992 resultados para Optical Spectroscopy


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We report the results of an experimental and theoretical study of the electronic and structural properties of a key eumelanin precursor-5,6,-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid ( DHICA) - and its dimeric forms. We have used optical spectroscopy to follow the oxidative polymerization of DHICA to eumelanin and observe red shifting and broadening of the absorption spectrum as the reaction proceeds. First principles density functional theory calculations indicate that DHICA oligomers ( possible reaction products of oxidative polymerization) have the gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital red-shifted gaps with respect to the monomer. Furthermore, different bonding configurations ( leading to oligomers with different structures) produce a range of gaps. These experimental and theoretical results lend support to the chemical disorder model where the broadband monotonic absorption characteristic of all melanins is a consequence of the superposition of a large number of nonhomogeneously broadened Gaussian transitions associated with each of the components of a melanin ensemble. These results suggest that the traditional model of eumelanin as an amorphous organic semiconductor is not required to explain its optical properties and should be thoroughly reexamined. These results have significant implications for our understanding of the physics, chemistry, and biological function of these important biological macromolecules. Indeed, one may speculate that the robust functionality of melanins in vitro is a direct consequence of its heterogeneity, i.e., chemical disorder is a "low cost" natural resource in these systems


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A series of novel polymeric compounds of formula [M(btzb)3][ClO4]2 (Mll = Fe, Ni or Cu) with btzb = 1,4-bis-(tetrazol-1-yl)butane have been prepared and their physical properties investigated. The btzb ligand has been prepared and its crystal structure determined, together with a tentative crystal structure of the 3-D compound [Fe(btzb)3][ClO4]2. The model of the latter shows two symmetry-related, interpenetrating Fe-btzb networks in which the iron(II) ions approach each other as close as 8.3 and 9.1 Å. This supramolecular catenane undergoes a sharp thermal spin transition around 160 K with hysteresis (20 K) along with a pronounced thermochromic effect. The spin crossover behaviour has been followed by magnetic, DSC, optical spectroscopy and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements. Irradiation with green light at low temperature leads to population of the metastable high-spin state for the thermally active iron(ll) ions. The nature of the spin crossover behaviour has been discussed in detail.


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The purpose of this work is the development of database of the distributed information measurement and control system that implements methods of optical spectroscopy for plasma physics research and atomic collisions and provides remote access to information and hardware resources within the Intranet/Internet networks. The database is based on database management system Oracle9i. Client software was realized in Java language. The software was developed using Model View Controller architecture, which separates application data from graphical presentation components and input processing logic. The following graphical presentations were implemented: measurement of radiation spectra of beam and plasma objects, excitation function for non-elastic collisions of heavy particles and analysis of data acquired in preceding experiments. The graphical clients have the following functionality of the interaction with the database: browsing information on experiments of a certain type, searching for data with various criteria, and inserting the information about preceding experiments.


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The present paper is devoted to creation of cryptographic data security and realization of the packet mode in the distributed information measurement and control system that implements methods of optical spectroscopy for plasma physics research and atomic collisions. This system gives a remote access to information and instrument resources within the Intranet/Internet networks. The system provides remote access to information and hardware resources for the natural sciences within the Intranet/Internet networks. The access to physical equipment is realized through the standard interface servers (PXI, CАМАC, and GPIB), the server providing access to Ethernet devices, and the communication server, which integrates the equipment servers into a uniform information system. The system is used to make research task in optical spectroscopy, as well as to support the process of education at the Department of Physics and Engineering of Petrozavodsk State University.


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We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of the optical transient SN 2011A. Our data span 140 days after discovery including BVRI u′g′r′i′z′ photometry and 11 epochs of optical spectroscopy. Originally classified as a type IIn supernova (SN IIn) due to the presence of narrow Hα emission, this object shows exceptional characteristics. First, the light curve shows a double plateau, a property only observed before in the impostor SN 1997bs. Second, SN 2011A has a very low luminosity (MV=-15.72), placing it between normal luminous SNe IIn and SN impostors. Third, SN 2011A shows low velocity and high equivalent width absorption close to the sodium doublet, which increases with time and is most likely of circumstellar origin. This evolution is also accompanied by a change in line profile; when the absorption becomes stronger, a P Cygni profile appears. We discuss SN 2011A in the context of interacting SNe IIn and SN impostors, which appears to confirm the uniqueness of this transient. While we favor an impostor origin for SN 2011A, we highlight the difficulty in differentiating between terminal and non-terminal interacting transients.


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Context: The initial distribution of spin rates of massive stars is a fingerprint of their elusive formation process. It also sets a key initial condition for stellar evolution and is thus an important ingredient in stellar population synthesis. So far, most studies have focused on single stars. Most O stars are, however, found in multiple systems. 

Aims: By establishing the spin-rate distribution of a sizeable sample of O-type spectroscopic binaries and by comparing the distributions of binary subpopulations with one another and with that of presumed-single stars in the same region, we aim to constrain the initial spin distribution of O stars in binaries, and to identify signatures of the physical mechanisms that affect the evolution of the spin rates of massive stars. 

Methods: We use ground-based optical spectroscopy obtained in the framework of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS) to establish the projected equatorial rotational velocities (νesini) for components of 114 spectroscopic binaries in 30 Doradus. The νesini values are derived from the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of a set of spectral lines, using a FWHM vs. νesini calibration that we derive based on previous line analysis methods applied to single O-type stars in the VFTS sample. 

Results: The overall νesini distribution of the primary stars resembles that of single O-type stars in the VFTS, featuring a low-velocity peak (at νesini<200 kms-1) and a shoulder at intermediate velocities (200 <νesini<300 kms-1). The distributions of binaries and single stars, however, differ in two ways. First, the main peak at νesini ~ 100kms-1 is broader and slightly shifted towards higher spin rates in the binary distribution than that of the presumed-single stars. This shift is mostly due to short-period binaries (Porb~<10 d). Second, the νesini distribution of primaries lacks a significant population of stars spinning faster than 300 kms-1, while such a population is clearly present in the single-star sample. The νesini distribution of binaries with amplitudes of radial velocity variation in the range of 20 to 200 kms-1 (mostly binaries with Porb ~ 10-1000 d and/or with q<0.5) is similar to that of single O stars below νesini~<170kms-1

Conclusions: Our results are compatible with the assumption that binary components formed with the same spin distribution as single stars, and that this distribution contains few or no fast-spinning stars. The higher average spin rate of stars in short-period binaries may either be explained by spin-up through tides in such tight binary systems, or by spin-down of a fraction of the presumed-single stars and long-period binaries through magnetic braking (or by a combination of both mechanisms). Most primaries and secondaries of SB2 systems with Porb~<10 d appear to have similar rotational velocities. This is in agreement with tidal locking in close binaries where the components have similar radii. The lack of very rapidly spinning stars among binary systems supports the idea that most stars with νesini~> 300kms-1 in the single-star sample are actually spun-up post-binary interaction products. Finally, the overall similarities (low-velocity peak and intermediate-velocity shoulder) of the spin distribution of binary and single stars argue for a massive star formation process in which the initial spin is set independently of whether stars are formed as single stars or as components of a binary system.


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We report the discovery of the B[e] star VFTS 822 in the 30 Doradus star-forming region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, classified by optical spectroscopy from the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey and complementary infrared photometry. VFTS 822 is a relatively low-luminosity (log L = 4.04 ± 0.25 L·) B8[e] star. In this Letter, we evaluate the evolutionary status of VFTS 822 and discuss its candidacy as a Herbig B[e] star. If the object is indeed in the pre-main sequence phase, it would present an exciting opportunity to spectroscopically measure mass accretion rates at low metallicity, to probe the effect of metallicity on accretion rates. 


