191 resultados para Ossification endochondrale


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The study of the contributions of different bones to the formation of the skeleton in birds is necessary: (1) to establish homologies in comparative anatomy; (2) to delimit each bone structure correctly, mainly in relation to the skull and mandible where the bones are fused to each other in adults; and (3) to standardize nomenclature in avian osteology. In this paper at least one young specimen belonging to each sub-family of Cuculidae was examined in order to identify each bone in terms of boundaries and contributions to skull and mandible formation. These cuckoos specimens were also compared with adults and young of turacos and hoatzin. The results show little variation of skull and jaw among the young cuckoos studied compared with the variations among adult specimens. However, it provides new suggestions for the boundaries and nomenclature of certain osseous structures in the skull and mandible of birds, specifically fissura zona flexoria craniofacialis, prominetia frontoparietalis, crista temporalis transversa, processus squamosalis, fossa laterosphenoidalis, tuberculum laterosphenoidale and processus retroangularis. This study also provides more reliable homologies for use in cladistic analysis and above all it contributes to the phylogenetic position of Cuculidae within Neognathae, specifically the skull formation suggest that turacos and hoatzin are more similar to each other than either is to the cuckoos. © 2005 Taylor & Francis.


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To evaluate the reproductive performance and the development of their offspring on rat pregnancy. Wistar pregnant rats were gavaged with 0 mg/kg wb/day (control group, n = 20) and 166.5 mg/kg/day of a mixture of vitamin C, hesperidin and piperidol (experimental group, n = 20) during the organogenic period (from day 5 to 14 of pregnancy; positive vaginal smear = day 0). The female rats were killed on day 21 of pregnancy. The number of implantations, resorptions (dead embryos), and live/dead fetuses were counted for the analysis of the postimplantation loss rates. There was neither alteration in maternal reproductive performance, but it was verified an increase of the number of fetuses presenting dilated urether, hydronephrosis, and reduced ossification of skull due to the treatment of female rats with a mixture of vitamin C, hesperidin and piperidol, these abnormalities were considered transitory and may not interfere on offspring development. It was not verified other type of major malformation neither the appearance of fetuses presenting atrophy of upper limbs that it could be associated to use of this drug.


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To stimulate the bone callus development process from distal third of radius, 24 adult mongrel dogs used were from both sexes. These dogs were separated in two experimental groups of 12 animals each, named control and treated, divided in 4 moments (M1=15 days; M2=30 days; M3=45 days; M4=60 days), who underwent were performed surgical fractures. In treated group, it was performed bone perforations on proximal and distal edges, craniolateral and mediolateral to the fracture site. At the end of each moment, control and treated animals were evaluated by radiography, histology, and bone mineral densitometry (BMD) was determined on fracture site. According to the radiographic data of treated dogs, it was verified on days 15 and 30 more intense bone regeneration than control group. During M3 and M4, it wasn't detected any difference in bone reparation process betweencontrol and treated groups. In densitometric study, BMD values were greater in treated animals than in control dogs. Histological studies revealed at 15 and 30 days chondrocyte hyperplasia and initial endochondral ossification on drilled limbs; control group showed sustainment connective tissue and initial chondrocyte hiperplasia. At M3 and M4 of the treated group, were verified development and remodeling of periosteal callus in more advanced phases when comparing with limbs from control group. It can be concluded that using perforations enhances blood flow supply and activation of osteogenic cells on fracture site, stimulating the beginning of fracture consolidation process.


