999 resultados para PRIMARY TOOTH DENTIN
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to analyze the effect of glass-ionomer cement as a liner on the dentin/resin adhesive interface of lateral walls of occlusal restorations after thermocycling.Materials and Methods: Occlusal cavities were prepared in 60 human molars, divided into six groups: no liner (1 and 4); glass-ionomer cement (GIC, Ketac Molar Easymix, 3M ESPE) (2 and 5); and resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC, Vitrebond, 3M ESPE) (3 and 6). Resin composite (Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE) was placed after application of an adhesive system (Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE) that was mixed with a fluorescent reagent (Rhodamine B) to allow confocal microscopy analysis. Specimens of groups 4, 5 and 6 were thermocycled (5 degrees C-55 degrees C) with a dwell time of 30 seconds for 5000 cycles. After this period, teeth were sectioned in approximately 0.8-mm slices. One slice of each tooth was randomly selected for confocal microscopy analysis. The other slices were sectioned into 0.8 nun x 0.8 mm beams, which were submitted to microtensile testing (MPa). Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05).Results: There was no detectedstatistical difference on bond strength among groups (alpha < 0.05). Confocal microscopy analysis showed a higher mean gap size in group 4(12.5 mu m) and a higher percentage of marginal gaps in the thermocycled groups. The RNIGIC liner groups showed the lowest percentage of marginal gaps.Conclusions: Lining with RMGIC resulted in less gap formation at the dentin/resin adhesive interface after artificial aging. RMGIC or GIC liners did not alter the microtensile bond strength of adhesive system/resin composite to dentin on the lateral walls of Class I restorations.
Dentin hipersensitivity (DH) is a relatively common clinical condition, especially in periodontal patients after treatment. In this study it was evaluated 28 teeth who presented dentin hypersensitivity. The teeth were subjected to clinical and radiographic exams and were divided into groups following the treatment and the time of examination after application proposed: GI: PO 3% (Potassium Oxalate-group control)/Baseline; GII: PO 3%/3 days after first session; GIII: PO 3%/6 days; GIV: PO 3%/30 days; GV: PO 3%/60 days; GVI: PO 3%/90 days; GVII: Laser (Low-level diode laser with 110 mW/cm(2))/Baseline; GVIII: Laser/7 days after first session; GIX: Laser/14 days; GX: Laser/30 days; GXI: Laser/60 days; and GXII: Laser/90 days. The groups I-VI, the teeth were subjected to 3 applications (GI-GIII) of desensitizing agent at regular intervals of seven days. The Groups VII-XI, each tooth was subjected to three applications (GVII GIX) in three different points (mesial, meddle and distal surfaces) with an interval of 72 h. The time of application in each point was of 33 s and the patients from both groups were followed up to 90 days. The nonparametric test Friedman (alpha = 0.05) was applied and the test of Mann Whitney (alpha = 0.05) was used to compare the time of examination between groups. The application of Laser was effective 6 days after first session and to PO was 30 days. It was observed that both treatments were effective for the reduction of dentin hypersensitivity, however the laser presented better effectiveness.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to verify through micro tensile bond test the bond strength of an adhesive system irradiated with Nd:YAG laser in dentine previously treated with Er:YAG laser. Twenty caries free extracted human third molars were used. The teeth were divided in four experimental groups (n = 5): (G1) control group; (G2) irradiation of the adhesive system with the Nd:YAG laser; (G3) dentin treatment with Er:YAG laser; (G4) dentin treatment with Er:YAG laser followed by the irradiation of the adhesive system with Nd:YAG laser. The Er:YAG laser fluency parameter for the dentin treatment was of 60 J/cm(2). ne adhesive system was irradiated with the Nd:YAG laser with fluency of 100 J/cm(2). Dental restorations were performed with Adper Single Bond 2/Z250. One tooth from each group was prepared for the evaluation of the adhesive interface under SEM and bond failure tests were also performed and evaluated. The statistical analysis showed statistical significant difference between the groups G1 and G3, G1 and G4, G2 and G3, and G2 and G4; and similarity between the groups G1 and G2, and G3 and G4. The adhesive failures were predominant in all the experimental groups. The SEM analysis showed an adhesive interface with features confirming the results of the mechanical tests. The Nd:YAG laser on the adhesive system did not influence the bond strength in dentin treated or not with the Er:YAG laser.
