919 resultados para PULSES


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The nonlinear behavior of a probe pulse propagating in a medium with electromagnetically induced transparency is studied both numerically and analytically. A new type of nonlinear wave equation is proposed in which the noninstantaneous response of nonlinear polarization is treated properly. The resulting nonlinear behavior of the propagating probe pulse is shown to be fundamentally different from that predicted by the simple nonlinear Schrodinger-like wave equation that considers only instantaneous Kerr nonlinearity. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We study the possibility of manipulating the focusing properties of a medium with electromagnetically induced transparency. In the focal region of focused ultraslow light pulses, the spectral anomalous behaviors can be actively modified by varying the control field intensity. Unlike the case in free space, we find in slow light focusing that the spectrum bandwidth of the incident field needed to produce observable spectral changes can be reduced by several orders. Numerical simulations with accessible parameters clearly show that spectral anomalies of focused mu s pulses are observable.


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When a Dammann grating is used to split a beam of femtosecond laser pulses into multiple equal-intensity beams, chromatic dispersion will occur in beams of each order of diffraction and with different scale of angular dispersion because the incident ultrashort pulse contains a broad range of spectral bandwidths. We propose a novel method in which the angular dispersion can be compensated by positioning an m-time-density grating to collimate the mth-order beam that has been split, producing an array of beams that are free of angular dispersion. The increased width of the compensated output pulses and the spectral walk-off effect are discussed. We have verified this approach theoretically and validated it through experiments. It should be highly interesting in practical applications of splitting femtosecond laser pulses for pulse-width measurement, pump-probe measurement, and micromachining at multiple points. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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In this paper we propose a very simple layout of multi-shot second-harmonic-generation (SHG) frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG) using three reflective Dammann gratings ( Dammann SHG-FROG) for characterization of the ultrashort optical pulses. One reflective Dammann gratings is used as the beamsplitter and the other two compensate the angular dispersion. Both theoretical and experimental results show that the distortions of the optical pulses introduced by the reflective Dammann gratings are very small. This device should be highly interesting for characterizing the ultrashort pulse. (C) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Frequency resolved optical gating (FROG), is an effective technique for characterizing the ultrafast laser pulses. The multi-shot second harmonic generation (SHG) FROG is the most sensitive one in different FROGs. In this paper we use this technique to measure the femtosecond optical pulses generated by a conventional Ti:sapphire oscillator.


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Grating pairs are widely used for pulse compression and stretching. Normally, the two gratings are identical. We propose a very simple structure with double-line-density reflective gratings for pulse compression and generation of double pulses, which has the advantages of no material dispersion, compact in volume, simple in structure, etc. The use of reflective Dammann gratings fully demonstrated the principle of this structure. The output pulses are well verified by a standard frequency-resolved optical gating apparatus. This structure will be highly interesting in ultrashort pulse compression and other more practical applications of femtosecond laser pulses. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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A scheme is proposed to transform an optical pulse into a millimeter-wave frequency modulation pulse by using a weak fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in a fiber-optics system. The Fourier transformation method is used to obtain the required spectrum response function of the FBG for the Gaussian pulse, soliton pulse, and Lorenz shape pulse. On the condition of the first-order Born approximation of the weak fiber grating, the relation of the refractive index distribution and the spectrum response function of the FBG satisfies the Fourier transformation, and the corresponding refractive index distribution forms are obtained for single-frequency modulation and linear-frequency modulation millimeter-wave pulse generation. The performances of the designed fiber gratings are also studied by a numerical simulation method for a supershort pulse transmission. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Doubled femtosecond laser pulses in-line are needed in the collinear pump-probe technique, collinear second harmonic generation frequency-resolved optical gating (SHG FROG) and the spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction (SPIDER), etc. Normally, it is generated by using a Michelson's structure. In this paper, we proposed a novel structure with two-layered reflective Dammann gratings and the reflective mirrors to generate doubled femtosecond laser pulses in line without transmission optical elements. Angular dispersion and spectral spatial walk-off are both compensated. In addition, this structure can also compress the positive chirped pulse, which cannot be realized with a Michelson's structure. By adopting triangular grating and blazed gratings, the efficiency of the system would in principle be increased as the Michelson's scheme. Experiments demonstrated that this method should be an alternative approach for generation of the double compressed pulses of femtosecond laser for practical applications. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Ultrafast lasers ablation of Cr film was investigated by using double-pulse method. Experimental results show that there exists a temporal ablation window effect with each of the double pulses adjusted just smaller than the threshold. When the delay between the double pulses is within the order of 400 ps, the ablation of Cr film could happen. When the delay between the double pulses is beyond the order of 400 ps, the ablation of Cr film would not happen, and the reflectivity from the surface of the Cr film shows a sharp rise at the same time. The two-temperature model was developed into the form of double pulses to explain the experimental phenomena. Furthermore, microbump structures were formed on the surface of Cr film after ablation by ultrafast double pulses. Their heights exhibit an obvious drop between 1 and 10 ps double pulses delay, which is involved with the electron-phonon coupling process according to the numerical simulation. These results should be helpful for understanding the dynamic processes during ultrafast lasers ablation of metal films. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss coupling of ultrashort light pulses into waveguides by use of a prism waveguide coupler configuration. Theoretical analysis indicates that an extra loss induced by the short coherence times of ultrashort pulses, which has a strong effect on the reflected light and the optimum coupling condition, appears in the waveguide. Numerical simulations show that the reflectance strongly depends on the coherence times of ultrashort pulses. A method for realizing optimum coupling by compensating for the extra loss is proposed as well in this paper. A preliminary experiment of employing ultrashort pulses with different coherence times was carried out, and good agreement between theory and experiment was obtained. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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We report a novel technique for spectral shaping of femtosecond pulses employing a prism-waveguide coupler (PWC). It is demonstrated that the PWC is capable of producing a frequency-dependent loss with greater attenuation at the peak of the spectrum profile of femtosecond pulses than in the wings, which is especially useful for compensation for gain narrowing in most chirped-pulse amplification laser systems.


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The present project aims to describe and study the nature and transmission of nerve pulses. First we review a classical model by Hodgkin-Huxley which describes the nerve pulse as a pure electric signal which propagates due to the opening of some time- and voltage-dependent ion channels. Although this model was quite successful when introduced, it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation to other phenomena that occur in the transmission of nerve pulses, therefore a new theory seems to be necessary. The soliton theory is one such theory, which we explain after introducing two topics that are important for its understanding: (i) the lipid melting of membranes, which are found to display nonlinearity and dispersion during the melting transition, and (ii) the discovery and the conditions required for the existence of solitons. In the soliton theory, the pulse is presented as an electromechanical soliton which forces the membrane through the transition while propagating. The action of anesthesia is also explained in the new framework by the melting point depression caused by anesthetics. Finally, we present a comparison between the two models.