993 resultados para Oxygen-tension


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Preeclampsia is a human pregnancy-specific disorder characterized by a placental pro-inflammatory response in combination with an imbalance of angiogenic factors and clinical symptoms, including hypertension and proteinuria. Insufficient uteroplacental oxygenation in preeclampsia due to impaired trophoblast invasion during placentation is believed to be responsible for many of the molecular events leading to the clinical manifestations of this disease. We investigated the use of hypoxic treatment of the dual placental perfusion system as a model for preeclampsia. A modified perfusion technique allowed us to achieve a mean soluble oxygen tension within the intervillous space (IVS) of 5-7% for normoxia and <3% for hypoxia (as a model for preeclampsia). We assayed for the levels of different inflammatory cytokines, oxidative stress markers, as well as other factors, such as endothelin (ET)-1 that are known to be implicated as part of the inflammatory response in preeclampsia. Our results show a significant increase under hypoxia in the levels of different inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6 (P=0.002), IL-8 (P<0.0001), TNF-α (P=0.032) and IFN-γ (P=0.009) at 360 min in maternal venous samples (n=6). There was also a significant increase in ET-1 levels under hypoxia both on the maternal side at 30 min (P=0.003) and fetal side at 360 min (P=0.036) (n=6). Other markers of oxidative stress, including malondialdehyde and 8-iso-protaglandin F2α (P=0.009) also show increased levels. Overall, these findings indicate that exposure of ex vivo dually perfused placental tissue to hypoxia provides a useful model for mimicking the inflammatory response characteristic of preeclampsia. This would therefore provide a powerful tool for studying and further delineating the molecular mechanisms involved in the underlying pathophysiology of preeclampsia.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands (ephrins) are key players during the development of the embryonic vasculature; however, their role and regulation in adult angiogenesis remain to be defined. Both receptors and ligands have been shown to be up-regulated in a variety of tumors. To address the hypothesis that hypoxia is an important regulator of Ephs/ephrins expression, we developed a mouse skin flap model of hypoxia. We demonstrate that our model truly represents segmental skin hypoxia by applying four independent methods: continuous measurement of partial cutaneous oxygen tension, monitoring of tissue lactate/pyruvate ratio, time course of hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha (HIF-1alpha) induction, and localization of stabilized HIF-1alpha by immunofluorescence in the hypoxic skin flap. Our experiments indicate that hypoxia up-regulates not only HIF-1alpha and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, but also Ephs and ephrins of both A and B subclasses in the skin. In addition, we show that in Hep3B and PC-3 cells, the hypoxia-induced up-regulation of Ephs and ephrins is abrogated by small interfering RNA-mediated down-regulation of HIF-1alpha. These novel findings shed light on the role of this versatile receptor/ligand family in adult angiogenesis. Furthermore, our model offers considerable potential for analyzing distinct mechanisms of neovascularization in gene-targeted mice.


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BACKGROUND Brain dysfunction is common in sepsis. We aimed to assess whether cerebral perfusion, oxygenation, and/or metabolism are abnormal during early endotoxemia, and how they may relate to potential neurohistological changes. METHODS In this prospective animal study, we included 12 pigs (weight: 42 ± 4 kg; mean ± SD) that were exposed to Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (E. coli LPS B0111 : B4, 0.4 μg/kg/h) or saline infusion (n = 6, each) for 10 h. Systemic hemodynamics, cerebral blood flow, intracranial pressure, and brain tissue oxygen tension were continuously measured. At the end of the experiment, formalin-fixed brains were cut in coronal sections and embedded in paraffin. Afterwards, the sections were cut at 5 microns and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. RESULTS Stable systemic hemodynamics in both groups were associated with higher carotid arterial blood flow after 10 h of endotoxemia (9.0 ± 2.2 ml/kg/min) compared to controls (6.6 ± 1.2 ml/kg/min; time-group interaction: P = 0.014). Intracranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, brain oxygen consumption, and brain tissue oxygen tension were similar in both groups. In four of the six endotoxemic animals but in none of the controls, cerebral tissue lesions were found (encephalomalacia with spongy degeneration of white matter, axonal swelling, and ischemic neuronal thalamic necrosis), including significant venous vascular alterations, predominantly in the brainstem, in three of the four animals. CONCLUSIONS Early endotoxemia seems to be associated with histological signs of brain damage unrelated to systemic or cerebral hemodynamics or oxygenation.