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Context. The 30 Doradus (30 Dor) region of the Large Magellanic Cloud, also known as the Tarantula nebula, is the nearest starburst region. It contains the richest population of massive stars in the Local Group, and it is thus the best possible laboratory to investigate open questions on the formation and evolution of massive stars. Aims. Using ground-based multi-object optical spectroscopy obtained in the framework of the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey (VFTS), we aim to establish the (projected) rotational velocity distribution for a sample of 216 presumably single O-type stars in 30 Dor. The sample is large enough to obtain statistically significant information and to search for variations among subpopulations - in terms of spectral type, luminosity class, and spatial location - in the field of view. Methods. We measured projected rotational velocities, 3e sin i, by means of a Fourier transform method and a profile fitting method applied to a set of isolated spectral lines. We also used an iterative deconvolution procedure to infer the probability density, P(3e), of the equatorial rotational velocity, 3e. Results. The distribution of 3e sin i shows a two-component structure: a peak around 80 km s1 and a high-velocity tail extending up to 600 km s-1 This structure is also present in the inferred distribution P(3e) with around 80% of the sample having 0 <3e ≤ 300 km s-1 and the other 20% distributed in the high-velocity region. The presence of the low-velocity peak is consistent with what has been found in other studies for late O- and early B-type stars. Conclusions. Most of the stars in our sample rotate with a rate less than 20% of their break-up velocity. For the bulk of the sample, mass loss in a stellar wind and/or envelope expansion is not efficient enough to significantly spin down these stars within the first few Myr of evolution. If massive-star formation results in stars rotating at birth with a large portion of their break-up velocities, an alternative braking mechanism, possibly magnetic fields, is thus required to explain the present-day rotational properties of the O-type stars in 30 Dor. The presence of a sizeable population of fast rotators is compatible with recent population synthesis computations that investigate the influence of binary evolution on the rotation rate of massive stars. Even though we have excluded stars that show significant radial velocity variations, our sample may have remained contaminated by post-interaction binary products. That the highvelocity tail may be populated primarily (and perhaps exclusively) by post-binary interaction products has important implications for the evolutionary origin of systems that produce gamma-ray bursts. © 2013 Author(s).


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We analyze four extreme AGN transients to explore the possibility that they are caused by rare, high-amplitude microlensing events. These previously unknown type-I AGN are located in the redshift range 0.6-1.1 and show changes of > 1.5 magnitudes in the g-band on a timescale of ~years. Multi-epoch optical spectroscopy, from the William Herschel Telescope, shows clear differential variability in the broad line fluxes with respect to the continuum changes and also evolution in the line profiles. In two cases a simple point-source, point-lens microlensing model provides an excellent match to the long-term variability seen in these objects. For both models the parameter constraints are consistent with the microlensing being due to an intervening stellar mass object but as yet there is no confirmation of the presence of an intervening galaxy. The models predict a peak amplification of 10.3/13.5 and an Einstein timescale of 7.5/10.8 years respectively. In one case the data also allow constraints on the size of the CIII] emitting region, with some simplifying assumptions, to to be ~1.0-6.5 light-days and a lower limit on the size of the MgII emitting region to be > 9 light-days (half-light radii). This CIII] radius is perhaps surprisingly small. In the remaining two objects there is spectroscopic evidence for an intervening absorber but the extra structure seen in the lightcurves requires a more complex lensing scenario to adequately explain.