Odontogenic anomalies can occur as a result of conjoining or twinning defects. These include fusion, gemination and concrescence. This article presents two case reports of double teeth. In the first case reported, a 4-year-old white boy presented primary double teeth associated to the absence of the right permanent mandibular lateral incisor. In the second case, a 5-year-old white girl had a family history of anomaly in primary dentition. The girl and her mother presented double teeth in the primary dentition. Her mother showed hypodontia in the permanent dentition. Extra and intra oral clinical examination was made in both cases. Radiographic analyses showed the involvement of the permanent tooth. Authors conclude that double teeth in primary dentition have to be carefully analysed as they may be associated with anomalies in the permanent dentition. Correct diagnosis of the condition implicates in a better prognosis for the patient.
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of cyclical mechanical loading on the bond strength of a fiber and a zirconia post bonded to root dentin.Materials and Methods: Forty single-rooted human teeth (maxillary incisors and canines) were sectioned, and the root canals were prepared at 12 mm. Twenty randomly seleced specimens received a quartz fiber post (FRC) (D.T. Light-Post) and 20 others received a zirconia post (ZR) (Cosmopost). The posts were resin luted (All Bond 2 + resin cement Duo-link) and each specimen was embedded in epoxy resin inside a PVC cylinder. Ten specimens with FRC post and 10 specimens with ZR post were submitted to fatigue testing (2,000,000 cycles; load: 50 N; angle of 45 degrees; frequency: 8 Hz), while the other 20 specimens were not fatigued. Thus, 4 groups were formed: G1: FRC+O cycles; G2: FRC+2,000,000 cycles; G3: ZR+O cycles; G4: ZR+2,000,000 cycles. Later, the specimens were cut perpendicular to their long axis to form 2-mm-thick disk-shaped samples (4 sections/specimen), which were submitted to the push-out test (1 mm/min). The mean bond strength values (MPa) were calculated for each tooth (n = 10) and data were submitted to statistical analysis (alpha = 0.05).Results: Two-way ANOVA revealed that the bond strength was significantly affected by mechanical cycling (p = 0.0014) and root post (p = 0.0325). The interaction was also statistically significant (p = 0.0010). Tukey's test showed that the mechanical cycling did not affect the bonding of FRC to root dentin, while fatigue impaired the bonding of zirconium to root dentin.Conclusion: (1) the bond strength of the FRC post to root dentin was not reduced after fatigue testing, whereas the bonding of the zirconia post was significantly affected by the fatigue. (2) Cyclical mechanical loading appears to damage the bond strength of the rigid post only.
O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi de avaliar ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura os aspectos morfológicos do esmalte de dentes decíduos após condicionamento com ácido fosfórico a 36% ou com um agente condicionador não lavável. Foram selecionados 10 dentes decíduos anteriores esfoliados naturalmente. As amostras sofreram limpeza coronária com pasta de pedra-pomes e água, em baixa-velocidade. O condicionamento foi realizado no esmalte da face vestibular. Os espécimes foram divididos em dois grupos: G1 (n=10): condicionamento com ácido fosfórico a 36% na forma de gel - Conditioner 36 (Dentsply) durante 20 segundos, seguidos de lavagem com água durante 15 segundos; G2 (n=10): condicionamento com NRC - Non Rinse Conditioner (Dentsply) durante 20 segundos, seguidos de secagem com ar durante 15 segundos. As amostras foram desidratadas, montadas em bases metálicas e cobertas com ouro para análise ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura (Jeol JSM 6.100). A análise da eletromicrografias revelou que ambos os agentes condicionadores foram efetivos para condicionar o esmalte de dentes decíduos, causando microporosidades mas com melhor resultado quando utilizou-se o ácido fosfórico a 36% na forma de gel.
