924 resultados para Organ-transplantation


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No Brasil, mais de 30.000 pacientes aguardam em fila de espera para a realização de transplantes de órgãos. A complexidade desta modalidade terapêutica exige preparo especializado e constante da equipe de profissionais de saúde envolvidos no cuidado do paciente. No cotidiano da prática, o enfermeiro é desafiado a prover assistência com qualidade aos pacientes e familiares. Frente à necessidade de definir o papel do enfermeiro no processo de doação e transplantes e a relevância de divulgação desta área de atuação, elaborou-se a presente revisão narrativa que teve como objetivo tecer considerações sobre o papel e as responsabilidades do enfermeiro que atua em programa de transplantes de órgãos e tecidos. Os textos encontrados foram lidos, organizados e sintetizados em cinco categorias temáticas, a saber: definição do papel do enfermeiro no transplante, diferença entre o enfermeiro clínico e o enfermeiro coordenador de transplante, aspectos legais e éticos, pesquisa e informação e educação em transplantes. Conclui-se que o enfermeiro deve ter conhecimento dos princípios de boas práticas e ter recursos disponíveis para avaliar o mérito, riscos e questões sociais relacionadas aos transplantes.


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Regulatory T cells (Treg) actively regulate alloimmune responses and promote transplantation tolerance. Polyclonal anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), a widely used induction therapy in clinical organ transplantation, depletes peripheral T cells. However, resistance to tolerance induction is seen with certain T cell depleting strategies and is attributed to alterations in the balance of naïve, memory and regulatory T cells. Here we report a novel reagent, murine ATG (mATG), depletes T cells but preferentially spares CD25+ natural Tregs which limit skewing of T cell repertoire toward T-effector-memory (Tem) phenotype among the recovering T cells. T-cell depletion with mATG combined with CTLA4Ig and Sirolimus synergize to prolong graft survival by tipping the Treg/Tem balance further in favor of Tregs by preserving Tregs, facilitating generation of new Tregs by a conversion mechanism and limiting Tem expansion in response to alloantigen and homeostatic proliferation. These results provide the rationale for translating such novel combination therapies to promote tolerance in primate and human organ transplantation.


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Kidney transplantation is the best treatment option for the restoration of excretory and endocrine kidney function in patients with end-stage renal disease. The success of the transplant is linked to the genetic compatibility between donor and recipient, and upon progress in surgery and immunosuppressive therapy. Numerous studies have established the importance of innate immunity in transplantation tolerance, in particular natural killer (NK) cells represent a population of cells involved in defense against infectious agents and tumor cells. NK cells express on their surface the Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptors (KIR) which, by recognizing and binding to MHC class I antigens, prevent the killing of autologous cells. In solid organ transplantation context, and in particular the kidney, recent studies show some correlation between the incompatibility KIR / HLA and outcome of transplantation so as to represent an interesting perspective, especially as regards setting of immunosuppressive therapy. The purpose of this study was therefore to assess whether the incompatibility between recipient KIR receptors and HLA class I ligands of the donor could be a useful predictor in order to improve the survival of the transplanted kidney and also to select patients who might benefit of a reduced regimen. One hundred and thirteen renal transplant patients from 1999 to 2005 were enrolled. Genomic DNA was extracted for each of them and their donors and genotyping of HLA A, B, C and 14 KIR genes was carried out. Data analysis was conducted on two case-control studies: one aimed at assessing the outcome of acute rejection and the other to assess the long term transplant outcome. The results showed that two genes, KIR2DS1 and KIR3DS1, are associated with the development of acute rejection (p = 0.02 and p = 0.05, respectively). The presence of the KIR2DS3 gene is associated with a better performance of serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate (MDRD) over time (4 and 5 years after transplantation, p <0.05), while in the presence of ligand, the serum creatinine and MDRD trend seems to get worse in the long term. The analysis performed on the population, according to whether there was deterioration of renal function or not in the long term, showed that the absence of the KIR2DL1 gene is strongly associated with an increase of 20% of the creatinine value at 5 years, with a relative risk to having a greater creatinine level than the median 5-year equal to 2.7 95% (95% CI: 1.7788 - 2.6631). Finally, the presence of a kidney resulting negative for HLA-A3 / A11, compared to a positive result, in patients with KIR3DL2, showed a relative risk of having a serum creatinine above the median at 5 years after transplantation of 0.6609 (95% CI: 0.4529 -0.9643), suggesting a protective effect given to the absence of this ligand.


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Compliance mit der immunsuppressiven Therapie spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für den langfristigen Erfolg einer Organtransplantation. Strategien zur Förderung der Compliance von organtransplantierten Patienten sind daher von besonderem Interesse. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde erstmals in Deutschland ein Konzept zur Pharmazeutischen Betreuung von organtransplantierten Patienten entworfen und mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden auf Durchführbarkeit und Nutzen geprüft. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine prospektive, randomisierte Studie mit Kontrollgruppendesign initiiert, in die insgesamt 50 Patienten eingeschlossen wurden. Hauptziel der Studie war die Untersuchung des Einflusses einer 12-monatigen Pharmazeutischen Betreuung von lebertransplantierten Patienten auf die Compliance mit der immunsuppressiven Therapie. Zur Messung der Compliance wurden MEMS® (Medication Event Monitoring Systems) herangezogen, die momentan als Goldstandard in der Compliance-Messung angesehen werden. Weitere direkte und indirekte M


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Die Arzneimittelcompliance hat eine hohe Vorhersagekraft für den Ausgang einer Organtransplantation. Allerdings wurden soweit keine Studien zur Arzneimittelcompliance mittels eletronischen Compliancemessung bei Dialyse- und Leberzirrhosepatienten durchgeführt. Das primäre Ziel dieser Studie war die Arzneimittelcompliance dieser beiden Patientenkollektive zu evaluieren und als sekundäres Ziel wurden die Einflussfaktoren von Non-Compliance untersucht. rnLeberzirrhosepatinten, die Propranolol und Dialysepatienten, die Phosphatbinder, jeweils 3 x tgl. einnahmen, konnten in der Studie teilnehmen. Die Arzneimittelcompliance wurde mittels MEMSTM über einen Zeitraum von jeweils 6 Monaten bestimmt. Des Weiteren wurde nach Einflussfaktoren wie die demopraphischen Daten, Depression, Lebensqualität und der Gesundheitszustand, bei den Dialysepatienten zusätzlich die Formulierung der Phosphatbinder und die Anzahl evaluiert. Zwischen den organinsuffizienten Patientenkollektiven war ein signifikanter Unterschied in der Dosing Compliancerate auszumachen (p<0,023). Die mittlere DC Rate war bei 61%±6% für Leberzirrhosepatienten im Vergleich zu 43%±5% in Dialysepatienten. Nur 10 Leberzirrhosepatienten (30%) and 6 Dialysepatienten (17%) konnten als compliant eingestuft werden. Je höher die Phosphatbinderdosen waren, umso niedrigere Dosing Complianceraten wurden erzielt. Bei 1,5-3 Tabletten pro Tag betrug die Compliancerate 55%±8% (n=16), bei 4-6 Tabletten pro Tag nur noch 37%±7% (n=15) und bei mehr als 7 Tabletten lediglich 21%±10% (n=5) (p<0,036). Bei den Dialysepatienten war jedoch auffällig, dass die Dosing Compliancerate in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der dokumentierten Erkrankungen inkl. Grunderkrankung stieg (Dosing Compliancerate 34%±9% für ≤1 Grunderkrankung, 42%±6% für 1-4 Komorbiditäten, 83%±3% für ≥5 Komorbiditäten; p<0,036).Das geringe Patientenwissen über die Arzneimittel und die Erkrankung und die niedrige Compliancerate bedürfen weitere Untersuchungen um die Aspekte zu verbessern. Diese Studie zeigte das eine pharmazeutische Betreuung schon vor einer Transplantation benötigt wird. Aber eine pharmazeutische Betreuung ist sehr kosten- und zeitintensiv. Vielleicht müssen neue Modelle der pharmazeutische Betreuung untersucht werden oder non-compliante Patienten müssen noch besser identifiziert werden für eine selektive pharmazeutische Betreuung.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Skin tumours, in particular squamous-cell carcinomas (SCC), are the most common malignant conditions developing in transplant recipients. The aim of this study is to investigate the frequency and type of skin cancer in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation. METHODS: Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed on data of 243 renal transplant patients who attended the dermatology outpatient clinic for the first time after transplantation in the period January 2002-October 2005. RESULTS: We found an increased risk of actinic keratosis (AK) and SCC in renal transplant recipients with a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) / SCC ratio of 1:7. Older patients had AK more frequently (odds ratio [OR] 1.11, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.06-1.15; p <0.0001) and SCC (OR 1.14, CI 1.07-1.22; p <0.0001) than younger patients. Men had AK (OR 0.19, CI 0.08-0.45; p = 0.0002) and SCC (OR 0.25, CI 0.07-0.89; p = 0.0332) more frequently than women. The duration of immunosuppressive therapy correlated significantly with the numbers of AKs (OR 1.15, CI 1.08-1.24; p <0.0001) and SCCs (OR 1.16, CI 1.05-1.28; p = 0.0025), and patients with fair skin had more AKs (OR 0.31, CI 0.14-1.24; p <0.0001) and SCCs (OR 0.11, CI 0.02-0.52; p = 0.0054) than darker skinned patients. We could not identify any specific immunosuppressive drug as a distinct risk factor for AK or non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). CONCLUSION: Skin cancers are increased in the renal transplant population. Main risk factors for skin cancers are fair skin type and long duration of immunosuppressive therapy. A follow-up programme is necessary for early detection of skin cancer and precancerous conditions. Preventive strategies should include specialist dermatological monitoring and self-examination.


