971 resultados para Ontogenetic morphological variation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A taxonomic survey of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia H. Peragallo was carried out in the Parana and Santa Catarina coasts, Southern Brazil. Samples were taken in various localities along the coastline using vertical hauls from the bottom to the surface. Electron microscopy revealed five species: the potentially toxic P. australis Frenguelli, P calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup & Has le, P multiseries (Has le) Has le and P pungens (Grunow ex Cleve) Has le (plus P pungens var. cingulata Villac), and the non-toxic P linea Lundholm, Has le & G. A. Fryxell. Southern Brazilian strains of P. calliantha and P multiseries have previously been shown to be toxic, raising concerns about a potential contamination of mussels and oysters being commercially grounded in the region. High morphological variability was observed in valve characters of P calliantha and P pungens, in some cases confirmed in the literature. In P calliantha there was a conspicuous differentiation in two morphotypes separated from each other by the width and the shape of the valve, and the density of the poroids. P linea has not previously been found in Brazilian waters, and P pungens var. cingulata is a new record in Western Atlantic waters. Future investigations using molecular techniques will elucidate whether the genetic variability corresponds to the morphological variation and unveil the possible existence of semicryptic species of Pseudo-nitzschia inhabiting the South Brazilian coast.


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The allometric growth of two groups of Nassarius vibex on beds of the bivalve Mytella charruana on the northern coast of the State of Sao Paulo, was evaluated between September 2006 and February 2007 in the bed on Camaroeiro Beach, and from March 2007 to June 2007 at Cidade Beach. The shells from Camaroeiro were longer and wider and had a smaller shell aperture than those from Cidade; a principal components analysis also confirmed different morphometric patterns between the areas. The allometric growth of the two groups showed great variation in the development of individuals. The increase of shell width and height in relation to shell length did not differ between the two areas. Shell aperture showed a contrasting growth pattern, with individuals from Camaroeiro having smaller apertures. The methodology based on Kullback-Leibler information theory and the multi-model inference showed, for N. vibex, that the classic linear allometric growth was not the most suitable explanation for the observed morphometric relationships. The patterns of relative growth observed in the two groups of N. vibex may be a consequence of different growth and variation rates, which modifies the development of the individuals. Other factors such as food resource availability and environmental parameters, which might also differ between the two areas, should also be considered.


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We describe and illustrate Paepalanthus sphaeroides (Eriocaulaceae, Paepalanthoideae) from the Mantiqueira Range in South-eastern Brazil and compare it with the morphologically most similar species: Paepalanthus aequalis and Paepalanthus eriophaeus. Paepalanthus sphaeroides has unique membranaceous sheaths tightly adpressed to the scapes, patent involucral bracts slightly surpassing the capitula, and sepals of the staminate flowers fused from the base to the middle as distinctive characteristics. Comments on morphological variation, geographical distribution, ecology, conservation status, as well as a distribution map, line drawings, and photos are provided.


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We describe and illustrate the new species Comanthera brunnea (Eriocaulaceae: Paepalanthoideae). This species is endemic to the sandy fields of the campos rupestres of the northeastern Espinha double dagger o range in Minas Gerais, Brazil. We compare it with Comanthera suberosa, the morphologically most similar species, and with C. brasiliana, which also has similar features. The morphological variation, habitat, geographic distribution, and conservation status of this new species are discussed.


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The evolution of elongated body shapes in vertebrates has intrigued biologists for decades and is particularly recurrent among squamates. Several aspects might explain how the environment influences the evolution of body elongation, but climate needs to be incorporated in this scenario to evaluate how it contributes to morphological evolution. Climatic parameters include temperature and precipitation, two variables that likely influence environmental characteristics, including soil texture and substrate coverage, which may define the selective pressures acting during the evolution of morphology. Due to development of geographic information system (GIS) techniques, these variables can now be included in evolutionary biology studies and were used in the present study to test for associations between variation in body shape and climate in the tropical lizard family Gymnophthalmidae. We first investigated how the morphological traits that define body shape are correlated in these lizards and then tested for associations between a descriptor of body elongation and climate. Our analyses revealed that the evolution of body elongation in Gymnophthalmidae involved concomitant changes in different morphological traits: trunk elongation was coupled with limb shortening and a reduction in body diameter, and the gradual variation along this axis was illustrated by less-elongated morphologies exhibiting shorter trunks and longer limbs. The variation identified in Gymnophthalmidae body shape was associated with climate, with the species from more arid environments usually being more elongated. Aridity is associated with high temperatures and low precipitation, which affect additional environmental features, including the habitat structure. This feature may influence the evolution of body shape because contrasting environments likely impose distinct demands for organismal performance in several activities, such as locomotion and thermoregulation. The present study establishes a connection between morphology and a broader natural component, climate, and introduces new questions about the spatial distribution of morphological variation among squamates.


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The Characiformes are distributed throughout large portions of the freshwaters of Africa and America. About 90% of the almost 2000 characiform species inhabit the American rivers, with their greatest diversity occurring in the Neotropical region. As in most other groups of fishes, the current knowledge about characiform myology is extremely poor. This study presents the results of a survey of the mandibular, hyopalatine, and opercular musculature of 65 species representing all the 18 traditionally recognized characiform families, including the 14 subfamilies and several genera incertae sedis of the Characidae, the most speciose family of the order. The morphological variation of these muscles across the order is documented in detail and the homologies of the characiform adductor mandibulae divisions are clarified. Accordingly, the mistaken nomenclature previously applied to these divisions in some characiform taxa is herein corrected. Contradicting some previous studies, we found that none of the examined characiforms lacks an A3 section of the adductor mandibulae, but instead some taxa have an A3 continuous with A2. Derived myological features are identified as new putative synapomorphies for: the Characoidei; the clade composed of the Alestidae, Characidae, Gasteropelecidae, Cynodontoidea, and Erythrinoidea; the clade Cynodontoidea plus Erythrinoidea; the clade formed by Ctenoluciidae and Erythrinidae; the Serrasalminae; and the Triportheinae. Additionally, new myological data seems to indicate that the Agoniatinae might be more closely related to cynodontoids and erythrinoids than to other characids. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Recent studies of the large cheilostome bryozoan genus Scrupocellaria have shown a greater degree of taxonomically informative morphological variation in zooids, opesia, and polymorphic structures than previously recognized. Only one subgenus has been named within the genus, Retiscrupocellaria d'Hondt, 1988, erected for Scrupocellaria jolloisii. In this work we further analyse S. jolloisii and its related species, resurrecting an earlier genus name, Licornia van Beneden, 1850 for Licornia jolloisii, and nine relatives, L. annectens, L. cervicornis, L. cyclostoma, L. diadema, L. ferox, L. gaspari, L. longispinosa, L. macropora, and L. prolata. Licornia jolloisii was originally described from the Red Sea, and most species of the genus occur in the Indo-Pacific region. The species, however, has now been found in the Western Atlantic, in the Florida Keys, US, and in Bahia de Todos Santos, Brazil.