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Background: The differentiation of ADSC is regulated by many factors, including oxygen tensions. Evidences have suggested that low oxygen tension or hypoxia is involved in the osteogenic, adipogenic differentiations of MSCs. Expansion and induction of ADSCs under hypoxia generally result in enhanced osteogenic, differentiation. Therefore, we analyzed bovine ADSC differentiations in Normoxia and hypoxia conditions Methodology: Recently (<8h) cow tail from a slaughterhouse, take out some fat from the tail and fat cells was isolated by using for isolation of ADSC protocol, the expansion cells were put into osteogenic and adipogenic medium for 3 weeks in hypoxia and normoxia conditions separately and characterized by Von kossa, Alizarin red and Oil red O staining and further by using real-time PCR by using primers of osteocalcin, Collagen type1, cbfa1/runx2, ALP, ostepontin, osteonectin, BMP2, BMP24, BMP27, noggin, gremlin, Nestin and HIF1A,VEGFA,PPARG,Leptin. Results: Our experiment results show hypoxia promotes osteogenesis but suppresses adipogenesis.


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Hypoxia at the surgical site impairs wound healing and oxidative killing of microbes. Surgical site infections are more common in obese patients. We hypothesized that subcutaneous oxygen tension (Psq O2 ) would decrease substantially in both obese and non-obese patients following induction of anesthesia and after surgical incision. We performed a prospective observational study that enrolled obese and non-obese surgical patients and measured serial Psq O2 before and during surgery. Seven morbidly obese and seven non-obese patients were enrolled. At baseline breathing room air, Psq O2 values were not significantly different (p=0.66) between obese (6.8 kPa) and non-obese (6.5 kPa) patients. The targeted arterial oxygen tension (40 kPa) was successfully achieved in both groups with an expected significant increase in Psq O2 (obese 16.1 kPa and non-obese 13.4 kPa; p=0.001). After induction of anesthesia and endotracheal intubation, Psq O2 did not change significantly in either cohort in comparison to levels right before induction (obese 15.5, non-obese 13.5 kPa; p=0.95), but decreased significantly during surgery (obese 10.1, non-obese 9.3 kPa; p=0.01). In both morbidly obese and non-obese patients, Psq O2 does not decrease appreciably following induction of anesthesia, but decreases markedly (∼33%) after commencement of surgery. Given the theoretical risks associated with low Psq O2 , future research should investigate how Psq O2 can be maintained after surgical incision. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND Current guidelines limit the use of high oxygen tension after return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest, focusing on neurological outcome and mortality. Little is known about the impact of hyperoxia on the ischemic heart. Oxygen is frequently administered and is generally expected to be beneficial. This study seeks to assess the effects of hyperoxia on myocardia oxygenation in the presence of severe coronary artery stenosis in swine. METHODS AND RESULTS In 22 healthy pigs, we surgically attached a magnetic resonance compatible flow probe to the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). In 11 pigs, a hydraulic occluder was inflated distal to the flow probe. After increasing PaO2 to >300 mm Hg, LAD flow decreased in all animals. In 8 stenosed animals with a mean fractional flow reserve of 0.64±0.02, hyperoxia resulted in a significant decrease of myocardial signal intensity in oxygenation-sensitive cardiovascular magnetic resonance images of the midapical segments of the LAD territory. This was not seen in remote myocardium or in the other 8 healthy animals. The decreased signal intensity was accompanied by a decrease in circumferential strain in the same segments. Furthermore, ejection fraction, cardiac output, and oxygen extraction ratio declined in these animals. Changing PaCO2 levels did not have a significant effect on any of the parameters; however, hypercapnia seemed to nonsignificantly attenuate the hyperoxia-induced changes. CONCLUSIONS Ventilation-induced hyperoxia may decrease myocardial oxygenation and lead to ischemia in myocardium subject to severe coronary artery stenosis.


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This paper is devoted to the quantization of the degree of nonlinearity of the relationship between two biological variables when one of the variables is a complex nonstationary oscillatory signal. An example of the situation is the indicial responses of pulmonary blood pressure (P) to step changes of oxygen tension (ΔpO2) in the breathing gas. For a step change of ΔpO2 beginning at time t1, the pulmonary blood pressure is a nonlinear function of time and ΔpO2, which can be written as P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). An effective method does not exist to examine the nonlinear function P(t-t1 | ΔpO2). A systematic approach is proposed here. The definitions of mean trends and oscillations about the means are the keys. With these keys a practical method of calculation is devised. We fit the mean trends of blood pressure with analytic functions of time, whose nonlinearity with respect to the oxygen level is clarified here. The associated oscillations about the mean can be transformed into Hilbert spectrum. An integration of the square of the Hilbert spectrum over frequency yields a measure of oscillatory energy, which is also a function of time, whose mean trends can be expressed by analytic functions. The degree of nonlinearity of the oscillatory energy with respect to the oxygen level also is clarified here. Theoretical extension of the experimental nonlinear indicial functions to arbitrary history of hypoxia is proposed. Application of the results to tissue remodeling and tissue engineering of blood vessels is discussed.


