199 resultados para Odour


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Flowers of the orchid genus Ophrys resemble female insects, and thereby sexually deceive, attract and are pollinated by male insects. Floral bouquet is thought to play a major role in this sexual mimicry, although the search for functional odour components has been something of a chemical ecologist's Holy Grail. Two new papers unravel the exquisite intricacy of the chemical deception by the orchid.


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Tubers of eleven cultivars of potato were baked and the flavour compounds from the flesh were isolated by headspace adsorption onto Tenax and analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Lipid degradation and the Maillard reaction were the main sources of flavour compounds, accounting for 22-69% and 28-77%, respectively, of the total yields. Various sulfur compounds, methoxypyrazines and terpenes were also identified at lower levels. Relative aroma impact values (RAVs) were calculated by dividing compound yields by the odour threshold value. Compounds contributing most to aroma (RAV > 10000 in at least one cultivar) were 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, beta -damascenone, dimethyl trisulfide, decanal and 3-methylbutanal. The observed differences in yields and RAVs for compounds among cultivars would be expected to result in differences in perceived flavour.


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Hermit crabs use empty gastropod shells as protective armour and enlarged chelipeds as signals and weapons. However, carrying armour and arms may impose energy costs that result in increased lactate and hence potential fatigue and there may be consequent effects on general activity. We investigated whether variation in shell and cheliped size influences lactate levels in hermit crabs. Lactate was positively related to residual cheliped size for both sexes and was higher in males than females; when we controlled for body size, the former had larger chelipeds. Shell weight unexpectedly had no effect on lactate but crabs in small shells had high lactate, possibly because of reduced ability to maintain a respiratory current. The size of natural shells had no effect on activity but the addition of food odour increased locomotion. However, activity was not related to lactate. We conclude that possession of larger chelipeds than expected for body size imposes significant costs and may limit development of sexual dimorphism. (C) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ability to discriminate degrees of relatedness may be expected to evolve if it allows unreciprocated altruism to be preferentially directed towards kin (Hamilton in J Theor Biol 7:1-16, 1964). We explored the possibility of kin recognition in the primitively eusocial halictid bee Lasioglossum malachurum by investigating the reliability of worker odour cues that can be perceived by workers to act as indicators of either nest membership or kinship. Cuticular and Dufour's gland compounds varied significantly among colonies of L. malachurum, providing the potential for nestmate discrimination. A significant, though weak, negative correlation between chemical distance and genetic relatedness (r = -0.055, p


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Mechanisms determining the ability of individuals to recognize their kin can be broadly divided into those prenatally determined and those postnatally determined. The role of both of these possibilities was examined in an investigation of sibling recognition in the rat (Rattus norvegicus). Rat pups were tested for their preference for ‘siblings’, (either littermates and genetic siblings—natural siblings; just littermates—any recognition due to postnatal factors; or just genetic siblings—any recognition due to prenatal factors) as opposed to unfamiliar age-mates between the ages of 6 and 22 days, and also for their ability to detect conspecific odour. The results indicate that rats can recognize their siblings (Experiment V) and this can be achieved solely postnatally (Experiments I, VI), or solely prenatally (Experiments II, VII). Other results demonstrated that rats, as early as day 2, and probably earlier, can detect and respond preferentially to conspecific odours (Experiments III, IV and VIII). The possibilities of how these mechanisms, both postnatal and prenatal, function in the acquisition of sibling recognition are discussed. This is the first study in which individuals separated from all genetic relations postnatally are shown to posses the ability to recognize kin.


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The olfactory abilities of great apes have been subject to little empirical investigation, save for a few observational reports. This study, using an habituation/dishabituation task, provides experimental evidence for a core olfactory ability, namely, olfactory discrimination, in the gorilla. In Experiment 1, six zoo-housed western lowland gorillas were individually presented with the same odour on four trials, and with a novel odour on the fifth trial. Odours (almond and vanilla) were presented on plastic balls, and behavioural responses of sniffing and chewing/licking the balls were recorded. A second experiment presented the same odour on four trials and no odour on the fifth to examine whether any dishabituation was due to the presence of a new odour or the absence of the familiar odour. Gorillas habituated their behaviour with repeated presentation of the same odour, but dishabituated, i. e. increased sniffing and chewing/licking, when presented with the novel odour. No dishabituation was noted when using water as the stimulus across all trials or when used as the novel odour. Overall, results show that gorillas are able to discriminate between odours. © 2012 Japan Monkey Centre and Springer.


