Dentre os principais desafios para o controle da malária no Brasil e no mundo, o advento da resistência do plasmódio, em especial do Plasmodium falciparum, se apresenta como o de maior relevância. A mefloquina é o fármaco de primeira linha para o tratamento da malária falciparum, e a disponibilidade de métodos sensíveis e baixo custo para monitorização das concentrações sanguíneas do fármaco e da carboximefloquina auxilia na otimização dos esquemas terapêuticos. Neste sentido, foi validada metodologia analítica, de acordo com parâmetros sugeridos pelos órgãos regulamentadores oficiais, para determinação de mefloquina e seu derivado carboxilado em amostra de sangue total adsorvida em papel de filtro. Foi empregado cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência após extração líquido-líquido dos analitos de interesse. A detecção foi realizada em λ = 222nm. Não foi observada interferência de outros antimaláricos comumente utilizados. O método foi linear em intervalo de concentração de 0,25 a 2,5 μg/mL, para mefloquina e seu derivado carboxilado. O limite de detecção foi de 35 ng/mL e do de quantificação de. 70 ng/mL, para mefloquina e carboximefloquina, respectivamente. A precisão intra ensaio média foi 31±4 % para mefloquina e de 21±5 % para carboximefloquina. A precisão inter ensaio média foi de e 38±4% para mefloquina e de 25±7% para carboximefloquina. A recuperação média para concentrações de mefloquina variando de 0,25 a 2,5 μg/mL foi de 83± 14%, e de carboximefloquina nas concentrações de 0,375 a 3740 μg/mL foi de 88±11%. O fármaco foi estável nas amostras adsorvidas em papel de filtro pelo período de um mês. O método foi robusto para pequenas variações de pH da fase móvel. Para avaliar a aplicabilidade do método foi realizada determinação dos analítos em amostras de sangue adsorvidas em papel de filtro de pacientes com malária falciparum. A concentração média de mefloquina foi de 0,861±0,723 μg/mL e de carboximefloquina de 0,472±0,086 μg/mL. Os parâmetros de validação da metodologia analítica seguem as recomendações propostas pelos órgãos oficiais sendo o método adequado para determinação de mefloquina e carboximefloquina em amostras de sangue total adsorvidas em papel de filtro.
Dentre as ferramentas para alcançar o tratamento ótimo para a malária, se destaca a monitorização das concentrações dos antimaláricos nos fluídos biológicos. Ao se considerar que o Coartem® é empregado na terapia de primeira linha para o tratamento da malária falciparum, justifica-se a realização deste estudo que objetivou validar metodologia analítica para determinação de lumefantrina em amostras de sangue total, adsorvidas em papel de filtro, e em plasma, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), em pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum não complicada, empregando-se extração líquido-líquido. Foram realizados estudos de seletividade, linearidade, curva de calibração, limites de detecção e quantificação, recuperação, precisão intra e inter-ensaio, estabilidade e robustez. As amostras, para o estudo de aplicabilidade do método proposto, foram coletadas de pacientes com malária falciparum utilizando Coartem® (arteméter-20mg + lumefantrina- 120mg) no D3. As condições cromatográficas otimizadas foram: comprimento de onda de 335nm, fluxo 1,2mL/min. e fase móvel composta por acetonitrila-água (60:40, v/v) pH=3,5. A extração líquido-líquido demonstrou ser eficiente, pois a recuperação média foi de 101,3% para plasma e 84,3% para sangue total. O método foi seletivo e linear em intervalo de concentração de 160 a 1760ng/mL. Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram 32ng/mL e 160ng/mL. O coeficiente de variação médio intra-ensaio, do plasma e sangue total, respectivamente, foram 10,88 e 8,38% e inter-ensaio de 13,21 e 11,78%. O analito demonstrou ser estável em sangue total adsorvido em papel de filtro por até 70 dias. Modificações no pH, fluxo e composição da fase móvel não alteraram significativamente a resolução do analito de interesse, sugerindo uma robustez adequada. O método demonstrou ser eficaz na quantificação de lumefantrina em amostras de sangue total de pacientes com malária falciparum bem como os parâmetros de validação estão de acordo com as recomendações dos órgãos regulamentadores no Brasil.
