909 resultados para Pagerank, HITS, SALSA, web information retrieval, didattica della matematica.


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Document ranking is an important process in information retrieval (IR). It presents retrieved documents in an order of their estimated degrees of relevance to query. Traditional document ranking methods are mostly based on the similarity computations between documents and query. In this paper we argue that the similarity-based document ranking is insufficient in some cases. There are two reasons. Firstly it is about the increased information variety. There are far too many different types documents available now for user to search. The second is about the users variety. In many cases user may want to retrieve documents that are not only similar but also general or broad regarding a certain topic. This is particularly the case in some domains such as bio-medical IR. In this paper we propose a novel approach to re-rank the retrieved documents by incorporating the similarity with their generality. By an ontology-based analysis on the semantic cohesion of text, document generality can be quantified. The retrieved documents are then re-ranked by their combined scores of similarity and the closeness of documents’ generality to the query’s. Our experiments have shown an encouraging performance on a large bio-medical document collection, OHSUMED, containing 348,566 medical journal references and 101 test queries.


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Domain specific information retrieval has become in demand. Not only domain experts, but also average non-expert users are interested in searching domain specific (e.g., medical and health) information from online resources. However, a typical problem to average users is that the search results are always a mixture of documents with different levels of readability. Non-expert users may want to see documents with higher readability on the top of the list. Consequently the search results need to be re-ranked in a descending order of readability. It is often not practical for domain experts to manually label the readability of documents for large databases. Computational models of readability needs to be investigated. However, traditional readability formulas are designed for general purpose text and insufficient to deal with technical materials for domain specific information retrieval. More advanced algorithms such as textual coherence model are computationally expensive for re-ranking a large number of retrieved documents. In this paper, we propose an effective and computationally tractable concept-based model of text readability. In addition to textual genres of a document, our model also takes into account domain specific knowledge, i.e., how the domain-specific concepts contained in the document affect the document’s readability. Three major readability formulas are proposed and applied to health and medical information retrieval. Experimental results show that our proposed readability formulas lead to remarkable improvements in terms of correlation with users’ readability ratings over four traditional readability measures.


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This paper discusses an document discovery tool based on formal concept analysis. The program allows users to navigate email using a visual lattice metaphor rather than a tree. It implements a virtual file structure over email where files and entire directories can appear in multiple positions. The content and shape of the lattice formed by the conceptual ontology can assist in email discovery. The system described provides more flexibility in retrieving stored emails than what is normally available in email clients. The paper discusses how conceptual ontologies can leverage traditional document retrieval systems.


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Similar to Genetic algorithm, Evolution strategy is a process of continuous reproduction, trial and selection. Each new generation is an improvement on the one that went before. This paper presents two different proposals based on the vector space model (VSM) as a traditional model in information Retrieval (TIR). The first uses evolution strategy (ES). The second uses the document centroid (DC) in query expansion technique. Then the results are compared; it was noticed that ES technique is more efficient than the other methods.


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An ontological representation of buyer interests’ knowledge in process of e-commerce is proposed to use. It makes it more efficient to make a search of the most appropriate sellers via multiagent systems. An algorithm of a comparison of buyer ontology with one of e-shops (the taxonomies) and an e-commerce multiagent system are realised using ontology of information retrieval in distributed environment.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Users seeking information may not find relevant information pertaining to their information need in a specific language. But information may be available in a language different from their own, but users may not know that language. Thus users may experience difficulty in accessing the information present in different languages. Since the retrieval process depends on the translation of the user query, there are many issues in getting the right translation of the user query. For a pair of languages chosen by a user, resources, like incomplete dictionary, inaccurate machine translation system may exist. These resources may be insufficient to map the query terms in one language to its equivalent terms in another language. Also for a given query, there might exist multiple correct translations. The underlying corpus evidence may suggest a clue to select a probable set of translations that could eventually perform a better information retrieval. In this paper, we present a cross language information retrieval approach to effectively retrieve information present in a language other than the language of the user query using the corpus driven query suggestion approach. The idea is to utilize the corpus based evidence of one language to improve the retrieval and re-ranking of news documents in the other language. We use FIRE corpora - Tamil and English news collections in our experiments and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed cross language information retrieval approach.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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International audience


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Dopo lo sviluppo dei primi casi di Covid-19 in Cina nell’autunno del 2019, ad inizio 2020 l’intero pianeta è precipitato in una pandemia globale che ha stravolto le nostre vite con conseguenze che non si vivevano dall’influenza spagnola. La grandissima quantità di paper scientifici in continua pubblicazione sul coronavirus e virus ad esso affini ha portato alla creazione di un unico dataset dinamico chiamato CORD19 e distribuito gratuitamente. Poter reperire informazioni utili in questa mole di dati ha ulteriormente acceso i riflettori sugli information retrieval systems, capaci di recuperare in maniera rapida ed efficace informazioni preziose rispetto a una domanda dell'utente detta query. Di particolare rilievo è stata la TREC-COVID Challenge, competizione per lo sviluppo di un sistema di IR addestrato e testato sul dataset CORD19. Il problema principale è dato dal fatto che la grande mole di documenti è totalmente non etichettata e risulta dunque impossibile addestrare modelli di reti neurali direttamente su di essi. Per aggirare il problema abbiamo messo a punto nuove soluzioni self-supervised, a cui abbiamo applicato lo stato dell'arte del deep metric learning e dell'NLP. Il deep metric learning, che sta avendo un enorme successo soprattuto nella computer vision, addestra il modello ad "avvicinare" tra loro immagini simili e "allontanare" immagini differenti. Dato che sia le immagini che il testo vengono rappresentati attraverso vettori di numeri reali (embeddings) si possano utilizzare le stesse tecniche per "avvicinare" tra loro elementi testuali pertinenti (e.g. una query e un paragrafo) e "allontanare" elementi non pertinenti. Abbiamo dunque addestrato un modello SciBERT con varie loss, che ad oggi rappresentano lo stato dell'arte del deep metric learning, in maniera completamente self-supervised direttamente e unicamente sul dataset CORD19, valutandolo poi sul set formale TREC-COVID attraverso un sistema di IR e ottenendo risultati interessanti.


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Nonostante l'utilizzo di strumenti informatici nella pratica didattica della matematica sia ormai ampiamente diffuso, l'insegnamento dei principi matematici dell'informatica è preso meno in considerazione anche a causa dei pochi punti di contatto nelle "Indicazioni Nazionali" tra le due materie, matematica e informatica, che sono invece intimamente correlate. Questa tesi descrive una attività didattica incentrata sul concetto di calcolabilità e computabilità e basata sul noto formalismo delle Macchine di Turing. É nostra opinione che coinvolgere gli studenti in tali tipologie di attività possa stimolare oltre all'apprendimento di competenze disciplinari, anche lo sviluppo di importanti competenze trasversali, in primis, il problem solving. L’attività proposta nella tesi è stata realizzata in una classe terza di un istituto tecnico economico dove, a seguito di una spiegazione dell’argomento, sono stati svolti due esercizi di gruppo, utilizzando il software \emph{Turing Machine Visualization}, che permette agli studenti e al docente di avere un supporto visuale al dialogo. Al termine dell’attività didattica è stato somministrato agli studenti un questionario che ha permesso di valutare le competenze acquisite da due prospettive distinte: soggettiva e oggettiva. I risultati del questionario sono ampliamente analizzati e discussi nella tesi.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores