117 resultados para P14


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Clear cell-type renal cell carcinomas (clear RCC) are characterized almost universally by loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 3p, which usually involves any combination of three regions: 3p25-p26 (harboring the VHL gene), 3p12-p14.2 (containing the FHIT gene), and 3p21-p22, implying inactivation of the resident tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs). For the 3p21-p22 region, the affected TSGs remain, at present, unknown. Recently, the RAS association family 1 gene (isoform RASSF1A), located at 3p21.3, has been identified as a candidate lung and breast TSG. In this report, we demonstrate aberrant silencing by hypermethylation of RASSF1A in both VHL-caused clear RCC tumors and clear RCC without VHL inactivation. We found hypermethylation of RASSF1A's GC-rich putative promoter region in most of analyzed samples, including 39 of 43 primary tumors (91%). The promoter was methylated partially or completely in all 18 RCC cell lines analyzed. Methylation of the GC-rich putative RASSF1A promoter region and loss of transcription of the corresponding mRNA were related causally. RASSF1A expression was reactivated after treatment with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine. Forced expression of RASSF1A transcripts in KRC/Y, a renal carcinoma cell line containing a normal and expressed VHL gene, suppressed growth on plastic dishes and anchorage-independent colony formation in soft agar. Mutant RASSF1A had reduced growth suppression activity significantly. These data suggest that RASSF1A is the candidate renal TSG gene for the 3p21.3 region.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos (a) identificar mecanismos pelos quais rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados possam estar associados de maneira causal a determinados quadros clínicos e (b) contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação desses rearranjos. Para isso, foram estudados 45 rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados (29 translocações, 10 inversões e seis rearranjos complexos), detectados em pacientes que apresentavam malformações congênitas, comprometimento do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor ou déficit intelectual. Foram 31 rearranjos cromossômicos esporádicos, três familiais que segregavam com o quadro clínico e mais 11 rearranjos cromossômicos herdados de genitores fenotipicamente normais. Inicialmente os pontos de quebra desses rearranjos foram mapeados por hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH). A busca por microdeleções e duplicações genômicas foi realizada por a-CGH. A investigação dos pontos de quebra prosseguiu com a aplicação da técnica de Mate-Pair Sequencing (MPS), que permite localizar as quebras em segmentos de 100 pb - 1 kb, na maioria dos casos. Para obter os segmentos de junção das quebras no nível de pares de bases, os segmentos delimitados por MPS foram sequenciados pelo método de Sanger. A análise por aCGH revelou microdeleções ou microduplicações localizadas nos cromossomos rearranjados, em 12 dos 45 pacientes investigados (27%). A análise de 27 rearranjos por MPS permitiu a caracterização dos pontos de junção das quebras. MPS expandiu o número de pontos de quebra, detectados por análise do cariótipo ou aCGH, de 114 para 156 (em resolução < 2kb, na maioria dos casos). O número de pontos de quebra/rearranjo variou de 2 a 20. Os 156 pontos de quebra resultaram em 86 variantes estruturais equilibradas e outras 32 variantes não equilibradas. Perdas e ganhos de segmentos submiscroscópicos nos cromossomos rearranjados constituíram a principal causa ou, provavelmente, contribuíram para o quadro clínico de 12 dos 45 pacientes. Em cinco desses 12 rearranjos foram detectadas por MPS a interrupção de genes já relacionados à doença, ou provável alteração de sua região reguladora, contribundo para o quadro clínico. Em quatro dos 33 rearranjos não associados a perdas ou ganhos de segmentos, a análise por MPS revelou a interrupção de genes que já foram anteriormente relacionados a doenças, explicando-se, assim, as características clínicas dos portadores; outro rearranjo pode ter levando alteração da expressão gênica de gene sensível a dosagem e ao quadro clínico. Um rearranjo cromossômico familial, identificado na análise após bandamento G como uma translocação equilibrada, t(2;22)(p14;q12), segregava com quadro de atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e dificuldade de aprendizado associados a dismorfismos. A combinação das análises por FISH, aCGH e MPS revelou que se tratava, na verdade, de rearranjo complexo entre os cromossomos 2, 5 e 22, incluindo 10 quebras. A segregação de diferentes desequilíbrios submicroscópicos em indivíduos afetados e clinicamente normais permitiu a compreensão da variabilidade clínica observada na família. Rearranjos equilibrados detectados em indivíduos afetados, mas herdados de genitores clinicamente normais, são, em geral, considerados como não tendo relação com o quadro clínico, apesar da possibilidade de desequilíbrios cromossômicos gerados por permuta desigual na meiose do genitor portador do rearranjo. Neste trabalho, a investigação de 11 desses rearranjos por aCGH não revelou perdas ou ganhos de segmentos nos cromossomos rearranjados. No entanto, a análise por aCGH da portadora de um desses rearranjos - inv(12)mat - revelou deleção de 8,7 Mb no cromossomo 8, como causa de seu fenótipo clínico. Essa deleção estava relacionada com outro rearranjo equilibrado também presente em sua mãe, independente da inversão. Para compreender os mecanismos de formação de rearranjos citogeneticamente equilibrados, investigamos os segmentos de junção no nível de pares de base. A análise por MPS que levou, na maioria dos casos, ao mapeamento dos pontos de quebras em segmentos <1kb permitiu o sequenciamento pelo método de Sanger de 51 segmentos de junções de 17 rearranjos. A ocorrência de blunt fusions ou inserções e deleções <10 pb, e a ausência de homologia ou a presença de micro homologia de 2 pb a 4 pb de extensão indicaram o mecanismo de junção de extremidades não homólogas (non-homologous end joinging; NHEJ), na maioria das 51 junções caracterizadas. As características de três dos quatro rearranjos mais complexos, com 17-20 quebras, indicaram sua formação pelo mecanismo de chromothripsis. Este estudo mostra a importância da análise genômica de variações de número de cópias por microarray, juntamente com o mapeamento dos pontos de quebra por MPS, para determinar a estrutura de rearranjos cromossômicos citogeneticamente equilibrados e seu impacto clínico. O mapeamento dos segmentos de junção por MPS, permitindo o sequenciamento pelo método de Sanger, foi essencial para a compreensão de mecanismos de formação desses rearranjos