A correlação entre resposta parasitológica e a concentração plasmática de quinina + doxiciclina e de mefloquina foi monitorada por 28 dias em trinta pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum no Estado do Amapá. No grupo (A) 12 pacientes receberam o esquema terapêutico oral de quinina (3 dias) + doxiciclina (5 dias), e no grupo (B) 18 pacientes receberam mefloquina oral dose única (1º dia). No grupo (A) quatro pacientes (33,3%) apresentaram plasmódios resistentes do tipo RI, e (66,7%) foram sensíveis (S). A média da concentração plasmática de quinina em D1, D3 e D5 foi de 2,575μg/mL, 2,3334μg/mL e 0,532μg/mL para os (S) e de 2,4667μg/mL, 2,1784μg/mL e 0,450μg/mL para os (RI), não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre essas concentrações. No grupo (B), 100% dos pacientes apresentaram plasmódios sensíveis. A média da concentração plasmática da mefloquina foi: D0(0 μg/mL), D1 (0,709μg/mL), D3 (0,543 μg/mL), D5 (0,361 μg/mL), D7 (0,187 μg/mL), D14 (0,125 μg/mL), D21 (0,046 μg/mL) e D28 (0 μg/mL). A correlação entre resposta parasitológica e a concentração plasmática de quinina +doxiciclina foi de 94,23% para os (S) e de 76,70% para os (RI). Houve absorção adequada desses fármacos tanto para os (S), quanto, para os (RI), portanto , não foi a má absorção a causa da recrudescência. Os resultados sugerem que houve resistência do P. falciparum ao esquema administrado. Para os pacientes que receberam mefloquina a correlação foi de 91,82%. Houve absorção e manutenção da concentração desse fármaco durante o período de tempo necessário para completa eliminação dos parasitas.
A importância do An. nuneztovari como vetor primário de malária já foi comprovado em países da América do Sul como Venezuela, Colômbia e Peru. Na Amazônia brasileira, embora tenha sido encontrado naturalmente infectado com Plasmodium vivax e P. falciparum e em alta densidade, é ainda considerado vetor secundário desta doença. O objetivo deste presente trabalho foi avaliar a susceptibilidade do An. nuneztovari à infecção por plasmódios humanos. Para isso exemplares da geração F1, obtida em laboratório, de An. nuneztovari e An. darlingi (espécie controle) foram alimentados, em alimentador artificial, com sangue de pacientes com diagnóstico inicial de malária causada por P. falciparum, cuja revisão resultou no diagnóstico de infecção mista. Todas as amostras sangüíneas dos pacientes infectaram espécimes das duas espécies, não mostrando diferença significativa entre elas quanto à susceptibilidade. Para detecção de infecção malárica nos mosquitos foi usado o teste ELISA (Enzime – Linked Imunosorbent Assay) cujos resultados foram discordantes do diagnóstico laboratorial, já que o teste detectou infecções pelo P. falciparum, P. vivax VK210 ou P. vivax VK247entre os mosquitos positivos sugerindo que os pacientes apresentavam infecção mista. Também foi observado o curto período de desenvolvimento de oocistos e esporozoítos, de quatro a cinco dias, o que pode ser explicado pela alta temperatura (>30°C) que os mosquitos foram expostos. Assim nossos resultados sugerem possível envolvimento do An nuneztovari na transmissão de malária humana na área estudada e alertam para o papel deste, como possível vetor principal de malária humana na região amazônica brasileira.
Background: Plasmodium has a complex cell biology and it is essential to dissect the cell-signalling pathways underlying its survival within the host. Methods: Using the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptide substrate Abz-AIKFFARQ-EDDnp and Fluo4/AM, the effects of extracellular ATP on triggering proteolysis and Ca2+ signalling in Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii malaria parasites were investigated. Results: The protease activity was blocked in the presence of the purinergic receptor blockers suramin (50 mu M) and PPADS (50 mu M) or the extracellular and intracellular calcium chelators EGTA (5 mM) and BAPTA/AM (25, 100, 200 and 500 mu M), respectively for P. yoelii and P. berghei. Addition of ATP (50, 70, 200 and 250 mu M) to isolated parasites previously loaded with Fluo4/AM in a Ca2+-containing medium led to an increase in cytosolic calcium. This rise was blocked by pre-incubating the parasites with either purinergic antagonists PPADS (50 mu M), TNP-ATP (50 mu M) or the purinergic blockers KN-62 (10 mu M) and Ip5I (10 mu M). Incubating P. berghei infected cells with KN-62 (200 mu M) resulted in a changed profile of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) processing as revealed by western blot assays. Moreover incubating P. berghei for 17 h with KN-62 (10 mu M) led to an increase in rings forms (82% +/- 4, n = 11) and a decrease in trophozoite forms (18% +/- 4, n = 11). Conclusions: The data clearly show that purinergic signalling modulates P. berghei protease(s) activity and that MSP1 is one target in this pathway.