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Animals often show behavioural plasticity with respect to predation risk but also show behavioural syndromes in terms of consistency of responses to different stimuli. We examine these features in the freshwater pearl mussel. These bivalves often aggregate presumably to reduce predation risk to each individual. Predation risk, however, will be higher in the presence of predator cues. Here we use dimming light, vibration and touch as novel stimuli to examine the trade-off between motivation to feed and motivation to avoid predation. We present two experiments that each use three sequential novel stimuli to cause the mussels to close their valves and hence cease feeding. We find that mussels within a group showed shorter closure times than solitary mussels, consistent with decreased vulnerability to predation in group-living individuals. Mussels exposed to the odour of a predatory crayfish showed longer closures than control mussels, highlighting the predator assessment abilities of this species. However, individuals showed significant consistency in their closure responses across the trial series, in line with behavioural syndrome theory. Our results show that bivalves trade-off feeding and predator avoidance according to predation risk but the degree to which this is achieved is constrained by behavioural consistency. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Taste and odour compounds, especially geosmin (GSM) and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB), cause major problems in both drinking water and aquaculture industries world-wide. Aquaculture in particular has experienced significant financial losses due to the accumulation of taint compounds prior to harvest resulting in consumer rejection. UV-TiO2 photocatalysis has been demonstrated to remove GSM and 2-MIB at laboratory scale but the development of a continuous flow reactor suitable for use in water treatment has not been investigated. In this study, a pilot packed bed photocatalytic reactor was developed and evaluated for water treatment with both laboratory and naturally tainted samples. A significant reduction of both 2-MIB and GSM was achieved in both trials using the packed bed reactor unit. With the laboratory spiked water (100ngL-1 of each compound added prior to treatment), detectable levels were reduced by up to 97% after a single pass through the unit. When the reactor was used to treat water in a fish farm where both compounds were being produced in situ (2-MIB: 19ngL-1 and GSM: 14ngL-1) a reduction of almost 90% in taint compounds was achieved. These very encouraging promising results demonstrate the potential of this UV-TiO2 photocatalytic reactor for water treatment in fish rearing systems and other applications.


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'Boar taint' is a strong perspiration-like, urine-like unpleasant odour given off upon heating or cooking of meat from some intact (uncastrated) male pigs. Data from the F(2) generation of a Large White (LW) x Meishan (MS) crossbred population were analysed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for traits associated with boar taint. Fat samples from 178 intact male pigs slaughtered at 85 +/- 5 kg were analysed for the major contributors to boar taint (androstenone, indole and skatole). Fat and lean samples from cooked meat were scored for boar, abnormal and pork flavour and odour by a trained sensory panel (SP). A scan with 117 markers covering the whole genome was performed in the F(2) individuals, together with their F(1) parents and purebred grandparents. At the 5% chromosomal significance threshold (approximately equal to the genome-wide suggestive significance threshold), QTL were detected for the laboratory estimate of androstenone on chromosomes 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9. However, only on chromosome 6 were there QTL for boar flavour (BF) traits in the same or adjacent marker intervals as a QTL for the laboratory estimate of androstenone. On chromosome 14, QTL were detected for the laboratory estimates of indole and skatole, the SP score for skatole and the scores for BF in lean and BF in fat. In all five cases, the MS allele generally increased the estimate or score, compared with the LW allele, but it appeared that desirable and undesirable alleles were present in both breeds. This locus on chromosome 14 has considerable potential for use to reduce the incidence of boar taint, especially if further research can identify the causative polymorphism or strongly associated markers.


