914 resultados para Paediatric occupational therapy
Estudo conduzido com o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento e implementação de políticas de qualificação profissional no campo da saúde. Foram analisados 14 cursos de graduação da área da saúde: biomedicina, ciências biológicas, educação física, enfermagem, farmácia, fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia, medicina, medicina veterinária, nutrição, odontologia, psicologia, serviço social e terapia ocupacional, no período de 1991 a 2008. Dados sobre número de ingressantes, taxa de ocupação de vagas, distribuição de concluintes por habitante, gênero e renda familiar foram coletados a partir dos bancos do Ministério da Educação. Para o curso de medicina, a relação foi de 40 candidatos por vaga nas instituições públicas contra 10 nas privadas. A maioria dos ingressantes era composta por mulheres. A região Sudeste concentrou 57% dos concluintes, corroborando o desequilíbrio de distribuição regional das oportunidades de formação de profissionais de saúde e indicando a necessidade de políticas de incentivo à redução dessas desigualdades.
Estudo exploratório e descritivo, parte integrante de um projeto de parceria entre o Serviço de Enfermagem e de Terapia Ocupacional no preparo da criança para as cirurgias eletivas no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo. OBJETIVO: utilizar o brinquedo como recurso terapêutico no alívio das tensões reais e inconscientes da criança em relação à hospitalização. MÉTODO: Foi construído um instrumento de coleta dos dados em forma de roteiro observacional, e aplicado em dois momentos: o primeiro consiste no dia anterior à realização da cirurgia e o segundo momento no dia da cirurgia imediatamente antes de sua realização. Utilizamos a contação de história e a demonstração das intervenções de enfermagem nos brinquedos (bonecos) com equipamentos e materiais comumente utilizados na hospitalização (luvas, aventais cirúrgico, máscara facial e gorro cirúrgico). RESULTADOS: Dentre as 21 variáveis de comportamento observadas, oito obtiveram diferença estatisticamente significativa com teste de McNemar (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: brincar interativamente proporciona à criança hospitalizada interagir com o ambiente hospitalar, expressar os seus sentimentos e emoções e provê recursos para a assistência humanizada.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a influência de atividades lúdicas no processo de formação de conceitos espontâneos por crianças com seqüelas de paralisia cerebral. Participaram da pesquisa sete crianças, que foram submetidas a um pré-teste de conceitos espontâneos, sessões individuais de atividades lúdicas que envolviam alguns dos conceitos avaliados e reaplicação do teste inicial a fim de avaliar o grau de desenvolvimento dos conceitos. Todas as crianças participantes desenvolveram ao menos um dos conceitos mais vivenciados nas sessões de atividades lúdicas, além de terem desenvolvido outros conceitos espontâneos não avaliados por meio dos testes.
Mães de crianças com deficiência visual: percepções, conduta e constribuição do atendimento em grupo
A presente pesquisa teve quatro objetivos: 1) identificar reações de mães em relação ao diagnóstico da deficiência visual; 2) identificar o responsável pela detecção da deficiência; 3) verificar dificuldades da criança no processo de escolarização, e 4) verificar possíveis contribuições de atividades terapêuticas direcionadas ao grupo de mães. Foi realizado um "survey" descritivo com as mães de crianças com deficiência visual, atendidas no CEPRE-FCM-Unicamp. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário aplicado por entrevista, desenvolvido após estudo exploratório. Compôs-se uma amostra não probabilística, constituída por 14 mães. Entre os resultados obtidos, com relação aos sentimentos apontados pelas mães em relação ao diagnóstico, destacaram-se: a tristeza (71,0 por cento); o medo (64,0 por cento) e a decepção (42,0 por cento). O problema visual foi percebido por mães em 53,0 por cento dos casos, por pediatras em 26,0 por cento e por familiares em 21,0 por cento. Entre as dificuldades da criança no processo de escolarização foram apontadas: medo de não conseguirem acompanhar as exigências escolares (75,0 por cento) e discriminação (63,0 por cento). A maioria das mães (78,0 por cento) acredita que as atividades do grupo contribuem para o esclarecimento de dúvidas, e as atividades terapêuticas contribuíram para que aprendessem a lidar com as dificuldades de seus filhos (78,0 por cento). Os resultados obtidos contribuíram para concluir: que os sentimentos de tristeza, medo e decepção mostraram-se mais evidentes; que, na maioria dos casos, a deficiência visual foi detectada pela mãe; que na opinião das mães, as crianças teriam dificuldades em acompanhar as atividades escolares e que o grupo contribuiu para esclarecer dúvidas e favorecer troca de experiências
Evaluation of students undertaking fieldwork education placements is a critical process in the health professions. As training programs and practice evolve, systems for assessing students need to be reviewed and updated constantly. In 1995, staff of the occupational therapy training program at the University of Queensland, Australia decided to develop a new tool for assessing student fieldwork performance. Using an action research methodology, a team developed the Student Placement Evaluation Form, a flexible and comprehensive criterion-referenced evaluation tool. The present paper examines action research as an appropriate methodology for considering real-life organisational problems in a systematic and participatory manner. The action research cycles undertaken, including preliminary information gathering, tool development, trial stages and current use of the tool, are detailed in the report. Current and future development of the tool is also described.
