631 resultados para Ortmann, Chuck


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The gross morphology of foregut was investigated and described in detail for four freshwater crab species: a pseudothelphusid, Fredius reflexifrons (Ortmann, 1897) and three trichodactylids - Sylviocarcinus pictus (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853), Valdivia serrata White, 1847, and Dilocarcinus septemdentatus (Herbst, 1783). In general, the gastric mills of freshwater crabs showed a similar degree of complexity in relation to other marine species of Anomura and Brachyura previously described in the literature. However, significant morphological differences were observed among the analyzed species, as in ossicle numbers, features and connection types. A total of 38 ossicles were described for S. pictus and V. serrata and 37 ossicles for D. septemdentatus and F. reflexifrons, respectively. The latter species can be distinguished from the others by the presence of a wide cardiac sac resembling two sacs. Most of the ossicles were connected through a rigid connection, and few ossicles were fused. The degree of calcification varied little among the studied species. The differences found among the species suggest that the morphological aspects of the foregut may be useful in the identification of similar species.


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Foram obtidos perfis tubulares porosos de polietileno (PE) e de polietileno/fibra de açaí (PE/PA) 80/20 extrudados a partir de partículas granuladas de polietileno de alta densidade reciclado de embalagens pós-consumo de 600 μm, e deste com fibra de açaí de 300 μm. Para o processamento das peças foi desenvolvida uma extrusora mono-rosca de bancada, com sistema mecânico acionado por um motor elétrico de ½ CV (0,37 kw) controlado por um inversor de freqüência, com canhões, roscas, matriz e sistema de aquecimento substituíveis. Para permitir uma visualização didática de condições de operação do equipamento de modo simplificado foram realizados testes com parafina em canhão de vidro variando-se a velocidade de rotação do parafuso e perfil de temperatura, ajustando vazão mássica e pressão na saída. Para a extrusão dos perfis porosos foram realizados ensaios reológicos de PE e PE/FA sendo selecionado rosca, barril e matriz de alumínio; rosca com passo de 9 mm e relação comprimento diâmetro (L/D) 22, composta de um elemento misturador e um elemento de flutuação na zona de controle de vazão; ângulo entre o filete e o eixo da rosca 17º, folga entre a rosca e o barril 0,15 mm; rotação de 1,3 rpm; aquecimento ao longo do canhão de 120ºC; matriz tubular com 21 mm de diâmetro interno e mandril de 19 mm de diâmetro externo. Os perfis PE e PE/FA apresentaram poros com diâmetros médios de 0,7 e 0,6 mm; densidade relativa à água a 28ºC de 0,77 e 0,73; módulo de elasticidade de 1,002 e 2,601 GPa e máximo inchamento aparente do extrudado de 100 e 80%.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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I'm going to jump right into my topic tonight - Chuck Hibberd asked me to talk briefly about my ideas on serving rural Nebraska before our open-discussion. And serving rural Nebraska is a topic on which I have a great deal to say! So I'm going to talk fast here for 12 minutes or so, and then I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say.


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Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri, the bacterium responsible for citrus canker, uses effector proteins secreted by a type III protein secretion system to colonize its hosts. Among the putative effector proteins identified for this bacterium, we focused on the analysis of the roles of AvrXacE1, AvrXacE2 and Xac3090 in pathogenicity and their interactions with host plant proteins. Bacterial deletion mutants in avrXacE1, avrXacE2 and xac3090 were constructed and evaluated in pathogenicity assays. The avrXacE1 and avrXacE2 mutants presented lesions with larger necrotic areas relative to the wild-type strain when infiltrated in citrus leaves. Yeast two-hybrid studies were used to identify several plant proteins likely to interact with AvrXacE1, AvrXacE2 and Xac3090. We also assessed the localization of these effector proteins fused to green fluorescent protein in the plant cell, and observed that they co-localized to the subcellular spaces in which the plant proteins with which they interacted were predicted to be confined. Our results suggest that, although AvrXacE1 localizes to the plant cell nucleus, where it interacts with transcription factors and DNA-binding proteins, AvrXacE2 appears to be involved in lesion-stimulating disease 1-mediated cell death, and Xac3090 is directed to the chloroplast where its function remains to be clarified.