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Alle Doldengewächse (Apiaceae), darunter die größte, weltweit verbreitete Unterfamilie der Apioideen, weisen in ihren Blütenständen sehr einheitliche Merkmale auf. Die ‚Doppeldolden´ werden aus kleinen, weißen oder gelben Blüten gebildet und von vielen unspezialisierten Insekten besucht. Der uniforme Eindruck, der damit erweckt wird, ist unter Umständen ein Grund, dass die zugrundeliegende Morphologie bislang wenig untersucht wurde. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Dissertation ist es daher, die ‚verborgene Diversität´ im Blütenstandsbereich der Apiaceae -Apioideen mit dem Ziel darzustellen, den Einfluss der Architektur der Pflanzen auf die Art der Blütenpräsentation in Raum und Zeit und damit auf das Reproduktionssystem der Art zu ermitteln. Im ersten Kapitel zeigt der Vergleich von neun ausgewählten Arten, dass in den selbstfertilen und unspezifisch bestäubten Pflanzen durch Synchronisation und Rhythmik in der Präsentation von Blüten Fremdbefruchtung gefördert wird. Entweder durchlaufen die Pflanzen dabei nur eine getrennte männliche und weibliche Blühphase (Xanthoselinum alsaticum) oder der moduläre Bau der Pflanzen führt zu einer Folge männlicher und weiblicher Blühphasen (multizyklische Dichogamie). Die Diözie in Trinia glauca kann in diesem Zusammenhang als eine Trennung der Blühphasen auf verschiedengeschlechtliche Individuen gesehen werden. Für die andromonözischen Arten wird gezeigt, dass der Anteil funktional männlicher Blüten mit steigender Doldenordnung nicht einheitlich zu- oder abnimmt. Dadurch fungieren die Pflanzen zu verschiedenen Zeiten und mit unterschiedlicher Stärke eher als Pollenrezeptoren oder Pollendonatoren. Es wird deutlich, dass das ‚uniforme Muster‘ der Apioideen mit Dolden verschiedener Ordnungen, dichogamen Blüten und deren diversen Geschlechtsausbildungen ein komplexes Raum-Zeit-Gefüge zur Optimierung des Reproduktionssystems darstellt. Das zweite Kapitel stellt die Ergebnisse von Manipulationsexperimenten (Handbestäubung, Bestäuberabschirmung, Entfernen von Dolden niedriger Ordnung) an Chaerophyllum bulbosum dar, die zeigen, dass das Raum-Zeit-Gefüge in der Präsentation der Blüten der Art erlaubt, flexibel auf Umwelteinflüsse zu reagieren. Es stellt sich heraus, dass mechanische Beschädigungen kaum Einfluss auf den Andromonöziegrad und prozentualen Fruchtansatz der Individuen nehmen. Grundvoraussetzung der Reaktionsfähigkeit ist wiederum deren modulärer Bau. Dieser erlaubt es den Pflanzen, zusammen mit dem andromonöziebedingten Reservoir an - geschlechtlich flexiblen - männlichen Blüten, in den später angelegten Dolden fehlenden Fruchtansatz der Blüten früh blühender Dolden zu kompensieren. Im dritten Kapitel wird eine vergleichende Merkmalsanalyse an 255 Apioideen-Arten vorgelegt, die alle Verwandtschaftskreise, Wuchsformen und Verbreitungsgebiete der Gruppe repräsentieren. Ziel der Analyse war die Identifizierung von Merkmalssyndromen, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Architektur und Reproduktionssystem verdeutlichen sollten. Interessanterweise sind die einzigen Merkmale, die miteinander einhergehen, Protogynie und die graduelle Abnahme männlicher Blüten mit steigender Doldenordnung. Alle anderen Merkmale variieren unabhängig voneinander und erzeugen auf vielen verschiedenen Wegen immer wieder das gleiche Funktionsmuster, das als ‚breeding syndrome‘ der Apioideae gedeutet werden kann. Die Arbeit leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Blütenstände der Apiaceen und darüber hinaus zu morphologischer Variation in ‚unspezialisierten‘ Reproduktionssystemen. Offensichtlich liegt in den Apioideen der Selektionsdruck auf der Aufrechterhaltung der generalisistischen Bestäubung und überprägt alle morphologisch-phylogenetischen Merkmalsvarianten.


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European annual species of the genus Rhinanthus often exhibit seasonal ecotypic variation, a phenomenon also known from related genera of hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae. Populations with different flowering times exist, correlated with differences in a number of morphological characters. The present study evaluates the correlation of morphological characters and genetic differentiation of populations of Rhinanthus alectorolophus. Thirty-nine populations of three different subspecies from southwestern Germany were sampled. A total of 798 individuals were used for morphological analyses and 187 of these for AFLP analyses. Principal component analysis showed that morphological variation is mostly continuous. In a discriminant analysis based on morphological characters, only 89.7 % of all individuals were correctly assigned to their previously determined subspecies, indicating that subspecies identification is ambiguous for some populations. Using AFLP data and Bayesian assignment analysis, the sampled individuals could be grouped in three genetic clusters which do not correspond to the three subspecies. Instead, the clustering shows a clear geographic pattern and a Mantel test likewise revealed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances. Correlations of genetic distances with differences in morphological characters were weak and mostly insignificant. The results indicate that the subspecies of R. alectorolophus do not form discrete entities and that the character combinations distinguishing them are homoplastic.