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BACKGROUND: Annexin 1 is a 37-kDa protein that has complex intra- and extracellular effects. To discover whether the absence of this protein alters bone development, we monitored this event in the annexin-A1 null mice in comparison with littermate wild-type controls. METHODS: Radiographic and densitometry methods were used for the assessment of bone in annexin-A1 null mice at a gross level. We used whole-skeleton staining, histological analysis, and Western blotting techniques to monitor changes at the tissue and cellular levels. RESULTS: There were no gross differences in the appendicular skeleton between the genotypes, but an anomalous development of the skull was observed in the annexin-A1 null mice. This was characterized in the newborn annexin-A1 null animals by a delayed intramembranous ossification of the skull, incomplete fusion of the interfrontal suture and palatine bone, and the presence of an abnormal suture structure. The annexin-A1 gene was shown to be active in osteocytes during this phase and COX-2 was abundantly expressed in cartilage and bone taken from annexin-A1 null mice. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of the annexin-A1 gene is important for the normal development of the skull in mice, possibly through the regulation of osteoblast differentiation and a secondary effect on the expression of components of the cPLA2-COX-2 system. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Objective: the current study aims at following up radiographically the evolution of the midpalatal suture during the expansion procedure since the opening of the suture until bone formation. Methods: the sample comprised 38 patients in the mixed dentition stage submitted to the rapid palatal expansion protocol of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies. Results: it was observed an individual variation on the period of bone ossification of the midpalatal suture, which justifies the radiographic follow-up as determinant for the appliance removal. Due to long-term post-treatment stability, the expander should be removed after the new suture is completely formed. Conclusions: the findings show that it is necessary more than three months for the complete reorganization of the midpalatal suture during the passive phase of the rapid palatal expansion.


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Purpose: Bone maintenance after mandibular reconstruction with autogenous iliac crest may be disappointing due to extensive resorption in the long term. The potential of the guided-bone regeneration (GBR) technique to enhance the healing process in segmental defects lacks comprehensive scientific documentation. This study aimed to investigate the influence of polylactide membrane permeability on the fate of iliac bone graft (BG) used to treat mandibular segmental defects. Materials and Methods: Unilateral 10-mm-wide segmental defects were created through the mandibles of 34 mongrel dogs. All defects were mechanically stabilized, and the animals were divided into 6 treatment groups: control, BG alone, microporous membrane (poly L/DL-lactide 80/20%) (Mi); Mi plus BG; microporous laser-perforated (15 cm2 ratio) membrane (Mip), and Mip plus BG. Calcein fluorochrome was injected intravenously at 3 months, and animal euthanasia was carried out at 6 months postoperatively. Results: Histomorphometry showed that BG protected by Mip was consistently related to larger amounts of bone compared with other groups (P ≤ .0001). No difference was found between defects treated with Mip alone and BG alone. Mi alone rendered the least bone area and reduced the amount of grafted bone to control levels. Data from bone labeling indicated that the bone formation process was incipient in the BG group at 3 months postoperatively regardless of whether or not it was covered by membrane. In contrast, GBR with Mip tended to enhance bone formation activity at 3 months. Conclusions: The use of Mip alone could be a useful alternative to BG. The combination of Mip membrane and BG efficiently delivered increased bone amounts in segmental defects compared with other treatment modalities. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Purpose: To evaluate a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) implant with and without platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is supposed to accelerate fracture consolidation in the orbit fracture treatment. Methods: Thirty-six white rabbits were subjected to orbital fracture and treated in three groups: BMP implant fracture repair (G1), BMP plus PRP implant fracture repair (G2), and fracture and spontaneous repair (G3). The animals were sacrificed at 7, 30, 90, and 180 days after surgery. A radiology evaluation was carried out on the 7th day after the fracture and at the sacrifice moments. After the animals' death, the orbital content material was removed and prepared for morphological and morphometric analysis. Results: Radiology suggested intramembranous and progressive cavitation and ossification without a reduction in implant size and with signs of calcium deposition; these events were confirmed by histological analysis, which showed a lymphomononuclear inflammatory reaction in G1 and G2, more intense 7 days after surgery and reducing after 30 days. Associating PRP with BMP did not accelerate bone induction. Conclusion: BMP implant promotes bone induction, integration at fracture site, scarce inflammatory reaction, and may be a good alternative in orbit fracture reconstruction. The addition of PRP to the BMP plate did not accelerate the resolution, and its use is not necessary. Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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The ossified pterygoalar ligament is formed between the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process and the infratemporal surface of the sphenoid bone or its greater wing and was not connected to the sphenoid spine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of the ossified pterygoalar ligament in Brazilian human skulls and analyzing its clinical importance. 183 Brazilian adult (between 30 to 60 years old) dry human skulls were evaluated. Was evaluated the incidence of skulls with complete or partial ossification of the pterygoalar ligament, bilaterally and unilaterally and in the presence on the right and left sides. Were found 5 skulls had the ossified pterygoalar ligament, resulting in an overall incidence of 2.73%. There was 1 skull in the presence of the incomplete ossification of the pterygoalar ligament, unilaterally and on the left side resulting in incidence of 0.54%. There were 4 skulls in the presence of the complete ossification of the pterygoalar ligament, unilaterally and on the right side resulting in incidence of 2.18%. The ossified pterygoalar ligament is a major cause of the entrapment of the lingual nerve or a branch of the mandibular nerve and may cause mandibular neuralgia. The incidence of the ossified pterygoalar ligament and the pterygoalar foramen is low in the Brazilian population. However, these structures have clinical significance as this ligament establish relationships with the ovale foramen and difficulty in accessing in this foramen in a therapeutic approach.