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Cathepsin L-like proteinases (CAL) are major digestive proteinases in the beetle Tenebrio molitor. Procathepsin Ls 2 (pCAL2) and 3 (pCAL3) were expressed as recombinant proteins in Escherichia coil, purified and activated under acidic conditions. Immunoblot analyses of different T. molitor larval tissues demonstrated that a polyclonal antibody to pCAL3 recognized pCAL3 and cathepsin L 3 (CAD) only in the anterior two-thirds of midgut tissue and midgut luminal contents of T. molitor larvae. Furthermore, immunocytolocalization data indicated that pCAL3 occurs in secretory vesicles and microvilli in anterior midgut Therefore CAL3, like cathepsin L 2 (CAL2), is a digestive enzyme secreted by T. molitor anterior midgut CAD hydrolyses Z-FR-MCA and Z-RR-MCA (typical cathepsin substrates), whereas CAL2 hydrolyses only Z-FR-MCA. Active site mutants (pCAL2C25S and pCAL3C265) were constructed by replacing the catalytic cysteine with serine to prevent autocatalytic processing. Recombinant pCAL2 and pCAL3 mutants (pCAL2C25S and pCAL3C26S) were prepared, crystallized and their 3D structures determined at 1.85 and 2.1 angstrom, respectively. While the overall structure of these enzymes is similar to other members of the papain superfamily, structural differences in the S2 subsite explain their substrate specificities. The data also supported models for CAL trafficking to lysosomes and to secretory vesicles to be discharged into midgut contents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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RpfG is a member of a class of wide spread bacterial two-component regulators with an HD-GYP cyclic di-GMP phosphodiesterase domain. In the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris, RpfG together with the sensor kinase RpfC regulates multiple factors as a response to the cell-to-cell Diffusible Signalling Factor (DSF). A dynamic physical interaction of RpfG with two diguanylate cyclase (GGDEF) domain proteins controls motility. Here we show that, contrary to expectation, regulation of motility by the GGDEF domain proteins does not depend upon their cyclic di-GMP synthetic activity. Furthermore we show that the complex of RpfG and GGDEF domain proteins recruits a specific PilZ domain adaptor protein, and this complex then interacts with the pilus motor proteins PilU and PiIT. The results support a model in which DSF signalling influences motility through the highly regulated dynamic interaction of proteins that affect pilus action. A specific motif that we identify to be required for HD-GYP domain interaction is conserved in a number of GGDEF domain proteins, suggesting that regulation via interdomain interactions is of broad relevance.


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The occurrence of two alien alpheid shrimps of the genus Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach 1813-1814], the Indo-West Pacific A. dimorphus Ortmann, 1894 and the Eastern Atlantic A. nitescens (Leach, 1813 [in Leach 1813-1814]), on the coast of the state of So Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The presence of A. dimorphus extends the range of this species in the western Atlantic farther to the south in Brazil, whereas A. nitescens is reported for the first time in the western Atlantic, representing the second alien alpheid species on this side of the Atlantic and the twenty-first decapod crustacean introduced in Brazil. We provide morphological accounts of the material examined and illustrate the most important diagnostic characters of both species. An overview of the possible mechanisms of their introduction on the coast of So Paulo is also provided.


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LipL32 is the most abundant outer membrane protein from pathogenic Leptospira and has been shown to bind extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins as well as Ca2+. Recent crystal structures have been obtained for the protein in the apo-and Ca2+-bound forms. In this work, we produced three LipL32 mutants (D163-168A, Q67A, and S247A) and evaluated their ability to interact with Ca2+ and with ECM glycoproteins and human plasminogen. The D163-168A mutant modifies aspartate residues involved in Ca2+ binding, whereas the other two modify residues in a cavity on the other side of the protein structure. Loss of calcium binding in the D163-D168A mutant was confirmed using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism, and thermal denaturation whereas the Q67A and S247A mutants presented the same Ca2+ affinity as the wild-type protein. We then evaluated if Ca2+ binding to LipL32 would be crucial for its interaction with collagen type IV and plasma proteins fibronectin and plasminogen. Surprisingly, the wild-type protein and all three mutants, including the D163-168A variant, bound to these ECM proteins with very similar affinities, both in the presence and absence of Ca2+ ions. In conclusion, calcium binding to LipL32 may be important to stabilize the protein, but is not necessary to mediate interaction with host extracellular matrix proteins.


