971 resultados para One-person dwellings


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On 5 October 2015 the inquest into Connor Sparrowhawk’s death began. A young autistic man, aged 18, died in the bath on 4 July 2013. He had a seizure. The rolling tweets from @LBInquest are harrowing to say the least. Unimaginable torture for Sara and Richard (his mother and step-father), as well as his siblings and others caring. Comments from the inquest such as ‘I felt that Connor should be checked on every 5 or 10 minutes when he was in the bath because of his epilepsy’ and ‘ensuring someone was outside the door when he was bathing was basic nursing care’ sound all the alarm bells for lack of care, because allegedly this did not happen. Clearly there was no one person looking out for him when he needed it the most. On 16 October 2015 the inquest jury found Connor’s death was contributed by neglect. This article will explore the absence of care in a care-less system.


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A new axiomatization of the Nash equilibrium correspondence for n-person games based on independence of irrelevant strategies is given. Using a flexible general model, it is proved that the Nash equilibrium correspondence is the only solution to satisfy the axioms of non-emptiness, weak one-person rationality, independence of irrelevant strategies and converse independence of irrelevant strategies on the class of subgames of a fixed finite n-person game which admit at least one Nash equilibrium. It is also shown that these axioms are logically independent.


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The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand what impact “heteronormativity” has on a lesbian teacher's perception of her instructional style, content, and context of curriculum taught. Through taped interviews with lesbian educators, this research examined the lived experience of the lesbian teacher. The framework for this study included theories related to historical, sociocultural, and psychosocial development while the methodology included a qualitative design using primary elements of a phenomenological study outlined without ignoring the influence associated with contextualism. Due to the sensitive nature of the study nine women who were the focus of this research were volunteers with the first serving as a “gatekeeper” to assist in the pilot study. The subsequent group evolved as a result of “snowballing” to gain more participants. ^ The data in the form of narrative derived from the interviews was transcribed, color-coded, and organized into four themes and associated sub-themes, based upon the perceptions of these educators. These themes characterized the coming out process of a lesbian, which directly paralleled the personal and professional development of the lesbian educator, emerged as a result of the analysis. They included: (a) self-acknowledgement; (b) self-indentification; (c) coming out to other lesbians by overcoming fear and establishing relationships; (d) coming out to others by overcoming heteronormativity by using support groups in defining a lesbian's role as a teacher. ^ The results of this study showed that the acceptance of the lesbian culture, shared with the acknowledgement, rather than compliance or defiance, of cultural hegemony can allow the lesbian educator to develop a curriculum and a classroom climate that will foster understanding and even generate social change among colleagues, parents, and students, one person at a time. ^


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This thesis would not have been possible without the aid of my family, friends, laboratory members, and professors. First and foremost, I would like to thank Dr. Kalai Mathee for allowing me to enter her lab in August 2007 and enabling to embark on this journey. This experience has transformed me into more mature scientist, teaching me how to ask the right questions and the process needed to solve them. I would also like to acknowledge Dr. Lisa Schneper. She has helped me throughout the whole process, by graciously giving me input at every step of the way. I would like to express gratitude to Dr. Jennifer Richards for all her input in writing the thesis. She has been a great teacher and being in her class has been a pleasure. Moreover, I would like to thank all the committee members for their constructive criticism throughout the process. When I entered the lab in August, there was one person who literally was by my side, Melissa Doud. Without your input and guidance I would not have even been able to do these experiments. I would also like to thank you and Dr. Light for allowing me to meet some cystic fibrosis patients. It has allowed me to put a face on the disease, and help the patients' fight. For a period before I had entered the lab, Ms. Doud had an apprentice, who started the fungal aspect of the project, Caroline Veronese. Her initial work has enabled me to prefect the protocols and complete the ITS 1 region.One very unique aspect about Dr. Mathee's lab is the camaraderie. I would like to thank all the lab members for the good times in and out of the lab. These individuals have been able to make smile and laugh in parties and lab meetings. I would like to individually thank Balachandar Dananjeyan, Deepak Balasubramanian, and V arinderpal Singh Pannu for all the PCR help and Natalie Maricic for the laughs and being a great classmate. Last, but not least, I would like to acknowledge my family and friends for their support and keeping me sane: Cecilia, my mother, Mohammad, my father, Amir, my older brother, Billal, my younger brother, Ouday Akkari and Stephanie De Bedout, my best friends.