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Background: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia-brachydactyly and distinctive speech (SED-BDS) is a syndrome characterized by short stature, disproportionately short limbs, peculiar face, thick and abundant hair, high-pitched and coarse voice, small epiphyses, brachymetacarpalia, brachymetatarsalia and brachy-phalangia of fingers and toes, small pelvis and delayed carpal bone age, among other features. Case Report: We report a Brazilian patient with father, brother and sister presenting with the same typical features of the syndrome. Clinically, he showed disproportionately short stature, rhizo-meso-acromelic shortness of the extremities, short hands and feet, a peculiar distinctive high-pitched voice, peculiar facies, and other features already reported as characteristic of this syndrome. Radiographic fndings included shape anomalies of the vertebral bodies such as cuboid-shaped vertebral bodies, mild scoliosis, short and broad tubular bones, brachymetacarpalia, brachymetatarsalia, and brachy-dactyly, lumbar hyperlordosis, generalized osteopenia, and hypoplastic iliac wings. Conclusions: Few cases have been described, as this is a rare skeletal dysplasia. This paper describes a new familial case of SED-BDS. © The American Journal of Case Reports.


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Aim: The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between root formation of the first premolars and skeletal maturation stages identified in hand-wrist radiographs. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out involving the panoramic and hand-wrist radiographs obtained on the same date of 232 patients, 123 boys and 109 girls aged 4 years and 5 months to 17 years and 12 months. Root formation stages of the first premolars were related to the ossification stages of the sesamoid bone, epiphyseal stages of the phalanx of the thumb and epiphyseal stages of the radius. Results: The studied variables demonstrated statistically significant correlations. Conclusion: Roots of the lower first premolars do not reach 2/3 of their complete length before adolescence.


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A new species of miniaturized froglet (genus Brachycephalus) is described from Morro Prumirim in the municipality of Ubatuba, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Specimens were collected from the leaf litter at approximately 800 m above sea level. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: snout-vent length 8.7-13.4 mm; skin on head and dorsum with dermal ossification; general color orange, with a narrow brownish vertebral stripe and belly without spots; and skull, spinal processes of sacral and pre-sacral vertebrae, and process of the fourth vertebra hyperossified. Canonical variates analysis of linear body measurement demonstrates that the new species is easily discriminated from other Brachycephalus species with which it shares an intermediate condition of hyperossification. © 2012 by The Herpetologists League, Inc.


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The wrist and hand region has been the most commonly used for estimating age and osseous development due to the great number of ossification centers. The aim was to determine which method, Tanner & Whitehouse's (TW3), Greulich & Pyle's (GP) or Eklof & Ringertz's, more closely relates to the chronological age in subjects with Down syndrome with chronological ages between 61 and 180 months, using wrist and hand radiographs. The sample consisted of 85 radiographs, 52 of males and 33 of females. Eklof & Ringertz's method was computerized (Radiomemory). Greulich & Pyle's atlas was used and compared with the wrist and hand radiographs. For the TW3 method, 13 ossification centers were evaluated; for each one of them, there are seven or eight development stages to which scores are assigned; these scores are then added and the results are transformed into osseous age values. No statistically significant differences were observed between the male and female genders for methods TW3 and GP, contrasting with the observed differences for the Eklof & Ringertz method. Correlation (r2) between osseous and chronological ages was 0.8262 for TW3 and 0.7965 for GP, while for the method of Eklof & Ringertz, it was 0.7656 for females and 0.8353 for males. The author concluded that the osseous age assessment method that better related to the chronological age was the TW3, followed by Greulich & Pyle's and Eklof & Ringertz's.


