982 resultados para Organic farming


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Recently, the increasing interest in organic food products and environmental friendly practices has emphasized the importance of selecting crop varieties suitable for the low-input systems. Additionally, in recent years the relationship between diet and human health has gained much attention among consumers, favoring the investigations on food nutraceutical properties. Among cereals, wheat plays an important role in human nutrition around the world and contributes to the daily intake of essential nutrients such as starch and protein. Moreover, whole grain contains several bioactive compounds that confer to wheat-derived products unique nutraceutical properties (dietary fibre, antioxidants). The present research provided interesting insights for the selection of wheat genotypes suitable for low-input systems and the development of specific breeding programs dedicated to organic farming. The investigation involved 5 old not dwarf genotypes (Andriolo, Frassineto, Gentil rosso, Inallettabile, Verna) and 1 modern dwarf variety (Palesio), grown under biodynamic management, over two consecutive growing seasons (2009/2010, 2010/2011). Results evidenced that under low-input farming some investigated old wheat genotypes (Frassineto, Inallettabile) were comparable to the modern cultivar in terms of whole agronomic performance. As regards the nutritional and nutraceutical properties, some old genotypes (Andriolo, Gentil rosso, Verna) emerged for their relevant content of several investigated phytochemicals (such as insoluble dietary fibre, polyphenols, flavonoids, in vitro antioxidant activity) and nutrients (protein, lipid, minerals). Despite of the low technological features, the six wheat varieties grown under low-input management may efficiently provide raw material for the preparation of traditionally processed bread with valuable sensory and nutritional properties. Results highlighted that old wheat varieties have peculiar phytochemical composition and may be a valuable source of nutraceutical compounds. Some of the genetic material involved in the present study may be used in breeding programs aimed at selecting varieties suitable for low-input farming and rich in health-promoting compounds.


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Die Ökologische Landeskunde der Rhön – mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem hessischen Teil – behandelt als moderne Landeskunde neben der Geostruktur und der humangeographischen Struktur im Besonderen die ökologische Struktur, denn nur durch diese Pointierung können Räume in ihrer Gesamtheit und Komplexität beschrieben werden. Das gilt im Besonderen für ökologisch bedeutsame Schutzräume wie die Rhön. Der Mittelgebirgsraum Rhön ist eine über Jahrhunderte gewachsene Kulturlandschaft mit einem weitgehend intakten, aber fragilen Ökosystem, das eine einzigartige und schützenswerte floristische und faunistische Ausstattung aufweist. Durch die weitreichenden mittelalterlichen Rodungen und die anschließende extensive Weidenutzung haben sich unter dem Eingriff des Menschen besonders auf den Höhenlagen im Laufe der Zeit artenreiche und ökologisch bedeutsame Ökosystemtypen, wie Borst- und Kalkmagerrasen, entwickelt. Um das naturräumliche und touristische Potential des Untersuchungsraums langfristig erhalten zu können, haben ökologische und nachhaltige Entwicklungen in den einzelnen Wirtschaftssektoren eine überragende Funktion. Im primären, sekundären und tertiären Sektor zeigen sich deutliche Entwicklungen hin zu ökologischen Erzeugnissen und Dienstleistungen. Der Ökolandbau gewinnt in der Rhön zunehmend an Bedeutung, Betriebe spezialisieren sich immer mehr auf Bio-zertifizierte und regionale Produkte und werben verstärkt mit ökologischen und rhöntypischen Begrifflichkeiten. Vor allem der für die Rhön wirtschaftlich bedeutende Tourismussektor, der im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie steht, entwickelt sich ebenfalls in Richtung nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher Formen. Am Beispiel des Milseburgradwegs konnte anhand einer Besucherbefragung auf Basis standardisierter Fragestellungen mit vornehmlich geschlossenen Fragen gezeigt werden, wie wichtig den Nutzern eine intakte Natur ist und wie Ökotourismus, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Naturschutz koexistieren können. Die Prämierung der Rhön zum Biosphärenreservat Rhön durch die UNESCO im Jahre 1991 erwies sich als Glücksfall und konnte dem strukturschwachen ländlichen Raum wichtige ökologische und wirtschaftliche Impulse geben, vor allem in Richtung ökologischer und nachhaltiger Erzeugnisse und Dienstleistungen. Die Auszeichnung kann dabei als Synthese zwischen Geostruktur und humangeographischer Struktur angesehen werden und ist Würdigung, Mahnung und Pflicht zugleich. Zusätzlich verdeutlicht sie auf eindringliche Weise die Fragilität und Schutzwürdigkeit des Ökosystems. Gegenwärtig zeichnen sich im Untersuchungsraum einige Entwicklungen ab, die die ökologische Raumstruktur gefährden und zusätzlich zur Aberkennung des Titels Biosphärenreservat führen könnten, weshalb sie kritisch gesehen werden müssen. Hier stechen der Bau der geplanten Bundesstraße B 87n von Fulda nach Meiningen oder das Kernzonendefizit hervor. Die Arbeit ist deshalb ein Plädoyer für den unbedingten Erhalt des identitätsstiftenden Titels Biosphärenreservat sowie für eine aktive Umweltbildung, denn eine erfolgreiche Zukunft und Identifikation der Bewohner mit ihrem Heimatraum ist unmittelbar an das Prädikat gekoppelt. Ökologische Landeskunden verstehen sich als aktive Elemente in der Umweltbildung und richten sich an die Menschen, die immer mehr zum prägenden Faktor von Räumen und ihren Ökosystemen werden. In der Rhön können sie sogar als Ausgangspunkt für die Herausbildung aufgefasst werden. Trotz der begrenzten Aussagekraft der Arbeit und der Komplexität des Untersuchungsraums zeigen sich vielfältige, ökologisch relevante Entwicklungen, die jedoch durch weitere sozialwissenschaftliche und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Arbeiten erweitert, vertieft und stetig abgeglichen werden müssen.


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Organic farming means a holistic application of agricultural land-use, hence, this study aimed to assess ecological and socio-economic aspects that show benefits of the strategy and achievements of organic farming in comparison to conventional farming in Darjeeling District, State of West Bengal, India and Kanagawa Prefecture/Kanto in Central Japan. The objective of this study has been empirically analysed on aspects of crop diversity, yield, income and sales prices in the two study regions, where 50 households each, i.e. in total 100 households were interviewed at farm-level. Therefore, the small sample size does not necessarily reflect the broad-scale of the use and benefit of organic farming in both regions. The problems faced in mountainous regions in terms of agriculture and livelihoods for small-scale farmers, which are most affected and dependant on their immediate environment, such as low yields, income and illegal felling leading to soil erosion and landslides, are analyzed. Furthermore, factors such as climate, soils, vegetation and relief equally play an important role for these farmers, in terms of land-use. To supplement and improve the income of farmers, local NGOs have introduced organic farming and high value organic cash crops such as ginger, tea, orange and cardamom and small income generating means (floriculture, apiary etc.). For non-certified and certified organic products the volume is given for India, while for Japan only certified organic production figures are given, as there are several definitions for organic in Japan. Hence, prior to the implementation of organic laws and standards, even reduced chemical input was sold as non-certified organic. Furthermore, the distribution and certification system of both countries are explained in detail, including interviews with distribution companies and cooperatives. Supportive observations from Kanagawa Prefecture and the Kanto region are helpful and practical suggestions for organic farmers in Darjeeling District. Most of these are simple and applicable soil management measures, natural insect repelling applications and describe the direct marketing system practiced in Japan. The former two include compost, intercropping, Effective Microorganisms (EM), clover, rice husk charcoal and wood vinegar. More supportive observations have been made at organic and biodynamic tea estates in Darjeeling District, which use citronella, neem, marigold, leguminous and soil binding plants for soil management and natural insect control. Due to the close ties between farmers and consumers in Japan, certification is often neither necessary nor wanted by the producers. They have built a confidence relationship with their customers; thus, such measures are simply not required. Another option is group certification, instead of the expensive individual certification. The former aims at lower costs for farmers who have formed a cooperative or a farmers' group. Consumer awareness for organic goods is another crucial aspect to help improve the situation of organic farmers. Awareness is slightly more advanced in Kanto than in Darjeeling District, as it is improved due to the close (sales) ties between farmers and consumers in Kanto. Interviews conducted with several such cooperatives and companies underline the positive system of TEIKEI. The introduction of organic farming in the study regions has shown positive effects for those involved, even though it still in its beginning stages in Darjeeling District. This study was only partly able to assess the benefits of organic agriculture at its present level for Darjeeling District, while more positively for the organic farmers of Kanto. The organic farming practice needs further improvement, encouragement and monitoring for the Darjeeling District farmers by locals, consumers, NGOs and politicians. The supportive observations from Kanagawa Prefecture and the Kanto region are a small step in this direction, showing how, simple soil improvements and thus, yield and income increases, as well as direct sales options can enhance the livelihood of organic farmers without destroying their environment and natural resources.


