461 resultados para PARAMETERIZATION


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The tropical easterly jet (TEJ) is a prominent atmospheric circulation feature observed during the Asian summer monsoon. It is generally assumed that sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau directly influences the location of the TEJ. However, other studies have suggested the importance of latent heating in determining the jet location. In this paper, the relative importance of latent heating on the maintenance of the TEJ is explored through simulations with a general circulation model. The simulation of the TEJ by the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3.1 is discussed in detail. These simulations showed that the location of the TEJ is well correlated with the location of the precipitation. Significant zonal shifts in the location of the precipitation resulted in similar shifts in the zonal location of the TEJ. These zonal shifts had minimal effect on the large-scale structure of the jet. Further, provided that precipitation patterns were relatively unchanged, orography did not directly impact the location of the TEJ. These changes were robust even with changes in the cumulus parameterization. This suggests the potential important role of latent heating in determining the location and structure of the TEJ. These results were used to explain the significant differences in the zonal location of the TEJ in the years 1988 and 2002. To understand the contribution of the latitudinal location of latent heating on the strength of the TEJ, aqua-planet simulations were carried out. It has been shown that for similar amounts of net latent heating, the jet is stronger when heating is in the higher tropical latitudes. This may partly explain the reason for the jet to be very strong during the JJA monsoon season.


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By recalling mankind's path during past 50 years in the present article, we mainly highlight the significance of environmental issues today. In particular, two major factors leading to environment deterioration in China such as water resources and coal burning are stressed on. Present-day environmental issues are obviously interdisciplinary, of multiple scales and multi-composition in nature. Therefore, a process-based approach for environment research is absolutely necessarily. A series of sub-processes, either physical, chemical or biological, are subsequently analyzed in order to established reasonable parameterization scheme and credible comprehensive model. And we are now in a position to answer questions still open to us, improve existing somewhat empirical engineering approaches and enhance quantitative accuracy in prediction. To illustrate this process-based research approach, three typical examples associated with the Yangtze River Estuary, Loess Plateau and Tenggeli Desert environments have been dealt with respectively. A theoretical model of vertical flow field accounting for runoff and tide interaction has been established to delineate salinity and sediment motion which are responsible for the formation of mouth bar at the outlet and the ecological evolution there. A kinematic wave theory combined with the revised Green-Ampt infiltration formula is applied to the prediction of runoff generation and erosion in three types of erosion region on the Loess Plateau. Three approaches describing water motion in SPAC system in arid areas at different levels have been improved by introducing vegetation sub-models. However, we have found that the formation of a dry sandy layer and biological crust skin are additional primary causes leading to deterioration of water supply and succession of ecological system.


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This paper investigates the presence of limit oscillations in an adaptive sampling system. The basic sampling criterion operates in the sense that each next sampling occurs when the absolute difference of the signal amplitude with respect to its currently sampled signal equalizes a prescribed threshold amplitude. The sampling criterion is extended involving a prescribed set of amplitudes. The limit oscillations might be interpreted through the equivalence of the adaptive sampling and hold device with a nonlinear one consisting of a relay with multiple hysteresis whose parameterization is, in general, dependent on the initial conditions of the dynamic system. The performed study is performed on the time domain.


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This paper analyzes the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for predicting the received power/path loss in both outdoor and indoor links. The approach followed has been a combined use of ANNs and ray-tracing, the latter allowing the identification and parameterization of the so-called dominant path. A complete description of the process for creating and training an ANN-based model is presented with special emphasis on the training process. More specifically, we will be discussing various techniques to arrive at valid predictions focusing on an optimum selection of the training set. A quantitative analysis based on results from two narrowband measurement campaigns, one outdoors and the other indoors, is also presented.


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We aim to characterize fault slip behavior during all stages of the seismic cycle in subduction megathrust environments with the eventual goal of understanding temporal and spatial variations of fault zone rheology, and to infer possible causal relationships between inter-, co- and post-seismic slip, as well as implications for earthquake and tsunami hazard. In particular we focus on analyzing aseismic deformation occurring during inter-seismic and post-seismic periods of the seismic cycle. We approach the problem using both Bayesian and optimization techniques. The Bayesian approach allows us to completely characterize the model parameter space by searching a posteriori estimates of the range of allowable models, to easily implement any kind of physically plausible a priori information and to perform the inversion without regularization other than that imposed by the parameterization of the model. However, the Bayesian approach computational expensive and not currently viable for quick response scenarios. Therefore, we also pursue improvements in the optimization inference scheme. We present a novel, robust and yet simple regularization technique that allows us to infer robust and somewhat more detailed models of slip on faults. We apply such methodologies, using simple quasi-static elastic models, to perform studies of inter- seismic deformation in the Central Andes subduction zone, and post-seismic deformation induced by the occurrence of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake in Japan. For the Central Andes, we present estimates of apparent coupling probability of the subduction interface and analyze its relationship to past earthquakes in the region. For Japan, we infer high spatial variability in material properties of the megathrust offshore Tohoku. We discuss the potential for a large earthquake just south of the Tohoku-Oki earthquake where our inferences suggest dominantly aseismic behavior.