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Background The α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus inhabits low-nutrient environments and can tolerate certain levels of heavy metals in these sites. It has been reported that C. crescentus responds to exposure to various heavy metals by altering the expression of a large number of genes. Results In this work, we show that the ECF sigma factor σF is one of the regulatory proteins involved in the control of the transcriptional response to chromium and cadmium. Microarray experiments indicate that σF controls eight genes during chromium stress, most of which were previously described as induced by heavy metals. Surprisingly, σF itself is not strongly auto-regulated under metal stress conditions. Interestingly, σF-dependent genes are not induced in the presence of agents that generate reactive oxygen species. Promoter analyses revealed that a conserved σF-dependent sequence is located upstream of all genes of the σF regulon. In addition, we show that the second gene in the sigF operon acts as a negative regulator of σF function, and the encoded protein has been named NrsF (Negative regulator of sigma F). Substitution of two conserved cysteine residues (C131 and C181) in NrsF affects its ability to maintain the expression of σF-dependent genes at basal levels. Furthermore, we show that σF is released into the cytoplasm during chromium stress and in cells carrying point mutations in both conserved cysteines of the protein NrsF. Conclusion A possible mechanism for induction of the σF-dependent genes by chromium and cadmium is the inactivation of the putative anti-sigma factor NrsF, leading to the release of σF to bind RNA polymerase core and drive transcription of its regulon.


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Signal transduction pathways mediated by cyclic-bis(3'→5')-dimeric GMP (c-di-GMP) control many important and complex behaviors in bacteria. C-di-GMP is synthesized through the action of GGDEF domains that possess diguanylate cyclase activity and is degraded by EAL or HD-GYP domains with phosphodiesterase activity. There is mounting evidence that some important c-di-GMP-mediated pathways require protein-protein interactions between members of the GGDEF, EAL, HD-GYP and PilZ protein domain families. For example, interactions have been observed between PilZ and the EAL domain from FimX of Xanthomonas citri (Xac). FimX and PilZ are involved in the regulation of type IV pilus biogenesis via interactions of the latter with the hexameric PilB ATPase associated with the bacterial inner membrane. Here, we present the crystal structure of the ternary complex made up of PilZ, the FimX EAL domain (FimXEAL) and c-di-GMP. PilZ interacts principally with the lobe region and the N-terminal linker helix of the FimXEAL. These interactions involve a hydrophobic surface made up of amino acids conserved in a non-canonical family of PilZ domains that lack intrinsic c-di-GMP binding ability and strand complementation that joins β-sheets from both proteins. Interestingly, the c-di-GMP binds to isolated FimXEAL and to the PilZ-FimXEAL complex in a novel conformation encountered in c-di-GMP-protein complexes in which one of the two glycosidic bonds is in a rare syn conformation while the other adopts the more common anti conformation. The structure points to a means by which c-di-GMP and PilZ binding could be coupled to FimX and PilB conformational states


