989 resultados para PMAQ-AB


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During one week, beginning 18 days after transplantation, nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma ranging from 115 to 943 mm3 (mean 335 mm3) were treated by repeated intravenous injections of either iodine-131-(131I) labeled intact antibodies or 131I-labeled corresponding F(ab')2 fragments of a pool of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against distinct epitopes of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Complete tumor remission was observed in 8 of 10 mice after therapy with F(ab')2 and 6 of the animals survived 10 mo in good health. In contrast, after treatment with intact MAbs, tumors relapsed in 7 of 8 mice after remission periods of 1 to 3.5 mo despite the fact that body weight loss and depression of peripheral white blood cells, symptoms of radiation toxicity, and the calculated radiation doses for liver, spleen, bone, and blood were increased or equal in these animals as compared to mice treated with F(ab')2.


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Atualmente os computadores são objetos indispensáveis na vida das pessoas, possibilitando que os utilizadores tenham uma vida mais simplificada quanto ao nível profissional e pessoal. Eles vieram para revolucionar a forma como os indivíduos, estudantes e empresas trabalham, vivem, se comunicam, educam, partilham informações e se entretêm. Os computadores hoje em dia são partes globais de virtualidade de muitas atividades humanas e não humanas possíveis. E é neste âmbito, considerando esta globalização, que fundou-se a AB Computers. Esta empresa não se encontra no mercado para ser mais uma, mas sim para revolucionar o mercado dos computadores. E é com este objetivo que a empresa mantem-se no mercado fabricando computadores de altíssima qualidade, mantem uma estreita relação com os clientes, pensa na melhor adequação entre custos e benefícios e coloca o seu produto nas regiões mais próximas dos seus clientes. Mas é com este propósito também, que a empresa preocupa-se com o bem-estar, motivação, capacitação e disciplina dos seus colaboradores, oferecendo formações e incentivos para que melhor desempenhem as suas funções. No presente Relatório, será possível avaliar o desempenho da atuação da empresa no mercado de computadores durante estes oito trimestres de atividade (2 anos). Considerar-se-ão pontos como a situação financeira, a análise do desempenho de marketing, uma análise crítica do plano de marketing anteriormente elaborado, a avaliação da estratégia e do desempenho da empresa, a avaliação da situação atual da empresa e do mercado e, as estratégias que serão utilizadas para que a empresa possa enfrentar os novos desafios a que se propôs. Estratégias essas, que auxiliarão a empresa para que esta continue sendo a líder do mercado.


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Secretory component (SC) represents the soluble ectodomain of the polymeric Ig receptor, a membrane protein that transports mucosal Abs across epithelial cells. In the protease-rich environment of the intestine, SC is thought to stabilize the associated IgA by unestablished molecular mechanisms. To address this question, we reconstituted SC-IgA complexes in vitro by incubating dimeric IgA (IgAd) with either recombinant human SC (rSC) or SC isolated from human colostral milk (SCm). Both complexes exhibited an identical degree of covalency when exposed to redox agents, peptidyl disulfide isomerase, and temperature changes. In cross-competition experiments, 50% inhibition of binding to IgAd was achieved at approximately 10 nM SC competitor. Western blot analysis of IgAd digested with intestinal washes indicated that the alpha-chain in IgAd was primarily split into a 40-kDa species, a phenomenon delayed in rSC- or SCm-IgAd complexes. In the same assay, either of the SCs was resistant to degradation only if complexed with IgAd. In contrast, the kappa light chain was not digested at all, suggesting that the F(ab')2 region was left intact. Accordingly, IgAd and SC-IgAd digestion products retained functionality as indicated by Ag reactivity in ELISA. Size exclusion chromatography under native conditions of digested IgAd and rSC-IgAd demonstrates that SC exerts its protective role in secretory IgA by delaying cleavage in the hinge/Fc region of the alpha-chain, not by holding together degraded fragments. The function of integral secretory IgA and F(ab')2 is discussed in terms of mucosal immune defenses.


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Normal rats were injected intravenously with 131I- and 125I-labeled intact murine and chimeric mouse-human monoclonal antibodies directed against carcinoembryonic antigen or with the corresponding F(ab')2 fragments. At different times after injection, individual animals were killed and radioactivity of blood and major organs, including bones and bone marrow, was determined. Ratios comparing radioactivity concentration in different tissues with that of bone marrow were calculated and found to remain stable during several effective half-lives of the antibodies. Mean bone marrow radioactivity was 35% (range, 29%-40%) of that of blood and 126% (range, 108%-147%) of that of liver after injection of intact Mabs or F(ab')2 fragments. In nude rats bearing human colon carcinoma xenografts producing carcinoembryonic antigen, relative bone marrow radioactivity was slightly lower than that in normal rats.