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The relationships among animal form, function and performance are complex, and vary across environments. Therefore, it can be difficult to identify morphological and/or physiological traits responsible for enhancing performance in a given habitat. In fishes, differences in swimming performance across water flow gradients are related to morphological variation among and within species. However, physiological traits related to performance have been less well studied. We experimentally reared juvenile damselfish, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, under different water flow regimes to test 1) whether aspects of swimming physiology and morphology show plastic responses to water flow, 2) whether trait divergence correlates with swimming performance and 3) whether flow environment relates to performance differences observed in wild fish. We found that maximum metabolic rate, aerobic scope and blood haematocrit were higher in wave-reared fish compared to fish reared in low water flow. However, pectoral fin shape, which tends to correlate with sustained swimming performance, did not differ between rearing treatments or collection sites. Maximum metabolic rate was the best overall predictor of individual swimming performance; fin shape and fish total length were 3.3 and 3.7 times less likely than maximum metabolic rate to explain differences in critical swimming speed. Performance differences induced in fish reared in different flow environments were less pronounced than in wild fish but similar in direction. Our results suggest that exposure to water motion induces plastic physiological changes which enhance swimming performance in A. polyacanthus. Thus, functional relationships between fish morphology and performance across flow habitats should also consider differences in physiology.


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Elymus scabrifolius es una gramínea perenne nativa de Sudamérica con gran potencial como recurso forrajero para ambientes con limitantes edáficas. En el presente trabajo se analizó la utilización de caracteres morfológicos y marcadores moleculares AFLP para la identificación genotípica de seis accesiones, un cultivar comercial y siete híbridos artificiales de esta especie. Ambos tipos de marcadores permitieron diferenciar a los materiales analizados en los respectivos dendrogramas, aunque las relaciones entre materiales variaron según el tipo de marcador. El Análisis de Componentes Principales permitió identificar las variables más relevantes para la diferenciación morfológica. Los híbridos se diferenciaron morfológicamente de ambos parentales, excepto un híbrido que se agrupó con su material paterno. Aunque en el análisis de los marcadores AFLP los híbridos se agruparon con uno de sus parentales, se pudo corroborar su origen híbrido mediante el registro de bandas paternas y polimórficas entre parentales. Se concluye que las metodologías empleadas para caracterizar los materiales analizados de E. scabrifolius serían de gran utilidad para el manejo eficiente de colecciones de germoplasma como así también para su utilización en programas de mejoramiento genético.


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The chemical composition of shells of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber (white) is frequently used to determine past sea surface conditions. Recently, it has been shown that arbitrarily defined morphotypes within this species exhibit different chemical and isotopic signatures. Here, we investigate the occurrence through time and in space of morphological types of G. ruber (white) in late Quaternary and Holocene sediments of the central and the eastern Mediterranean Sea. In 115 samples representing two distinct time intervals (MIS 1-2 and MIS 9-12) at ODP Site 964 and the piston core GeoTü-SL96, we have defined three morphological types within this species and determined their relative abundances and stable isotopic composition. A quantitative analysis of morphological variation within G. ruber (white) in four samples revealed that the subjectively defined morphotypes occupy separate segments of a continuous and homogenous morphospace. We further show that the abundance of the morphotypes changes significantly between glacials and interglacials and that the three morphotypes of G. ruber show significant offsets in their stable isotopic composition. These offsets are consistent within glacial and interglacial stages but their sign is systematically reversed between the two Sites. Since the isotopic shifts among the three G. ruber morphotypes are systematic and often exceed 1per mil, their understanding is essential for the interpretation of all G. ruber-based proxy records for the paleoceanographic development of the Mediterranean during the late Quaternary.