Life-threatening Plasmodium vivax malaria cases, while uncommon, have been reported since the early 20th century. Unfortunately, the pathogenesis of these severe vivax malaria cases is still poorly understood. In Brazil, the proportion of vivax malaria cases has been steadily increasing, as have the number of cases presenting serious clinical complications. The most frequent syndromes associated with severe vivax malaria in Brazil are severe anaemia and acute respiratory distress. Additionally, P. vivax infection may also result in complications associated with pregnancy. Here, we review the latest findings on severe vivax malaria in Brazil. We also discuss how the development of targeted field research infrastructure in Brazil is providing clinical and ex vivo experimental data that benefits local and international efforts to understand the pathogenesis of P. vivax. (C) 2012 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study, we determined whether the treatment of asymptomatic parasites carriers (APCs), which are frequently found in the riverside localities of the Brazilian Amazon that are highly endemic for malaria, would decrease the local malaria incidence by decreasing the overall pool of parasites available to infect mosquitoes. In one village, the treatment of the 19 Plasmodium falciparum-infected APCs identified among the 270 residents led to a clear reduction (Z = -2.39, p = 0.017) in the incidence of clinical cases, suggesting that treatment of APCs is useful for controlling falciparum malaria. For vivax malaria, 120 APCs were identified among the 716 residents living in five villages. Comparing the monthly incidence of vivax malaria in two villages where the APCs were treated with the incidence in two villages where APCs were not treated yielded contradictory results and no clear differences in the incidence were observed (Z = -0.09, p = 0.933). Interestingly, a follow-up study showed that the frequency of clinical relapse in both the treated and untreated APCs was similar to the frequency seen in patients treated for primary clinical infections, thus indicating that vivax clinical immunity in the population is not species specific but only strain specific.
We previously reported that melatonin modulates the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic cycle by increasing schizont stage population as well as diminishing ring stage population. In addition, the importance of calcium and cAMP in melatonin signaling pathway in P. falciparum was also demonstrated. Nevertheless, the molecular effectors of the indoleamine signaling pathway remain elusive. We now demonstrate by real-time PCR that melatonin treatment up-regulates genes related to ubiquitin/proteasome system (UPS) components and that luzindole, a melatonin receptor antagonist, inhibits UPS transcription modulation. We also show that protein kinase PfPK7, a P. falciparum orphan kinase, plays a crucial role in the melatonin transduction pathway, since following melatonin treatment of P. falciparum parasites where pfpk7 gene is disrupted (pfpk7- parasites) (i) the ratio of asexual stages remain unchanged, (ii) the increase in cytoplasmatic calcium in response to melatonin was strongly diminished and (iii) up-regulation of UPS genes did not occur. The wild-type melatonin-induced alterations in cell cycle features, calcium rise and UPS gene transcription were restored by re-introduction of a functional copy of the pfpk7 gene in the pfpk7- parasites.
Background: The activation of innate immune responses by Plasmodium vivax results in activation of effector cells and an excessive production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that may culminate in deleterious effects. Here, we examined the activation and function of neutrophils during acute episodes of malaria. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from P. vivax-infected patients at admission (day 0) and 30-45 days after treatment with chloroquine and primaquine. Expression of activation markers and cytokine levels produced by highly purified monocytes and neutrophils were measured by the Cytometric Bead Assay. Phagocytic activity, superoxide production, chemotaxis and the presence of G protein-coupled receptor (GRK2) were also evaluated in neutrophils from malaria patients. Principal Findings: Both monocytes and neutrophils from P. vivax-infected patients were highly activated. While monocytes were found to be the main source of cytokines in response to TLR ligands, neutrophils showed enhanced phagocytic activity and superoxide production. Interestingly, neutrophils from the malaria patients expressed high levels of GRK2, low levels of CXCR2, and displayed impaired chemotaxis towards IL-8 (CXCL8). Conclusion: Activated neutrophils from malaria patients are a poor source of pro-inflammatory cytokines and display reduced chemotactic activity, suggesting a possible mechanism for an enhanced susceptibility to secondary bacterial infection during malaria.