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Agri-environmental schemes involving organic farming or set-aside management aim at promoting biodiversity and restoring ecosystem functioning in agrarian landscapes. Application of pesticides in these crop fields is strongly regulated facilitating the spread of weeds but also allowing for the establishment of endangered herbs and a variety of animals.Recent studies found gastropods and earthworms to be legitimate dispersers of seeds of wild plants. We assumed that both groups also playa significant role in the spread and establishment of wild plants within crop fields. Therefore, we are conducting a series of experiments in three different study systems on (1) the role of earthworms and gastropods as dispersers of rare herbs and weeds in an organic rye field in Germany, (2) the seed feeding behavior of gastropods of plants sown in fallow ground in Switzerland, and (3) weed dispersal in irrigated rice fields by golden apple snails in the Philippines.


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En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha estudiado la influencia del cultivar sobre el comportamiento reológico y panadero de cinco cultivares de trigo sembrados en el mismo año y en el mismo ambiente, en condiciones de cultivo ecológico. Tres de ellos eran de trigo panadero (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare), ‘Bonpain’, ‘Craklin’ y ‘Sensas’ y los otros dos de trigo espelta (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta), ‘Espelta Álava’ y ‘Espelta Navarra’. Actualmente, el alohexaploide trigo panadero (2n=6x=42 genomio AABBDD) supone en torno al 90% del trigo cultivado en el mundo. En cambio, el cultivo del trigo alohexaploide espelta (2n=6x=42 genomio AABBDD) se limita a pequeñas regiones de Europa y de América del Norte. En España, el cultivo de trigo espelta se ha mantenido durante años ligado a la región de Asturias, aunque en la actualidad su cultivo está empezando a diversificarse hacia otras regiones. Esto se debe, fundamentalmente, a su potencial nutricional y a su adaptabilidad a condiciones de agricultura sostenible. El reciente resurgimiento de la espelta en productos de panificación, se debe, en gran parte, a la percepción del consumidor de que se trata de un producto ”más saludable” y “más natural” y con menor requerimiento de insumos que los trigos modernos. A medida que el consumo de alimentos a base de harina de espelta aumenta, se plantea la necesidad de evaluar su calidad harino-panadera, nutricional y sensorial en comparación con los productos elaborados con variedades de trigo común. Se caracterizaron las gluteninas de alto peso molecular (HMW) y las puroindolinas de los cinco cultivares. Se evaluó la calidad del grano, la reología de sus masas y se analizó la calidad instrumental y sensorial de sus panes. Para tal fin se ha puesto a punto un protocolo de panificación adecuado a las características particulares de los trigos espelta y se ha propuesto para el análisis sensorial de los panes un protocolo de selección, entrenamiento y validación de jueces. Teniendo en cuenta la composición en gluteninas HMW de los cultivares, se comprobó su influencia en el volumen de sedimentación y en la fuerza panadera. La composición en puroindolinas se vió reflejada en el parámetro dureza del endospermo. Los resultados indicaron que hay diferencias entre trigo panadero y trigo espelta en parámetros como, la tenacidad y el equilibrio de sus masas, la capacidad de absorción de agua de la harina y el comportamiento de la masa durante el amasado. Los trigos espeltas mostraron menor valor en el tiempo en alcanzar la presión máxima y la tolerancia al amasado, mientras que presentaron valores superiores en el decaimiento a los 250 y 450 segundos respectivamente. Respecto a la calidad de los panes elaborados, los trigos espeltas tenían mayor elasticidad en la miga y mayores valores en el área y en el diámetro de sus alveolos. Estas diferencias en la estructura y textura de la miga fueron también detectadas a nivel sensorial por el panel de jueces. Mediante el perfil sensorial descriptivo, se determinó que uno de los dos panes elaborado con trigo espelta (‘Espelta Navarra’) fue el pan más complejo considerando conjuntamente los atributos de aroma y flavor. En este trabajo no se apreciaron diferencias entre ambos tipos de trigo ni en el contenido en proteína, ni en minerales, ni en la viscosidad de su almidón. ABSTRACT In this Doctoral Thesis, the influence of various cultivars on rheological and baking behavior was studied. Five wheat cultivars were used, all planted in the same year and same organic farming environment. Three were bread wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare), 'Bonpain', 'Craklin' and 'Sensas' and the other two were spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) , 'Espelta Álava' and 'Espelta Navarra' . Currently, the allohexaploid bread wheat (2n=6x=42 genome AABBDD) represents about 90% of global wheat production. On the other hand, allohexaploid spelt wheat (2n=6x=42 genome AABBDD) is merely produced in small areas of Europe and North America. For many years, the cultivation of spelt wheat in Spain was limited to the region of Asturias, although nowadays its production has begun to spread into other regions. This is owing to its nutritional potential and adaptability to conditions of sustainable agriculture. The recent resurgence of spelt in baking products is mainly due to consumers perception of it, as "healthier" and "more natural", and to the fewer agricultural input requirements compared to modern wheat products. As the consumption of foods made from spelt flour increases, there is a need to assess its baking, nutritional and sensory quality, compared to products made with common varieties of wheat. High molecular weight glutenins and puroindolines from the five cultivars were characterized. The quality of the grain and the rheology of the dough were evaluated and the instrumental and sensory quality of its breads were analyzed. To this end it a baking protocol was appropriately developed to the particular characteristics of spelt wheat and a selection protocol was proposed for the sensory analysis of breads, after proper training and validation of judges. Considering the HMW glutenin composition of the cultivars, the influence on the sedimentation volume and the baking strength was proven. The composition of puroindolines was reflected in the endosperm hardness parameter. The results show that there are differences between bread wheat and spelt wheat on parameters such as the tenacity and tenacity/elasticity ratio of their masses, the water absorption capacity of the flour and the behavior of the dough during kneading. The values for total time to reach maximum pressure and tolerance to mixing were lower for spelt wheat, and higher values were found for the drop at 250 s and 450 s. Regarding the quality of manufactured bread, spelt wheat had the greatest elasticity of the crumb and higher values in the area and diameter of the cells. These differences in the structure and texture of the crumb were also noticed at a sensory level by the panel of judges. It was determined by a descriptive sensory profile that one of the two loaves of bread made with spelt ('Espelta Navarra') was the most complex in the sense of its attributes of scents and flavors altogether. In this study, no differences were appreciated between the two types of wheat or the protein composition, or minerals or viscosity of the starch.


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A Agricultura Biológica é uma atividade que tem sentido um crescimento significativo a nível mundial nos últimos anos. Portugal parece não estar, no entanto, a acompanhar este ritmo. Este projeto de investigação terá como objetivo aferir quais os principais entraves e incentivos ao desenvolvimento empresarial da Agricultura Biológica em Portugal. A metodologia proposta é qualitativa, com execução por via de um case-study que permita estudar os pressupostos relacionados com a cultura, as políticas, a complexidade técnica dos processos de produção, comportamento do consumidor e marketing bem como a distribuição e comercialização. A principal conclusão é que existem mais fatores a servir de entrave do que de incentivo no que concerne ao desenvolvimento empresarial da Agricultura Biológica em Portugal.


