990 resultados para Ocean-atompshere interaction.


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orty-eight surface sediment samples from the southeast (SE) Pacific (25-53°S) are investigated for the determination of the spatial distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts along the western South American continental margin. Fifty-five different taxa are recorded and reflect oceanic or coastal assemblages. The oceanic assemblages are characterised by low cyst concentrations and the dominance of autotrophs, while the coastal assemblages generally contain a higher number of cysts, which are mainly produced by heterotrophic species. Highest cyst concentrations are observed in the active upwelling system offshore Concepción (35-37°S). Brigantedinium spp., Echinidinium aculeatum, Echinidinium granulatum/delicatum and cysts of Protoperidinium americanum dominate assemblages related to upwelling. Echinidinium aculeatum appears to be the best indicator for the presence of all year round active upwelling cells. Other protoperidinioid cysts may also occur in high relative abundances in coastal regions outside active upwelling systems, if the availability of nutrients, co-responsible for the presence/absence of their main food sources such as diatoms and other protists, is sufficient. The importance of nutrient availability as a determining environmental variable influencing cyst signals on a regional scale (SE Pacific) is demonstrated through statistical analyses of the data. Because of the importance of nutrients, uncertainties about the outcomes of quantitative sea-surface temperature (SST) reconstructions (Modern Analogue Technique) based on dinoflagellate cysts may arise, since no interaction between different hydrographical variables is considered in this approach. The combination of the SE Pacific surface sample dataset with other published cyst data from the Southern Hemisphere resulted in a database which includes 350 samples: the 'SH350 database'. This database is used to test the accuracy of the quantitative reconstructions by calculating and comparing the estimated versus observed values for each site. An attempt to perform quantitative SST reconstructions on the last 25 cal ka of site ODP1233 (41°S; 74°27'W) is made and again stresses the importance of other environmental variables such as nutrient availability in determining the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.


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Despite the fact that ocean acidification is considered to be especially pronounced in the Southern Ocean, little is known about CO2-dependent physiological processes and the interactions of Antarctic phytoplankton key species. We therefore studied the effects of CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) (16.2, 39.5, and 101.3 Pa) on growth and photosynthetic carbon acquisition in the bloom-forming species Chaetoceros debilis, Pseudo-nitzschia subcurvata, Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, and Phaeocystis antarctica. Using membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, photosynthetic O2 evolution and inorganic carbon (Ci) fluxes were determined as a function of CO2 concentration. Only the growth of C. debilis was enhanced under high PCO2. Analysis of the carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM) revealed the operation of very efficient CCMs (i.e., high Ci affinities) in all species, but there were species-specific differences in CO2-dependent regulation of individual CCM components (i.e., CO2 and uptake kinetics, carbonic anhydrase activities). Gross CO2 uptake rates appear to increase with the cell surface area to volume ratios. Species competition experiments with C. debilis and P. subcurvata under different PCO2 levels confirmed the CO2-stimulated growth of C. debilis observed in monospecific incubations, also in the presence of P. subcurvata. Independent of PCO2, high initial cell abundances of P. subcurvata led to reduced growth rates of C. debilis. For a better understanding of future changes in phytoplankton communities, CO2-sensitive physiological processes need to be identified, but also species interactions must be taken into account because their interplay determines the success of a species.


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During the last deglaciation, the opposing patterns of atmospheric CO2 and radiocarbon activities (D14C) suggest the release of 14C-depleted CO2 from old carbon reservoirs. Although evidences point to the deep Pacific as a major reservoir of this 14C-depleted carbon, its extent and evolution still need to be constrained. Here we use sediment cores retrieved along a South Pacific transect to reconstruct the spatio-temporal evolution of D14C over the last 30,000 years. In ~2,500-3,600 m water depth, we find 14C-depleted deep waters with a maximum glacial offset to atmospheric 14C (DD14C = -1,000 per mil). Using a box model, we test the hypothesis that these low values might have been caused by an interaction of aging and hydrothermal CO2 influx. We observe a rejuvenation of circumpolar deep waters synchronous and potentially contributing to the initial deglacial rise in atmospheric CO2. These findings constrain parts of the glacial carbon pool to the deep South Pacific.


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The interaction between biogenic silica export and burial, paleoceanography, diatom species succession and mats formation was examined based on relative abundances data of Plio/Pleistocene diatoms from six cores recovered during ODP Leg 177 on a transect across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Fragilariopsis kerguelensis, Actinocyclus ingens and species of the genus Thalassiothrix were the main contributors to the diatom assemblages. Three main steps marked the development of the silica system in the Southern Ocean: Step 1 (at ca. 2.77 Ma), establishment of increased biogenic silica burial in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current area, following the large-scale oceanic reorganization connected to the increased northern hemisphere glaciation; Step 2 (at ca. 1.93 Ma), the Antarctic Polar Front becomes the main biogenic silica sink, diatom mats are widespread, and are also found slightly to the north and south of the APF; Step 3 (at ca. 0.63 Ma), with the strong drop in abundance (and later extinction at 0.38 Ma) of A. ingens and the rise to dominance of F. kerguelensis, the system enters a glacial-interglacial mode, with diatom mats occurring during interglacials at the APF and in the Antarctic Zone, but disappearing north of it.