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Purpose. Postnatal exposure to hyperoxia destroys the plexiform layers of the neonatal rat retina, resulting in significant electroretinographic anomalies. The purpose of this study was to identify the mechanisms at the origin of this loss. Methods. Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Long Evans (LE) rats were exposed to hyperoxia from birth to postnatal day (P) 6 or P14 and from P6 to P14, after which rats were euthanatized at P6, P14, or P60. Results. At P60, synaptophysin staining confirmed the lack of functional synaptic terminals in SD (outer plexiform layer [OPL]) and LE (OPL and inner plexiform layer [IPL]) rats. Uneven staining of ON-bipolar cell terminals with mGluR6 suggests that their loss could play a role in OPL thinning. Protein kinase C(PKC)-α and recoverin (rod and cone ON-bipolar cells, respectively) showed a lack of dendritic terminals in the OPL with disorganized axonal projections in the IPL. Although photoreceptor nuclei appeared intact, a decrease in bassoon staining (synaptic ribbon terminals) suggests limited communication to the inner retina. Findings were significantly more pronounced in LE rats. An increase in TUNEL-positive cells was observed in LE (inner nuclear layer [INL] and outer nuclear layer [ONL]) and SD (INL) rats after P0 to P14 exposure (425.3%, 102.2%, and 146.3% greater than control, respectively [P < 0.05]). Conclusions. Results suggest that cell death and synaptic retraction are at the root of OPL thinning. Increased TUNEL-positive cells in the INL confirm that cells die, at least in part, because of apoptosis. These findings propose a previously undescribed mechanism of cell death and synaptic retraction that are likely at the origin of the functional consequences of hyperoxia.


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Petrographic analysis of Quaternary terrigenous sand layers in eastern Mediterranean cores reveals distinct mineralogical differences between the Egyptian Shelf-Nile Cone region and the southern part of the Mediterranean Ridge. A compositionally and texturally immature suite in Ridge cores, mixed with a Nile-derived assemblage, identifies a fresh non-recycled mineral component derived from proximal igneous and metamorphic surface or near-surface exposures, probably in the south-central Ridge area rather than from distal African sources. The presence of such basement terrains would be consistent with a compressive thrust-belt origin for this part of the Mediterranean Ridge.


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The cores and dredges described in this report were taken on the GH74-5 Expedition in September-October, 1974 by the Geological Survey of Japan from the R/V Hakurei Maru. A total of 36 cores, dredges and submarine camera sites have been visited. The survey conducted an investigation of the manganese deposits in the Eastern Pacific Basin and the East of the Okinawa islands


