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This project expands upon the discovery that scabies mites produce protein molecules that interfere with the human complement cascade, disrupting a critical component of the early stages of the host immune response. This is believed to provide an optimal environment for the development of commonly associated secondary bacterial infections. The thesis investigated the effect of two distinct scabies mite proteins, namely SMS B4 and SMIPP-S I1, on the in vitro proliferation of Group A Streptococcus in whole human blood. Additionally, in vitro immunoassays were performed to determine if complement mediated opsonisation and phagocytosis were also disrupted.


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Introduction: Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is unique in its pathology where inflammation commences at the entheses before progressing to an osteoproliferative phenotype generating excessive bone formation that can result in joint fusion. The underlying mechanisms of this progression are poorly understood. Recent work has suggested that changes in Wnt signalling, a key bone regulatory pathway, may contribute to joint ankylosis in AS. Using the proteoglycan-induced spondylitis (PGISp) mouse model which displays spondylitis and eventual joint fusion following an initial inflammatory stimulus, we have characterised the structural and molecular changes that underlie disease progression. Methods: PGISp mice were characterised 12 weeks after initiation of inflammation using histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and expression profiling. Results: Inflammation initiated at the periphery of the intervertebral discs progressing to disc destruction followed by massively excessive cartilage and bone matrix formation, as demonstrated by toluidine blue staining and IHC for collagen type I and osteocalcin, leading to syndesmophyte formation. Expression levels of DKK1 and SOST, Wnt signalling inhibitors highly expressed in joints, were reduced by 49% and 63% respectively in the spine PGISp compared with control mice (P < 0.05) with SOST inhibition confirmed by IHC. Microarray profiling showed genes involved in inflammation and immune-regulation were altered. Further, a number of genes specifically involved in bone regulation including other members of the Wnt pathway were also dysregulated. Conclusions: This study implicates the Wnt pathway as a likely mediator of the mechanism by which inflammation induces bony ankylosis in spondyloarthritis, raising the potential that therapies targeting this pathway may be effective in preventing this process.


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On the basis of local data, we write in support of the conclusions of Smith and Ahern that current Pharmaceu- tical Benefits Scheme (PBS) criteria for tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-a inhibitors in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) are not evidence-based. 1 As a prerequisite to the appropriate use of biological therapy in AS, three aspects of the disease need to be defined: (i) diagnosis, (ii) activity and (iii) therapeutic failure (Table 1)....


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There is an urgent need to develop crops that can withstand future climates. Results from this thesis demonstrated that a native Australian resurrection grass exhibits structural, physiological and metabolic strategies to tolerate drying. These strategies may be utilized for the generation of stress tolerant crops.


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A number of studies in yeast have shown that DNA topoisomerase TI is essential for chromosome condensation and disjunction during mitosis at the metaphase/anaphase transition and meiosis I. Accordingly, kinetic and mechanistic studies have implied a role for topoisomerase rr in chromosome disjunction. As a step toward understanding the nature and role of topoisomerase II in a mammalian germline in vivo, we have purified topoisomerase II from rat testis to homogeneity and ascertained several of its catalytic activities in conjunction with that of the purified enzyme from liver. The purified enzymes appeared to be monomers under denaturing conditions; however, they differed in their relative molecular mass. Topoisomerase II from testis and liver have apparent molecular masses of 150 +/- 10 kDa and 160 +/- 10 kDa, respectively. The native molecular mass of testis topoisomerase II as assayed by immunoblot analysis of cell-foe extracts, prepared in the presence of SDS and a number of protease inhibitors, corroborated with the size of the purified enzyme. Both enzymes are able to promote decatenation and relax supercoiled DNA substrates in an ATP and Mg2+-dependent manner. However, quantitative comparison of catalytic properties of topoisomerase II from testis with that of the enzyme from liver displayed significant differences in their efficiencies. Optimal pH values for testis enzyme are 6.5 to 8.5 while they are 6 to 7.5 for the liver enzyme. Intriguingly, the relaxation activity of liver topoisomerase II was inhibited by potassium glutamate at 1 M, whereas testis enzyme required about half its concentration. These findings argue that topoisomerase II from rat testis is structurally distinct from that of its somatic form and the functional differences between the two enzymes parallels with the physiological environment that is unique to these two tissues.


