY (11). c) As rochas alcalinas, dadas por LAMEGO (23) como um corpo único, na realidade formam 2 corpos distintos: maciço de Passa Quatro e maciço do Itatiaia, conforme indicação de AB’SABER e BERNARDES (1). d) A área de 1450 km2 assinalada por LAMEGO (23) para as intrusivas, ficou reduzida a menos da quarta parte, ou seja, 330 km2. Na fase preliminar dos trabalhos de campo, fizemos algumas observações macroscópicas das rochas mais representativas da província alcalina: gnaisses do embasamento, rochas intrusivas dos corpos alcalinos (Itatiaia, Passa Quatro e Morro Redondo) e sedimentos clássicos senozóicos da Bacia de Resende do Rio Paraíba. O maciço do Itatiaia foi o objeto principal das nossa pesquisas, e a ele dedicamos a maior parte da intrusão, foram anotados importantes elementos morfológicos e climáticos, bem como aquele ligados aos fenômenos do processo intrusivo: diques, xenólitos, etc. Dentre os tipos litológicos) mapeados, a brecha magmática de conduto mereceu d observações mais pormenorizadas. São 10 km2 de rochas alcalinas de granulação fina, apresentando concentrações locais de fragmentos de rochas alcalinas trituradas. Parece-nos que está ligada à fase final da consolidação do maciço e ao provável abatimento do topo da intrusão. As grandes estruturas do relevo, principalmente na zona do planalto, refletem a influência de falhamentos e de intenso diaclasamento. Cristas, estruturas arqueadas e vales tectônicos condicionam as formas do relevo e o comportamento da drenagem. No estudo da tectônica regional do sudeste brasileiro, procuramos discutir as ideias de CLOOS e ARGAND, que postulam um determinismo estrutural do escudo pré-cambriano sobre as feições mais modernas. Os levantamentos epirogenéticos são dados como causadores de derrames basálticos e da evolução do magma alcalino. Mesmo os falhamentos cretáceo-terciários, que deram origem ao vale do Paraíba e afetarm as rochas alcalinas, talvez estejam solidários com as linhas de fraqueza do pré-cambriano. A intrusão magmática do Itatiaia, considerada como jura-cretácea, certamente ganhou o seu espaço através do deslocamento do seu teto através de falhas verticais do escudo cristalino. No seu resfriamento diferenciou-se uma fração rica em sílica, dando origem ao quartzo-sienito que hoje ocupa a parte central do corpo do maciço. A área rebaixada do planalto e a grande estrutura anelar foram por nós interpretadas como consequência de uma fase de colapso, ligada talvez à intrusão da brecha magmática; porém, não foi assinalada a ocorrência dos diques anelares que habitualmente se associam aos fenômenos de abatimento. Falhamentos pós-intrusivos ressaltaram morfologicamente as rochas alcalinas, afetando a área do planalto e o flanco sul da intrusão, propiciando a formação de espesso depósito de tálus dentro do Vale do Paraíba. O problema das formas do relevo do planalto, para muitos, tomadas como evidências de fenômenos glaciais de altitude durante o Pleistoceno, foi por nós discutido nos seus pontos essenciais. Os fatores climáticos foram considerados de importância secundária, pois os elementos tectônicos são os responsáveis pelos aspectos principais da morfologia.


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Comunicación presentada en CONPAT 2011, XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Patología de la Construcción, Guatemala, octubre 2011.


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Los sedimentos continentales (Plioceno-Cuaternario) que afloran en el sector central de la Cuenca de Guadix (Sur de España) muestran una ciclicidad de 100 ka consistente en la alternancia de depósitos de abanicos aluviales y sedimentos fluvio-lacustres. Durante el Plioceno y el Pleistoceno la Cuenca de Guadix era endorreica, y se caracterizaba por la existencia de un sistema axial fluvial y una orla marginal de abanicos aluviales transversales. En la zona de estudio, estos sistemas estaban relacionados lateralmente, ocupando de forma alterna el valle axial en el sector central de la Cuenca de Guadix. La edad estimada para la alternancia, ca. 100 ka, cae en la banda de excentricidad de alta frecuencia de Milankovitch. Estas fases podrían interpretarse como el resultado de máximos de excentricidad (inviernos más largos y fríos, con mayor volumen de precipitaciones que favorecerían las progradaciones de los abanicos) o de excentricidad mínima (períodos más secos y fríos, con una cubierta vegetal más escasa en las áreas fuente y, por tanto, un mayor aporte de sedimento por precipitaciones muy concentradas en el tiempo al sistema aluvial). Se muestra cómo los datos paleomagnéticos no son lo suficientemente precisos para proporcionar una buena correlación de las fases de progradación con la curva de excentricidad de Laskar et al. (2004), por lo que se pone en duda su precisión a la hora de determinar el significado climático de la ciclicidad.


