744 resultados para Odd integers
Magneto-transport measurements of the 2D hole system (2DHS) in p-type Si-Si1-xGex heterostructures identify the integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE) at dominantly odd-integer filling factors v and two low-temperature insulating phases (IPs) at v = 1.5 and v less than or similar to 0.5, with re-entrance to the quantum Hall effect at v = 1. The temperature dependence, current-voltage characteristics, and tilted field and illumination responses of the IP at v = 1.5 indicate that the important physics is associated with an energy degeneracy of adjacent Landau levels of opposite spin, which provides a basis for consideration of an intrinsic, many-body origin.
The steady-state resonance fluorescence spectrum of a two-level atom driven by a bichromatic field in a broadband squeezed vacuum is studied. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is tuned to the frequency of the central spectral line, anomalous spectral features, such as hole burning and dispersive profiles, can occur at the central line. We show that these features appear for wider, and experimentally more convenient, ranges of the parameters than in the case of monochromatic excitation. ?he absence of a coherent spectral component at the central line makes any experimental attempt to observe these features much easier. We also discuss the general features of the spectrum. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is tuned to the first odd or even sidebands, the spectrum is asymmetric and only the sidebands an sensitive to phase. For appropriate choices of the phase the linewidths or only the odd or even sidebands can be reduced. A dressed-stale interpretation is provided.
Background: An impairing preoccupation with a nonexistent or slight defect in appearance is the core symptom of body dysmorphic disorder (ODD), a psychiatric condition common in dermatology settings. Objective: We sought to determine the prevalence of ODD in dermatologic patients, comparing general and cosmetic settings, and describing some demographic and clinical characteristics. Methods: In all, 300 patients were consecutively assessed. Screening and diagnoses were performed with validated instruments plus a best estimate diagnosis procedure. The final sample comprised 150 patients in the cosmetic group, 150 patients in the general dermatology group, and 50 control subjects. Standard statistical analyses were performed (chi(2), nonparametric tests, logistic regression). Results: The current prevalence was higher in the cosmetic group (14.0%) compared with general (6.7%) and control (2.0%) groups. No patient had a previous diagnosis. Frequently the reason for seeking dermatologic treatment was not the main ODD preoccupation. Patients with ODD from the cosmetic group were in general unsatisfied with the results of dermatologic treatments. Limitations: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital is a limitation. It is uncertain if the findings can be generalized. Retrospective data regarding previous treatments are not free from bias. Conclusions: BUD is relatively common in a dermatologic setting, especially among patients seeking cosmetic treatments. These patients have some different features compared with general dermatology patients. Dermatologists should be aware of the clinical characteristics of ODD to identify and refer these patients to mental health professionals. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:235-43.)
The number of 1-factors (near 1-factors) that mu 1-factorizations (near 1-factorizations) of the complete graph K-v, v even (v odd), can have in common, is studied. The problem is completely settled for mu = 2 and mu = 3.
A constructive version of a theorem of Thue is used to provide representations of certain integers as x(2) - Dy-2, where D = 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
The set of integers k for which there exist three latin squares of order n having precisely k cells identical, with their remaining n(2) - k cells different in all three latin squares, denoted by I-3[n], is determined here for all orders n. In particular, it is shown that I-3[n] = {0,...,n(2) - 15} {n(2) - 12,n(2) - 9,n(2)} for n greater than or equal to 8. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The trade spectrum of a graph G is essentially the set of all integers t for which there is a graph H whose edges can be partitioned into t copies of G in two entirely different ways. In this paper we determine the trade spectrum of complete partite graphs, in all but a few cases.
Let K-k(d) denote the Cartesian product of d copies of the complete graph K-k. We prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a K-k(r)-factorization of K-pn(s), where p is prime and k > 1, n, r and s are positive integers. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
For Markov processes on the positive integers with the origin as an absorbing state, Ferrari, Kesten, Martinez and Picco studied the existence of quasi-stationary and limiting conditional distributions by characterizing quasi-stationary distributions as fixed points of a transformation Phi on the space of probability distributions on {1, 2,.. }. In the case of a birth-death process, the components of Phi(nu) can be written down explicitly for any given distribution nu. Using this explicit representation, we will show that Phi preserves likelihood ratio ordering between distributions. A conjecture of Kryscio and Lefevre concerning the quasi-stationary distribution of the SIS logistic epidemic follows as a corollary.
In this paper, we show that K-10n can be factored into alpha C-5-factors and beta 1-factors for all non-negative integers alpha and beta satisfying 2alpha + beta = 10(n) - 1.