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“Il tocco pianistico: premesse storiche e sviluppi scientifici” si pone l’obiettivo di provare la politimbricità del pianoforte. A tal fine, ho indagato la relazione tra il gesto, la meccanica del pianoforte e il suono, problema sfiorato da alcuni maestri del Novecento, ma mai approfondito e sviscerato per ovvie ragioni riguardanti la mancanza di una tecnologia idonea e competenze difficili da trovare in una medesima persona. Per quest’ultima ragione mi sono avvalsa della collaborazione sia del Laboratorio di Anatomia Funzionale dell'Apparato Locomotore del Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana dell’Università di Milano, dove lavorano esperti delle più moderne tecnologie idonee alla registrazione del movimento, sia dell’ingegnere Alberto Amendola, docente a contratto di Acustica musicale presso l’Università di Parma per ciò che concerne l’analisi del suono e i rilievi acustici. La tesi si articola in due parti organizzate in quattro capitoli. Nel primo, La didattica pianistica nel primo trentennio del Novecento: il tocco e il timbro come parole chiave, dopo aver tracciato un quadro generale riguardante i concetti di ‘tocco’ e ‘timbro’ incontrati nei metodi e trattati del Sette/Ottocento, già affrontati nella tesi di laurea, procedo ad analizzare alcuni dei lavori più rappresentativi scritti tra la fine dell’Ottocento e gli anni Trenta del Novecento (The Leschetizky Method. A Guide to Fine and Correct Piano Playing di Malwine Brée, Über die physiologischen Fehler und die Umgestaltung der Klaviertechnik di Albert Maria Steinhausen, Die Grundlagen der Klaviertechnik di Rudolph Maria Breithaupt e The Phisiological Mechanics of Piano Technique di Otto Ortmann). Tali studi presentano una parte dedicata alle diverse modalità di produzione sonora e, quasi tutti, giungono ad una medesima conclusione: pur nella sua ricchezza, il pianoforte è uno strumento monotimbrico, dove la differenza tra i suoni è data dall’intensità e dall’agogica. Al fine di provare la politimbricità del pianoforte, il mio percorso di studi si è scontrato sia con la meccanica del pianoforte sia con l’acustica musicale. Ho fatto precedere quindi l’indagine scientifica, che confluisce nel capitolo IV, da una sezione in cui presento l’evoluzione della meccanica del pianoforte fino a giungere alla descrizione della meccanica moderna (capitolo II, Il Pianoforte: meccanica e modalità di produzione del suono), e da un’altra in cui affronto i fondamenti di acustica musicale, al fine di fornire al lettore i mezzi basilari per cimentarsi con la parte scientifica (capitolo III, Cenni di acustica musicale). Il capitolo IV è il resoconto organico e sistematico delle sperimentazioni svolte durante il dottorato presso il laboratorio di Anatomia funzionale dell’apparato locomotore dell’Università di Milano. La presentazione ripercorre necessariamente le tappe della ricerca considerata la novità assoluta dell’oggetto indagato. All’illustrazione dei dati di ogni fase segue sempre la discussione e l’interpretazione dei risultati per garantire la validità dell’esperimento. L’interesse della ricerca è stato condiviso oltre che dal dipartimento di Anatomia, anche dalla casa costruttrice di pianoforti Bechstein che ha costruito una meccanica speciale, e dalla ditta di pianoforti Angelo Fabbrini, che ha messo a disposizione un mezza coda Bechstein per effettuare i rilievi. Il capitolo IV, che rappresenta, dunque, il cuore della presente dissertazione dottorale, dimostra che il pianoforte è uno strumento politimbrico: mettendo in relazione il gesto pianistico, la reazione della meccanica e il suono è risultato che al movimento del martello, ripetibilmente diverso a seconda del tocco pianistico, corrisponde una reazione acustica che varia ripetibilmente in maniera differente a seconda del tocco.


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Da quando Chuck Hoberman, all'inizio degli anni '90, ideò la prima cosiddetta "Hoberman sphere", le strutture che da lui prendono il nome hanno suscitato grande interesse, a partire dal successo avuto nell'ambito della scultura e architettura, e hanno determinato la nascita di numerose ricerche ed analisi sul loro funzionamento, che potessero portare allo sviluppo di applicazioni ingegneristiche basate su di esse. La particolarità dei meccanismi inventati da Hoberman consiste nella possibilità di variare la configurazione delle strutture a cui essi sono applicati, dando luogo a costruzioni che sono in grado di trasformarsi ed assumere forme e dimensioni diverse a seconda delle necessità. In particolare, è possibile ottenere strutture capaci di espandersi e ripiegarsi su se stesse, riducendosi ad un volume notevolmente inferiore a quello occupato dalla configurazione aperta. Questa peculiarità ne ha suggerito l'utilizzo in tutti quegli ambiti nei quali la possibilità di occupare spazi ridotti si rivela un vantaggio, oppure quando ciò è una necessità, come per esempio quello spaziale, date le limitazioni imposte dalle dimensioni dei lanciatori. L'obiettivo del presente studio è pertanto quello di individuare possibili applicazioni nel campo aeronautico e spaziale delle strutture di Hoberman. Si è dunque svolta una ricerca sul funzionamento dei meccanismi su cui questo genere di strutture si basa, e sulle loro attuali applicazioni, per individuarne le caratteristiche che potrebbero renderle idonee e vantaggiose per l'utilizzo in campo aerospaziale. Successivamente, sono state individuate alcune possibili applicazioni che sono state studiate da un punto di vista concettuale.