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The purpose of this study was to analyze histologically the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in combination with bisphosphonate on bone healing in surgically created critical size defects (CSD) in rat calvaria. One hundred Wistar female rats sham operated (sham) and ovariectomized (Ovx) were maintained untreated for 1 month to allow for the development of osteopenia in the Ovx animals. A CSD was made in the calvarium of each rat, and the animals were divided into five groups according to following treatments: (1) sham rats (control), (2) Ovx rats, (3) Ovx rats treated with LLLT, (4) Ovx rats treated with bisphosphonate, and (5) Ovx rats treated with bisphosphonate and LLLT. Groups 4 and 5 were irrigated with 1 ml of bisphosphonate, and groups 3 and 5 were submitted to LLLT (GaAlAs), 660 nm, 24 J, and 0.4285 W/cm2 on the CSD. Ten animals of each treatment were killed at 30 and 60 days. Histomorphometric assessments, using image analysis software, and histological analyses were performed. No defect was completely regenerated with the bone. Histometrically, it can be observed that groups 3 (37.49 ± 1.94%, 43.11 ± 2.39%) and 5 (35.05 ± 1.57%, 41.07 ± 1.89%) showed a significant bone neoformation when compared to groups 1 (16.81 ± 1.57%, 27.54 ± 1.49%), 2 (11.68 ± 0.98%, 22.51 ± 1.05%), and 4 (14.62 ± 1.70%, 25.67 ± 1.41%) in all experimental periods (P < 0.05). It was possible to conclude that the LLLT associated or not with bisphosphonate treatment was effective for stimulating bone formation in CSD in the calvaria of rats submitted to ovariectomy. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Ltd.


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This study evaluated the influence of bone marrow aspirate (BMA), low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and their combination on bone healing in surgically created critical-size defects (CSDs) in rat calvaria. 40 rats were divided into four groups: C (control), BMA, LLLT and BMA/LLLT. A 5 mm diameter CSD was created in the calvarium of each animal. In Group C, the defect was filled by blood clot only. In Group BMA, the defect was filled with BMA. In groups LLLT and BMA/LLLT, the defect received laser irradiation (InGaAlP laser), was filled with blood clot or BMA respectively, and irradiated again. Animals were euthanized 30 days postoperatively. Histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were performed. Newly formed bone area (NFBA) was calculated as percentage of the total area of the original defect. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) and osteocalcin (OCN) immunohistochemical staining were performed. PCNA-positive, Runx2-positive and OCN-positive cells were quantified. Data were statistically analyzed. Group BMA/LLLT had significantly greater NFBA than groups C, BMA or LLLT. Group BMA presented significantly greater NFBA than control, while group LLLT did not. Group BMA/LLLT presented a significantly higher number of PCNA-positive and OCN-positive cells than any of the other groups. Groups BMA/LLLT and BMA showed a significantly lower number of Runx2-positive cells than groups C or LLLT. The combination of BMA/LLLT yielded significantly greater bone formation in surgically created CSD in rat calvaria when compared to control, or either treatment alone. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Laminin-1 has been reported as one of the factors responsible for the nucleation of calcium phosphates and, in vitro, has been reported to selectively recruit osteoprogenitors. This article focused on its in vivo effects, and evaluated the effect of laminin-1 local application on osseointegration. Polished cylindrical hydroxyapatite implants were coated with laminin-1 (test) and the bone responses in the rabbit tibiae after 2 and 4 weeks were evaluated and compared to the non-coated implants (control). Before the samples were processed for histological sectioning, they were three-dimensionally analysed with micro computed tomography (μCT). Both evaluation methods were analysed with regards to bone area around the implant and bone to implant contact. From the histologic observation, new bone formation around the laminin-1 coated implant at 2 weeks seemed to have increased the amount of supporting bone around the implant, however, at 4 weeks, the two groups presented no notable differences. The two-dimensional and three-dimensional morphometric evaluation revealed that both histologic and three-dimensional analysis showed some tendency in favour of the test group implants, however there was no statistical significance between the test and control group results. © 2012 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.