The intensive use of semiconductor devices enabled the development of a repetitive high-voltage pulse-generator topology from the dc voltage-multiplier (VM) concept. The proposed circuit is based on an odd VM-type circuit, where a number of dc capacitors share a common connection with different voltage ratings in each one, and the output voltage comes from a single capacitor. Standard VM rectifier and coupling diodes are used for charging the energy-storing capacitors, from an ac power supply, and two additional on/off semiconductors in each stage, to switch from the typical charging VM mode to a pulse mode with the dc energy-storing capacitors connected in series with the load. Results from a 2-kV experimental prototype with three stages, delivering a 10-mu s pulse with a 5-kHz repetition rate into a resistive load, are discussed. Additionally, the proposed circuit is compared against the solid-state Marx generator topology for the same peak input and output voltages.
A previously developed model is used to numerically simulate real clinical cases of the surgical correction of scoliosis. This model consists of one-dimensional finite elements with spatial deformation in which (i) the column is represented by its axis; (ii) the vertebrae are assumed to be rigid; and (iii) the deformability of the column is concentrated in springs that connect the successive rigid elements. The metallic rods used for the surgical correction are modeled by beam elements with linear elastic behavior. To obtain the forces at the connections between the metallic rods and the vertebrae geometrically, non-linear finite element analyses are performed. The tightening sequence determines the magnitude of the forces applied to the patient column, and it is desirable to keep those forces as small as possible. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm optimization is applied to this model in order to determine the sequence that minimizes the corrective forces applied during the surgery. This amounts to find the optimal permutation of integers 1, ... , n, n being the number of vertebrae involved. As such, we are faced with a combinatorial optimization problem isomorph to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The fitness evaluation requires one computing intensive Finite Element Analysis per candidate solution and, thus, a parallel implementation of the Genetic Algorithm is developed.
We study the implications of the searches based on H -> tau(+)tau-by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations on the parameter space of the two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM). In the 2HDM, the scalars can decay into a tau pair with a branching ratio larger than the SM one, leading to constraints on the 2HDM parameter space. We show that in model II, values of tan beta > 1.8 are definitively excluded if the pseudoscalar is in the mass range 110 GeV < m(A) < 145 GeV. We have also discussed the implications for the 2HDM of the recent dimuon search by the ATLAS collaboration for a CP-odd scalar in the mass range 4-12 GeV.
A discussion of the most interesting results obtained in our laboratories, during the supercritical CO(2) extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae and volatile oils from aromatic plants, was carried out. Concerning the microalgae, the studies on Botryococcus braunii and Chlorella vulgaris were selected. Hydrocarbons from the first microalgae, which are mainly linear alkadienes (C(23)-C(31)) with an odd number of carbon atoms, were selectively extracted at 313 K increasing the pressure up to 30.0 MPa. These hydrocarbons are easily extracted at this pressure, since they are located outside the cellular walls. The extraction of carotenoids, mainly canthaxanthin and astaxanthin, from C. vulgaris is more difficult. The extraction yield of these components at 313 K and 35.0 MPa increased with the degree of crushing of the microalga, since they are not extracellular. On the other hand, for the extraction of volatile oils from aromatic plants, studies on Mentha pulegium and Satureja montana L were chosen. For the first aromatic plant, the composition of the volatile and essential oils was similar, the main components being the pulegone and menthone. However, this volatile oil contained small amounts of waxes, which content decreased with decreasing particle size of the plant matrix. For S. montana L it was also observed that both oils have a similar composition, the main components being carvacrol and thymol. The main difference is the relative amount of thymoquinone, which content can be 15 times higher in volatile oil. This oxygenated monoterpene has important biological activities. Moreover, experimental studies on anticholinesterase activity of supercritical extracts of S. montana were also carried out. The supercritical nonvolatile fraction, which presented the highest content of the protocatechuic, vanilic, chlorogenic and (+)-catechin acids, is the most promising inhibitor of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase. In contrast, the Soxhlet acetone extract did not affect the activity of this enzyme at the concentrations tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The analysis of the Higgs boson data by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations appears to exhibit an excess of h -> gamma gamma events above the Standard Model (SM) expectations, whereas no significant excess is observed in h -> ZZ* -> four lepton events, albeit with large statistical uncertainty due to the small data sample. These results (assuming they persist with further data) could be explained by a pair of nearly mass-degenerate scalars, one of which is an SM-like Higgs boson and the other is a scalar with suppressed couplings to W+W- and ZZ. In the two-Higgs-doublet model, the observed gamma gamma and ZZ* -> four lepton data can be reproduced by an approximately degenerate CP-even (h) and CP-odd (A) Higgs boson for values of sin (beta - alpha) near unity and 0: 70 less than or similar to tan beta less than or similar to 1. An enhanced gamma gamma signal can also arise in cases where m(h) similar or equal to m(H), m(H) similar or equal to m(A), or m(h) similar or equal to m(H) similar or equal to m(A). Since the ZZ* -> 4 leptons signal derives primarily from an SM-like Higgs boson whereas the gamma gamma signal receives contributions from two (or more) nearly mass-degenerate states, one would expect a slightly different invariant mass peak in the ZZ* -> four lepton and gamma gamma channels. The phenomenological consequences of such models can be tested with additional Higgs data that will be collected at the LHC in the near future. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.055009.