124 resultados para Oogenesis


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It is a long-standing proposal that localization of maternal factors in eggs can provide the basis for pattern formation in the early embryo. The localized information can be stored as RNA, one example being Vg1 RNA, which is localized exclusively to the vegetal hemisphere of Xenopus oocytes and eggs. Localization of Vg1 mRNA is directed by a 340-nt sequence element contained within its 3′ untranslated region. To understand the mechanism of localization, I have tested whether factors from the oocyte interact specifically with the RNA localization sequence. Results presented here show that a set of oocyte proteins form complexes with the localization element both in vitro and in vivo. These proteins are specifically enriched in the stages of oogenesis during which localization occurs and recognize sub-elements of the RNA localization element that are essential for localization in vivo. These data suggest that formation of a localization-specific RNA–protein complex may be the first step in directing Vg1 mRNA to its subcellular destination.


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Vg1, a member of the transforming growth factor-β family involved in mesoderm induction, is translated subsequent to the localization of its mRNA to the vegetal pole of Xenopus oocytes. Whereas the localization of Vg1 mRNA is known to be directed by the 3′ untranslated region (UTR), the basis of its translational regulation is unknown. We show here that the 3′ UTR of Vg1 causes translational repression of two different reporter mRNAs in Xenopus oocytes. A 350-nucleotide region of the 3′ UTR, which is distinct from the localization element, is necessary and sufficient for mediating translational repression and specifically binds to a 38-kDa polypeptide. The translational repression activity is found throughout the oocyte and at all stages of oogenesis. These results suggest that factors colocalized with Vg1 mRNA at the vegetal pole relieve translational repression to allow expression of Vg1 protein.


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Caenorhabditis elegans is an ideal organism for the study of the molecular basis of fundamental biological processes such as germ-line development, especially because of availability of the whole genome sequence and applicability of the RNA interference (RNAi) technique. To identify genes involved in germ-line development, we produced subtracted cDNA pools either enriched for or deprived of the cDNAs from germ-line tissues. We then performed differential hybridization on the high-density cDNA grid, on which about 7,600 nonoverlapping expressed sequence tag (EST) clones were spotted, to identify a set of genes specifically expressed in the germ line. One hundred and sixty-eight clones were then tested with the RNAi technique. Of these, 15 clones showed sterility with a variety of defects in germ-line development. Seven of them led to the production of unfertilized eggs, because of defects in spermatogenesis (4 clones), or defects in the oocytes (3 clones). The other 8 clones led to failure of oogenesis. These failures were caused by germ-line proliferation defect (Glp phenotype), meiotic arrest, and defects in sperm–oocyte switch (Mog phenotype) among others. These results demonstrate the efficacy of the screening strategy using the EST library combined with the RNAi technique in C. elegans.


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Mammalian eggs are surrounded by a thick extracellular coat, the zona pellucida, that plays important roles during early development. The mouse egg zona pellucida is constructed of three glycoproteins, called mZP1, mZP2, and mZP3. The gene encoding mZP3 is expressed only by growing oocytes during a 2- to 3-week period of oogenesis. Here, the mZP3 gene was disrupted by targeted mutagenesis using homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells. Viable female mice homozygous for the mutated mZP3 allele (mZP3-/-) were obtained. These mice are indistinguishable in appearance from wild-type (mZP3+/+) and heterozygous (mZP3+/-) littermates. However, although ovaries of juvenile and adult mZP3-/- females possess growing and fully grown oocytes, the oocytes completely lack a zona pellucida. Consistent with this observation, eggs recovered from oviducts of superovulated, adult mZP3-/- females also lack a zona pellucida. Thus far, mZP3-/- females mated with wild-type males have failed to become pregnant.


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During Drosophila development, nuclear and cell divisions are coordinated in response to developmental signals. In yeast and mammalian cells, signals that control cell division regulate the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) through proteins such as cyclins that interact with the Cdks. Here we describe two Drosophila cyclins identified from a set of Cdk-interacting proteins. One, cyclin J, is of a distinctive sequence type; its exclusive maternal expression pattern suggests that it may regulate oogenesis or the early nuclear divisions of embryogenesis. The other belongs to the D class of cyclins, previously identified in mammalian cells. We show that Drosophila cyclin D is expressed in early embryos and in imaginal disc cells in a pattern that anticipates cell divisions. Expression in the developing eye disc at the anterior edge of the morphogenetic furrow suggests that cyclin D acts early, prior to cyclin E, in inducing G1-arrested cells to enter S phase. Our results also suggest that, although cyclin D may be necessary, its expression alone is not sufficient to initiate the events leading to S phase.