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We develop new algorithms which combine the rigorous theory of mathematical elasticity with the geometric underpinnings and computational attractiveness of modern tools in geometry processing. We develop a simple elastic energy based on the Biot strain measure, which improves on state-of-the-art methods in geometry processing. We use this energy within a constrained optimization problem to, for the first time, provide surface parameterization tools which guarantee injectivity and bounded distortion, are user-directable, and which scale to large meshes. With the help of some new generalizations in the computation of matrix functions and their derivative, we extend our methods to a large class of hyperelastic stored energy functions quadratic in piecewise analytic strain measures, including the Hencky (logarithmic) strain, opening up a wide range of possibilities for robust and efficient nonlinear elastic simulation and geometry processing by elastic analogy.


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Cross sections for the reaction 12C(α,γ)16O have been measured for a range of center-of-mass alpha particle energies extending from 1.72 MeV to 2.94 MeV. Two 8"x5" NaI (Tℓ) crystals were used to detect gamma rays; time-of-flight technique was employed to suppress cosmic ray background and background due to neutrons arising mainly from the 13C(α,n)16O reaction. Angular distributions were measured at center-of-mass alpha energies of 2.18, 2.42, 2.56 and 2.83 MeV. Upper limits were placed on the amount of radiation cascading through the 6.92 or 7.12-MeV states in 16O. By means of theoretical fits to the measured electric dipole component of the total cross section, in which interference between the 1¯ states in 16O at 7.12 MeV and at 9.60 MeV is taken into account, it is possible to extract the dimensionless, reduced-alpha-width of the 7.12-MeV state in 16O. A three-level R-matrix parameterization of the data yields the width Θα,F2 = 0.14+0.10-0.08. A "hybrid" R-matrix-optical-model parameterization yields Θα,F2 = 0.11+0.11-0.07. This quantity is of crucial importance in determining the abundances of 12C and 16O at the end of helium burning in stars.


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O cálculo da área de poligonais geodésicas é um desafio matemático instigante. Como calcular a área de uma poligonal sobre o elipsóide, se seus lados não possuem parametrização conhecida? Alguns trabalhos já foram desenvolvidos no intuito de solucionar este problema, empregando, em sua maioria, sistemas projetivos equivalentes ou aproximações sobre esferas autálicas. Tais métodos aproximam a superfície de referência elipsoidal por outras de mais fácil tratamento matemático, porém apresentam limitação de emprego, pois uma única superfície não poderia ser empregada para todo o planeta, sem comprometer os cálculos realizados sobre ela. No Código de Processo Civil, Livro IV, Título I, Capítulo VIII, Seção III artigo 971 diz, em seu parágrafo único, que não havendo impugnação, o juiz determinará a divisão geodésica do imóvel. Além deste, existe ainda a Lei 10.267/2001, que regula a obrigatoriedade, para efetivação de registro, dos vértices definidores dos limites dos imóveis rurais terem suas coordenadas georreferenciadas ao Sistema Geodésico Brasileiro (SGB), sendo que áreas de imóveis menores que quatro módulos fiscais terão garantida isenção de custos financeiros.Este trabalho visa fornecer uma metodologia de cálculo de áreas para poligonais geodésicas, ou loxodrômicas, diretamente sobre o elipsóide, bem como fornecer um programa que execute as rotinas elaboradas nesta dissertação. Como a maioria dos levantamentos geodésicos é realizada usando rastreadores GPS, a carga dos dados é pautada em coordenadas (X, Y, Z), empregando o Sistema Geodésico WGS-84, fornecendo a área geodésica sem a necessidade de um produto tipo SIG. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho, foi desenvolvida parametrização diferente da abordagem clássica da Geodésia geométrica, para transformar as coordenadas (X, Y, Z) em geodésicas.


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采用传统无压烧结工艺制备Nd^3 +掺杂的氧化镧钇透明激光陶瓷,测试了其吸收和荧光光谱.采用Judd-Ofelt理论对Nd^3 +掺杂量为1 .5at %的样品光谱参量进行了计算.根据吸收光谱,拟合得到三个强度参量分别为:Ω2=6 .57×10^-20cm^2,Ω4=2 .04×10^-20cm^2,Ω6=4 .38×10^-20cm^2.根据这三个参量计算了样品的辐射寿命,跃迁几率,荧光分支比,量子效率和品质因子,并对结果作了分析.