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Portuguese and English text in parallel columns.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Systems of incised valleys have been studied in different continental shelves, including the Brazilian continental margin. The interest to characterize this feature is given by the information that it can provide variations on sea level, as well as the ability to host economically significant quantities of hydrocarbons in reservoirs located in deposits filling of the incised valleys. This thesis has the overall objective to characterize the morphology and sedimentary cover of the incised valley Apodi-Mossoró, located in the Northern Continental shelf of Rio Grande do Norte state, adjacent to Areia Branca city. The methodology included the integration of satellite imagery, bathymetric data, sedimentological data, shallow seismic, and the identification of foraminifera. The results indicate that the ApodiMossró incised valley is currently formed by two channels, shallow channel and deep channel, which have distinct morphological and sedimentological characteristics. The deep channel has connection with one of the heads of the Apodi Canyon, located in the slope area. The acquisition, processing and interpretation of shallow seismic data allowed the recognition of the depositional surface, erosional surface, discordance, and sismofaceis. The erosional surface mapped from shallow seismic sections is possibly a indicative of an ancient surface of valley incision, where it would probably be associated with the limit Pleistocene/Holocene. Different sismofaceis were identified and reflect the rise in sea level with standards sometimes agradacional, sometimes progradational. The thickness of sediments on this surface was estimated at a maximum of 22m thick in the central portion of the incised valley. Statistically, there are differences between the adjacent continental shelf and channels, and between these channels, for the content of calcium carbonate, organic matter, sand and mud perceptual, except for the gravel grain size. The analysis of living and dead foraminifera showed the presence of fifty species distributed in regards to morphology, depth and type of sediment. Four type of seismic echocharacteres were identified and mapped, as well as their bedforms, indicating different sedimentary processes along the incised valley. The integration of results suggests an activation of the Apodi-Mossoró incised valley in the Late Pleistocene.


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Mineral and chemical composition of alluvial Upper-Pleistocene deposits from the Alto Guadalquivir Basin (SE Spain) were studied as a tool to identify sedimentary and geomorphological processes controlling its formation. Sediments located upstream, in the north-eastern sector of the basin, are rich in dolomite, illite, MgO and KB2BO. Downstream, sediments at the sequence base are enriched in calcite, smectite and CaO, whereas the upper sediments have similar features to those from upstream. Elevated rare-earth elements (REE) values can be related to low carbonate content in the sediments and the increase of silicate material produced and concentrated during soil formation processes in the neighbouring source areas. Two mineralogical and geochemical signatures related to different sediment source areas were identified. Basal levels were deposited during a predominantly erosive initial stage, and are mainly composed of calcite and smectite materials enriched in REE coming from Neogene marls and limestones. Then the deposition of the upper levels of the alluvial sequences, made of dolomite and illitic materials depleted in REE coming from the surrounding Sierra de Cazorla area took place during a less erosive later stage of the fluvial system. Such modification was responsible of the change in the mineralogical and geochemical composition of the alluvial sediments.


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This paper discusses some aspects of hunter-gatherer spatial organization in southern South Patagonia, in later times to 10,000 cal yr BP. Various methods of spatial analysis, elaborated with a Geographic Information System (GIS) were applied to the distributional pattern of archaeological sites with radiocarbon dates. The shift in the distributional pattern of chronological information was assessed in conjunction with other lines of evidence within a biogeographic framework. Accordingly, the varying degrees of occupation and integration of coastal and interior spaces in human spatial organization are explained in association with the adaptive strategies hunter-gatherers have used over time. Both are part of the same human response to changes in risk and uncertainty variability in the region in terms of resource availability and environmental dynamics.


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In this paper we analyze the set of Bronze Age bone tools recovered at the archaeological site of El Portalón of Cueva Mayor in the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos). The Bronze Age cultural period is the best represented in the cavity and its study has forced us to unify the different excavation and stratigraphical criteria undertaken from the earliest archaeological excavations developed by J.M. Apellániz during the 70s until the excavations of the current research team (EIA) since 2000. We propose here for the first time a relationship between the initial system of “beds” used by Apellániz and our recent sedimentary sequence that recognizes eleven stratigraphic levels radiometrically dated from the late Upper Pleistocene to the Middle Age. Within the bone industry assemblage we recognize a large variety of utensils and ornamental elements, with native and allochthonous features, that make evident a regional as well as long distance relationships of these populations of the interior of the Iberian Peninsula during the recent Prehistory.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.