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Sensitive detection of pathogens is critical to ensure the safety of food supplies and to prevent bacterial disease infection and outbreak at the first onset. While conventional techniques such as cell culture, ELISA, PCR, etc. have been used as the predominant detection workhorses, they are however limited by either time-consuming procedure, complicated sample pre-treatment, expensive analysis and operation, or inability to be implemented at point-of-care testing. Here, we present our recently developed assay exploiting enzyme-induced aggregation of plasmonic gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) for label-free and ultrasensitive detection of bacterial DNA. In the experiments, AuNPs are first functionalized with specific, single-stranded RNA probes so that they exhibit high stability in solution even under high electrolytic condition thus exhibiting red color. When bacterial DNA is present in a sample, a DNA-RNA heteroduplex will be formed and subsequently prone to the RNase H cleavage on the RNA probe, allowing the DNA to liberate and hybridize with another RNA strand. This continuously happens until all of the RNA strands are cleaved, leaving the nanoparticles ‘unprotected’. The addition of NaCl will cause the ‘unprotected’ nanoparticles to aggregate, initiating a colour change from red to blue. The reaction is performed in a multi-well plate format, and the distinct colour signal can be discriminated by naked eye or simple optical spectroscopy. As a result, bacterial DNA as low as pM could be unambiguously detected, suggesting that the enzyme-induced aggregation of AuNPs assay is very easy to perform and sensitive, it will significantly benefit to development of fast and ultrasensitive methods that can be used for disease detection and diagnosis.


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Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on selvittää hitsien tarkastukseen käytettyjen NDT-menetelmien nykytilannetta. Työssä kerrotaan mitä reaaliaikainen NDT-tarkastus on ja mitä menetelmiä siihen voidaan käyttää. Työn tarkoituksena on antaa lukijalle kokonaiskuva NDT-tarkastuksen nykytilasta ja siinä käytettävistä menetelmistä. Tutkimus suoritettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Kirjallisuuskatsaus on luonteeltaan toteava. Lähteiden etsintä suoritettiin suurimmalta osin Internet-hakuna. NDT-tarkastusmenetelmät voidaan jakaa kahteen pääkategoriaan; pinta- ja volumetrisiin menetelmiin. Kaikki tarkastusmenetelmät eivät sovellu reaaliaikaiseen tarkastukseen. Hitsien tarkastuksessa käytetyimmät reaaliaikaiset menetelmät ovat: ultraäänitarkastus, radiografinen tarkastus, optinen spektroskopia, termografia ja pyörrevirtatarkastus. Kaikilla reaaliaikaisilla menetelmillä on omat vahvuutensa ja heikkoutensa. Työssä esitetään myös CASE-esimerkkejä reaaliaikaisesta hitsien tarkastamisesta.Tärkeimpinä johtopäätöksinä voidaan nähdä se, että hitsien NDT-tarkastuksen onnistuminen on aina hyvin tapauskohtaista ja riippuu useista muuttujista. Tästä syystä tällä hetkellä NDT-tarkastusmenetelmistä ei voi valita parasta kaikkiin käyttökohteisiin sopivaa menetelmää. Monessa prosessissa NDT-tarkastustehokkuutta ei määritä mekaanisen laitteiston mittaustarkkuus, vaan tulosten analysointiin käytettyjen algoritmien tehottomuus. Tutkimuksessa esitetään myös idea hybridi-NDT-tarkastusjärjestelmästä, jolla saataisiin havaittua tehokkaasti sekä pinta-että volumetrisia virheitä.


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Context. The gamma-ray binary LS I +61º303 is a well-established source from centimeter radio up to very high energy (VHE; E > 100 GeV). The broadband emission shows a periodicity of ∼26.5 days, coincident with the orbital period. A longer (super-orbital) period of 1667 ± 8 days was proposed from radio variability and confirmed using optical and high-energy (HE; E ¿ 100 MeV) gamma-ray observations. In this paper, we report on a four-year campaign performed by MAGIC together with archival data concentrating on a search for a long-timescale signature in the VHE emission from LS I +61º303. Aims. We focus on the search for super-orbital modulation of the VHE emission, similar to that observed at other energies, and on the search for correlations between TeV emission and an optical determination of the extension of the circumstellar disk. Methods. A four-year campaign has been carried out using the MAGIC telescopes. The source was observed during the orbital phases when the periodic VHE outbursts have occurred (φ = 0.55 – 0.75, one orbit = 26.496 days). Additionally, we included archival MAGIC observations and data published by the VERITAS collaboration in these studies. For the correlation studies, LS I +61◦303 has also been observed during the orbital phases where sporadic VHE emission had been detected in the past (φ = 0.75 – 1.0). These MAGIC observations were simultaneous with optical spectroscopy from the LIVERPOOL telescope. Results. The TeV flux of the periodical outburst in orbital phases φ = 0.5 – 0.75 was found to show yearly variability consistent with the long-term modulation of ∼4.5 years found in the radio band. This modulation of the TeV flux can be well described by a sine function with a best-fit period of 1610±58 days. The complete data, including archival observations, span two super-orbital periods. There is no evidence for a correlation between the TeV emission and the mass-loss rate of the Be star, but this may be affected by the strong, short-timescale (as short as intra-day) variation displayed by the Hα fluxes.