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Germ cells in the mouse embryo can develop as oocytes or spermatogonia, depending on molecular cues that have not been identified. We found that retinoic acid, produced by mesonephroi of both sexes, causes germ cells in the ovary to enter meiosis and inititate oogenesis. Meiosis is retarded in the fetal testis by the action of the retinoid-degrading enzyme CYP26B1, ultimately leading to spermatogenesis. In testes of Cyp26b1-knockout mouse embryos, germ cells enter meiosis precociously, as if in a normal ovary. Thus, precise regulation of retinoid levels during fetal gonad development provides the molecular control mechanism that specifies germ cell fate.


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An investigation was made into the nature and control of the annual reproductive cycle of the dace, Leuciscus leuciscus. It includes 1) a study of the natural reproductive cycle, 2) the use of Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) to induce final maturation and ovulation in captive fish, 3) the effect of artificial light treatments on ovarian development and 4) the measurement of serum melatonin levels under different photoperiod regimes. Ovarian development was monitored by endocrinological data, notably serum cycles of 17-oestradiol (E2), testosterone (T), and calcium (as an index of vitellogenin), oocyte diameter, the gonadosomatic index and histological studies of the ovary. Under natural conditions, ovarian development can broadly be divided into 4 stages: 1) oogenesis which occurs immediately after spawning; 2) a primary growth phase (previtellogenic growth) prevalent between spawning and June; 3) a secondary growth phase (yolk vesicle plus vitellogenic growth) occurring between June and December and 4) final maturation and ovulation which occurs in mid-March. During the annual ovarian cycle, the sex steroids E2 and T showed two clear elevations. The first occurred initially in April followed by a rise in serum calcium levels. This subsequently initiated the appearance of yolk granules in the oocytes in June. The second rise occurred in September and levels were maintained until December, after which there was a decline in serum E2 levels. It is proposed that in the dace, high serum E2 levels between September and December were required to maintain vitellogenin production and therefore its uptake into the developing oocytes which occurred during this time, albeit at a slower rate than in the summer months. After December, prior to final maturation, whereas serum E2 and calcium levels declined, serum T levels remained elevated. In captivity, final maturation beyond the germinal vesicle migration stage failed to occur suggesting that the stimuli required for these events were absent. However ovulation could be induced by a single injection of CPE, which induced ovulation between 6 and 14 hours after treatment. Endocrine events associated with the artificial induction of spawning included a rise in serum levels of E2, T and the maturation inducing steroid 1720-dihydroxy progesterone. Photoperiodic manipulation demonstrated that whereas short or increasing daylengths were stimulatory to ovarian development, long days delayed development. Changes from long to short and constant short daylengths early in the reproductive cycle advanced maturation (up to 5 months), suggesting that the stimulus for ovarian development and maturation was a short day. However, experiments conducted later in the reproductive cycle demonstrated that only a simulated ambient photoperiod could induce final maturation. It is proposed therefore that under natural conditions the environmental stimulus for ovarian development and final maturation are short and increasing daylengths respectively. Further support that photoperiod is the dominant timing cue in this species was provided by the pattern of serum melatonin levels. Under different photoperiod treatments, serum melatonin, which is believed to be the chemical transducer of photoperiodic information (similar to other photoperiodic species) was elevated for the duration of the dark phase, indicating that the dace at least has the ability to `measure' changes in daylength.


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Juvenile hormone (JH) is crucial for the stimulation and progression of oogenesis from emergence to the previtellogenic resting stage in female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Juvenile hormone has been suggested to be among the many substances transferred form the male accessory glands to the female during copulation but no evidence for this has previously been provided. Quantification of JH III in the accessory glands of males and in the bursae copulatrix and spermathecae of mated females was performed using HPLC-FD. These amounts were measured in relation to the quality of adult sugar feeding in the male. The effect of this variable transfer was measured on two fecundity markers that occur during the previtellogenic stage of oogenesis, specifically follicular resorption and ovarian lipids. Male mosquitoes provided with 20% sucrose contained ~ 60% greater amount of JH in the accessory glands and transferred 4 fmol more JH during copulation than males provided with 3% sucrose. These differences resulted in a nearly 40% reduction in follicular resorption and an approximate 3-fold increase in lipid content in the ovaries of mated females during the previtellogenic stage. These results suggest that the contribution of JH from the male is dependent on the quality of nutrition obtained during adult sugar feeding. Female fecundity is likely responsive to these variable previtellogenic effects, possibly resulting in a difference in the number of eggs laid. Improvements in female reproductive output may have wider implications in the transmission of diseases attributed to this important arbovirus vector.


