990 resultados para P300 latency


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We propose a new algorithm for the design of prediction structures with low delay and limited penalty in the rate-distortion performance for multiview video coding schemes. This algorithm constitutes one of the elements of a framework for the analysis and optimization of delay in multiview coding schemes that is based in graph theory. The objective of the algorithm is to find the best combination of prediction dependencies to prune from a multiview prediction structure, given a number of cuts. Taking into account the properties of the graph-based analysis of the encoding delay, the algorithm is able to find the best prediction dependencies to eliminate from an original prediction structure, while limiting the number of cut combinations to evaluate. We show that this algorithm obtains optimum results in the reduction of the encoding latency with a lower computational complexity than exhaustive search alternatives.


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Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) is a herpesvirus that becomes latent in sensory neurons after primary infection (chickenpox) and subsequently may reactivate to cause zoster. The mechanism by which this virus maintains latency, and the factors involved, are poorly understood. Here we demonstrate, by immunohistochemical analysis of ganglia obtained at autopsy from seropositive patients without clinical symptoms of VZV infection that viral regulatory proteins are present in latently infected neurons. These proteins, which localize to the nucleus of cells during lytic infection, predominantly are detected in the cytoplasm of latently infected neurons. The restriction of regulatory proteins from the nucleus of latently infected neurons might interrupt the cascade of virus gene expression that leads to a productive infection. Our findings raise the possibility that VZV has developed a novel mechanism for maintenance of latency that contrasts with the transcriptional repression that is associated with latency of herpes simplex virus, the prototypic alpha herpesvirus.


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p300 and CBP are homologous transcription adapters targeted by the E1A oncoprotein. They participate in numerous biological processes, including cell cycle arrest, differentiation, and transcription activation. p300 and/or CBP (p300/CBP) also coactivate CREB. How they participate in these processes is not yet known. In a search for specific p300 binding proteins, we have cloned the intact cDNA for HIF-1α. This transcription factor mediates hypoxic induction of genes encoding certain glycolytic enzymes, erythropoietin (Epo), and vascular endothelial growth factor. Hypoxic conditions lead to the formation of a DNA binding complex containing both HIF-1α and p300/CBP. Hypoxia-induced transcription from the Epo promoter was specifically enhanced by ectopic p300 and inhibited by E1A binding to p300/CBP. Hypoxia-induced VEGF and Epo mRNA synthesis were similarly inhibited by E1A. Hence, p300/CBP–HIF complexes participate in the induction of hypoxia-responsive genes, including one (vascular endothelial growth factor) that plays a major role in tumor angiogenesis. Paradoxically, these data, to our knowledge for the first time, suggest that p300/CBP are active in both transformation suppression and tumor development.


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Smads are intermediate effector proteins that transduce the TGF-β signal from the plasma membrane to the nucleus, where they participate in transactivation of downstream target genes. We have shown previously that coactivators p300/CREB-binding protein are involved in TGF-β–mediated transactivation of two Cdk inhibitor genes, p21 and p15. Here we examined the possibility that Smads function to regulate transcription by directly interacting with p300/CREB-binding protein. We show that Smad3 can interact with a C-terminal fragment of p300 in a temporal and phosphorylation-dependent manner. TGF-β–mediated phosphorylation of Smad3 potentiates the association between Smad3 and p300, likely because of an induced conformational change that removes the autoinhibitory interaction between the N- and C-terminal domains of Smad3. Consistent with a role for p300 in the transcription regulation of multiple genes, overexpression of a Smad3 C-terminal fragment causes a general squelching effect on multiple TGF-β–responsive reporter constructs. The adenoviral oncoprotein E1A can partially block Smad-dependent transcriptional activation by directly competing for binding to p300. Taken together, these findings define a new role for phosphorylation of Smad3: in addition to facilitating complex formation with Smad4 and promoting nuclear translocation, the phosphorylation-induced conformational change of Smad3 modulates its interaction with coactivators, leading to transcriptional regulation.