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O conhecimento de mecanismos de genómica funcional tem sido maioritariamente adquirido pela utilização de organismos modelo que são mantidos em condições laboratoriais. Contudo, estes organismos não reflectem as respostas a alterações ambientais. Por outro lado, várias espécies, ecologicamente bem estudadas, reflectem bem as interacções entre genes e ambiente mas que, das quais não existem recursos genéticos disponíveis. O imposex, caracterizado pela superimposição de caracteres sexuais masculinos em fêmeas, é induzido pelo tributilestanho (TBT) e trifenilestanho (TPT) e representa um dos melhores exemplos de disrupção endócrina com causas antropogénicas no ambiente aquático. Com o intuito de elucidar as bases moleculares deste fenómeno, procedeu-se à combinação das metodologias de pirosequenciação (sequenciação 454 da Roche) e microarrays (Agilent 4*180K) de forma a contribuir para um melhor conhecimento desta interacção gene-ambiente no gastrópode Nucella lapillus, uma espécie sentinela para imposex. O trancriptoma de N. lapillus foi sequenciado, reconstruído e anotado e posteriormente utilizado para a produção de um “array” de nucleótidos. Este array foi então utilizado para explorar níveis de expressão génica em resposta à contaminação por TBT. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses anteriormente propostas (esteróidica, neuroendócrina, retinóica) e adicionalmente revelou a existência de potenciais novos mecanismos envolvidos no fenómeno imposex. Evidência para alvos moleculares de disrupção endócrina não relacionados com funções reprodutoras, tais como, sistema imunitário, apoptose e supressores de tumores, foram identificados. Apesar disso, tendo em conta a forte componente reprodutiva do imposex, esta componente funcional foi a mais explorada. Assim, factores de transcrição e receptores nucleares lipofílicos, funções mitocondriais e actividade de transporte celular envolvidos na diferenciação de géneros estão na base de potenciais novos mecanismos associados ao imposex em N. lapillus. Em particular, foi identificado como estando sobre-expresso, um possível homólogo do receptor nuclear “peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma” (PPARγ), cuja função na indução de imposex foi confirmada experimentalmente in vivo após injecção dos animais com Rosiglitazone, um conhecido ligando de PPARγ em vertebrados. De uma forma geral, os resultados obtidos mostram que o fenómeno imposex é um mecanismo complexo, que possivelmente envolve a cascata de sinalização envolvendo o receptor retinoid X (RXR):PPARγ “heterodimer” que, até à data não foi descrito em invertebrados. Adicionalmente, os resultados obtidos apontam para alguma conservação de mecanismos de acção envolvidos na disrupção endócrina em invertebrados e vertebrados. Finalmente, a informação molecular produzida e as ferramentas moleculares desenvolvidas contribuem de forma significativa para um melhor conhecimento do fenómeno imposex e constituem importantes recursos para a continuação da investigação deste fenómeno e, adicionalmente, poderão vir a ser aplicadas no estudo de outras respostas a alterações ambientais usando N. lapillus como organismo modelo. Neste sentido, N. lapillus foi também utilizada para explorar a adaptação na morfologia da concha em resposta a alterações naturais induzidas por acção das ondas e pelo risco de predação por caranguejos. O contributo da componente genética, plástica e da sua interacção para a expressão fenotípica é crucial para compreender a evolução de caracteres adaptativos a ambientes heterogéneos. A contribuição destes factores na morfologia da concha de N. lapillus foi explorada recorrendo a transplantes recíprocos e experiências laboratoriais em ambiente comum (com e sem influência de predação) e complementada com análises genéticas, utilizando juvenis provenientes de locais representativos de costas expostas e abrigadas da acção das ondas. As populações estudadas são diferentes geneticamente mas possuem o mesmo cariótipo. Adicionalmente, análises morfométricas revelaram plasticidade da morfologia da concha em ambas as direcções dos transplantes recíprocos e também a retenção parcial, em ambiente comum, da forma da concha nos indivíduos da F2, indicando uma correlação positiva (co-gradiente) entre heritabilidade e plasticidade. A presença de estímulos de predação por caranguejos estimulou a produção de conchas com labros mais grossos, de forma mais evidente em animais recolhidos de costas expostas e também provocou alterações na forma da concha em animais desta proveniência. Estes dados sugerem contra-gradiente em alterações provocadas por predação na morfologia da concha, na produção de labros mais grossos e em níveis de crescimento. O estudo das interacções gene-ambiente descritas acima demonstram a actual possibilidade de produzir recursos e conhecimento genómico numa espécie bem caracterizada ecologicamente mas com limitada informação genómica. Estes recursos permitem um maior conhecimento biológico desta espécie e abrirão novas oportunidades de investigação, que até aqui seriam impossíveis de abordar.