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Wolbachia pipientis are bacterial endosymbionts of arthropods and in some filarial nematodes. Wolbachia are of particular interest because nematodeWolbachia have been shown to cause the diseases African river blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis. Doxycycline can be used to eliminate nematode Wolbachia, however, more efficient treatments are needed. Ideally, we would like to repurpose another FDA approved drug that helps to shorten treatment duration. Vitamins are one of the best classes of FDA approved compounds, generally recognized as safe. Interestingly, prior work by Serbus and colleagues found that dietary yeast, which is highly enriched in vitamins, dramatically reducesWolbachia titer in Drosophila melanogaster ovarian tissue. Imaging data indicated that the Wolbachia nucleoids were disrupted in response to yeast. This raised the possibility that yeast cells contain a bio-reactive, anti-Wolbachiacompound. Our close examination of yeast nutritional information identified which vitamins are most highly enriched in yeast. We then administered several of these to D. melanogaster, and saw that two of these led to reduced ovarianWolbachia titers, analogous to yeast-fed flies. This was especially interesting, as both vitamins are critical for functioning of the same biochemical pathway. We used retested effect of one of these vitamins in oogenesis by performing a dilution series, and achieved positive correlation from this dilution series. This opens up the avenue for clarifying the mechanism of how vitamins suppressWolbachia titer, and for testing enhancement of Doxycycline, to hopefully provide faster, more affordable treatment for millions of patients.


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Wolbachia pipientis are bacterial endosymbionts of arthropods and in some filarial nematodes. Wolbachia are of particular interest because nematodeWolbachia have been shown to cause the diseases African river blindness and Lymphatic Filariasis. Doxycycline can be used to eliminate nematode Wolbachia, however, more efficient treatments are needed. Ideally, we would like to repurpose another FDA approved drug that helps to shorten treatment duration. Vitamins are one of the best classes of FDA approved compounds, generally recognized as safe. Interestingly, prior work by Serbus and colleagues found that dietary yeast, which is highly enriched in vitamins, dramatically reducesWolbachia titer in Drosophila melanogaster ovarian tissue. Imaging data indicated that the Wolbachia nucleoids were disrupted in response to yeast. This raised the possibility that yeast cells contain a bio-reactive, anti-Wolbachiacompound. Our close examination of yeast nutritional information identified which vitamins are most highly enriched in yeast. We then administered several of these to D. melanogaster, and saw that two of these led to reduced ovarianWolbachia titers, analogous to yeast-fed flies. This was especially interesting, as both vitamins are critical for functioning of the same biochemical pathway. We used retested effect of one of these vitamins in oogenesis by performing a dilution series, and achieved positive correlation from this dilution series. This opens up the avenue for clarifying the mechanism of how vitamins suppressWolbachia titer, and for testing enhancement of Doxycycline, to hopefully provide faster, more affordable treatment for millions of patients.


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mRNA localization is emerging as a critical cellular mechanism for the spatiotemporal regulation of protein expression and serves important roles in oogenesis, embryogenesis, cell fate specification, and synapse formation. Signal sequence-encoding mRNAs are localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane by either of two mechanisms, a canonical mechanism of translation on ER-bound ribosomes (signal recognition particle pathway), or a poorly understood direct ER anchoring mechanism. In this study, we identify that the ER integral membrane proteins function as RNA-binding proteins and play important roles in the direct mRNA anchoring to the ER. We report that one of the ER integral membrane RNA-binding protein, AEG-1 (astrocyte elevated gene-1), functions in the direct ER anchoring and translational regulation of mRNAs encoding endomembrane transmembrane proteins. HITS-CLIP and PAR-CLIP analyses of the AEG-1 mRNA interactome of human hepatocellular carcinoma cells revealed a high enrichment for mRNAs encoding endomembrane organelle proteins, most notably encoding transmembrane proteins. AEG-1 binding sites were highly enriched in the coding sequence and displayed a signature cluster enrichment downstream of encoded transmembrane domains. In overexpression and knockdown models, AEG-1 expression markedly regulates translational efficiency and protein functions of two of its bound transcripts, MDR1 and NPC1. This study reveals a molecular mechanism for the selective localization of mRNAs to the ER and identifies a novel post-transcriptional gene regulation function for AEG-1 in membrane protein expression.