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Resumo A presente dissertação visou avaliar o efeito da utilização do pato de Pequim no controlo de infestantes em milho biológico em comparação com o método clássico da sacha e da sacha/amontoa, avaliando a percentagem de cobertura das infestantes no solo e a produtividade do milho. Para além disso, pretendeu-se, ainda, perceber em que estádio vegetativo do milho os patos já não provocavam danos consideráveis na cultura. A investigação decorreu entre maio e outubro de 2015, em Coimbra, na superfície agrícola da ESAC, em 0,2 ha da área certificada em Agricultura Biológica, utilizando milho da variedade regional Pigarro. Os patos foram adquiridos com 4 semanas e abatidos às 12 semanas, tendo-se avaliado o seu crescimento nesse período. O pastoreio com patos, em diferentes estados vegetativos da cultura (Ve, V3 e V5 - germinação e emergência, três e cinco folhas completamente desenvolvidas, respetivamente), não permitiu afirmar com rigor qual o estádio vegetativo em que os animais já não provocavam danos. Analisando e comparando o pastoreio com patos após a 1ª sacha, após a sacha/amontoa e o método clássico, concluiu-se que tanto a cobertura do solo pelas infestantes quanto a produção de milho Pigarro (kg/ha) não variaram significativamente, para α = 0,05, após realização de análise de variância de fator único. Os resultados obtidos, embora preliminares e carecendo de continuidade de estudos, permitem, no entanto, indiciar que as opções ensaiadas podem vir a substituir o método clássico e serem alternativas válidas no combate às infestantes em milho biológico. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Pato de Pequim; Milho biológico; Infestantes; Cobertura; Pastoreio. iii Abstract This dissertation aimed to evaluate the effect of using the Peking duck for weed control in organic corn compared to the classical method of hoeing and weeding / earthing up, assessing the percentage of coverage of weeds in soil and corn yield. Furthermore, it was also intended to realize in what corn's vegetative stage, ducks no longer caused considerable damage to the crop. The research took place between May and October 2015, in Coimbra, in the ESAC's agricultural area of 0.2 ha certified in organic farming, using corn's regional variety, Throat clearing. The ducks were purchased at 4 weeks old and slaughtered at the 12th week, while their growth in this period was estimated. The grazing with ducks in different vegetative states of culture (Ve, V3 and V5 - germination and emergence, three and five fully developed leaves, respectively), didn't allow us to say with accuracy in what vegetative stage the animals no longer caused damage. Analyzing and comparing grazing with ducks after 1st weeding, after weeding / ridging and the classical method, it was concluded that both the soil cover by weeds as the Throat clearing corn production (kg / ha) did not vary significantly, for α = 0.05, after performing single- factor analysis of variance. The results, although preliminary and lacking continuity studies allow, however, to indicate that the tested options may come to replace the traditional method and be valid alternatives to combat weeds in biological maize. KEY-WORDS: Peking Duck; organic corn; weeds; Roof; Pasturing.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of different production and conservation factors on some properties of blueberries. Among the production factors considered were cultivar (Duke, Bluecrop and Ozarkblue) and production mode (organic or conventional). Regarding the conservation factors were evaluated temperature (ambient or refrigeration) and storage time (0, 7 and 14 days). The properties under study belong to three categories: physical properties (color and texture); chemical properties (moisture content, sugars and acidity) and phenolic and antioxidant properties (total phenols, anthocyanins, tannins, ABTS antioxidant activity, DPPH antioxidant activity). The results revealed that moisture content was only influenced by cultivar and that both acidity and sugar contents varied according to the production mode used. Also it was evidenced that the antioxidant activity was not statistically different between cultivars, production modes or conservation conditions. Regarding the phenolic compounds, the tannins were significantly higher for the blueberries produced in organic agriculture. Regarding color significant differences were also encountered and the most intense blue was found in blueberries from cv. Duke, produced in organic farming and stored under refrigeration. Textural attributes were also very significantly influenced by all factors at study: cultivar, production mode and conservation, and the berries from cv. Duke stored under refrigeration showed the highest firmness.


