985 resultados para Osteoporosis - Diet therapy


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Objective: Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) in women with a history of depressive disorders has been shown in some, but not all studies. This study investigated the association between self-reported depression and BMD in an age-stratified community sample of perimenopausal women residing in the South-Eastern region of Australia.

Design: Symptoms of depression in the year between July 2000 and July 2001 were ascertained by a self-report questionnaire based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV) criteria. Women in the perimenopausal group who had undergone a BMD total hip and spine assessment within the 12-month period after the depression assessment were included in the analysis, resulting in a sample of 78 women aged 45 to 60 years.

Results: In this sample, 14 women were identified as depressed. There was no difference in age, hormone therapy (HT) use, or unadjusted BMD at the total hip or spine between the depressed and nondepressed women (P = 0.14, 0.89, 0.57, and 0.70, respectively), but the depressed women tended to be heavier [depressed (median weight, interquartile range = 80 kg, 66-94) vs nondepressed (72 kg, 61-80) P = 0.06]. Whereas there was no significant difference in age-, HT-, and weight-adjusted BMD at the spine [depressed (mean ± SE = 1.21 ± 0.05) vs nondepressed (1.28 ± 0.03 g/cm2) P = 0.18], adjusted BMD at the total hip for the depressed women was 7.8% lower than for the nondepressed [depressed (mean ± SE = 0.957 ± 0.038) vs nondepressed (1.038 ± 0.023 g/cm2) P = 0.04].

Conclusions: These results suggest that in perimenopausal women, self-reported depression is associated with lower BMD at the hip.


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The risks and benefits of hormone therapy (HT) in the treatment of postmenopausal women remain controversial. In this population-based, observational study, we documented health outcomes among postmenopausal Australian women using HT. Women aged 60-80 years were recruited into the Geelong Osteoporosis Study 1994-7 and followed over a median period of 6.6 years. Mortality, and the development of vascular events, breast and colorectal cancers were documented for 67 HT-users and 521 non-users. Median duration of HT-use was 5.0 years (IQR 3.0-10.0). There was no excess in all-cause mortality associated with HT-use. Based on 92 deaths (six HT-users, 86 non-users), the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for all-cause mortality was 0.79 (95%CI 0.32-1.97). With 99 reports of vascular events (13 HTusers, 86 non-users), the adjusted OR for vascular events was 1.30 (95%CI 0.66-2.57). There were insufficient numbers of breast or colorectal cancer cases (21 breast cancer cases, all non-HT users; and 7 colorectal cancer cases, one HT-user and six non-users) to adequately calculate the risk associated with exposure to HT. Although the sample size was small, these results do not support an association between HT and mortality, despite a possible link between HT and increased risk of developing vascular disease.


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To determine the age- and BMD-specific burden of fractures in the community and the cost-effectiveness of targeted drug therapy, we studied a demographically well-categorized population with a single main health provider. Of 1224 women over 50 years of age sustaining fractures during 2 years, the distribution of all fractures was 11%, 20%, 33%, and 36% in those aged 50–59, 60–69, 70–79, and 80+ years, respectively. Osteoporosis (T score < −2.5) was present in 20%, 46%, 59%, and 69% in the respective age groups. Based on this sample and census data for the whole country, treating all women over 50 years of age in Australia with a drug that halves fracture risk in osteoporotic women and reduces fractures in those without osteoporosis by 20%, was estimated to prevent 18,000 or 36% of the 50,000 fractures per year at a total cost of $573 million (AUD). Screening using a bone mineral density of T score of −2.5 as a cutoff, misses 80%, 54%, 41%, and 31% of fractures in women in the respective age groups. An analysis of cost per averted fracture by age group suggests that treating women in the 50- to 59-year age group with osteoporosis alone costs $156,400 per averted fracture. However, in women aged over 80 years, the cost per averted fracture is $28,500. We infer that treating all women over 50 years of age is not feasible. Using osteoporosis and age (>60 years) as criteria for intervention reduces the population burden of fractures by 28% and is cost-effective but solutions to the prevention of the remaining 72% of fragility fractures remain unavailable.