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The UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are enzymes of the phase II metabolic system. These enzymes catalyze the transfer of α-D-glucuronic acid from UDP-glucuronic acid to aglycones bearing nucleophilic groups affording exclusively their corresponding β-D-glucuronides to render lipophilic endobiotics and xenobiotics more water soluble. This detoxification pathway aids in the urinary and biliary excretion of lipophilic compounds thus preventing their accumulation to harmful levels. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of stereochemical and steric features of substrates on the glucuronidation catalyzed by UGTs 2B7 and 2B17. Furthermore, this study relates to the design and synthesis of novel, selective inhibitors that display high affinity for the key enzyme involved in drug glucuronidation, UGT2B7. The starting point for the development of inhibitors was to assess the influence of the stereochemistry of substrates on the UGT-catalyzed glucuronidation reaction. A set of 28 enantiomerically pure alcohols was subjected to glucuronidation assays employing the human UGT isoforms 2B7 and 2B17. Both UGT enzymes displayed high stereoselectivity, favoring the glucuronidation of the (R)-enantiomers over their respective mirror-image compounds. The spatial arrangement of the hydroxy group of the substrate determined the rate of the UGT-catalyzed reaction. However, the affinity of the enantiomeric substrates to the enzymes was not significantly influenced by the spatial orientation of the nucleophilic hydroxy group. Based on these results, a rational approach for the design of inhibitors was developed by addressing the stereochemical features of substrate molecules. Further studies showed that the rate of the enzymatic glucuronidation of substrates was also highly dependent on the steric demand in vicinity of the nucleophilic hydroxy group. These findings provided a rational approach to turn high-affinity substrates into true UGT inhibitors by addressing stereochemical and steric features of substrate molecules. The tricyclic sesquiterpenols longifolol and isolongifolol were identified as high-affinity substrates which displayed high selectivity for the UGT isoform 2B7. These compounds served therefore as lead structures for the design of potent and selective inhibitors for UGT2B7. Selective and potent inhibitors were prepared by synthetically modifying the lead compounds longifolol and isolongifolol taking stereochemical and steric features into account. The best inhibitor of UGT2B7, β-phenyllongifolol, displayed an inhibition constant of 0.91 nM.


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In Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group 377, antiretroviral therapy-experienced children were randomized to 4 treatment arms that included different combinations of stavudine, lamivudine (3TC), nevirapine (Nvp), nelfinavir (Nfv), and ritonavir (Rtv). Previous treatment with zidovudine (Zdv), didanosine (ddI), or zalcitabine (ddC) was acceptable. Drug resistance ((R)) mutations were assessed before study treatment (baseline) and at virologic failure. Zdv(R), ddI(R), and ddC(R) mutations were detected frequently at baseline but were not associated with virologic failure. Children with drug resistance mutations at baseline had greater reductions in virus load over time than did children who did not. Nvp(R) and 3TC(R) mutations were detected frequently at virologic failure, and Nvp(R) mutations were more common among children receiving 3-drug versus 4-drug Nvp-containing regimens. Children who were maintained on their study regimen after virologic failure accumulated additional Nvp(R) and 3TC(R) mutations plus Rtv(R) and Nfv(R) mutations. However, Rtv(R) and Nfv(R) mutations were detected at unexpectedly low rates.


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Genetic and phenotypic parameters for respiration rate (RR) and rectal temperature (RT) are presented for weaner and hogget Merino rams, at Longreach and Julia Creek, Queensland. Heritability estimates for RT and RR at both sites and at both ages ranged from moderate to very high. Phenotypic and genetic correlations between these characters are also reported. AAABG 14th Conference; Proceedings of the Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics. AAABG


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Increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 decrease stomatal conductance of plants and thus suppress canopy transpiration. The climate response to this CO2-physiological forcing is investigated using the Community Atmosphere Model version 3.1 coupled to Community Land Model version 3.0. In response to the physiological effect of doubling CO2, simulations show a decrease in canopy transpiration of 8%, a mean warming of 0.1K over the land surface, and negligible changes in the hydrological cycle. These climate responses are much smaller than what were found in previous modeling studies. This is largely a result of unrealistic partitioning of evapotranspiration in our model control simulation with a greatly underestimated contribution from canopy transpiration and overestimated contributions from canopy and soil evaporation. This study highlights the importance of a realistic simulation of the hydrological cycle, especially the individual components of evapotranspiration, in reducing the uncertainty in our estimation of climatic response to CO2-physiological forcing. Citation: Cao, L., G. Bala, K. Caldeira, R. Nemani, and G.Ban-Weiss (2009), Climate response to physiological forcing of carbon dioxide simulated by the coupled Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3.1) and Community Land Model (CLM3.0).