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Num regime balísstico e a baixas temperaturas, a fórmula de Landauer dá uma boa descrição do transporte de calor para nano-junções conectadas a dois fios acoplados a banhos térmicos a temperaturas diferentes. Partindo de um modelo microscópico e utilizando o método de funções de Green fora do equilíbrio, é possível obter uma expressão para a condutância térmica na nano-junção equivalente a fórmula de Landauer. Esta depende dos valores das constantes de acoplamento entre os modos de fônons da região central e dos fios, além do gradiente térmico. A expressão para a condutância térmica é muito semelhante aquela obtida para a condutância elétrica. Neste trabalho nós apresentamos o método para o cálculo de grandezas relacionadas ao transporte térmico em um regime onde não há um gradiente de temperatura entre os reservatórios mas o sistema sofre uma perturbação dependente do tempo. Ou seja, com uma escolha conveniente da parametrização temporal dos termos de acoplamento entre a nano-junção e os fios é possível produzir uma corrente de calor na ausência de diferença de temperaturas entre os banhos térmicos aos quais os fios estão conectados. Esse fenômeno caracteriza o bombeamento de calor. Desenvolvemos uma teoria de transporte dependente do tempo para descrever o bombeamento. A teoria é geral, dependendo da densidade de fônons, da intensidade e dependência temporal do acoplamento. Aplicamos o formalismo em um modelo simples demonstrando que, em princípio, é possível bombear calor através de uma cadeia linear de átomos sem gradiente térmico.


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Growth of a temperate reefa-ssociated fish, the purple wrasse (Notolabrus fucicola), was examined from two sites on the east coast of Tasmania by using age- and length-based models. Models based on the von Bertalanffy growth function, in the standard and a reparameterized form, were constructed by using otolith-derived age estimates. Growth trajectories from tag-recaptures were used to construct length-based growth models derived from the GROTAG model, in turn a reparameterization of the Fabens model. Likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) determined the optimal parameterization of the GROTAG model, including estimators of individual growth variability, seasonal growth, measurement error, and outliers for each data set. Growth models and parameter estimates were compared by bootstrap confidence intervals, LRTs, and randomization tests and plots of bootstrap parameter estimates. The relative merit of these methods for comparing models and parameters was evaluated; LRTs combined with bootstrapping and randomization tests provided the most insight into the relationships between parameter estimates. Significant differences in growth of purple wrasse were found between sites in both length- and age-based models. A significant difference in the peak growth season was found between sites, and a large difference in growth rate between sexes was found at one site with the use of length-based models.


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Skillful tool use requires knowledge of the dynamic properties of tools in order to specify the mapping between applied force and tool motion. Importantly, this mapping depends on the orientation of the tool in the hand. Here we investigate the representation of dynamics during skillful manipulation of a tool that can be grasped at different orientations. We ask whether the motor system uses a single general representation of dynamics for all grasp contexts or whether it uses multiple grasp-specific representations. Using a novel robotic interface, subjects rotated a virtual tool whose orientation relative to the hand could be varied. Subjects could immediately anticipate the force direction for each orientation of the tool based on its visual geometry, and, with experience, they learned to parameterize the force magnitude. Surprisingly, this parameterization of force magnitude showed limited generalization when the orientation of the tool changed. Had subjects parameterized a single general representation, full generalization would be expected. Thus, our results suggest that object dynamics are captured by multiple representations, each of which encodes the mapping associated with a specific grasp context. We suggest that the concept of grasp-specific representations may provide a unifying framework for interpreting previous results related to dynamics learning.


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We consider the robust control of plants with saturation nonlinearities from an input/output viewpoint. First, we present a parameterization for anti-windup control based on coprime factorizations of the controller. Second, we propose a synthesis method which exploits the freedom to choose a particular coprime factorization.


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The uncertainty associated with a rainfall-runoff and non-point source loading (NPS) model can be attributed to both the parameterization and model structure. An interesting implication of the areal nature of NPS models is the direct relationship between model structure (i.e. sub-watershed size) and sample size for the parameterization of spatial data. The approach of this research is to find structural limitations in scale for the use of the conceptual NPS model, then examine the scales at which suitable stochastic depictions of key parameter sets can be generated. The overlapping regions are optimal (and possibly the only suitable regions) for conducting meaningful stochastic analysis with a given NPS model. Previous work has sought to find optimal scales for deterministic analysis (where, in fact, calibration can be adjusted to compensate for sub-optimal scale selection); however, analysis of stochastic suitability and uncertainty associated with both the conceptual model and the parameter set, as presented here, is novel; as is the strategy of delineating a watershed based on the uncertainty distribution. The results of this paper demonstrate a narrow range of acceptable model structure for stochastic analysis in the chosen NPS model. In the case examined, the uncertainties associated with parameterization and parameter sensitivity are shown to be outweighed in significance by those resulting from structural and conceptual decisions. © 2011 Copyright IAHS Press.


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We introduce a Gaussian process model of functions which are additive. An additive function is one which decomposes into a sum of low-dimensional functions, each depending on only a subset of the input variables. Additive GPs generalize both Generalized Additive Models, and the standard GP models which use squared-exponential kernels. Hyperparameter learning in this model can be seen as Bayesian Hierarchical Kernel Learning (HKL). We introduce an expressive but tractable parameterization of the kernel function, which allows efficient evaluation of all input interaction terms, whose number is exponential in the input dimension. The additional structure discoverable by this model results in increased interpretability, as well as state-of-the-art predictive power in regression tasks.