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During group meetings it is often difficult for participants to effectively: share their knowledge to inform the outcome; acquire new knowledge from others to broaden and/or deepen their understanding; utilise all available knowledge to design an outcome; and record (to retain) the rationale behind the outcome to inform future activities. These are difficult because, for example: only one person can share knowledge at once which challenges effective sharing; information overload makes acquisition problematic and can marginalize important knowledge; and intense dialog of conflicting views makes recording more complex.


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The ability for the citizens of a nation to determine their own representation has long been regarded as one of the most critical objectives of any electoral system. Without having the assurance of equality in representation, the fundamental nature and operation of the political system is severely undermined. Given the centuries of institutional reforms and population changes in the American system, Congressional Redistricting stands as an institution whereby this promise of effective representation can either be fulfilled or denied. The broad set of processes that encapsulate Congres- sional Redistricting have been discussed, experimented, and modified to achieve clear objectives and have long been understood to be important. Questions remain about how the dynamics which link all of these processes operate and what impact the real- ities of Congressional Redistricting hold for representation in the American system. This dissertation examines three aspects of how Congressional Redistricting in the Untied States operates in accordance with the principle of “One Person, One Vote.” By utilizing data and data analysis techniques of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), this dissertation seeks to address how Congressional Redistricting impacts the principle of one person, one vote from the standpoint of legislator accountability, redistricting institutions, and the promise of effective minority representation.