A longitudinal study of 55 adults with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) investigated the areas of function for which they lacked self-awareness of their level of competency. Data were collected at 3 and 12 months post-injury using the Patient Competency Rating Scale. Self-awareness was measured by comparing patient self-ratings with the ratings of an infor mant. The results were consistent with previous studies, indicating that self-awareness was most impaired for activities with a large cognitive and socioemotional component, and least impaired for basic activities of daily living, memory activities, and overt emotional responses. For most areas of function that were overestimated at 3 months post-injury, self-awareness subsequently improved during the first year after injury.
The aim of this study was to create an adaptation of the Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale (RKPPS) for the Brazilian population, as well as to apply the instrument with statistical analysis to verify the preliminary intra-rater and inter-rater reliability and repeatability of the instrument. The instructions presented by Beaton et al. regarding adaptation of instruments were followed to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the RKPPS. A preliminary test of the Portuguese version was performed on 18 children with no motor, cognitive or sensory impairment. The video recordings of this administration were analysed on two separate occasions by two examiners within a 5-month interval, using the scores suggested by Pfeifer. The Spearman`s test was used in the statistical analysis of the obtained data. The author of the RKPPS agreed with the small necessary cultural adaptations. The Spearman test revealed a high correlation coefficient and good significance levels for both intra- and inter-raters values. This study demonstrated the reliability and repeatability of the Brazilian version of the RKPPS. This is a preliminary study and further studies are needed in order to validate the scale to be administered in the Brazilian population. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background. Play is an indication of a children`s development. Purpose. Organize a culturally adapt the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment to Brazilian population. Method. Translation and cultural adaptation procedures consisted of translation, synthesis, back translation, author`s approval, and pretest of the assessment. For the pretest, 14 typically developing children were assessed. Was evaluated the use of play materials, duration of the assessment, and reliability. Findings. Play materials and duration of the assessment were appropriate for Brazilian children. Analysis of intra-rater reliability showed good agreement ranging from 0.90 to 1.00. Inter-rater reliability showed good to moderate agreement for five items ranging from 0.76 to 0.59. Four items showed chance to poor agreement (rho = -0.13 to 0.50). Implications. Results of the pretest indicate the Brazilian version of the ChIPPA is potentially useful for Brazilian children. ChIPPA training in Portuguese in Brazil with play observation feedback is recommended to improve inter-rater reliability.
This paper examines a range of theoretical issues and the empirical evidence relating to clinical supervision in four mental health professions, namely clinical psychology, occupational therapy, social work, and speech pathology. Despite the widespread acceptance of the value of supervision among practitioners and the large quantity of literature on the topic, there is very little empirical evidence in this area. It is not clear whether supervision actually produces a change in clinician behaviour, nor whether it produces benefits in terms of client outcomes. To date, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate which styles of supervision are most beneficial for particular types of staff, in terms of their level of experience or learning style. The data suggest that directive forms of supervision, rather than unstructured approaches, are preferred by relatively inexperienced practitioners, and that experienced clinicians also value direct supervision methods when learning new skills or dealing with complex or crisis situations. The available evidence suggests that supervisors typically receive little training in supervision methods. However, to date, we have little information to guide us as to the most effective ways of training supervisors. While acknowledging the urgent need for research, the paper concludes that supervision is likely to form a valuable component of professional development for mental health professionals.
As the use of technological devices in everyday environments becomes more prevalent, it is clear that access to these devices has become an important aspect of occupational performance. Children are increasingly required to competently manipulate technology such as the computer to fulfil occupational roles of student and player. Occupational therapists are in a position to facilitate the successful interface between children and standard computer technologies. The literature has supported the use of direct manipulation interfaces in computing that requires mastery of devices such as the mouse. Identification of children likely to experience difficulties with mouse use will inform the development of appropriate methods of intervention promoting mouse skill and further enhance participation in occupational tasks. The aim of this paper is to discuss the development of an assessment of mouse proficiency for children. It describes the construction of the assessment, the content of the test, and its content validity.