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The respiratory effects of dexmedetomidine were retrospectively examined in 33 postsurgical patients involved in a randomised, placebo-controlled trial after extubation in the intensive care unit (ICU). Morphine requirements were reduced by over 50% in patients receiving dexmedetomidine. There were no differences in respiratory rates, oxygen saturations, arterial pH and arterial partial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) between the groups. Interestingly the arterial partial oxygen tension (PaO2) : fractional inspired oxygen (FIO2) ratios were statistically significantly higher in the dexmedetomidine group. Dexmedetomidine provides important postsurgical analgesia and appears to have no clinically important adverse effects on respiration in the surgical patient who requires intensive care.


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Inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of renal carcinomas and central nervous system hemangioblastomas. These are highly vascular tumors which overproduce angiogenic peptides such as vascular endothelial growth factor/vascular permeability factor (VEGF/VPF). Renal carcinoma cells lacking wild-type pVHL were found to produce mRNAs encoding VEGF/VPF, the glucose transporter GLUT1, and the platelet-derived growth factor B chain under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Reintroduction of wild-type, but not mutant, pVHL into these cells specifically inhibited the production of these mRNAs under normoxic conditions, thus restoring their previously described hypoxia-inducible profile. Thus, pVHL appears to play a critical role in the transduction of signals generated by changes in ambient oxygen tension.


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Apesar de diversos estudos in vitro e em populações indicarem um efeito protetor do β-caroteno em sistemas biológicos, estudos epidemiológicos como o \"The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study\" (ATBC) e o \"The Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial\" (CARET) mostraram um aumento na incidência de câncer pulmonar em indivíduos fumantes suplementados com β-caroteno. Essa ação contraditória tem sido chamada na literatura de \"Paradoxo do β-Caroteno\". Sabe-se que este carotenóide sob altas pressões de oxigênio ou na presença de peróxidos pode sofrer oxidação e levar a formação de compostos como aldeídos, epóxidos, etc, que são capazes de se adicionarem covalentemente ao DNA. Estudos, in vitro e in vivo têm demonstrado a possibilidade de os metabólitos do β-caroteno agirem como agentes pró-carcinogênicos. Estes agentes quando ativados quimicamente podem levar à formação de adutos de DNA. Já se sabe que alguns desses adutos encontramse em níveis aumentados em diversas situações de risco de câncer. Diversos grupos, incluindo o nosso, têm demonstrado a formação de lesões em DNA a partir de aldeídos e epóxidos exógenos ou gerados endogenamente. O presente trabalho mostra que a reação do β-caroteno e dois de seus produtos de oxidação, retinal e β-apo-8\'-carotenal, com 2\'-desoxiguanosina e DNA leva à formação de adutos. Dentre os adutos formados, foi caracterizado o aduto 1,N2eteno-2\'-desoxiguanosina (1 ,N2-εdGuo). Os níveis de outro aduto de DNA, a 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2\'-deoxiguanosina (8-oxodGuo), também foram monitoradas para estudo comparativo. A formação dos adutos também foi verificada em fibroblastos normais de pulmão humano (linhagem IMR-90) expostos ao β-caroteno e aos seus produtos de oxidação. Experimentos com ratos suplementados com β-caroteno e expostos à fumaça de cigarro em períodos de 7, 30 e 180 dias, mostraram níveis aumentados de 1,N2-εdGuo nos animais suplementados com o carotenóide comparado ao grupo veículo. Aumento no nível de 8-oxodGuo também foi verificado nos tratamentos de 7 e 180 dias. Um aumento significativo no nível do eteno aduto também foi verificado nos animais suplementados com β-caroteno e expostos à fumaça de cigarro, comparado ao grupo apenas exposto à fumaça após 7 e 180 dias de exposição. Nestes mesmos grupos, o aumento do 8-oxodGuo só foi observado no tratamento por 180 dias. Sabendo que estas lesões são comprovadamente mutagênicas, nossos estudos podem contribuir para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na formação de câncer em fumantes suplementados ou não com β-caroteno.