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Reperfusion of an organ following prolonged ischemia instigates the pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulant response of ischemia / reperfusion (IR) injury. IR injury is a wide-spread pathology, observed in many clinically relevant situations, including myocardial infarction, stroke, organ transplantation, sepsis and shock, and cardiovascular surgery on cardiopulmonary bypass. Activation of the classical, alternative, and lectin complement pathways and the generation of the anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a lead to recruitment of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, generation of radical oxygen species, up-regulation of adhesion molecules on the endothelium and platelets, and induction of cytokine release. Generalized or pathway-specific complement inhibition using protein-based drugs or low-molecular-weight inhibitors has been shown to significantly reduce tissue injury and improve outcome in numerous in-vitro, ex-vivo, and in-vivo models. Despite the obvious benefits in experimental research, only few complement inhibitors, including C1-esterase inhibitor, anti-C5 antibody, and soluble complement receptor 1, have made it into clinical trials of IR injury. The results are mixed, and the next objectives should be to combine knowledge and experience obtained in the past from animal models and channel future work to translate this into clinical trials in surgical and interventional reperfusion therapy as well as organ transplantation.


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Non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) are the most common malignancies after solid organ transplantation. Their incidence increases with time after transplantation. Calcineurin-inhibitors (CNIs) and azathioprine are known as skin neoplasia-initiating and -enhancing immunosuppressants. In contrast, increasing clinical experience suggests a relevant antiproliferative effect of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors, also named proliferation signal inhibitors (PSIs). We report the case of a cardiac allograft recipient with an impressive and consolidated reduction of recurrent NMSC, observed after conversion from CNI-therapy to a PSI-based protocol.


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Clin Microbiol Infect ABSTRACT: Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a live-threatening opportunistic infection that is best described in haematological patients with prolonged neutropenia or graft-versus-host disease. Data on IA in non-neutropenic patients are limited. The aim of this study was to establish the incidence, disease manifestations and outcome of IA in non-neutropenic patients diagnosed in five Swiss university hospitals during a 2-year period. Case identification was based on a comprehensive screening of hospital records. All cases of proven and probable IA were retrospectively analysed. Sixty-seven patients were analysed (median age 60 years; 76% male). Sixty-three per cent of cases were invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA), and 17% of these were disseminated aspergillosis. The incidence of IPA was 1.2/10?000 admissions. Six of ten cases of extrapulmonary IA affected the brain. There were six cases of invasive rhinosinusitis, six cases of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, and cases three of subacute pulmonary aspergillosis. The most frequent underlying condition of IA was corticosteroid treatment (57%), followed by chronic lung disease (48%), and intensive-care unit stays (43%). In 38% of patients with IPA, the diagnosis was established at autopsy. Old age was the only risk factor for post-mortem diagnosis, whereas previous solid organ transplantation and chronic lung disease were associated with lower odds of post-mortem diagnosis. The mortality rate was 57%.