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Schistosomes ingest host erythrocytes, liberating large quantities of haem. Despite its toxicity, haem is an essential factor for numerous biological reactions, and may be an important iron source for these helminths. We used a fluorescence haem analogue, palladium mesoporphyrin, to investigate pathways of haem acquisition, and showed that palladium mesoporphyrin accumulates in the vitellaria (eggshell precursor glands) and ovary of female Schistosoma mansoni. Furthermore, incubation of adult females in 10-100 μm cyclosporin A (IC50 = 2.3 μm) inhibits the uptake of palladium mesoporphyrin to these tissues, with tenfold reductions in fluorescence intensity of the ovary. In vitro exposure to cyclosporin A resulted in significant perturbation of egg production, reducing egg output from 34 eggs per female to 5.7 eggs per female over the incubation period, and retardation of egg development. We characterized a S. mansoni homologue of the haem-responsive genes of Caenorhabditis elegans. The gene (Smhrg-1) encodes a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 17 kDa. SmHRG-1 was able to rescue growth in haem transport-deficient HEM1Δ yeast. Transcriptional suppression of Smhrg-1 in adult S. mansoni worms resulted in significant delay in egg maturation, with 47% of eggs from transcriptionally suppressed worms being identified as immature compared with only 27% of eggs laid by control worms treated with firefly luciferase. Our findings indicate the presence of transmembrane haem transporters in schistosomes, with a high abundance of these molecules being present in tissues involved in oogenesis.


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Oocytes are arrested for long periods of time in the prophase of the first meiotic division (prophase I). As chromosome condensation poses significant constraints to gene expression, the mechanisms regulating transcriptional activity in the prophase I-arrested oocyte are still not entirely understood. We hypothesized that gene expression during the prophase I arrest is primarily epigenetically regulated. Here we comprehensively define the Drosophila female germ line epigenome throughout oogenesis and show that the oocyte has a unique, dynamic and remarkably diversified epigenome characterized by the presence of both euchromatic and heterochromatic marks. We observed that the perturbation of the oocyte's epigenome in early oogenesis, through depletion of the dKDM5 histone demethylase, results in the temporal deregulation of meiotic transcription and affects female fertility. Taken together, our results indicate that the early programming of the oocyte epigenome primes meiotic chromatin for subsequent functions in late prophase I.


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Retinitis pigmentosa 2 (RP2) gene is responsible for up to 20% of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa, a severe heterogeneous genetic disorder resulting in progressive retinal degeneration in humans. In vertebrates, several bodies of evidence have clearly established the role of Rp2 protein in cilia genesis and/or function. Unexpectedly, some observations in zebrafish have suggested the oocyte-predominant expression of the rp2 gene, a typical feature of maternal-effect genes. In the present study, we investigate the maternal inheritance of rp2 gene products in zebrafish eggs in order to address whether rp2 could be a novel maternal-effect gene required for normal development. Although both rp2 mRNA and corresponding protein are expressed during oogenesis, rp2 mRNA is maternally inherited, in contrast to Rp2 protein. A knockdown of the protein transcribed from both rp2 maternal and zygotic mRNA results in delayed epiboly and severe developmental defects, including eye malformations, that were not observed when only the protein from zygotic origin was knocked down. Moreover, the knockdown of maternal and zygotic Rp2 revealed a high incidence of left-right asymmetry establishment defects compared to only zygotic knockdown. Here we show that rp2 is a novel maternal-effect gene exclusively expressed in oocytes within the zebrafish ovary and demonstrate that maternal rp2 mRNA is essential for successful embryonic development and thus contributes to egg developmental competence. Our observations also reveal that Rp2 protein translated from maternal mRNA is important to allow normal heart loop formation, thus providing evidence of a direct maternal contribution to left-right asymmetry establishment.