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Water availability is a key limiting factor in wheat production in the northern grain belt of Australia. Varieties with improved adaptation to such conditions are actively sought. The CIMMYT wheat line SeriM82 has shown a significant yield advantage in multi-environment screening trials in this region. The objective of this study was to identify the physiological basis of the adaptive traits underpinning this advantage. Six detailed experiments were conducted to compare the growth, development, and yield of SeriM82 with that of the adapted cultivar, Hartog. The experiments were undertaken in field environments that represented the range of moisture availability conditions commonly encountered by winter crops grown on the deep Vertosol soils of this region. The yield of SeriM82 was 6-28% greater than that of Hartog, and SeriM82 exhibited a stay-green phenotype by maintaining green leaf area longer during the grain-filling period in all environments where yield was significantly greater than Hartog. However, where the availability of deep soil moisture was limited, SeriM82 failed to exhibit significantly greater yield or to express the stay-green phenotype. Thus, the stay-green phenotype was closely associated with the yield advantage of SeriM82. SeriM82 also exhibited higher mean grain mass than Hartog in all environments. It is suggested that small differences in water use before anthesis, or greater water extraction from depth after anthesis, could underlie the stay-green phenotype. The inability of SeriM82 to exhibit stay-green and higher yield where deep soil moisture was depleted indicates that extraction of deep soil moisture is important.


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We tested the capacity of several published multispectral indices to estimate the nitrogen nutrition of wheat canopies grown under different levels of water supply and plant density and derived a simple canopy reflectance index that is greatly independent of those factors. Planar domain geometry was used to account for mixed signals from the canopy and soil when the ground cover was low. A nitrogen stress index was developed, which adjusts shoot %N for plant biomass and area, thereby accounting for environmental conditions that affect growth, such as crop water status. The canopy chlorophyll content index (CCCi) and the modified spectral ratio planar index (mSRPi) could explain 68 and 69% of the observed variability in the nitrogen nutrition of the crop as early as Zadoks 33, irrespective of water status or ground cover. The CCCi was derived from the combination of 3 wavebands 670, 720 and 790 nm, and the mSRPi from 445, 705 and 750 nm, together with broader bands in the NIR and RED. The potential for their spatial application over large fields/paddocks is discussed.


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Sheep and cattle are frequently subjected to feed and water deprivation (FWD) for about 12 h before, and then during, transport to reduce digesta load in the gastrointestinal tract. This FWD is marked by weight loss as urine and faeces mainly in the first 24 h but continuing at a reduced rate subsequently. The weight of rumen contents falls although water loss is to some extent masked by saliva inflow. FWD is associated with some stress, particularly when transportation is added. This is indicated by increased levels of plasma cortisol that may be partly responsible for an observed increase in the output of water and N in urine and faeces. Loss of body water induces dehydration that may induce feelings of thirst by effects on the hypothalamus structures through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. There are suggestions that elevated cortisol levels depress angiotensin activity and prevent sensations of thirst in dehydrated animals, but further research in this area is needed. Dehydration coupled with the discharge of Na in urine challenges the maintenance of homeostasis. In FWD, Na excretion in urine is reduced and, with the reduction in digesta load, Na is gradually returned from the digestive tract to the extracellular fluid space. Control of enteropathogenic bacteria by normal rumen microbes is weakened by FWD and resulting infections may threaten animal health and meat safety. Recovery time is required after transport to restore full feed intake and to ensure that adequate glycogen is present in muscle pre-slaughter to maintain meat quality.


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An understanding of growth and photosynthetic potential of subtropical rainforest species to variations in light environment can be useful for determining the sequence of species introductions in rainforest restoration projects and mixed species plantations. We examined the growth and physiology of six Australian subtropical rainforest tree species in a greenhouse consisting of three artificial light environments (10%, 30%, and 60% full sunlight). Morphological responses followed the typical sun-shade dichotomy, with early and late secondary species (Elaeocarpus grandis, Flindersia brayleyana, Flindersia schottiana, and Gmelina leichhardtii) displaying higher relative growth rate (RGR) compared to mature stage species (Cryptocarya erythroxyion and Heritiera trifoliolatum). Growth and photosynthetic performance of most species reached a maximum in 30-60% full sunlight. Physiological responses provided limited evidence of a distinct dichotomy between early and late successional species. E. grandis and F brayleyana, provided a clear representation of early successional species, with marked increase in Am in high light and an ability to down regulate photosynthetic machinery in low light conditions. The remaining species (F. schottiana, G. leichhardtii, and H. trifoliolatum) were better represented as failing along a shade-tolerant continuum, with limited ability to adjust physiologically to an increase or decrease in light, maintaining similar A(max) across all light environments. Results show that most species belong to a shade-tolerant constituency, with an ability to grow and persist across a wide range of light environments. The species offer a wide range of potential planting scenarios and silvicultural options, with ample potential to achieve rapid canopy closure and rainforest restoration goals.