995 resultados para Oracle Express
Apesar das vantagens das funcionalidades de banco de dados temporais, já amplamente demonstradas na literatura, ainda não existe, comercialmente, um SGBD totalmente temporal. Algumas propostas já foram feitas, embora um pouco discretas, dando ênfase em apenas parte das funcionalidades temporais, já sinalizando que em breve será possível existir um SGBD puramente temporal. Uma dessas propostas se constitui na implementação de uma camada de software que simula um banco de dados temporal, chamada Pacote de Tempo de Validade – PTV. Ela foi desenvolvida para demonstrar algumas funções temporais de banco de dados de tempo de validade. Embora o PTV tenha funções para garantir a integridade de dados temporais na inserção de tuplas, além de outros controles, não apresenta funções de consultas temporais. Essas funções foram desenvolvidas neste trabalho com base no TSQL2, aumentando, portanto, as funcionalidades temporais do PTV. Elas foram desenvolvidas para o SGBD Oracle 9i e consistem da principal proposta desse trabalho, permitindo inclusive validar as funções de consultas temporais de outras propostas da literatura. A segunda proposta desse trabalho é prover aos desenvolvedores e pesquisadores dessa área, uma interface visual apropriada para o uso do PTV, permitindo, assim, a exploração máxima dos recursos temporais desse pacote.
Embora há muito tempo já se tenha conhecimento da importância da recuperação de informações temporais, não existe um SGBD temporal que tenha sido desenvolvido unicamente para aplicações comerciais, que supra todas as necessidades e abranja todos os aspectos temporais necessários a estas aplicações. O SGBD da Oracle, a partir da versão 8i, possibilita a inserção de características temporais similares às de tempo de transação no BD, através de um pacote de tempo denominado Time Series Cartridge. Entretanto, em muitos casos, a utilização deste cartucho de tempo não é suficiente para que se possa implementar por completo tudo o que foi especificado na modelagem do sistema. A modelagem completa da realidade só é alcançada se forem utilizadas em conjunto as características de tempo de transação e de tempo de validade no banco de dados. Neste trabalho são sugeridos e implementados mecanismos para a inserção e o gerenciamento do tempo de validade no SGBD Oracle. O tempo de validade é administrado através da execução de funções, procedimentos, gatilhos e objetos, organizados em forma de um pacote, de maneira que este possa ser utilizado em conjunto com o Time Series Cartridge.
Este estudo teve por objetivo compreender como especialistas brasileiros em comunicação expressam sua competência comunicativa. Investigou-se um grupo de professores universitários de enfermagem, especialistas na área de comunicação, utilizando-se a seguinte pergunta norteadora: Como você expressa sua competência comunicativa? Os entrevistados referiram expressar sua competência comunicativa vivenciando-a em sua vida profissional e em sua rotina diária, ouvindo outras pessoas, percebendo a comunicação não-verbal, validando a compreensão de mensagens, quebrando barreiras de comunicação, demonstrando afetividade e desenvolvendo o autoconhecimento. Os resultados obtidos a partir deste estudo nos permitiram compreender a comunicação como algo a ser aprendido, sentido e vivenciado, ou seja, percebendo as nossas próprias emoções e sentimentos assim como os de outras pessoas, tanto no cuidado em enfermagem quanto em ações da vida diária.
There have been several recent reports of cytokeratin immunoreactivity in glial cells and tumors. We wanted to further test these tissues for cytokeratin immunoreactivity, and to determine whether antibody positivity corresponded to true cytokeratin expression. In the first set of experiments, a series of 10 formalin-fixed, frozen sections of glial tissue were employed; positive immunostaining with a cocktail of monoclonal anti-cytokeratin antibodies was seen only when a pepsin predigestion step was included in the immunostaining procedure. In the second set of experiments, 30 cases of malignant glioma fixed in both methacarn and formalin fixation were employed. Using a panel of three different anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies (35 beta H11, 34 beta E12, CAM5.2), no positive immunostaining was observed in any of the methacarn-fixed tissues; positive immunostaining in the corresponding formalin-fixed tissue was frequently found, but only using the antibodies (35 beta H11, 34 beta E12) requiring enzyme predigestion. In the third set of experiments, immunoblots were performed on cytoskeletal extracts of human gliomas; no bands corresponding to known cytokeratins were observed in any cases. It is concluded that glial tissues and tumors do not, in fact, truly express cytokeratins, despite the fact that it is possible to obtain positive immunostaining of glial tumors and tissues using certain anti-cytokeratin antibodies under certain laboratory conditions.