The regulation of variant gene expression in Plasmodium falciparum is still only partially understood. Regulation of var genes, the most studied gene family involved in antigenic variation, is orchestrated by a dynamic pattern of inherited chromatin states. Although recent evidence pointed to epigenetic regulation of transcribed and repressed rif loci, little is known about specific on/off associated histone modifications of individual rif genes. To investigate the chromatin marks for transcribed and repressed rif loci, we cultivated parasites and evaluated the transcriptional status of chosen rif targets by qRT-PCR and performed ChIP assays using H3K9ac and H3K9me3 antibodies. We then monitored changes in the epigenetic patterns in parasites after several reinvasions and also evaluated the "poised'' mark in trophozoites and schizonts of the same erythrocytic cycle by ChIP using H3K4me2 specific antibodies. Our results show that H3K9 is acetylated in transcribed rif loci and trimethylated or even unmodified in repressed rif loci. These transcriptional and epigenetic states are inherited after several reinvasions. The poised modification H3K4me2 showed a tendency to be more present in loci in trophozoites that upon progression to schizonts strongly transcribe the respective locus. However, this effect was not consistently observed for all monitored loci. While our data show important similarities to var transcription-associated chromatin modifications, the observed swiftly occurring modifications at rif loci and the absence of H3K9 modification point to a different dynamic of recruitment of chromatin modifying enzymes.
The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is able to synthesize de novo PLP (pyridoxal 5'-phosphate), the active form of vitamin B-6. In the present study, we have shown that the de novo synthesized PLP is used by the parasite to detoxify O-1(2) (singlet molecular oxygen), a highly destructive reactive oxygen species arising from haemoglobin digestion. The formation of O-1(2) and the response of the parasite were monitored by live-cell fluorescence microscopy, by transcription analysis and by determination of PLP levels in the parasite. Pull-down experiments of transgenic parasites overexpressing the vitamin B-6-biosynthetic enzymes PfPdx1 and PfPdx2 clearly demonstrated an interaction of the two proteins in vivo which results in an elevated PLP level from 12.5 mu M in wild-type parasites to 36.6 mu M in the PfPdx1/PfPdx2-overexpressing cells and thus to a higher tolerance towards O-1(2). In contrast, by applying the dominant-negative effect on the cellular level using inactive mutants of PfPdx1 and PfPdx2, P. falciparum becomes susceptible to O-1(2). Our results demonstrate clearly the crucial role of vitamin B-6 biosynthesis in the detoxification of O-1(2) in P falciparum. Besides the known role of PLP as a cofactor of many essential enzymes, this second important task of the vitamin B-6 de novo synthesis as antioxidant emphasizes the high potential of this pathway as a target of new anti-malarial drugs.
Background: In Cambodia, malaria transmission is low and most cases occur in forested areas. Seroepidemiological techniques can be used to identify both areas of ongoing transmission and high-risk groups to be targeted by control interventions. This study utilizes repeated cross-sectional data to assess the risk of being malaria sero-positive at two consecutive time points during the rainy season and investigates who is most likely to sero-convert over the transmission season. Methods: In 2005, two cross-sectional surveys, one in the middle and the other at the end of the malaria transmission season, were carried out in two ecologically distinct regions in Cambodia. Parasitological and serological data were collected in four districts. Antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum Glutamate Rich Protein (GLURP) and Plasmodium vivax Merozoite Surface Protein-119 (MSP-119) were detected using Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The force of infection was estimated using a simple catalytic model fitted using maximum likelihood methods. Risks for sero-converting during the rainy season were analysed using the Classification and Regression Tree (CART) method. Results: A total of 804 individuals participating in both surveys were analysed. The overall parasite prevalence was low (4.6% and 2.0% for P. falciparum and 7.9% and 6.0% for P. vivax in August and November respectively). P. falciparum force of infection was higher in the eastern region and increased between August and November, whilst P. vivax force of infection was higher in the western region and remained similar in both surveys. In the western region, malaria transmission changed very little across the season (for both species). CART analysis for P. falciparum in the east highlighted age, ethnicity, village of residence and forest work as important predictors for malaria exposure during the rainy season. Adults were more likely to increase their antibody responses to P. falciparum during the transmission season than children, whilst members of the Charay ethnic group demonstrated the largest increases. Discussion: In areas of low transmission intensity, such as in Cambodia, the analysis of longitudinal serological data enables a sensitive evaluation of transmission dynamics. Consecutive serological surveys allow an insight into spatio-temporal patterns of malaria transmission. The use of CART enabled multiple interactions to be accounted for simultaneously and permitted risk factors for exposure to be clearly identified.