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Interferon γ (IFN-γ) induces rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of the latent cytoplasmic transcription factor, Stat1, which then forms homodimers, translocates to the nucleus and participates in IFN-γ-induced transcription. However, little is known of the interactions between Stat1 and the general transcription machinery during transcriptional activation. We show here that Stat1 can directly interact with the CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300 family of transcriptional coactivators. Specifically, two interaction regions were identified: the amino-terminal region of Stat1 interacts with the CREB-binding domain of CBP/p300 and the carboxyl-terminal region of Stat1 interacts with the domain of CBP/p300 that binds adenovirus E1A protein. Transfection experiments suggest a role for these interactions in IFN-γ-induced transcription. Because CBP/p300-binding is required for the adenovirus E1A protein to regulate transcription of many genes during viral replication and cellular transformation, it is possible that the anti-viral effect of IFN-γ is based at least in part on direct competition by nuclear Stat1 with E1A for CBP/p300 binding.


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The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) nuclear protein 2 (EBNA2) and herpes simplex virion protein 16 (VP16) acidic domains that mediate transcriptional activation now are found to have affinity for p300, CBP, and PCAF histone acetyltransferases (HATs). Transcriptionally inactive point mutations in these domains lack affinity for p300, CBP, or PCAF. P300 and CBP copurify with the principal HAT activities that bind to EBNA2 or VP16 acidic domains through velocity sedimentation and anion-exchange chromatography. EBNA2 binds to both the N- and C-terminal domains of p300 and coimmune-precipitates from transfected 293T cells with p300. In EBV-infected Akata Burkitt's tumor cells that do not express the EBV encoded oncoproteins EBNA2 or LMP1, p300 expression enhances the ability of EBNA2 to up-regulate LMP1 expression. Through its intrinsic HAT activity, PCAF can further potentiate the p300 effect. In 293 T cells, P300 and CBP (but not PCAF) can also coactivate transcription mediated by the EBNA2 or VP16 acidic domains and HAT-negative mutants of p300 have partial activity. Thus, the EBNA2 and VP16 acidic domains can utilize the intrinsic HAT or scaffolding properties of p300 to activate transcription.


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Vascular responses to neural activity are exploited as the basis of a number of brain imaging techniques. The vascular response is thought to be too slow to resolve the temporal sequence of events involved in cognitive tasks, and hence, imaging studies of mental chronometry have relied on techniques such as the evoked potential. Using rapid functional MRI (fMRI) of single trials of two simple behavioral tasks, we demonstrate that while the microvascular response to the onset of neural activity is delayed consistently by several seconds, the relative timing between the onset of the fMRI responses in different brain areas appears preserved. We examined a number of parameters that characterize the fMRI response and determined that its onset time is best defined by the inflection point from the resting baseline. We have found that fMRI onset latencies determined in this manner correlate well with independently measurable parameters of the tasks such as reaction time or stimulus presentation time and can be used to determine the origin of processing delays during cognitive or perceptual tasks with a temporal accuracy of tens of milliseconds and spatial resolution of millimeters.


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p300 and CBP participate as transcriptional coregulators in the execution of a wide spectrum of cellular gene expression programs controlling cell differentiation, growth and homeostasis. Both proteins act together with sequence-specific transcription factors to modify chromatin structure of target genes via their intrinsic acetyltransferase activity directed towards core histones and some transcription factors. So far, p300-related proteins have been described in animals ranging from Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. In this report, we describe p300/CBP-like polypeptides in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Interestingly, homology between animal and plant p300/CBP is largely restricted to a C-terminal segment, about 600 amino acids in length, which encompasses acetyltransferase and E1A-binding domains. We have examined whether this conservation in sequence is paralleled by a conservation in function. The same amino acid residues critical for acetyltransferase activity in human p300 are also critical for the function of one of the plant orthologs. Remarkably, plant proteins bind to the adenovirus E1A protein in a manner recapitulating the binding specificity of mammalian p300/CBP. The striking conservation of an extended segment of p300/CBP suggests that it may constitute a functional entity fulfilling functions that may be essential for all metazoan organisms.