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This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile and films surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchs, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, the treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min, using oxygen plasma alternating the treatment time 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) which was varied only the gas composition from 0 to 100% leaving the treatment time remaining constant to all treatment (10 min). The plasma treatment was characterized in-situ with Optics Emission Spectroscopy (OES), and the samples was characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Through Capillary tests, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, scanning electronic Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that oxygen treated fabrics presented high wettability, due to the hydrophilic groups incorporation onto the surface formed through spputering of carbon atoms. For the nitrogen atmosphere, there is the a film deposition of amine groups. Treatment with small oxygen concentration in the mixture with nitrogen has a higher spputered species of the samples


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The growing demand for flexible and low-cost electronics has driven research towards the study of novel semiconducting materials to replace traditional semiconductors like silicon and germanium, which are limited by mechanical rigidity and high production cost. Some of the most promising semiconductors in this sense are metal halide perovskites (MHPs), which combine low-cost fabrication and solution processability with exceptional optoelectronic properties like high absorption coefficient, long charge carrier lifetime, and high mobility. These properties, combined with an impressive effort by many research groups around the world, have enabled the fabrication of solar cells with record-breaking efficiencies, and photodetectors with better performance than commercial ones. However, MHP devices are still affected by issues that are hindering their commercialization, such as degradation under humidity and illumination, ion migration, electronic defects, and limited resistance to mechanical stress. The aim of this thesis work is the experimental characterization of these phenomena. We investigated the effects of several factors, such as X-ray irradiation, exposure to environmental gases, and atmosphere during synthesis, on the optoelectronic properties of MHP single crystals. We achieved this by means of optical spectroscopy, electrical measurements, and chemical analyses. We identified the cause of mechanical delamination in MHP/silicon tandem solar cells by atomic force microscopy measurements. We characterized electronic defects and ion migration in MHP single crystals by applying for the first time the photo-induced current transient spectroscopy technique to this class of materials. This research allowed to gain insight into both intrinsic defects, like ion migration and electron trapping, and extrinsic defects, induced by X-ray irradiation, mechanical stress, and exposure to humidity. This research paves the way to the development of methods that heal and passivate these defects, enabling improved performance and stability of MHP optoelectronic devices.


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EuTe possesses the centrosymmetric crystal structure m3m of rocksalt type in which the second-harmonic generation is forbidden in electric dipole approximation but the third-harmonic generation (THG) is allowed. We studied the THG spectra of this material and observed several resonances in the vicinity of the band gap at 2.2-2.5 eV and at higher energies up to 4 eV, which are related to four-photon THG processes. The observed resonances are assigned to specific combinations of electronic transitions between the ground 4f(7) state at the top of the valence band and excited 4f(6)5d(1) states of Eu(2+) ions, which form the lowest energy conduction band. Temperature, magnetic field, and rotational anisotropy studies allowed us to distinguish crystallographic and magnetic-field-induced contributions to the THG. A strong modification of THG intensity for the 2.4 eV band and suppression of the THG for the 3.15 eV band was observed in applied magnetic field. Two main features of the THG spectra were assigned to 5d(t(2g)) and 5d(e(g)) subbands at 2.4 eV and 3.15 eV, respectively. A microscopic quantum-mechanical model of the THG response was developed and its conclusions are in qualitative agreement with the experimental results.