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The database contains the following clinical, questionnaire and socio-demographic data suitable for cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses:
-Body composition: dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measures of the lumbar spine (posterior-anterior projection), proximal femur, whole body and forearm (ultradistal forearm and distal 33%)
-Other clinical assessments: body weight, height, arm span, waist and hip circumferences, blood pressure, visual acuity, muscle strength, functional reach test and timed ‘up-&-go’ test.
-Mental health: Major axis psychiatric disorders diagnosed using a Structured Clinical Interview.
-Blood and urine collections: blood and urine collected after an overnight fast.
-Questionnaires: exposure to disease, use of medications and supplements, diet, mobility, physical activity, sleep, sun exposure, falls and fractures, alcohol and tobacco use, reproductive history, family history of fractures and disease, quality of life, pain, anxiety and depression.
-Socio-demographics: Country of birth, ethnicity, marital status, education, housing and employment status, occupation, socioeconomic Index for Areas (SEIFA) scores.


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Aim: To develop polymeric-ceramic nanocarriers (NCs) in order to achieve oral delivery of the anticancer neutraceutical iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin (Fe-bLf) protein.

Materials & methods: Fe-bLf or paclitaxel (Taxol®) were adsorbed onto calcium phosphate nanocores, enclosed in biodegradable polymers chitosan and alginate. The Fe-bLf or Taxol-loaded NCs indicated as AEC–CP–Fe-bLf or AEC–CP–Taxol NCs, respectively, were made by combination of ionic gelation and nanoprecipitation. Size distribution, morphology, internalization and release profiles of the NCs were studied along with evaluation of in vitro and in vivo anticancer activities and compared with paclitaxel.

Results: AEC–CP–Fe-bLf NCs obtained spherical morphology and showed enhanced endocytosis, transcytosis and anticancer activity in Caco-2 cells in vitro. AEC–CP–Fe-bLf NCs were supplemented in an AIN 93G diet and fed to mice in both prevention and treatment human xenograft colon cancer models. AEC–CP–Fe-bLf NCs were found to be highly significantly effective when given orally, as a pretreatment, 1 week before Caco-2 cell injections. None of the mice from the AEC–CP–Fe-bLf NC-fed group developed tumors or showed any signs of toxicity, while the mice fed the control AIN 93G diet showed normal tumor growth. Fe-bLf or Taxol, when given orally in a diet as nanoformulations post-tumor development, showed a significant regression in the tumor size with complete inhibition of tumor growth later, while intratumoral injection of Taxol just delayed the growth of tumors. The pharmacokinetic and bioavailability studies indicated that nanoformulated Fe-bLf was predominantly present on tumor cells compared to non-nanoformulated Fe-bLf. Fe-bLf-loaded NCs were found to help in absorption of iron and thus may have utility in enhancing the iron uptake during iron deficiency without interfering with the absorption of calcium.

Conclusion: With the promising results of our study, the future potential of NC-loaded Fe-bLf in chemoprevention and in the treatment of human colon cancer, deserves further investigation for translational research and preclinical studies of other malignancies.


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We determined the anticancer efficacy and internalization mechanism of our polymeric-ceramic nanoparticle system (calcium phosphate nanocores, enclosed in biodegradable polymers chitosan and alginate nanocapsules/nanocarriers [ACSC NCs]) loaded with iron-saturated bovine lactoferrin (Fe-bLf) in a breast cancer xenograft model. ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs with an overall size of 322±27.2 nm were synthesized. In vitro internalization and anticancer efficacy were evaluated in the MDA-MB-231 cells using multicellular tumor spheroids, CyQUANT and MTT assays. These NCs were orally delivered in a breast cancer xenograft mice model, and their internalization, cytotoxicity, biodistribution, and anticancer efficacy were evaluated. Chitosan-coated calcium phosphate Fe-bLf NCs effectively (59%, P≤0.005) internalized in a 1-hour period using clathrin-mediated endocytosis (P≤0.05) and energy-mediated pathways (P≤0.05) for internalization; 3.3 mg/mL of ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs completely disintegrated (~130-fold reduction, P≤0.0005) the tumor spheroids in 72 hours and 96 hours. The IC50 values determined for ACSC-Fe-bLf NCs were 1.69 mg/mL at 10 hours and 1.62 mg/mL after 20 hours. We found that Fe-bLf-NCs effectively (P≤0.05) decreased the tumor size (4.8-fold) compared to the void NCs diet and prevented tumor recurrence when compared to intraperitoneal injection of Taxol and Doxorubicin. Receptor gene expression and micro-RNA analysis confirmed upregulation of low-density lipoprotein receptor and transferrin receptor (liver, intestine, and brain). Several micro-RNAs responsible for iron metabolism upregulated with NCs were identified. Taken together, orally delivered Fe-bLf NCs offer enhanced antitumor activity in breast cancer by internalizing via low-density lipoprotein receptor and transferrin receptor and regulating the micro-RNA expression. These NCs also restored the body iron and calcium levels and increased the hematologic counts.