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The central issue in organ transplantation remains suppression of allograft rejection. Immunosuppression can be achieved by depleting lymphocytes, diverting lymphocyte traffic, or blocking lymphocyte response pathways. Immunosuppressive drugs include small-molecule drugs, depleting and nondepleting protein drugs (polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies), fusion proteins, intravenous immune globulin, and glucocorticoids. Small-molecule immunosuppressive agents include calcineurin-inhibitors (cyclosporine, tacrolimus), Target-of-Rapamycin Inhibitors (Sirolimus, Everolimus), inhibitors of nucleotide synthesis and azathioprine. The review covers the mode of action of these drugs with a special focus on belatacept, a new promising fusion protein. Different immuo-suppressive strategies mean also different safety profiles. Common side effects include the consequences of diminished immuno- response, i.e. infections and cancer (mainly involving the skin). Toxic side effects of immunosuppressive drugs range in a wide spectrum that involves almost every organ. The major interest of this toxic effects is the cardiovascular tolerance (with large differences from drug to drug), that are discussed seperately. The calcineurin- and mTOR-inhibitors are both metabolized by the CYP450 3A4 enzyme, which is also involved in the metabolism of many other drugs. The review discusses the most important interactions that in- or decreases the through level of these drugs.


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The research started with a definition of the general ethical background to be applied in bioethical discussions, particularly regarding aspects of morality that have to be enforced by the community. Only those moral beliefs that can be accepted by consensus in a free discussion can be enforced. It follows that the basic principle of a well ordered society is the equality (and possible upwards extension) of the basic liberties. Therefore, whenever it is possible to respect the principle of autonomy in matters of bioethics (here including questions of abortion, assisted procreation, genetics, organ transplantation and euthanasia) this must be done. On the other hand, there are some common values that can be defended in a free dialogue, values that are needed in order to guarantee stable cooperation in a political society. These values include the respect for human life, which implies the respect for human life in all its forms. This leads to the conclusion that people who are able to be part of the system of cooperation in a political society have rights which are dominant in moral considerations. In all cases where there is no conflict between these rights and the value of life as manifested in human individuals who are not able participate in social cooperation, considerations of the value of the life of the latter must be an important moral consideration. This implies that embryo experimentation should be permitted in order to develop scientific advances needed to save human life, but embryos must not be used for trivial reasons or for the cosmetic industry.


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OBJECTIVES: Human interleukin 10 (hIL-10) may reduce acute rejection after organ transplantation. Our previous data shows that electroporation-mediated transfer of plasmid DNA to peripheral muscle enhances gene transduction dramatically. This study was designed to investigate the effect of electroporation-mediated overexpression of hIL-10 on acute rejection of cardiac allografts in the rat. METHODS: The study was designed to evaluate the effect of hIL-10 gene transfer on (a) early rejection pattern and (b) graft survival. Gene transfer was achieved by intramuscular (i.m.) injection into the tibialis anterior muscle of Fischer (F344) male recipients followed by electroporation 24 h prior to transplantation. Heterotopic cardiac transplantation was performed from male Brown Norway rat to F344. Four groups were studied (n = 6). Treated animals in groups B1 and B2 received 2.5 microg of pCIK hIL-10 and control animals in groups A1 and A2 distilled water. Graft function was assessed by daily palpation. Animals from group A1 were sacrificed at the cessation of the heart beat of the graft and those in group B1 were sacrificed at day 7; blood was taken for ELISA measurement of hIL-10 and tissue for myeloperoxidase (MPO) measurement and histological assessment. To evaluate graft survival, groups A2 and B2 were sacrificed at cessation of the heart beat of the graft. RESULTS: Histological examination revealed severe rejection (IIIB-IV) in group A1 in contrast to low to moderate rejection (IA-IIIA) in group B1 (p = 0.02). MPO activity was significantly lower in group B1 compared to group A1 (18 +/- 7 vs. 32 +/- 14 mU/mg protein, p = 0.05). Serum hIL-10 levels were 46 +/- 13 pg/ml in group B1 vs. 0 pg/ml in group A1. At day 7 all heart allografts in the treated groups B1 and B2 were beating, whereas they stopped beating at 5 +/- 2 days in groups A1 and A2 vs. 14 +/- 2 days in group B2 (p = 0.0012). CONCLUSIONS: Electroporation-mediated intramuscular overexpression of hIL-10 reduces acute rejection and improves survival of heterotopic heart allografts in rats. This study demonstrates that peripheral overexpression of specific genes in skeletal muscle may reduce acute rejection after whole organ transplantation.