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Resumo O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de apresentar propostas de estruturas de parqueamento (elétrico e mecânico), para o controlo de infestantes com galinhas. No estudo usaram-se aves da raça Preta Lusitânica para controlar infestantes nas linhas da vinha em agricultura biológica. Na elaboração das propostas de parqueamento esteve sempre presente a obrigatoriedade de promover o bem-estar das aves e avaliar os possíveis constrangimentos e perturbações causados pelas estruturas de confinamento na manifestação dos comportamentos naturais das aves. O trabalho foi dividido em seis fases. A primeira fase do trabalho foi dedicada à definição das caraterísticas das estruturas de parqueamento. A segunda fase foi dedicada à apresentação das propostas de estruturas de parqueamento das galinhas. Na terceira fase foram realizados os testes de eficácia do parqueamento das galinhas; do controlo das infestantes no que se refere à durabilidade do efeito, comparativamente ao corte mecânico e ainda uma breve análise do comportamento das galinhas. Seguiu-se a análise dos resultados dos ensaios realizados e por último elaborámos um esboço de uma estrutura de parqueamento móvel  GMÓVEL  para que possa ser eficaz no confinamento das galinhas nas linhas e entrelinhas de vinhas e pomares e entrelinhas das hortas em agricultura biológica. Os resultados demonstraram que a proposta com cerca elétrica não foi eficaz no confinamento. O controlo com galinhas da raça Preta Lusitânica revelou-se o mais eficaz no controlo das infestantes e de efeito mais longo no que se refere ao tempo de regeneração dessas infestantes. Palavras-Chave: controlo de infestantes; galinhas; agricultura biológica; preta lusitânica. 2 Abstract The present work was carried out in order to present proposals for parking structures (electrical and mechanical), for weed control. In the study they used chickens of the breed “Preta Lusitânica” to control weeds in the rows of vines in organic farming. During the preparation of the parking proposals, was always present the obligation to promote birds welfare and assess the possible constraints and disturbances caused by the containment structures in birds natural behavior. The work was split into six phases. The first phase of work was devoted to defining the characteristics of parking structures. The second phase was devoted to the presentation of the proposal parking structures for chickens. In the third phase, chickens parking effectiveness tests were made; the weed control with regard to the durability of effect, compared to the mechanical cutting and also a brief analysis of chickens behaviour. The analysis of the results of tests was carried out and finally we made a sketch of the mobile parking structure - GMÓVEL - for it to be effective in the confinement of chickens in the rows and between lines of vineyards and orchards and between lines of gardens in Organic Farming. The results demonstrated that the electric fence proposal was not effective in confinement. The weed control, using the chickens of the breed “Preta Lusitânica”, was way more effective. The effect is longer too, in relation to the regeneration time of these weeds. Key-words: Weed control; Chickens; Organic Farming; Preta Lusitânica.