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Objetivos: O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as características estruturais, funcionais e relacionais-contextuais das redes sociais pessoais de famílias unipessoais idosas. Metodologia: Utilizámos para recolha de dados um questionário para caracterizar sociodemograficamente a amostra, o Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal (versão para idosos) (IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012) e a escala de solidão UCLA (Neto, 1989). Participantes: A amostra é constituída por 567 indivíduos com média de idades de 75,53 anos, maioritariamente do sexo feminino (63,0%; n = 357). Predominam os sujeitos casados (53,7%; n = 304), com filhos (87,8%; n = 498) e em situação de coabitação (n = 450; 79,4%). Contudo, 20,6% (n = 117) vivem sós, constituindo as famílias unipessoais. Resultados: As redes sociais dos idosos têm em média 7,99 elementos, predominantemente familiares (M = 76,89%). Os participantes percecionam um nível elevado de apoio por parte das suas redes. São redes coesas, pouco dispersas e os contactos entre os elementos são frequentes. As mulheres, os indivíduos solteiros, viúvos ou divorciados e os idosos sem filhos têm uma maior probabilidade de viverem sós (p < 0,05) e estes apresentam uma maior probabilidade de necessitar de apoio social formal (p < 0,05). As famílias unipessoais, quando comparadas com os que não vivem sós, apresentam um maior número de campos relacionais e maior proporção de relações de amizade e de vizinhança (p < 0,05). Têm menor perceção de apoio material e instrumental, informativo, companhia social, acesso a novos vínculos e reciprocidade de apoio (p < 0,05). Além disso, referem menor frequência de contactos e uma maior dispersão geográfica (p < 0,05). Nas famílias unipessoais, observou-se a existência de correlações negativas significativas (p < 0,05) entre a percepção de solidão e o tamanho da rede, a proporção das relações familiares na rede, o apoio emocional e informativo e a reciprocidade de apoio. CONCLUSÃO: Os idosos com famílias unipessoais percecionam menor apoio por parte das suas redes, tendo uma maior propensão à solidão. É fundamental, ao longo do ciclo vital, promover a quantidade e qualidade dos vínculos, no sentido de manter a efetividade do suporte das redes mesmo quando se vive só. / Objectives: The present study aims to analyze the structural, functional and relational-contextual characteristics of older single-person households. Methodology: We used as instruments a questionnaire to evaluate sociodemographic data, the Instrumento de Análise da Rede Social Pessoal (version for elderly people: IARSP-Idosos) (Guadalupe, 2010; Guadalupe e Vicente 2012) and the UCLA Loneliness Scale (Neto, 1989). Participants: The sample consists of 567 individuals with an average age of 75.53 years, mostly females (63.0%; n = 357). There is a predominance of married individuals (53.7%; n = 304) with children (87.8%; n = 498). Older people live mainly in cohabitation (n = 450; 79.4%), however 20.6% oh them live alone, constituting one-person households. Results: The elderly personal social networks have 8 elements, on average, with a predominance of family relationships (M = 76.89%). The participants perceived a high level of support from their networks. In general the networks are cohesive, with low dispersion and have frequent contacts. The women, single, widowed or divorced and childless elderly are more likely to live alone (p < 0.05) and to need social services support (p < 0.05). The single-person households, compared with those who do not live alone, have a greater number of relational fields and a higher proportion of friendships and neighborhood relations (p < 0.05). They have a lower perception of material and informative support, social company and acess to new ties and reciprocal support (p < 0.05). They also refer lowest frequency of contacts and a wider geographical dispersion (p < 0.05). In single-person households there was a negative significant correlation between the perception of loneliness and the social network size, the proportion of family relationships in the network, emotional and informational support and reciprocal support. Conclusions: The elderly single-person households perceived less support from their networks and a greater propensity to loneliness. It is critical to promot the quality of ties, rather then their quantity, throughout the life cycle, in order to maintain the network effectiveness even when the person lives alone.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Unruptured, asymptomatic arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) lurk in the brains of approximately one person in every thousand; their prevalence, based on four studies of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 7,359 people without brain disorders, 1-4 was 0.1 % (95% confidence interval [CI] 0% to 0.2%). Some of these brain AVMs may be discovered if and when they cause intracranial haemorrhage, epileptic seizure(s), headache, or a focal neurological deficit, but many brain AVMs may potentially lie dormant from the cradle to the grave.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Direção e Gestão Hoteleira, Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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La actual realidad socioeconómica, marcada por la (r)evolución tecnológica de los último años y la explosión demográfica y urbana, conlleva dos grandes problemas. Por un lado el cambio climático derivado de la sobreexplotación de los recursos y energías no-renovables, y por otro, la pérdida de las identidades y procesos culturales específicos provocada por la globalización. Ante ellos, diversos autores plantean sacar partido de las propias tecnologías y la nueva sociedad en red para dar una respuesta acorde al momento actual. Las herramientas computacionales permiten una mayor complejidad de los diseños alcanzando una optimización de recursos y procesos, minimizando su impacto ambiental. Frente a la producción en masa y la pérdida de identidad, el planteamiento informático de problemas globales permite pasar de la producción en masa del siglo pasado a la ‘customización’ en masa al dar respuestas específicas para cada contexto. Por otro lado es necesario que esos procesos computacionales conecten y hagan partícipes del diseño a los diferentes actores sociales implicados. Es por ello que esta investigación se basará en los patrones espaciales de Christopher Alexander y otros modelos algorítmicos de diseño por ordenador puesto que estos describen soluciones paramétricas a conflictos recurrentes de diseño de arquitectura. Su planteamiento permite que cada solución base genere respuestas específicas, a la vez que esta es corregida y optimizada por todos sus utilizadores al poder ser compartida digitalmente. Con ello se busca que el diseño de arquitectura responda a criterios objetivos basados en la experiencia y la crítica participativa y democrática basada en los patrones, de tal modo que los diseños no surjan de un planteamiento top-down impuesto y cerrado, sino que en ellos gane importancia la participación activa de los actores sociales implicados en la definición y uso de los mismos. Por último, esta investigación procura mostrar cómo los patrones pueden jugar un papel determinante en la conceptualización abstracta del diseño, mientras que otros métodos algorítmicos alcanzarán fases del proyecto más concretas. De este modo, los patrones digitales que se pretenden se centran en la customización del diseño, mientras que el uso que le dan otros autores persigue la optimización del mismo. Para ello la investigación recurrirá al análisis de los pabellones de verano de la Serpentine Gallery como casos de estudio en los que comprobar la repercusión de los patrones en el diseño de arquitectura actual y su posible adaptación al diseño paramétrico.