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We investigated the anti-cancer activity of alginate coated chitosan nanoparticles (CHNP) encapsulating cell-permeable dominant negative survivin (SR9) with locked nucleic acid (LNA) aptamers targeting EpCAM and nucleolin (termed as "nanobullets") in vitro (2D and 3D cell culture models) and in vivo (colon cancer mouse xenograft model). We incorporated three LNA modifications in each sequence in order to enhance the stability of these aptamers. Confocal microscopy revealed binding of the LNA-aptamers to their specific markers with high affinity. The muco-adhesive nanobullets showed 6-fold higher internalization in cancer cells when compared to non-cancerous cells, suggesting a tumour specific uptake. A higher intensity of nanobullets was observed in both the periphery and the core of the multicellular tumour spheroids compared to non-targeted CHNP-SR9. The nanobullets were found to be the highly effective as they led to a 2.26 fold (p < 0.05) reduction at 24 h and a 4.95 fold reduction (p ≤ 0.001) in the spheroid size at 72 h. The tumour regression was 4 fold higher in mice fed on a nanobullet diet when compared to a control diet. The nanobullets were able to show a significantly high apoptotic (p ≤ 0.0005) and necrotic index in the tumour cell population (p ≤ 0.005) when compared to void NPs. Therefore, our nanoparticles have shown highly promising results and therefore deliver a new conduit towards the approach of cancer-targeted nanodelivery. This journal is


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Osteoporosis is a systemic disorder characterized by generalized decrease in bone mineral density. Dental implantology is a specialty with high predictability when both quantity and quality of the bone are respected. Therefore, the diagnosis and the implant treatment in patients with osteoporosis are important. In the current study, a literature review about osteoporosis and dental implant therapy was conducted. PubMed, Cochrane, ISI, Dentistry Oral Science, SciELO, and Bireme databases were consulted over the last 20 years. English- and Portuguese-language articles were included in this revision. Some authors stated that the osteoporotic bone is similar to the proposed model of bone type IV. Randomized clinical studies reported implant failure in patients with osteoporosis after menopause. Studies that contraindicate the use of implants in patients with osteoporosis infer that the impaired bone metabolism led to reduction of bone healing around the implants. Nevertheless, other authors believe that the presence of osteoporosis is not a definitive condition to contraindicate the therapy with dental implants. In these cases, the dentist should perform a proper treatment planning, modifying the implant geometry, and use larger implant diameter and with surface treatment. Thus, osteoporosis is not a contraindication for implant surgery because an accurate analysis of bone quality by means tomography is performed.


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Bone loss associated with cyclosporin A (CsA) therapy can result in serious morbidity to patients. Intermittent administration of 1,25 Vitamin D and calcitonin reduces osteopenia in a murine model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of this therapeutic approach on CsA-induced alveolar bone loss in rats. Forty male Wistar rats were allocated to four experimental groups according to the treatment received during 8 weeks: (1) CsA (10 mg/kg/day, s.c.); (2) 1,25 Vitamin D (2 mu g/kg, p.o.; in weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7) plus calcitonin (2 mu g/kg, i.p.; in weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8); (3) CsA concurrently with intermittent 1,25 Vitamin D and calcitonin administration; and (4) the control treatment group (vehicle). At the end of the 8-week treatment period, serum concentrations of bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP-5b), osteocalcin, interleukin (IL)-1 beta, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were measured and an analysis of bone volume, bone surface, number of osteoblasts, and osteoclasts was performed. CsA administration resulted in significant alveolar bone resorption, as assessed by a lower bone volume and an increased number of osteoclasts, and increased serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, TRAP-5b, IL-1 beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha concentrations. The intermittent administration of calcitriol and calcitonin prevented the CsA-induced osteopenic changes and the increased serum concentrations of TRAP-5b and inflammatory cytokines. Intermittent calcitriol/calcitonin therapy prevents CsA-induced alveolar bone loss in rats and normalizes the production of associated inflammatory mediators.