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The Red Sea has a special place among the adjacent seas of the world. High evaporation, exclusion of its deep water from contact with the Indian Ocean proper and complete absence of continental drainage may result special conditions of the chemistry of the Red Sea. This paper aims to describe and explain the peculiarity of the hydrochemical situation. The influence of the topography, of the inflow and outflow through the straights of Bab el Mandeb, of the evaporation, of the stability of the water layers, and of the circulation will be studied. An attempt is made to estimate the apparent oxygen ultilisation in order to obtain an indication of the biological activity. A further attempt is made toward the quantitative estimation of the circulation of the nutrients and also to obtain some information about transport, dissolution, and precipitation of calcium carbonate. The basis of these investigations are mainly observations of R. V. "Meteor" during the International Indian Ocean Expedition 1964/65. The determination of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic phosphate, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, pH, alkalinity, silicate as well as salinity and temperature forms the necessary basis for such an investigation of the chemical conditions. In the first chapter the methods and some modifications for the determination of the chemical properties as applied during the I.I.O.E. cruise of R. V. "Meteor" are described. The new methods, as worked out and tested under sea going conditions during several years by the author, are described in more detail. These are the methods for nitrate, silicate, the automatic determination of dissolved inorganic phosphate and silicate, the automated determination of total phosphorus, the in situ recording of the oxygen tension, and the modification for the determination of ammonia, calcium, and dissolved oxygen. With these revised methods more than 18,000 determinations have been carried out during the Indian Ocean cruise. The complete working up of the chemical data of the Indian Ocean Expedition of R. V. "Meteor" is devided into four sections: Contributions 1) to the Chemistry of the Red Sea and the Inner Gulf of Aden, 2) to the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Coast Region, 3) to the Western Indian Coast Region, and 4) to the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Oman. This paper presents the first contribution. The special hydrographical conditions are discussed. It can be shown, that the increase of salinity in the surface waters from the south to the north of the Red Sea is only to about 30 % due to evaporation. The remaining increase is presumed to be due to the admixture of deep water to the surface layers. A special rate for the consumption of oxygen (0.114 ml/ l/a) is derived for the deep water of the Red Sea at 1500 m. Based upon the distribution of the dissolved oxygen along the axii of the Red Sea, a chematic model for the longitudinal circulation of the Red Sea is constructed. This model should be considered as a first approximation and may explain the special distribution of phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based upon the evaluation of the residence time of the deep water a dissolution rate for silicate is estimated as 1 mygat/a. It seems possible to calculate residence times of water masses outside the Red Sea from the silicate content. The increase of silicate and the consumption of oxygen lead to residence times of the water below the thermocine of 30 to 48 years. The distribution of oxygen in the Straits of Bab el Mandeb is described and discussed. The rate of consumption of the oxygen in the outflowing Red Sea water is estimated to 8.5 ml/ l/a. This rather high rate is explained with reference to the special conditions in the outflowing water. The Red Sea water is characterized initially by a relative high content of oxygen and a low content of nutrients. The increase in nutrients and the decrease in the oxygen content is a secondary process of the Red Sea water on its way to the Arabian Sea. Based upon the vertical distribution of the dissolved inorganic phosphate vertical exchange coefficients of 1 - 4 g/cm/sec and vertical current speeds of 10**-5 to 10**-4 cm/sec are calculated for some stations in the Red Sea. The distribution of phosphate, silicate, nitrate, nitrite and ammonia for the Red Sea and the Straits of Bab el Mandeb are discussed. The special circulation is evaluated and the balance of the nutrients is estimated by means of the brutto transport. The nutrient deficit is assumed to be balanced by sporadic inflow of intermediate water from the Gulf of Aden. An example for such an inflow has been observed and is demonstrated. The silicate-salinity relationships are a suitable way for characterizing water masses in the Red Sea. Equations for the calculation of the different components from the carbonate system, the ion activities, and the calcium carbonate saturation are evaluated. The influence of temperature and pressure is taken into account. The carbonate saturation is calculated from the determined concentrations of calcium, alkalinity, and the hydrogen ion activity. Saturation values of 320 % are found for the surface layer and of 100% ± 1 for the deep water. The extraordinary equilibrium conditions may explain the constant Ca/Cl ratio and also the sedimentation of undissolved carbonate skelecons even in greater depths. A main sedimentation rate of 2 * 10**-3cm/year is evaluated from a total sedimentation of 10 * 106 to/a of calcium carbonate in the Red Sea. The appendix contains those data, which are not published in the data volume of the I.I.O.E. expedition of R. V. "Meteor".