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Esta tese teve como objectivo estudar estratégias de conservação de pescado fresco, recorrendo ao uso de extractos e óleos essenciais de plantas e do processamento por alta pressão (HPP), usando filetes de robalo como um caso de estudo modelo. Relativamente aos extractos e óleos essenciais, avaliaram-se as suas propriedades antibacterianas e antioxidantes. Os extractos aquosos quente de poejo e de orégão e o óleo essencial de cravinho apresentaram a maior actividade antioxidante. Os óleos essenciais foram mais eficientes do que os extractos para inibir o crescimento das estirpes bacterianas testadas, tendo-se observado os menores valores de concentração mínima inibitória nos óleos essenciais de orégão, citronela, alho e orégão Espanhol. De seguida, estudou-se o efeito dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco tendo em conta critérios microbiológicos, químicos, físicos e sensoriais. A aplicação do óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol aumentou o tempo de vida útil dos filetes sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas não em termos sensoriais. A combinação dos óleos essenciais de orégão Espanhol e de limão melhorou o efeito antioxidante e reduziu a intensidade do odor e a sua eficácia em relação às Enterobacteriaceae, comparando com o tratamento com óleo essencial de orégão Espanhol per se. No sentido de reduzir o odor conferido pelos óleos essenciais realizou-se um estudo de conservação para avaliar o efeito de películas com óleos essenciais (citronela, alho e tomilho) em filetes de robalo, recorrendo a uma teste de desafio bacteriano. As películas sem óleos essenciais aumentaram o tempo de vida útil sob o ponto de vista bacteriano, mas este efeito não foi observado com a incorporação dos óleos essenciais nas películas. Em relação ao HPP, testaram-se diversas condições (nível de pressão, tempo de pressurização e taxa de pressurização) e avaliaram-se os efeitos na actividade enzimática, na qualidade global e na conservação de filetes de robalo fresco. Em geral, o aumento do nível de pressão e do tempo de pressurização diminuiu a actividade da fosfatase ácida e das enzimas proteolíticas, a carga bacteriana e a capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto que os filetes ficaram mais brancos. O HPP revelou potencial para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos: mais brancos, não translúcidos, mais firmes e com maior tempo de frescura e estabilidade microbiológica. Em conclusão, os óleos essenciais e o HPP têm potencial para conservar pescado fresco, devido aos seus efeitos na qualidade bacteriana. Ainda assim, mais esforços devem ser feitos no sentido de reduzir a transferência de odor dos óleos essenciais para o pescado e os efeitos do HPP no aspecto do pescado e na oxidação lipídica.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Celular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Water is a limited resource for which demand is growing. Contaminated water from inadequate wastewater treatment provides one of the greatest health challenges as it restricts development and increases poverty in emerging and developing countries. Therefore, the connection between wastewater and human health is linked to access to sanitation and to human waste disposal. Adequate sanitation is expected to create a barrier between disposed human excreta and sources of drinking water. Different approaches to wastewater management are required for different geographical regions and different stages of economic governance depending on the capacity to manage wastewater. Effective wastewater management can contribute to overcome the challenges of water scarcity. Separate collection of human urine at its source is one promising approach that strongly reduces the economic and load demands on wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Treatment of source-separated urine appears as a sanitation system that is affordable, produces a valuable fertiliser, reduces pollution of water resources and promotes health. However, the technical realisation of urine separation still faces challenges. Biological hydrolysis of urea causes a strong increase of ammonia and pH. Under these conditions ammonia volatilises which can cause odour problems and significant nitrogen losses. The above problems can be avoided by urine stabilisation. Biological nitrification is a suitable process for stabilisation of urine. Urine is a highly concentrated nutrient solution which can lead to strong inhibition effects during bacterial nitrification. This can further lead to process instabilities. The major cause of instability is accumulation of the inhibitory intermediate compound nitrite, which could lead to process breakdown. Enhanced on-line nitrite monitoring can be applied in biological source-separated urine nitrification reactors as a sustainable and efficient way to improve the reactor performance, avoiding reactor failures and eventual loss of biological activity. Spectrophotometry appears as a promising candidate for the development and application of on-line nitrite monitoring. Spectroscopic methods together with chemometrics are presented in this work as a powerful tool for estimation of nitrite concentrations. Principal component regression (PCR) is applied for the estimation of nitrite concentrations using an immersible UV sensor and off-line spectra acquisition. The effect of particles and the effect of saturation, respectively, on the UV absorbance spectra are investigated. The analysis allows to conclude that (i) saturation has a substantial effect on nitrite estimation; (ii) particles appear to have less impact on nitrite estimation. In addition, improper mixing together with instabilities in the urine nitrification process appears to significantly reduce the performance of the estimation model.