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The present study examined the interaction of hypercaloric diet (HD) and physical exercise on lipid profile and oxidative stress in serum and liver of rats. Male Wistar rats (60-days-old) were fed with a control (C) and hypercaloric diet (H). Each of the two dietary groups (C and H) was divided into three subgroups (n = 8), sedentary (CS and HS), exercised 2 days a week (CE2 and HE2) and exercised 5 days a week (CE5 and HE5). The swimming was selected as a model for exercise performance. After 8-weeks exercised rats showed decreased lactate dehydrogenase serum activities, demonstrating the effectiveness of the swimming as an aerobic-training protocol. Exercise 5-days a week reduced the body weight gain. Triacylglycerol (TG) and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL-C) were increased in HD-fed rats. HE5 and CE5 rats had decreased TG, VLDL-C and cholesterol. HE2 rats had enhanced high-density lipoprotein (HDL-C) in serum. No alterations were observed in lipid hydroperoxide (LH), while total antioxidant substances (TAS) were increased in serum of exercised rats. HD-fed rats had hepatic TG accumulation. Superoxide dismutase activities were increased and catalase was decreased in liver of exercised rats. The interaction of HD and physical exercise reduced TAS and enhanced LH levels in hepatic tissue. In conclusion, this study confirmed the beneficial effect of physical exercise as a dyslipidemic-lowering component. Interaction of HD and physical exercise had discrepant effects on serum and liver oxidative stress. The interaction of HID and physical exercise reduced the oxidative stress in serum. HD and physical exercise interaction had pro-oxidant effect on hepatic tissue, suggesting that more studies should be done before using physical exercise as an adjunct therapy to reduce the adverse effects of HD. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background Diet composition is one of the factors that may contribute to intraindividual variability in the anticoagulant response to warfarin. Aim of the study To determine the associations between food pattern and anticoagulant response to warfarin in a group of Brazilian patients with vascular disease. Methods Recent and usual food intakes were assessed in 115 patients receiving warfarin; and corresponding plasma phylloquinone (vitamin K-1), serum triglyceride concentrations, prothrombin time (PT), and International Normalized Ratio (INR) were determined. A factor analysis was used to examine the association of specific foods and biochemical variables with anticoagulant data. Results Mean age was 59 +/- 15 years. Inadequate anticoagulation, defined as values of INR 2 or 3, was found in 48% of the patients. Soybean oil and kidney beans were the primary food sources of phylloquinone intake. Factor analysis yielded four separate factors, explaining 56.4% of the total variance in the data set. The factor analysis revealed that intakes of kidney beans and soybean oil, 24-h recall of phylloquinone intake, PT and INR loaded significantly on factor 1. Triglycerides, PT, INR, plasma phylloquinone, and duration of anticoagulation therapy loaded on factor 3. Conclusion Fluctuations in phylloquinone intake, particularly from kidney beans, and plasma phylloquinone concentrations were associated with variation in measures of anticoagulation (PT and INR) in a Brazilian group of patients with vascular disease.


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We report a case of a female patient who underwent corrective aortic coarctation surgery that progressed to chylothorax on the fifth postoperative day. Because the patient was clinically stable and had a functioning digestive tract, the nutritional team decided to treat her by oral nutritional support with a low-lipid diet, rich in medium-chain triacylglycerols. After 20 d, the patient returned to her habitual home diet and did not develop pleural spilling, showing full healing of the thoracic duct. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the action of AsGA laser irradiation on bone repair in the tibia of osteopenic rats. The animals were randomly divided into eight experimental groups according to the presence of ovarian hormone (sham group) or the absence of the hormone (OVX group), as well as being irradiated or non-irradiated. Low-level 904-nm laser (50 mJ/cm(2)) accelerated the repair process of osteopenic fractures, especially in the initial phase of bone regeneration.Introduction The development of new techniques to speed the process of bone repair has provided significant advances in the treatment of fractures. Some attention recently focused on the effects of biostimulation on bone.Methods Forty-eight adult rats were randomly divided into eight experimental groups (six animals in each group) according to the presence of ovarian hormone (sham group) or absence of the hormone (ovariectomized (OVX) group) as well as being irradiated or non-irradiated. For the application of low-level laser therapy, the animals were anesthetized with one third of the dose sufficient to immobilize the animal and irradiated with AsGa laser (904 nm, 50 mJ/cm(2) for 2s, point form and in contact). The control animals received the same type of manipulation as the irradiated animals, but with the laser turned off. Half of the animals were killed 7 days following the confection of the bone defect, and the other half were killed 21 days after the surgery. After complete demineralization, the tibias were cut cross-sectionally in the central region of the bone defect and embedded in paraffin blocks. The blocks were then cut in semi-seriated slices and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.Results There was new bone formation in the animals in the OVX group with laser treatment killed after 7 days (p<0.001). The lowest percentage of bone formation was observed in the OVX without laser killed after 7 days (p>0.05). All animals killed after 21 days exhibited linear closure of the lesion.Conclusion Low-level 904-nm laser (50 mJ/cm(2)) accelerated the repair process of osteopenic fractures, especially in the initial phase of bone regeneration.