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Endochondral bone is formed during an avascular period in an environment of low oxygen. Under these conditions, pluripotential mesenchymal stromal cells preferentially differentiate into chondrocytes and form cartilage. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that oxygen tension modulates bone mesenchymal cell fate by altering the expression of genes that function to promote chondrogenesis. Microarray of RNA samples from ST2 cells revealed significant changes in 728 array elements (P < 0.01) in response to hypoxia. Real-time PCR on these RNA samples, and separate samples from C3H10T1/2 cells, revealed hypoxia-induced changes in the expression of additional genes known to be expressed by chondrocytes including Sox9 and its downstream targets aggrecan and Col2a. These changes were accompanied by the accumulation of mucopolysacharide as detected by alcian blue staining. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for upregulation of Sox9 by hypoxia, we determined the effect of hypoxia on HIF-1 alpha levels and Sox9 promoter activity in ST2 cells. Hypoxia increased nuclear accumulation of HIF-1 alpha and activated the Sox9 promoter. The ability of hypoxia to transactivate the Sox9 promoter was virtually abolished by deletion of HIF-1 alpha consensus sites within the proximal promoter. These findings suggest that hypoxia promotes the differentiation of mesenchymal cells along a chondrocyte pathway in part by activating Sox-9 via a HIF-1 alpha-dependent mechanism. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hermatypic-zooxanthellate corals track the diel patterns of the main environmental parameters temperature, UV and visible light - by acclimation processes that include biochemical responses. The diel course of solar radiation is followed by photosynthesis rates and thereby elicits simultaneous changes in tissue oxygen tension due to the shift in photosynthesis/respiration balance. The recurrent patterns of sunlight are reflected in fluorescence yields, photosynthetic pigment content and activity of the two protective enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), enzymes that are among the universal defenses against free radical damage in living tissue. All of these were investigated in three scleractinian corals: Favia favus, Plerogyra sinuosa and Goniopora lobata. The activity of SOD and CAT in the animal host followed the course of solar radiation, increased with the rates of photosynthetic oxygen production and was correlated with a decrease in the maximum quantum yield of photochemistry in Photosystem H (PSII) (Delta F'/F-m'). SOD and CAT activity in the symbiotic algae also exhibited a light intensity correlated pattern, albeit a less pronounced one. The observed rise of the free-radical-scavenger enzymes, with a time scale of minutes to several hours, is an important protective mechanism for the existence and remarkable success of the unique cnidarian-dinoflagellate associations, in which photosynthetic oxygen production takes place within animal cells. This represents a facet of the precarious act of balancing the photosynthetic production of oxygen by the algal symbionts with their destructive action on all living cells, especially those of the animal host.


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The numbers of zoospores produced by a pathogenic strain of Saprolegnia diclina and their behaviour are markedly influenced by a variety of environmental variables including temperature, pH, oxygen tension and the presence of biocides. The use of the latter is not recommended, as fish readily succumb to equivalent concentrations of biocides. Analysis of the pattern of distribution of resulting zoospore cysts demonstrates that zoospores become dispersed by random movement even while in the proximity of the parent colony’s nutrient source. However, the presence of amino acids, in particular aspartic and glutamic acid, at concentrations which occur in fish tissue promotes the directed movement of zoospores towards the nutrient source thereby encouraging the colonization of fresh sites.


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Activation of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway is a critical step in the transcriptional response to hypoxia. Although many of the key proteins involved have been characterised, the dynamics of their interactions in generating this response remain unclear. In the present study, we have generated a comprehensive mathematical model of the HIF-1a pathway based on core validated components and dynamic experimental data, and confirm the previously described connections within the predicted network topology. Our model confirms previous work demonstrating that the steps leading to optimal HIF-1a transcriptional activity require sequential inhibition of both prolyl- and asparaginyl-hydroxylases. We predict from our model (and confirm experimentally) that there is residual activity of the asparaginyl-hydroxylase FIH (factor inhibiting HIF) at low oxygen tension. Furthermore, silencing FIH under conditions where prolyl-hydroxylases are inhibited results in increased HIF-1a transcriptional activity, but paradoxically decreases HIF-1a stability. Using a core module of the HIF network and mathematical proof supported by experimental data, we propose that asparaginyl hydroxylation confers a degree of resistance upon HIF-1a to proteosomal degradation. Thus, through in vitro experimental data and in silico predictions, we provide a comprehensive model of the dynamic regulation of HIF-1a transcriptional activity by hydroxylases and use its predictive and adaptive properties to explain counter-intuitive biological observations.