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is an important disease of childhood with farreaching effects on the child and family. Splinting is a major treatment modality used by occupational therapists for children with JIA. Parents play a central role in whether, when and how splints are used with their children on a daily basis. This paper describes a qualitative research project, which was undertaken to evaluate an occupational therapy service for children with JIA whose treatment had involved splinting. Using semi-structured interviews, the study investigated five mothers' perceptions of the effectiveness of splinting for their children. The interviews revealed five major points. First, the informants generally believed the splinting to be effective. Secondly, the children involved generally resisted wearing splints because they were physically uncomfortable and made them feel different to other children. Thirdly, the mothers used a variety of strategies to ensure that their children wore the splints. Fourthly, the perception of having a positive and supportive relationship with the therapist enhanced the mothers' ability to adhere to splinting. Lastly, the mothers' grief at having a child with JIA influenced their ability to understand and attend to information about specific interventions such as splinting. Practical responses to these findings are outlined.
The play of children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a valuable medium for assessment and intervention, and its analysis has the potential to aid diagnosis. This study investigated spontaneous play behavior and play object preferences for 24 preschool children with ASD in a typical occupational therapy clinical environment. Play behavior was rated and choice of play object noted at 10-second intervals from a 15-minute video recording of unstructured play. Statistical analyses indicated that play behavior was consistent with descriptions in the literature. In addition, the children demonstrated clear preferences for play objects in the form of popular characters (e.g., Thomas the Tank Engine) and those with sensorimotor properties. We propose that the inclusion of preferred play objects in a clinical environment may increase intrinsic motivation to play, and thereby enhance assessment and intervention.
no abstract
The People in Pain course was set up as a joint initiative of the Departments of Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The University of Queensland. It was instigated in response to the publication of Pain Curricula for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) in 1994 (1). The first year it was offered, the "People in Pain" course comprised 14 h of lecture content. It was then expanded to encompass 28 h of lectures and seminar involvement. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of participation in a university pain course that meets the IASP pain curricula guidelines to increase health professional students' knowledge about pain. METHODS: Students who participated in the People in Pain course over the first three years were invited to complete the Revised Pain Knowledge and Attitudes Questionnaire (R-PKAQ) pre- and postcourse. Data obtained from 22 students in the short course formed a pilot project, and data from 22 students in the longer version of the course were used in the present study. RESULTS: Examination of the correlation matrix indicated substantial correlations between all R-PKAQ subscales except physiological basis of pain and pharmacological management of pain. In both the pilot project during the first year of the course and the expanded course in the following two years, significant improvement was found in the students' knowledge on five of the six subscales of the R-PKAQ: physiological basis of pain, psychological factors of pain perception, assessment and measurement of pain, cognitive-behavioural methods of pain relief, and pharmacological management of pain. Improvements in the developmental aspects of pain perception subscale failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: An integrated pain course developed according to the pain curriculum guidelines developed by the IASP resulted in increased student knowledge regardless of the length of the program attended.
As constantes alterações das realidades sociais e epidemiológicas em associação ao envelhecimento populacional conduziram a insuficiências dos Sistemas Social e de Saúde que requerem uma reestruturação ao nível da adequação dos cuidados de saúde a prestar, pelo que, em resposta a esta necessidade foi criada a Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados Integrados. O presente estudo, de natureza qualitativa e carácter exploratório, tem como objectivo compreender a percepção dos Terapeutas Ocupacionais que trabalham em Unidades de Cuidados Continuados Integrados relativamente às categorias que considerem mais relevantes da Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde, tendo sido aplicada uma entrevista a 8 profissionais a exercer funções em Unidades da Zona Norte, resultante de um processo de amostragem não probabilística e de conveniência. Como método de recolha de dados foi aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada, cujo guião foi construído após revisão bibliográfica, tendo por base as categorias definidas pelo modelo da Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde e, posteriormente, analisado por um painel de peritos, tendo-se procedido à realização de uma entrevista piloto a um elemento, sem que esta contasse para a análise. A partir da análise das entrevistas realizadas procedemos à identificação das unidades de significado, tendo os conceitos sido ligados às categorias da Classificação que o representam de uma forma mais adequada, de acordo com as linking rules, tendo sido identificadas as categorias mais relevantes para os Terapeutas Ocupacionais a exercer funções em Unidades de Cuidados Continuados Integrados. Com a realização deste estudo, que pretende ser um primeiro passo para a criação de um futuro Core Set em Cuidados Continuados, foi-nos possível verificar que o maior número de categorias foram observadas no componente Actividades e Participação, tendo sido contabilizadas 70 (40,7%). Por outro lado, o componente Estruturas do corpo é o que integra menor número, contando com 19 categorias (11,05%). Assim, pensamos que a criação de um Core Set em Cuidados Continuados poderá beneficiar e facilitar a comunicação entre os profissionais destas equipas. No entanto, é importante ressalvar que a terminologia desta Classificação deverá ser utilizada de uma forma concertada com a linguagem específica da Terapia Ocupacional. Palavras-chave: Classificação Internacional da Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde, Core Set, Terapeutas Ocupacionais, Unidades de Cuidados Continuados Integrados.