This retrospective study examined some different types of treatment to primary teeth. The aim of this study was to assess the treatment of traumatized primary teeth and the importance of a long-term follow up. Brazilian children in the age group of 1-4 years from a baby clinic took part in the study. Three hundred and fifteen patients suffered some type of traumatic injury, a total of 338 affected teeth. Data were registered in specific records and submitted to statistic analysis. The most prevalent type of treatment was monitor only (85%) followed by tooth extraction and endodontic procedure. Invasive treatments were performed in case of severe traumas, usually 6 months after the injury. We verified that a careful follow up might be the preferential choice to the treatment of traumatic primary teeth even in some severe cases.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the number and the diameter of dentin tubules in root canals, in the cervical, middle, and apical thirds, of human and bovine teeth. Twenty-four single-rooted, human premolars were divided into four groups (n = 6): GH1, 10 to 15 years; GH2, 16 to 30 years; GH3, 31 to 45 years; and GH4, 46 to 80 years; and 24 bovine incisors were divided into four groups (n = 6): GB1, central; GB2, lateral first; GB3, lateral second; and GB4, lateral third. The crowns were removed from the specimens, which were then debrided, sectioned longitudinally in the vestibular-lingual direction, and submitted to ultrasonic cleaning. Scanning electron microscopic evaluations were made with 1,000x and 5,000x magnification. According to the root thirds, statistically significant differences were found both for the number and the diameter of dentin tubules, with the cervical third presenting the highest mean values for both specimen types. As regards the number of dentin tubules, it was observed that the bovine specimens presented a significantly higher mean value than the human specimens; this difference was not observed when the diameters of the two types were compared.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of intrapulpal pressure and dentin depth on bond strengths of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etching bonding agent to dentin in vitro and in vivo. Twenty-four pairs of premolars were randomly divided into four groups (n = 6) according to the dentin bonding agent, Single Bond and Clearfil SE Bond, and intrapulpal pressure, null or positive. Each tooth of the pair was further designated to be treated in vivo or in vitro. The intrapulpal pressure was controlled in vivo by the delivery of local anesthetics containing or not a vasoconstrictor, while in vitro, it was achieved by keeping the teeth under hydrostatic pressure. Class I cavities were prepared and the dentin bonding agents were applied followed by incremental resin restoration. For the teeth treated in vitro, the same restorative procedures were performed after a 6 month-storage period. Beams with I mm 2 cross-sectional area were prepared and, microtensile tested. Clearfil SE Bond was not influenced by any of the variables of the study, while bond strengths produced in vitro were significatly higher for Single Bond. Overall, lower bond strengths were produced in deep dentin, which reached statistical significance when Single Bond was applied under physiological or simulated intrapulpal pressure. In conclusion, in vitro bonding may overestimate the immediate adhesive performance of more technique-sensitive dentin bonding systems. The impact of intrapulpal pressure on bond strength seems to be more adhesive dependent than dentin morphological characteristics related to depth. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
This study determined the size of aluminum oxide particles used in an air abrasion system that is able to remove carious dentin tissue with maximum preservation of sound structure. Thirty extracted and carious-free third molars were used in this study. The dentin sample was obtained by sectioning the middle of the crown longitudinal to the long axis of the tooth in a mesio-distal direction. One half of the crown corresponded to the sound dentin group (SD), while the other half was used to develop artificial caries, constituting the, carious dentin group (CD). The specimens were air abraded for 15 seconds. The SD and CD groups were each randomly divided into three subgroups (N=10) according to the particle diameter employed (27, 50 and 125 pm). The prepared cavity was perpendicularly cut in half, and the profiles of all hemi-fragments were observed using SEM microscopy. The cavity measurements were made using a modified cephalometric analysis. The 27, 50 and 125 pun aluminum oxide particles did not present selectivity in the removal of carious dentin. However, when using the air abrasive technique for carious dentin treatment, the use of 27 and 50 pun aluminum oxide particles is recommended, due to their capacity to remove less sound tissue than the 125 pun particles.