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Agroforestry is considered nowadays as a sustainable form of land management that is being promoted by different global institutions like FAO and its Global Alliance Smart Climate Agriculture to mitigate and adaptate to Climate change. The European Commission through the protection of landscape features, greening and Rural Development Programs is promoting the essential presence of woody vegetation across Europe, but in a way that is difficult to recognize by farmers. AGROFE and AGFORWARD projects are both demonstrating the important value of Agroforestry at European level, which together with EURAF are pushing European Commission to include measures enhancing Agroforestry. However, there is a need of a European Agroforestry Strategy that recognizes the drawbacks of Agroforestry to be implemented at European level. This strategy should include the main mechanisms to show farmers how to implement it and at the same time to get funded for the important ecosystem services that they provide when implementing agroforestry. AGFORWARD project has identified the main agroforestry practices in Europe, highlighting silvopasture, but showing the importance that others forms of agroforestry have to play like homegardens with multipurpose trees, or the adequate improvement of fallow lands where woody vegetation can enhance the levels of organic matter in the soil if adequately managed. AGFORWARD also shows the lack of information of the real implementation of agroforestry practices like forest farming, in spite of the important productive and ecosystem benefits it provides. EURAF through the participation in the different civil dialogue groups (CAP, Direct Payments and Greening, Forestry and Cork, Organic Farming, Arable, Environment and Climate Change and Rural Development) has included and promoted agroforestry within the European Agenda. The role of Agroforestry has been also enhanced in the Groups of experts of European Structural and Investments funds and as part of the European Network for Rural Development and its derived groups: innovation, evaluation and CLLD/LEADER. EURAF is pleased to announce that Agroforestry will be discussed as part of a focus group of the European Innovation Partnership, so, apply and join the group. This book represents the lastest findings on agroforestry in Europe, integrating the participation of researchers but also policy makers and farmers and farmers' associations. It was a pleasure for EURAF to integrate all this needed knowledge to be disseminated at European levels. On behalf of EURAF, I wish all of you a successful meeting and invite you to strengthen agroforestry within the different European Union countries when you go back home. Rosa Mosquera-LOSADA President of EURAF


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A produção e o consumo de alimentos produzidos em agricultura biológica (AB) apoiam-se na ideia da sua superior qualidade nutricional e em supostos efeitos benéficos na saúde humana, bem como no menor impacto ambiental da AB relativamente à agricultura convencional (AC). Mas serão mesmo as dietas baseadas nestes alimentos significativamente mais saudáveis para as pessoas e o ambiente e, portanto, mais sustentáveis que as dietas baseadas no modo convencional? O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma síntese da informação publicada na última década referente a análises comparativas entre AB e AC, através de um conjunto de indicadores de qualidade ambiental e de saúde humana. Foram consultados diversos estudos, privilegiando aqueles que recorreram a um conjunto de indicadores de qualidade ambiental e de saúde humana. A nível ambiental, os estudos apontam para que, apesar das práticas biológicas terem, em geral, impactes menos negativos por unidade de área que as práticas convencionais, o mesmo não se verifica por unidade de produto. Os estudos sobre o impacto comparativo na biodiversidade mostram a tendência benéfica da AB, apesar de as diferenças se afigurarem pouco consistentes. A presença de resíduos de pesticidas e metais pesados em alimentos biológicos é significativamente menor que nos convencionais. A nível nutricional, os vegetais e frutas biológicos apresentam consistentemente conteúdos mais elevados em metabolitos secundários que os convencionais. Todavia, os estudos disponíveis sobre efeitos na saúde são pouco conclusivos quanto a diferenças consistentes entre modos de produção. Evidências científicas suportam a ideia geral de que a AB tende a constituir um modo de produção de alimentos ambiental e humanamente mais sustentável que a AC, embora as diferenças sejam consistentes apenas em alguns indicadores.


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Banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, which is grown in most tropical countries. The objective of this work was to evaluate the main attributes of soil fertility in a banana crop under two cover crops and two root development locations. The work was conducted in Curaçá, BA, Brazil, between October 2011 and May 2013, using a randomized block design in split plot with five repetitions. Two cover crops were assessed in the plots, the cover 1 consisting of Pueraria phaseoloid es, and the cover 2 consisting of a crop mix with Sorghum bicolor, Ricinus commun is L., Canavalia ensiform is, Mucuna aterrima and Zea mays, and two soil sampling locations in the subplots, between plants in the banana rows (location 1) and between the banana rows (location 2). There were significant and independent effects for the cover crop and sampling location factors for the variables organic matter, Ca and P, and significant effects for the interaction between cover crops and sampling locations for the variables potassium, magnesium and total exchangeable bases. The cover crop mix and the between-row location presented the highest organic matter content. Potassium was the nutrient with the highest negative variation from the initial content and its leaf content was below the reference value, however not reducing the crop yield. The banana crop associated with crop cover using the crop mix provided greater availability of nutrients in the soil compared to the coverage with tropical kudzu.