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We report the clinical characteristics of a schizophrenia sample of 409 pedigrees-263 of European ancestry ( EA) and 146 of African American ancestry ( AA)-together with the results of a genome scan ( with a simple tandem repeat polymorphism interval of 9 cM) and follow-up fine mapping. A family was required to have a proband with schizophrenia ( SZ) and one or more siblings of the proband with SZ or schizoaffective disorder. Linkage analyses included 403 independent full-sibling affected sibling pairs ( ASPs) ( 279 EA and 124 AA) and 100 all-possible half-sibling ASPs ( 15 EA and 85 AA). Nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis of all families detected two regions with suggestive evidence of linkage at 8p23.3-q12 and 11p11.2-q22.3 ( empirical Z likelihood-ratio score [ Z(lr)] threshold >= 2.65) and, in exploratory analyses, two other regions at 4p16.1-p15.32 in AA families and at 5p14.3-q11.2 in EA families. The most significant linkage peak was in chromosome 8p; its signal was mainly driven by the EA families. Z(lr) scores >= 2.0 in 8p were observed from 30.7 cM to 61.7 cM ( Center for Inherited Disease Research map locations). The maximum evidence in the full sample was a multipoint Z(lr) of 3.25 ( equivalent Kong-Cox LOD of 2.30) near D8S1771 ( at 52 cM); there appeared to be two peaks, both telomeric to neuregulin 1 ( NRG1). There is a paracentric inversion common in EA individuals within this region, the effect of which on the linkage evidence remains unknown in this and in other previously analyzed samples. Fine mapping of 8p did not significantly alter the significance or length of the peak. We also performed fine mapping of 4p16.3-p15.2, 5p15.2-q13.3, 10p15.3-p14, 10q25.3-q26.3, and 11p13-q23.3. The highest increase in Z(lr) scores was observed for 5p14.1-q12.1, where the maximum Z(lr) increased from 2.77 initially to 3.80 after fine mapping in the EA families.


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Sox7, Sox17 and Sox18 constitute group F of the Sox family of HMG box transcription factor genes. Dominant-negative mutations in Sox18 underlie the cardiovascular defects observed in ragged mutant mice. By contrast, Sox18(-/-) mice are viable and fertile, and display no appreciable anomaly in their vasculature, suggesting functional compensation by the two other SoxF genes. Here, we provide direct evidence for redundant function of Sox17 and Sox18 in postnatal neovascularization by generating Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-) double mutant mice. Whereas Sox18(-/-) and Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(+/)-mice showed no vascular defects, approximately half of the Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-) pups died before postnatal day 21 (P21). They showed reduced neovascularization in the liver sinusoids and kidney outer medulla vasa recta at P7, which most likely caused the ischemic necrosis observed by P14 in hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelia. Those that survived to adulthood showed similar, but milder, vascular anomalies in both liver and kidney, and females were infertile with varying degrees of vascular abnormalities in the reproductive organs. These anomalies corresponded with sites of expression of Sox7 and Sox17 in the developing postnatal vasculature. In vitro angiogenesis assays, using primary endothelial cells isolated from the P7 livers, showed that the Sox17(+/-)-Sox18(-/-)endothelial cells were defective in endothelial sprouting and remodeling of the vasculature in a phenotype-dependent manner. Therefore, our findings indicate that Sox17 and Sox18, and possibly all three SoxF genes, are cooperatively involved in mammalian vascular development.


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Approaches to quantify the organic carbon accumulation on a global scale generally do not consider the small-scale variability of sedimentary and oceanographic boundary conditions along continental margins. In this study, we present a new approach to regionalize the total organic carbon (TOC) content in surface sediments (<5 cm sediment depth). It is based on a compilation of more than 5500 single measurements from various sources. Global TOC distribution was determined by the application of a combined qualitative and quantitative-geostatistical method. Overall, 33 benthic TOC-based provinces were defined and used to process the global distribution pattern of the TOC content in surface sediments in a 1°x1° grid resolution. Regional dependencies of data points within each single province are expressed by modeled semi-variograms. Measured and estimated TOC values show good correlation, emphasizing the reasonable applicability of the method. The accumulation of organic carbon in marine surface sediments is a key parameter in the control of mineralization processes and the material exchange between the sediment and the ocean water. Our approach will help to improve global budgets of nutrient and carbon cycles.


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This paper derives a theoretical framework for consideration of both the technologically driven dimensions of mobile payment solutions, and the associated value proposition for customers. Banks promote traditional payment instruments whose value proposition is the management of risk for both consumers and merchants. These instruments are centralised, costly and lack decision support functionality. The ubiquity of the mobile phone has provided a decentralised platform for managing payment processes in a new way, but the value proposition for customers has yet to be elaborated clearly. This inertia has stalled the design of sustainable revenue models for a mobile payments ecosystem. Merchants and consumers in the meantime are being seduced by the convenience of on-line and mobile payment solutions. Adopting the purchase and payment process as the unit of analysis, the current mobile payment landscape is reviewed with respect to the creation and consumption of customer value. From this analysis, a framework is derived juxtaposing customer value, related to what is being paid for, with payment integration, related to how payments are being made. The framework provides a theoretical and practical basis for considering the contribution of mobile technologies to the payment industry. The framework is then used to describe the components of a mobile payments pilot project being run on a trial population of 250 students on a campus in Ireland. In this manner, weaknesses in the value proposition for consumers and merchants were highlighted. Limitations of the framework as a research tool are also discussed.


