999 resultados para PL5139.H55 D8 1822
Con este trabajo sobre la nobleza de la ciudad de Quito, Christian Büschges amplía el campo de los estudios socio-económicos y políticos sobre las así llamadas élites coloniales, con un análisis que se enfoca de manera especial en las mentalidades y representaciones estamentales, que tan fuertemente marcaron las relaciones sociales del antiguo régimen colonial.
von E. Gans
Boberach: Die Geheimbeschlüsse zur Unterdrückung freiheitlicher und nationaler Bewegungen sollen als wesentlicher Bestandteil des beseitigten Herrschaftssystems der Öffentlichkeit bekannt werden. - Wentzke: Inhalt: Die Bundesakte vom 8. Juni 1815. Die geheimen Beschlüsse der Ministerkonferenz zu Karlsbad vom 20. September 1819. Die Wiener Schlußakte vom 15. Mai 1820. Die geheimen Frankfurter Beschlüsse vom Jahre 1832. Die geheimen Beschlüsse der Wiener Kabinettskonferenz vom 12. Juni 1834. Die geheime preußische Denkschrift vom Jahre 1822
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
Scan von Monochrom-Mikroform
Fil: Fontana, Esteban.
We rediscovered a temperature time series from Heinrich W. M. Olbers. Heinrich W. M. Olbers measured in Bremen, Sandstrasse 15, in Germany from 1803 to 1821 three times a day (7 am, 1-2 pm and 10 pm) the temperature at his window of his study, which is up to 16 m above the zero marking at the Weserbrücke. The temperature values from 1814 are missing. We got the temperature values from different sources in the Olbers estate. We calculated the daily mean and digitized it in various plots. A very small trend towards cooling is apparent in the data which might be insignificant. But a clear seasonal trend was identifiable: the late winter and the early spring were becoming warmer, while the summer and early autumn became cooler. The average temperature in Bremen was 8.3606 deg C at that time. Additionally we combined the newly discovered Heinrich W. M. Olbers temperature data and the Heinemann and Bätjer data to see whether there are great differences between these two time series. Although the temperatures of Heinrich W. M. Olbers are in general cooler than the Heinemann and Bätjer data they fit together.