The aim of the study was to screen 11 selected traditional medicinal plants from West Africa for their in vitro antiplasmodial activity in order to determine the activity of single and of combination of plant extracts and to examine the activity of isolated pure compounds. Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of the 11 selected plants and pure compounds from Phyllanthus muellerianus and Anogeissus leiocarpus were tested in vitro against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7. Proliferation inhibitory effects were monitored after 48 h. Among the plants and pure compounds investigated in this study, geraniin from P. muellerianus, ellagic, gentisic, and gallic acids from A. leiocarpus, and extracts from A. leiocarpus, P. muellerianus and combination of A. leiocarpus with P. muellerianus affected the proliferation of P. falciparum most potently. Significant inhibitory activity was observed in combination of A. leiocarpus with P. muellerianus (IC50 = 10.8 mu g/ml), in combination of A. leiocarpus with Khaya senegalensis (IC50 = 12.5 mu g/ml), ellagic acid (IC50 = 2.88 mu M), and geraniin (IC50 = 11.74 mu M). In general growth inhibition was concentration-dependent revealing IC50 values ranging between 10.8 and -40.1 mu g/ml and 2.88 and 11.74 mu M for plant extracts and pure substances respectively. Comparison with literature sources of in vivo and in vitro toxicity data revealed that thresholds are up to two times higher than the determined IC50 values. Thus, the present study suggests that geraniin from P. muellerianus; ellagic acid, gallic acid, and gentisic acid from A. leiocarpus; and combination of extracts from A. leiocarpus with either P. muellerianus or K. senegalensis could be a potential option for malaria treatment.
Abstract Background Despite the extensive polymorphism at the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) locus of Plasmodium falciparum, that encodes a major repetitive malaria vaccine candidate antigen, identical and nearly identical alleles frequently occur in sympatric parasites. Here we used microsatellite haplotyping to estimate the genetic distance between isolates carrying identical and nearly identical MSP-1 alleles. Methods We analyzed 28 isolates from hypoendemic areas in north-western Brazil, collected between 1985 and 1998, and 23 isolates obtained in mesoendemic southern Vietnam in 1996. MSP-1 alleles were characterized by combining PCR typing with allele-specific primers and partial DNA sequencing. The following single-copy microsatellite markers were typed : Polyα, TA42 (only for Brazilian samples), TA81, TA1, TA87, TA109 (only for Brazilian samples), 2490, ARAII, PfG377, PfPK2, and TA60. Results The low pair-wise average genetic distance between microsatellite haplotypes of isolates sharing identical MSP-1 alleles indicates that epidemic propagation of discrete parasite clones originated most identical MSP-1 alleles in parasite populations from Brazil and Vietnam. At least one epidemic clone propagating in Brazil remained relatively unchanged over more than one decade. Moreover, we found no evidence that rearrangements of MSP-1 repeats, putatively created by mitotic recombination events, generated new alleles within clonal lineages of parasites in either country. Conclusion Identical MSP-1 alleles originated from co-ancestry in both populations, whereas nearly identical MSP-1 alleles have probably appeared independently in unrelated parasite lineages.
Abstract Background Serological tests to detect antibodies specific to Plasmodium vivax could be a valuable tool for epidemiological studies, for screening blood donors in areas where the malaria is not endemic and for diagnosis of infected individuals. Because P. vivax cannot be easily obtained in vitro, ELISA assays using total or semi-purified antigens are rarely used. Based on this limitation, we tested whether recombinant proteins representing the 19 kDa C-terminal region of the merozoite surface protein-1 of P. vivax (MSP119) could be useful for serological detection of malaria infection. Methods Three purified recombinant proteins produced in Escherichia coli (GST-MSP119, His6-MSP119 and His6-MSP119-PADRE) and one in Pichia pastoris (yMSP119-PADRE) were compared for their ability to bind to IgG antibodies of individuals with patent P. vivax infection. The method was tested with 200 serum samples collected from individuals living in the north of Brazil in areas endemic for malaria, 53 serum samples from individuals exposed to Plasmodium falciparum infection and 177 serum samples from individuals never exposed to malaria. Results Overall, the sensitivity of the ELISA assessed with sera from naturally infected individuals was 95%. The proportion of serum samples that reacted with recombinant proteins GST-MSP119, His6-MSP119, His6-MSP119-PADRE and yMSP119-PADRE was 90%, 93.5%, 93.5% and 93.5%, respectively. The specificity values of the ELISA determined with sera from healthy individuals and from individuals with other infectious diseases were 98.3% (GST-MSP119), 97.7% (His6-MSP119 and His6-MSP119-PADRE) or 100% (yMSP119-PADRE). Conclusions Our study demonstrated that for the Brazilian population, an ELISA using a recombinant protein of the MSP119 can be used as the basis for the development of a valuable serological assay for the detection of P. vivax malaria.