In vertebrate species, testosterone seems to inhibit spermatogonial differentiation and proliferation. However, this androgen can also be converted, via aromatase, into estrogen which stimulates spermatogonial differentiation and mitotic activity. During seasonal spermatogenesis of adult bullfrogs Lithobates catesbeianus, primordial germ cells (PGCs) show enhanced testosterone cytoplasm immunoexpression in winter; however, in summer, weak or no testosterone immunolabelling was observed. The aim of this study was to confirm if PGCs express stem cell markers-alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity and GFRα1 (glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor)-and verify whether testosterone is maintained in these cells by androgen receptors (ARs) and/or sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in winter. Furthermore, regarding the possibility that testosterone is converted into estrogen by PGCs in summer, the immunoexpression of estrogen receptor (ER)β was investigated. Bullfrog testes were collected in winter and in summer and were embedded in glycol methacrylate for morphological analyses or in paraffin for the histochemical detection of AP activity. GFRα1, AR, SHBG and ERβ expression were detected by Western blot and immunohistochemical analyses. The expression of AP activity and GFRα1 in the PGCs suggest that these cells are spermatogonial stem cells. In winter, the cytoplasmic immunoexpression of ARs and SHBG in the PGCs indicates that testosterone is maintained by these proteins in these cells. The cytoplasmic immunoexpression of ERβ, in summer, also points to an ER-mediated action of estrogen in PGCs. The results indicate a participation of testosterone and estrogen in the control of the primordial spermatogonia during the seasonal spermatogenesis of L. catesbeianus. © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a lethal X-linked disorder, is the most common and severe form of muscular dystrophies, affecting I in 3,500 male births. Mutations in the DMD gene lead to the absence of muscle dystrophin and a progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle. The possibility to treat DMD through cell therapy has been widely investigated. We have previously shown that human adipose-derived stromal cells (hASCs) injected systemically in SJL mice are able to reach and engraft in the host muscle, express human muscle proteins, and ameliorate the functional performance of injected animals without any immunosuppression. However, before starting clinical trials in humans many questions still need to be addressed in preclinical studies, in particular in larger animal models, when available. The best animal model to address these questions is the golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) dog that reproduces the full spectrum of human DMD. Affected animals carry a mutation that predicts a premature termination codon in exon 8 and a peptide that is 5% the size of normal dystrophin. These dogs present clinical signs within the first weeks and most of them do not survive beyond age two. Here we show the results of local and intravenous injections of hASCs into GRMD dogs, without immunosuppression. We observed that hASCs injected systemically into the dog cephalic vein are able to reach, engraft, and express human dystrophin in the host GRMD dystrophic muscle up to 6 months after transplantation. Most importantly, we demonstrated that injecting a huge quantity of human mesenchymal cells in a large-animal model, without immunosuppression, is a safe procedure, which may have important applications for future therapy in patients with different forms of muscular dystrophies.
Little is known about the histogenesis of the odontogenic myxoma (OM). Dental pulp stem cells could be candidate precursors of OM because both OM and the dental pulp share the same embryological origin: the dental papilla. For the purpose of comparing OM and stem cells, this study analyzed the expression of two proteins related to OM invasiveness (MMP-2 and hyaluronic acid) in human immature dental pulp stern cells (hIDPSCs). Three lineages of hIDPSCs from deciduous and permanent teeth were used in this study. Immunofluorescence revealed positive reactions for MMP-2 and hyaluronic acid (HA) in all hIDPSCs. MMP-2 appeared as dots throughout the cytoplasm, whereas HA appeared either as diffuse and irregular dots or as short fibrils throughout the cytoplasm and outside the cell bodies. The gene expression profile of each cell lineage was evaluated using RT-PCR analysis, and HA was expressed more intensively than MMP-2. HA expression was similar among the three hIDPSCs lineages, whereas MMP-2 expression was higher in DL-1 than in the other cell lines. The expression of proteins related to OM invasiveness in hIDPSCs could indicate that OM originates from dental pulp stem cells.
Recently we demonstrated that human mast cells (MC) express functional TRAIL death receptors. Here we assessed the expression of TRAIL on both mRNA and protein level in cord blood derived MC (CBMC) and HMC-1. The TRAIL release either spontaneous or induced by LPS, IFN-gamma and IgE-dependent activation, was evaluated as well. The protein location was restricted to the intracellular compartment in CBMC, but not in HMC-1. The intracellular TRAIL was not localized inside the granules. The treatment with IFN-gamma and LPS up-regulated intracellular TRAIL expression in CBMC, but did not induce its release. These in vitro data show that human MC can produce and express intracellular TRAIL whose location could not be altered by different stimuli.
The human airway epithelium serves as structural and functional barrier against inhaled particulate antigen. Previously, we demonstrated in an in vitro epithelial barrier model that monocyte derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and monocyte derived macrophages (MDM) take up particulate antigen by building a trans-epithelial interacting network. Although the epithelial tight junction (TJ) belt was penetrated by processes of MDDC and MDM, the integrity of the epithelium was not affected. These results brought up two main questions: (1) Do MDM and MDDC exchange particles? (2) Are those cells expressing TJ proteins, which are believed to interact with the TJ belt of the epithelium to preserve the epithelial integrity? The expression of TJ and adherens junction (AJ) mRNA and proteins in MDM and MDDC monocultures was determined by RT-PCR, and immunofluorescence, respectively. Particle uptake and exchange was quantified by flow cytometry and laser scanning microscopy in co-cultures of MDM and MDDC exposed to polystyrene particles (1 μm in diameter). MDM and MDDC constantly expressed TJ and AJ mRNA and proteins. Flow cytometry analysis of MDM and MDDC co-cultures showed increased particle uptake in MDDC while MDM lost particles over time. Quantitative analysis revealed significantly higher particle uptake by MDDC in co-cultures of epithelial cells with MDM and MDDC present, compared to co-cultures containing only epithelial cells and MDDC. We conclude from these findings that MDM and MDDC express TJ and AJ proteins which could help to preserve the epithelial integrity during particle uptake and exchange across the lung epithelium.