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The use of fresh osteochondral allografts is a popular approach to treat articular cartilage lesions. Immunological reactions of the recipient elicited by the allograft's osseous portion, however, frequently result in their deterioration. So far, little emphasis has been put on describing morphology and biological activity in fresh allografts and paralleling these to the immunological processes triggered in the host. Therefore, in the present study murine neonatal femora, serving as osteochondral grafts, were transplanted as fresh isografts (controls) or allografts (the latter in non- or presensitized mice) and retrieved after 2, 5, 10, and 20 days. It was shown that (1) in isografts active bone cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts) were present, the bone marrow was repopulated with hematopoietic cells, the diaphysis increased in length, and no specific immunological reaction by the recipient was evoked. (2) Allografts transplanted into nonsensitized hosts initially appeared similar as isografts, but activated T lymphocytes at the transplantation site preceded loss of active bone cells within the graft and development of fibrosis within the marrow cavity. (3) In allografts transplanted into presensitized recipients, severe deterioration of the graft was observed with very few active bone cells, accompanied by an invasion of T lymphocytes and fibrosis in the marrow cavity already in early stages. Similar to vital organ transplantation, the function of cells within osteochondral allografts is severely impaired after being recognized by the immune system. Therefore, emphasis has to be placed on the development of procedures preserving cartilage biology while reducing the antigenicity of the allograft's osseous portion.


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Free radicals play an important role in many physiological processes that occur in the human body such as cellular defense responses to infectious agents and a variety of cellular signaling pathways. While at low concentrations free radicals are involved in many significant metabolic reactions, high levels of free radicals can have deleterious effects on biomolecules like proteins, lipids, and DNA. Many physiological disorders such as diabetes, ageing, neurodegenerative diseases, and ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury are associated with oxidative stress.1 In particular, the deleterious effects caused by I/R injury developed during organ transplantation, cardiac infarct, and stroke have become the main cause of death in the United States and Europe.1,2 In this context, we synthesized and characterized a series of novel indole-amino acid conjugates as potential antioxidants for I/R injury. The synthesis of indole-phenol conjugate compounds is also discussed. Phenolic derivatives such as caffeic acid, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), resveratrol, and its analogues are known for their significant antioxidative properties. A series of resveratrol analogues have been designed and synthesized as potential antioxidants. The radical scavenging mechanisms for potential antioxidants and assays for the in vitro evaluation of antioxidant activities are also discussed.


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Black molds or dematiaceous fungi are rare etiologic agents of intracerebral abscesses and such infections carry a high mortality of up to 70% despite combined surgical and antifungal therapy. While the growing use of immunosuppressive therapies and organ transplantation have caused an increase in the incidence of rare fungal cerebral infections, occurrence in immunocompetent hosts is also possible. We describe a 60-year-old female patient with a cerebral abscess caused by Cladophialophora bantiana. The case illustrates the clinical and radiological similarities between glioblastomas and brain abscesses and emphasizes the need to perform histological and microbiological studies prior to the initiation of any form of therapy. Long-term survival from cerebral black mold abscesses has been reported only when complete surgical resection was possible. The recommended antifungal treatment involves the use of amphotericin B combined with a triazole and, if possible, flucytosine. Highly-active new generation triazole antifungal compounds (voriconazole or posaconazole) are likely to offer improved survival rates for patients with rare mold infections. In particular, posaconazole could be a new therapeutic option given its better tolerance, lower toxicity and fewer drug-drug interactions. We discuss clinical, microbiological and practical pharmacological aspects and review current and evolving treatment options.