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The cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein and p300 are two highly conserved transcriptional coactivators and histone acetyltransferases that integrate signals from diverse signal transduction pathways in the nucleus and also link chromatin remodeling with transcription. In this report, we have examined the role of p300 in the control of the G1 phase of the cell cycle in nontransformed immortalized human breast epithelial cells (MCF10A) and fibroblasts (MSU) by using adenovirus vectors expressing p300-specific antisense sequences. Quiescent MCF10A and MSU cells expressing p300-specific antisense sequences synthesized p300 at much reduced levels and exited G1 phase without serum stimulation. These cells also showed an increase in cyclin A and cyclin A- and E-associated kinase activities characteristic of S phase induction. Further analysis of the p300-depleted quiescent MCF10A cells revealed a 5-fold induction of c-MYC and a 2-fold induction of c-JUN. A direct target of c-MYC, CAD, which is required for DNA synthesis, was also found to be up-regulated, indicating that up-regulation of c-MYC functionally contributed to DNA synthesis. Furthermore, S phase induction in p300-depleted cells was reversed when antisense c-MYC was expressed in these cells, indicating that up-regulation of c-MYC may directly contribute to S phase induction. Adenovirus E1A also induced DNA synthesis and increased the levels of c-MYC and c-JUN in serum-starved MCF10A cells in a p300-dependent manner. Our results suggest an important role of p300 in cell cycle regulation at G1 and raise the possibility that p300 may negatively regulate early response genes, including c-MYC and c-JUN, thereby preventing DNA synthesis in quiescent cells.


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The estrogen receptor (ER) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that regulates expression of target genes in response to estrogen in concert with other cellular signaling pathways. This suggests that the mechanism by which ER transmits an activating signal to the general transcription machinery may include factors that integrate these diverse signals. We have previously characterized the estrogen receptor-associated protein, ERAP160, as a factor that complexes with ER in an agonist-dependent manner. We have now found that the transcriptional coactivator p300 associates with agonist bound ER and augments ligand-dependent activation by ER. Our studies show that an ER coactivator complex involves a direct hormone-dependent interaction between ER and ERAP160, resulting in the recruitment of p300. In addition, antibodies directed against the cloned steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC1) recognize ERAP160. The known role of p300 in multiple signal transduction pathways, including those involving the second messenger cAMP, suggests p300 functions as a point of integration between ER and these other pathways.


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p300 and its family member, CREB-binding protein (CBP), function as key transcriptional coactivators by virtue of their interaction with the activated forms of certain transcription factors. In a search for additional cellular targets of p300/CBP, a protein-protein cloning strategy, surprisingly identified SRC-1, a coactivator involved in nuclear hormone receptor transcriptional activity, as a p300/CBP interactive protein. p300 and SRC-1 interact, specifically, in vitro and they also form complexes in vivo. Moreover, we show that SRC-1 encodes a new member of the basic helix-loop-helix-PAS domain family and that it physically interacts with the retinoic acid receptor in response to hormone binding. Together, these results implicate p300 as a component of the retinoic acid signaling pathway, operating, in part, through specific interaction with a nuclear hormone receptor coactivator, SRC-1.