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The development and changes in the distribution of herbivorous mammal communities during the Neogene is complex. The Eurasian scale environmental patterns reflect the large scale geographical and climatic patterns. The reorganization of these affect the biome distribution throughout the continent. The distribution of mammal taxa was closely associated with the distribution of biomes. In Eurasia the Neogene development of environments was twofold. The early and middle Miocene that seemed to have been advantageous for mammals was followed by drying of environments during the late Neogene. The mid-latitude drying was the main trend, and it is the combined result of the retreat of Paratethys, the uplift of Tibetan Plateau and changes in the ocean currents and temperatures. The common mammals were "driving" the evolution of mammalian communities. During the late Miocene we see the drying affecting more and more regions, and we see changes in the composition of mammalian communities.


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The relationship between sexual reproduction of littoral chydorid cladocerans (Anomopoda, Chydoridae) and environmental factors in aquatic ecosystems has been rarely studied, although the sexual behavior of some planktonic cladocerans is well documented. Ecological monitoring was used to study the relationship between climate-related and non-climatic environmental factors and chydorid sexual reproduction patterns in nine environmentally different lakes that were closely situated to each other in southern Finland. Furthermore, paleolimnological ephippium analysis was used to clarify how current sexual reproduction is reflected in surface sediments of the same nine lakes. Additionally, short sediment cores from two of the lakes were studied with ephippium analysis to examine how recent climate-related and non-climatic environmental changes were reflected in chydorid sexual reproduction. Ephippium analysis uses the subfossil shells of asexual individuals to represent asexual reproduction and the shells of sexual females, i.e. ephippia, to represent sexual reproduction. The relative proportion of ephippia of all chydorid species, i.e. total chydorid ephippia (TCE) indicates the relative proportion of sexual reproduction during the open-water season. This thesis is part of the EPHIPPIUM-project which aims to develop ephippium analysis towards a quantitative climate reconstruction tool. To be able to develop a valid climate model, the influence of the environmental stressors other than climate on contemporary sexual reproduction and its reflection in sediment assemblages must be clarified so they can be eliminated from the model. During contemporary monitoring a few sexual individuals were observed during summer, apparently forced to sexual reproduction by non-climatic local environmental factors, such as crowding or invertebrate predation. Monitoring also revealed that the autumnal chydorid sexual reproduction period was consistent between the different lakes and climate-related factors appeared to act as the main inducers and regulators of autumnal sexual reproduction. However, during autumn, chydorid species and populations among the lakes exhibited a wide variation in the intensity, induction time, and length of autumnal sexual reproduction. These variations apparently act as mechanisms for local adaptations due to the genetic variability provided by sexual reproduction that enhance the ecological flexibility of chydorid species, allowing them to inhabit a wide range of environments. A large variation was also detected in the abundance of parthenogenetic and gamogenetic individuals during the open-water season among the lakes. On the basis of surface sediment samples, the general level of the TCE is ca. 3-4% in southern Finland, reflecting an average proportion of sexual reproduction in this specific climate. The variation in the TCE was much lower than could be expected on the basis of the monitoring results. This suggests that some of the variation detected by monitoring may derive from differences between sampling sites and years smoothed out in the sediment samples, providing an average of the entire lake area and several years. The TCE is always connected to various ecological interactions in lake ecosystems and therefore is always lake-specific. Hypothetically, deterioration of climate conditions can be detected in the TCE as an increase in ephippia of all chydorid species, since a shortening open-water season is reflected in the relative proportions of the two reproduction modes. Such an increase was clearly detected for the time period of the Little Ice Age in a sediment core. The paleolimnological results also indicated that TCE can suddenly increase due to ephippia of one or two species, which suggests that at least some chydorids can somehow increase the production of resting eggs under local environmental stress. Thus, some environmental factors may act as species-specific environmental stressors. The actual mechanism of the increased sexual reproduction seen in sediments has been unknown but the present study suggests that the mechanism is probably the increased intensity of gamogenesis, i.e. that a larger proportion of individuals in autumnal populations reproduce sexually, which results in a larger proportion of ephippia in sediments and a higher TCE. The results of this thesis demonstrate the utility of ephippium analysis as a paleoclimatological method which may also detect paleolimnological changes by identifying species-specific environmental stressors. For a quantitative TCE-based climate reconstruction model, the natural variation in the TCE of surface sediments in different climates must be clarified with more extensive studies. In addition, it is important to recognize the lakes where the TCE is not only a reflection of the length of the open-water season, but is also non-climatically forced. The results of ephippium analysis should always be interpreted in a lake-specific manner and in the context of other paleoecological proxies.