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A remarkable social polymorphism is controlled by a single Mendelian factor in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta. A genomic element marked by the gene Gp-9 determines whether workers tolerate one or many fertile queens in their colony. Gp-9 was recently shown to be part of a supergene with two nonrecombining variants, SB and Sb. SB/SB and SB/Sb queens differ in how they initiate new colonies, and in many physiological traits, for example odour and maturation rate. To understand how a single genetic element can affect all these traits, we used a microarray to compare gene expression patterns between SB/SB and SB/Sb queens of three different age classes: 1-day-old unmated queens, 11-day-old unmated queens and mated, fully reproductive queens collected from mature field colonies. The number of genes that were differentially expressed between SB/SB and SB/Sb queens of the same age class was smallest in 1-day-old queens, maximal in 11-day-old queens and intermediate in reproductive queens. Gene ontology analysis showed that SB/SB queens upregulate reproductive genes faster than SB/Sb queens. For all age classes, genes inside the supergene were overrepresented among the differentially expressed genes. Consistent with the hypothesized greater number of transposons in the Sb supergene, 13 transposon genes were upregulated in SB/Sb queens. Viral genes were also upregulated in SB/Sb mature queens, consistent with the known greater parasite load in colonies headed by SB/Sb queens compared with colonies headed by SB/SB queens. Eighteen differentially expressed genes between reproductive queens were involved in chemical signalling. Our results suggest that many genes in the supergene are involved in regulating social organization and queen phenotypes in fire ants.


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Flavour is a combination of taste, odour, and chemesthetic sensations. Close associations exist between these sensory modalities, and thus, the overall flavour of a food or beverage product can change when the intensity of one or more of these sensations is altered. Strategies to modify flavour are often utilized by the food industry, and are central to the engineering of new and reformulated products. For functional food and beverages, flavour modification is particularly important, as fortifying agents can elicit high levels of less than desirable sensations, such as bitterness and astringency. The application of various flavour modifying strategies can decrease the perceived intensity of these sensations, and in tum, improve the sensory profile of the product. This collection of studies describes the sensory characteristics of experimental functional beverages fortified with trans-resveratrol, (+)-catechin, and/or caffeine, and examines the impact of novel flavour modifying strategies on the perceived flavour of these beverages. In the first study, results demonstrate that the flavour profile of Cabemet Sauvignon wines fortified with 20 mglL and 200 mg/L of trans-resveratrol is not perceived as different compared to control wine (0 mglL). However, Riesling wine fortified with 200 mg/L is perceived as significantly higher in bitterness compared to 20 mglL and control. For some functional food formulations, alternative strategies for flavour modification are needed. Traditional methods, such as the addition of sucrose and sodium chloride, may decrease the perceived 'healthiness' of a product, and thus, may be sub-optimal. In a second study, high and low concentrations of five different bitter inhibiting compounds - 'bitter blockers' - (B-cyclodextrin, homoeridictyol sodium salt, carboxymethylcellulose - low viscosity, zinc sulfate, magnesium sulfate) were tested for their efficacy towards decreasing the bitterness of high and low concentrations of caffeine and (+)catechin - two health-relevant, plant-derived bitterants. B-cyclodextrin and homoeridictyol sodium salt were the most effective blockers at decreasing (+ )-catechin and caffeine, respectively. In addition to bitter blockers, additional flavour modifying strategies, either alone or in combination - may also be successful in functional food formulations. Both sucrose and rebaudioside A - a plant-derived sweetener - were effective at decreasing the bitterness of (+)catechin. When added to (+)-catechin along with B-cyc1odextrin, both sweeteners provided the most effective decrease in bitterness compared to binary, ternary, or quaternary mixtures of (+)catechin together with bitter blockers, sweeteners, andlor odourants. The perceived intensity of sensations elicited by sweeteners and odourants was not affected by the addition of bitter blockers, and thus, their impact within these complex matrices is minimal. In addition, withinmodal (taste-taste) compared to cross-modal (taste-odour) sensory interactions were more effective at decreasing the bitterness of (+ )-catechin. Overall, results from these studies demonstrate that certain novel, alternative flavour modifying approaches may be successful towards lowering the bitterness and astringency elicited by (+ )-catechin and caffeine in aqueous solutions.