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Human herpesviruses 6 and 7 (HHV-6 and HHV-7) are prevalent lymphotropic viruses that infect more than 80% of children at infancy or during early childhood. Infection ranges from asymptomatic to severe disease. HHV-6B causes exanthem subitum. The virus can be recovered from peripheral blood mononuclear cells during the acute phase of exanthem subitum, but the host remains latently infected throughout life. In immunocompromised patients undergoing kidney, liver, or bone marrow transplantation latent HHV-6B is reactivated, at times causing severe or fatal disease. Here, we describe the establishment of an in vitro system for reactivation of HHV-6B and HHV-7 from latency. HHV-7 is reactivated from latently infected peripheral blood mononuclear cells by T-cell activation. HHV-6B could not be reactivated under similar conditions; however, the latent HHV-6B could be recovered after the cells were infected with HHV-7. Once reactivated, the HHV-6B genomes became prominent and the HHV-7 disappeared. We conclude that HHV-7 can provide a transacting function(s) mediating HHV-6 reactivating from latency. Understanding the activation process is critical for the development of treatments to control the activation of latent viruses so as to avoid these sometimes life threatening infections in transplant recipients.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis, is a human herpesvirus associated with epithelial cell malignancies (nasopharyngeal carcinoma) as well as B-cell malignancies. Understanding how viral latency is disrupted is a central issue in herpesvirus biology. Epithelial cells are the major site of lytic EBV replication within the human host, and viral reactivation occurs in EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinomas. It is known that expression of a single viral immediate-early protein, BZLF1, is sufficient to initiate the switch from latent to lytic infection in B cells. Cellular regulation of BZLF1 transcription is therefore thought to play a key role in regulating the stringency of viral latency. Here we show that, unexpectedly, expression of another viral immediate-early protein, BRLF1, can disrupt viral latency in an epithelial cell-specific fashion. Therefore, the mechanisms leading to disruption of EBV latency appear to be cell-type specific.


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Study of the mechanism of HIV-1 postintegration latency in the ACH2 cell line demonstrates that these cells failed to increase HIV-1 production following treatment with exogenous Tat. Reasoning that the defect in ACH2 cells involves the Tat response, we analyzed the sequence of tat cDNA and Tat responsive element (TAR) from the virus integrated in ACH2. Tat cDNA sequence is closely related to that of HIV LAI, and the encoded protein is fully functional in terms of long terminal repeat (LTR) transactivation. Cloning of a region corresponding to the 5'-LTR from ACH2, however, identified a point mutation (C37 -> T) in TAR. This mutation impaired Tat responsiveness of the LTR in transient transfection assays, and the measured defect was complemented in cells that had been treated with tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate or tumor necrosis factor type alpha (TNF-alpha). A compensatory mutation in TAR (G28 -> A), designed to reestablish base pairing in the TAR hairpin, restored wild-type Tat responsiveness. When the (C37 -> T) mutation was introduced in an infectious clone of HIV-1, no viral production was measured in the absence of TNF-alpha, whereas full complementation was observed when the infection was conducted in the presence of TNF-alpha or when a compensatory mutation (G28 -> A) was introduced into TAR. These experiments identify a novel mutation associated with HIV-1 latency and suggest that alterations in the Tat-TAR axis can be a crucial determinant of the latent phenotype in infected individuals.


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All three isoforms of transforming growth factors beta (TGF-betal, TGF-beta2, and TGF-beta3) are secreted as latent complexes and activated extracellularly, leading to the release of the mature cytokines from their noncovalently associated proregions, also known as latency-associated peptides (LAPs). The LAP region of TGF-beta1 was expressed in a baculovirus expression system and purified to homogeneity. In vitro assays of growth inhibition and gene induction mediated by TGF-beta3 demonstrate that recombinant TGF-beta1 LAP is a potent inhibitor of the activities of TGF-betal, -beta2, and -beta3. Effective dosages of LAP for 50% neutralization of TGF-beta activities range from 4.7- to 80-fold molar excess depending on the TGF-beta isoform and activity examined. Using 125I-labeled LAP, we show that the intraperitoneal application route is effective for systemic administration of LAP. Comparison of concentrations of LAP in tissues shows a homogenous pattern in most organs with the exception of heart and muscle, in which levels of LAP are 4- to 8-fold lower. In transgenic mice with elevated hepatic levels of bioactive TGF-betal, treatment with recombinant LAP completely reverses suppression of the early proliferative response induced by TGF-beta1 in remnant livers after partial hepatectomy. The results suggest that recombinant LAP is a potent inhibitor of bioactive TGF-beta both in vitro and in vivo, after intraperitoneal administration. Recombinant LAP should be a useful tool for novel approaches to study and therapeutically modulate pathophysiological processes mediated by TGF-beta3.