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of peroxide passage from the pulp chamber to the external enamel surface during the internal bleaching technique. Fifty bovine teeth were sectioned transversally 5 mm below the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), and the remaining part of the root was sealed with a 2-mm layer of glass ionomer cement. The external surface of the samples was coated with nail varnish, with the exception of standardized circular areas (6-mm diameter) located on the enamel, exposed dentin, or cementum surface of the tooth. The teeth were divided into three experimental groups according to exposed areas close to the CEJ and into two control groups (n=10/group), as follows: GE, enamel exposure area; GC, cementum exposed area; GD, dentin exposed area; Negative control, no presence of internal bleaching agent and uncoated surface; and Positive control, pulp chamber filled with bleaching agent and external surface totally coated with nail varnish. The pulp chamber was filled with 35% hydrogen peroxide (Opalescence Endo, Ultradent). Each sample was placed inside of individual flasks with 1000 mu L of acetate buffer solution, 2 M (pH 4.5). After seven days, the buffer solution was transferred to a glass tube, in which 100 mu L of leuco-crystal violet and 50 mu L of horseradish peroxidase were added, producing a blue solution. The optical density of the blue solution was determined by spectrophotometer and converted into microgram equivalents of hydrogen peroxide. Data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn-Bonferroni tests (alpha=0.05). All experimental groups presented passage of peroxide to the external surface that was statistically different from that observed in the control groups. It was verified that the passage of peroxide was higher in GD than in GE (p<0.01). The GC group presented a significantly lower peroxide passage than did GD and GE (p<0.01). It can be concluded that the hydrogen peroxide placed into the pulp chamber passed through the dental hard tissues, reaching the external surface and the periodontal tissue. The cementum surface was less permeable than were the dentin and enamel surfaces.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of this study was to investigate long-term pH changes in cavities prepared in root surface dentin of extracted teeth after obturation of the root canal with gutta-percha and a variety of sealers containing calcium hydroxide. After cleaning and shaping, root canals in 50 recently extracted, human single-rooted teeth were divided into five groups. Each of four groups was obturated with gutta-percha and either Sealapex, Sealer 26, Apexit, or CRCS, all of which contain calcium hydroxide. The remaining group served as the control and was not obturated with gutta-percha or sealer. Cavities were prepared in the facial surface of the roots in the cervical and middle regions. The pH was measured in these dentinal cavities at the initiation of the experiment, and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days after obturation. Results indicate that the pH at the surface of the root does not become alkaline when calcium hydroxide cements are used as root canal sealers. Regardless of the sealer used, the observed pattern of pH change was not different from that seen in the control group of roots that were not treated with sealer. It is concluded that calcium hydroxide-containing cements, although suitable for use as root canal sealants, do not produce an alkaline pH at the root surface. If such a pH change is related to treatment of root resorption, these sealants do not contribute to this treatment. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pH, after defined periods of time, in cavities prepared in the facial surface of the cervical, middle, and apical regions of roots obturated with calcium hydroxide pastes. Root canal instrumentation was performed on 40 recently extracted, single-rooted human teeth. Cavities 1.5 mm in diameter and 0.75 mm in depth were prepared in the cervical, middle, and apical regions of the facial surface of each root. Teeth were randomly divided into four groups. One group was left unobturated and served as a control. The three remaining groups were obturated with either aqueous calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide mixed with camphorated monochlorophenol, or Pulpdent pastes. Access cavities and apical foramina were closed with Cavit. Each tooth was stored individually in a vial containing unbuffered isotonic saline. pH at the surface was measured in the cervical, middle, and apical cavities at 0 and 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 45, 60, 90, and 120 days. Results indicate that hydroxyl ions derived from calcium hydroxide pastes diffused through root dentin at all regions over the experimental period of 120 days. The pattern of pH change at the tooth surface was similar in all regions of the root, regardless of the type of calcium hydroxide paste used. This was a rapid rise in pH from a control value of pH 7.6, to greater than pH 9.5 by 3 days, followed by a small decline to pH 9.0 over the next 18 days, before finally rising and remaining at, or above pH 10.0 for the remainder of the experimental period. Pulpdent paste in the apical region was the only exception in this pattern, producing a pH rise nearly one full unit below the other pastes, pH 9.3. These results indicate that, for all pastes tested, a high pH is maintained at the root surface for at least 120 days. Copyright © 1996 by The American Association of Endodontists.