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El porvenir social y económico de una ciudad depende, en gran medida, de la eficiencia de su sistema de transporte; esto se ve reflejado en la capacidad de transportar personas y bienes de una forma sostenible, con los recursos disponibles. En la actualidad se encuentran en desarrollo sistemas de transporte masivo tipo Bus Rapid Transit [BRT] en siete ciudades colombianas, situación que genera la necesidad de dar seguimiento a su progreso y al crecimiento de su participación en la demanda de viajes unipersonales. El siguiente trabajo busca, a través de una simulación en dinámica de sistemas, describir el desarrollo de un sistema de transporte masivo, con el fin de otorgar una visión acerca del impacto de los parámetros operativos y la reinversión en el sistema y en el desarrollo e incremento de su demanda. Se plantean tres escenarios para evaluar diferentes políticas operativas y de reinversión en el sistema, analizando el comportamiento en su desarrollo.


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O objetivo do experimento foi avaliar o efeito da defumação da tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) inteira eviscerada e filé sobre as características organolépticas (aparência, aroma, cor, sabor, textura, teor de sal e aceitação geral), a porcentagem de perda de peso (PP) e composição centesimal. Foram comparados FP1 (peixe inteiro eviscerado, 5 horas de fumaça) e FP2 (filé, 4 horas de fumaça). Os peixes foram descamados, eviscerados, para obtenção de FP1 ou filetados por uma única pessoa, para obtenção de FP2, e então submetidos à salmouragem úmida (30%) e à defumação. O rendimento médio para FP1 e FP2 foi de 63,98 e 27,11%, respectivamente. O valor médio para porcentagem de perda de peso ocorrida na defumação para o filé (31,33%) foi superior ao peixe inteiro (27,04%). A análise sensorial revelou que o peixe inteiro teve melhor aceitação quanto ao sabor e teor de sal e não diferiu do filé quanto ao aroma, cor e textura. O processo de defumação reduziu o conteúdo de umidade e proporcionou aumento nos teores de proteína bruta, lipídios e cinzas. As perdas foram maiores para o filé, que apresentou maior teor de proteína bruta e menor teor de lipídios comparado ao peixe inteiro. Verificou-se também que o sabor do filé pode ser melhorado em função de uma correção na salmouragem.


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The transfer of businesses contributes to the dynamics and the development of the economy in Austria. Successful transfers generate numerous positive impacts. Securing both employment and investment, creating new jobs and stimulating growth are some of these effects. Failed transfers can contribute to negative effects, including the loss of jobs and an economic slowdown. Over recent years the number of business handovers in Austria has been rising. The forecasts show that this number will remain high over the next few years. Between 2015 and 2024 more than 42,000 economically sound SMEs will face the challenge of finding an appropriate successor. This means that 26 % of all Austrian SMEs (excluding one-person businesses) and 29 % of all employees in these companies will be affected. The aim of this paper is to provide a multi-faceted discussion of the relevance of affective components in family business transfers. A “good” relationship between the successor and the departing owner fosters the success of a transfer. This relationship involves, among others, the willingness to share relevant information, openness and respect. The satisfaction (with the completed business transfer) is closely interrelated with the relationship between the successor and the departing owner. Consequently, we can assume that affective and emotional components can indeed shape the success of business transfers. Based on that, new future research opportunities are outlined.


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During a long time, the term competence has been used in different fields. Among those fields, and one of the most important, we can mention the educational system, from preschool to university levels. The term has to be understood as one person integral behavior, making him/her able to enter the labor force in the most competitive way. Within the university realm, experts have tried to include the model of competences as a transversal axle into the teaching-learning process. In European universities, such model has been implemented in most of them. In Latin America universities, on the other hand, it has been used in a good number of countries. The importance of early detection of competences among target populations in education has been widely discussed. However, it has been highlighted the necessity of considering romantic or subjective competences, which seem to lack of value in this complex and competitive actual world. The term competence has been classified as genetic competence, or common and specific competence. The latter is related to the knowledge scope. Within the counseling field, specifically, the general and specific competences are deemed highly appropriate for good a work performance. This article focuses on the main antecedents of competences and analyzes this approach from counseling field perspective. In regards to this specific aspect, a survey with professionals in counseling was carried out. Such a survey ends up dealing with some of the competences considered unavoidable for an accurate performance of professionals in counseling. It is important to mention that the competences of the survey mainly point out to genetic competences rather than to specific competences.