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Today a major responsibility for the contamination of soil and groundwater and surface water are establishments known as gas stations of fuel which has attracted increasing attention from both the general population as the state agencies of environmental control due to leaks in storage tanks and mainly to disruption of pipe corrosion of tanks and pumping. Other services, like oil changes and car wash are also causes for concern in this type of establishment. These leaks can cause or waste produced, and the contamination of aquifers, serious health problems and public safety, since most of these stations located in urban areas. Based on this, the work was to evaluate soil contamination of a particular service station and fuel sales in the city of Natal, through the quantification of heavy metals like Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn of total organic carbon (TOC) and organic matter using different techniques such as optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma source (ICP OES), Total Organic Carbon analyzer and gravimetric analysis respectively. And also to characterize the soil through particle size analysis. Samples were taken in 21 georeferenced points and collected in the same period. The soils sampled in sampling stations P3, P5, P6, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18 and P20 showed the smallest size fractions ranging from fine sand to medium sand. The other study sites ranged from fine sand to medium sand, except the point P8 showed that only the type size medium sand and P19, indicating a particle size of the coarse type. The small correlation of organic matter with the elements studied in this work suggests that these are not of anthropogenic origin but geochemical support


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Expression patterns of group I (mGluR1α and mGluR5)and group II (mGluR2/3) metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes were examined immunocytochemically in the trigeminal system of mice during the first 3 weeks of postnatal development, when somatotopic whisker representations are sequentially established from brainstem through thalamus to cerebral cortex. Immunostaining for all three epitopes formed whisker-related patterns in the trigeminal nuclei from postnatal day (P) 0, in the ventral posterior thalamic nucleus from P2, and in the posteromedial barrel subfield of somatosensory cortex (SI) from P4. The appearance of whisker-related patterns was preceded by increased levels of immunostaining of the neuropil, which subsequently declined from the trigeminal nuclei upward. In SI, mGluR1α-positive neurons were observed in all cortical layers from P2. mGluR5 was localized in neurons, glial cells, and neuropil from P2. mGluR2/3 immunostaining was distributed only in the neuropil at all ages. The three receptor subtypes showed moderate to high expression in deep layer V throughout development. Transient expression peaked in the hollows of layer IV barrels from P4 to P9, and then fell off as expression increased in supragranular layers from P14 to P21. The deep aspect of the cortical subplate (layer VIb) showed dense mGluR5 and less dense mGluR1α immunostaining throughout development. Up-regulation of expression of group I and II mGluRs is correlated with the growth and refinement of connectivity and the establishment of somatotopic patterns in the three main relay stations of the trigeminal system. This finding suggests roles for mGluRs in the early processing of sensory information and in developmental plasticity.


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Soil is a key resource that provides the basis of food production and sustains and delivers several ecosystems services including regulating and supporting services such as water and climate regulation, soil formation and the cycling of nutrients carbon and water. During the last decades, population growth, dietary changes and the subsequent pressure on food production, have caused severe damages on soil quality as a consequence of intensive, high input-based agriculture. While agriculture is supposed to maintain and steward its most important resource base, it compromises soil quality and fertility through its impact on erosion, soil organic matter and biodiversity decline, compaction, etc., and thus the necessary yield increases for the next decades. New or improved cropping systems and agricultural practices are needed to ensure a sustainable use of this resource and to fully take the advantages of its associated ecosystem services. Also, new and better soil quality indicators are crucial for fast and in-field soil diagnosis to help farmers decide on the best management practices to adopt under specific pedo-climatic conditions. Conservation Agriculture and its fundamental principles: minimum (or no) soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover and crop rotation /intercropping certainly figure among the possibilities capable to guarantee sustainable soil management. The iSQAPER project – Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience – is tackling this problem with the development of a Soil Quality application (SQAPP) that links soil and agricultural management practices to soil quality indicators and will provide an easy-to-use tool for farmers and land managers to judge their soil status. The University of Évora is the leader of WP6 - Evaluating and demonstrating measures to improve Soil Quality. In this work package, several promising soil and agricultural management practices will be tested at selected sites and evaluated using the set of soil quality indicators defined for the SQAPP tool. The project as a whole and WP6 in specific can contribute to proof and demonstrate under different pedoclimatic conditions the impact of Conservation Agriculture practices on soil quality and function as was named the call under which this project was submitted.