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This study deals with the function and regulation of programmed cell death, or apoptosis, in the development of the embryonic central nervous system of Drosophila melanogaster. The first part provides a description of apoptosis-deficient embryos, which showed that preventing apoptosis does not cause gross morphological defects in the CNS, as it appears well organized despite the presence of too many cells. An analysis of the incidence and pattern of apoptosis over the course of development discloses a partly very orderly pattern suggesting tight spatio-temporal control, but also reveals random apoptotic cells, which suggests a certain amount of plasticity in the embryo. This analysis also allowed precise identification of some of the dying neural cells in the embryo, and establishment of single cell models for studying regulation of segment-specific apoptosis in the embryonic CNS. In the second part of the work, further investigations into mechanisms controlling segment-specific apoptosis revealed the involvement of two Hox genes, Antennapedia (Antp) and Ultrabithorax (Ubx), in this process. Hox genes control the formation of segment-specific structures in their domains of expression, but also regulate organ and tissue morphogenesis. The study presented here shows that Antp and Ubx play antagonistic roles in motoneuron survival in the embryo. Ubx expression in the CNS is strongly upregulated at a late point in development, when most cells have begun to differentiate. This upregulation shortly precedes Ubx-dependent, segment-specific apoptosis of two differentiated motoneurons. It could further be demonstrated that Antp is required for proper development of the NB7-3 lineage and for survival of the NB7-3 motoneuron in the anterior thoracic segments. In segments where Antp and Ubx expression overlaps, Ubx counteracts the anti-apoptotic function of Antp, resulting in cell death. Thus, these two Hox genes play opposing roles in the survival of differentiated neurons in the late developing nervous system. They thereby contribute to establishment of correct connections between outward-projecting neurons and their targets, which is crucial for the assembly of functional neural circuits, as these have to fulfill region-specific locomotion and sensory requirements along the antero-posterior body axis.


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OBJECTIVE: Ectopic calcification and mediacalcinosis can be promoted by corticosteroid use. Aim of the present investigation is to describe macrovascular disease features in patients with long-term corticosteroid therapy and symptomatic lower limb peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD). METHODS: A consecutive series of 2783 patients undergoing clinical and angiographic work-up of PAD were screened for long-term (>5 years) corticosteroid use (group A). Comparison was performed to a randomly selected age-, sex- and risk factor-matched PAD control cohort from the same series without corticosteroid use (group B). Patients with diabetes mellitus or severe renal failure were excluded. Arterial calcification was evaluated by qualitative assessment on radiographic images. Severity of atherosclerotic lesions was analysed from angiographic images using a semi-quantitative score (Bollinger score). RESULTS: In general, 12 patients (5 males, mean age 78.5 +/- 9.0 years) with 15 ischaemic limbs qualified to be enrolled in group A and were compared to 23 matching control patients (6 2 males, mean age 79.5 +/- 6 years) with 32 ischaemic limbs. Incompressibility of ankle arteries determined by measurement of the ankle-brachial index was seen in 12 limbs (80%) in group A compared to 3 limbs (9%) in group B (p = 0.0009). No significant difference was found comparing group A and B for segmental calcification, whereas comparison of the atherosclerotic burden using the angiographic severity score showed a significantly higher score at the infragenicular arterial level in group A (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that the long-term corticosteroid therapy is associated with a distally accentuated, calcifying peripheral atherosclerosis inducing arterial incompressibility. This occlusion pattern is comparable to patients with renal failure or diabetes. Further research is required to support our observations.