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Although various models have been proposed to explain the origin of manganese nodules (see Goldberg and Arrhenius), two major hypotheses have received extensive attention. One concept suggests that manganese nodules form as the result of interaction between submarine volcanic products and sea water. The common association of manganese nodules with volcanic materials constitutes the main evidence for this theory. The second theory involves a direct inorganic precipitation of manganese from sea water. Goldberg and Arrhenius view this process as the oxidation of divalent manganese to tetravalent manganese by oxygen under the catalytic action of particulate iron hydroxides. Manganese accumulation by the Goldberg and Arrhenius theory would be a relatively slow and comparatively steady process, whereas Bonatti and Nayudu believe manganese nodule formation takes place subsequent to the eruption of submarine volcanoes by the acidic leaching of lava.


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Recent revisions of the geological time scale by Kent and Gradstein (in press) suggest that, on the average, Cretaceous magnetic anomalies are approximately 10 m.y. older than in Larson and Hilde's (1975) previous time scale. These revised basement ages change estimates for the duration of alteration in the ocean crust, based on the difference between secondary-mineral isochron ages and magnetic isochron-crustal ages, from 3 to approximately 13 m.y. In addition to the revised time scale, Burke et al.'s (1982) new data on the temporal variation of 87Sr/86Sr in seawater allow a better understanding of the timing of alteration and more realistic determinations of water/rock ratios during seawater-basalt interaction. Carbonates from all DSDP sites which reached Layer 2 of Atlantic crust (Sites 105, 332, 417, and 418) are deposited within 10-15 m.y. of crustal formation from solutions with 87Sr/86Sr ratios identical to unaltered or contemporaneous seawater. Comparisons of the revised seawater curve with the 87Sr/86Sr of basement carbonates is consistent with a duration of approximately 10-15 m.y. for alteration in the ocean crust. Our preliminary Sr and 87Sr/86Sr data for carbonates from Hole 504B, on 5.9-m.y.-old crust south of the Costa Rica Rift, suggest that hydrous solutions from which carbonates precipitated contained substantial amounts of basaltic Sr. For this reason, carbonate 87Sr/86Sr cannot be used to estimate the duration of alteration at this site. A basalt-dominated alteration environment at Hole 504B is consistent with heat-flow evidence which indicates rapid sediment burial of crust at the Costa Rica Rift, sealing it from access by seawater and resulting in unusually low water/rock ratios during alteration.


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The physical and chemical environment around corals, as well as their physiology, can be affected by interactions with neighboring corals. This study employed small colonies (4 cm diameter) of Pocillopora verrucosa and Acropora hyacinthus configured in spatial arrays at 7 cm/s flow speed to test the hypothesis that ocean acidification (OA) alters interactions among them. Interaction effects were quantified for P. verrucosa using three measures of growth: calcification (i.e., weight), horizontal growth, and vertical growth. The study was carried out in May-June 2014 using corals from 10 m depth on the outer reef of Moorea, French Polynesia. Colonies of P. verrucosa were placed next to conspecifics or heterospecifics (A. hyacinthus) in arrangements of two or four colonies (pairs and aggregates) that were incubated at ambient and high pCO2 (1000 µatm) for 28 days. There was an effect of pCO2, and arrangement type on multivariate growth (utilizing the three measures of growth), but no interaction between the main effects. Conversely, arrangement and pCO2 had an interactive effect on calcification, with an overall 23 % depression at high pCO2 versus ambient pCO2 (i.e., pooled among arrangements). Within arrangements, there was a 34-45 % decrease in calcification for solitary and paired conspecifics, but no effect in conspecific aggregates, heterospecific pairs, or heterospecific aggregates. Horizontal growth was negatively affected by pCO2 and arrangement type, while vertical growth was positively affected by arrangement type. Together, our results show that conspecific aggregations can mitigate the negative effects of OA on calcification of colonies within an aggregation.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Interaction of ocean waves, currents and sea bed roughness is a complicated phenomena in fluid dynamic. This paper will describe the governing equations of motions of this phenomena in viscous and nonviscous conditions as well as study and analysis the experimental results of sets of physical models on waves, currents and artificial roughness, and consists of three parts: First, by establishing some typical patterns of roughness, the effects of sea bed roughness on a uniform current has been studied, as well as the manning coefficient of each type is reviewed to find the critical situation due to different arrangement. Second, the effect of roughness on wave parameters changes, such as wave height, wave length, and wave dispersion equations have been studied, third, superimposing, the waves + current + roughness patterns established in a flume, equipped with waves + currents generator, in this stage different analysis has been done to find the governing dimensionless numbers, and present the numbers to define the contortions and formulations of this phenomena. First step of the model is verified by the so called Chinese method, and the Second step by the Kamphius (1975), and third step by the van Rijn (1990) , and Brevik and Ass ( 1980), and in all cases reasonable agreements have been obtained. Finally new dimensionless parameters presented for this complicated phenomena.


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In the Tropics, continental shelves governed by western boundary currents are considered to be among the least productive ocean margins in the world, unless eddy-induced shelf-edge upwelling becomes significant. The eastern Brazilian shelf in the Southwest Atlantic is one of these, and since the slight nutrient input from continental sources is extremely oligotrophic. It is characterized by complex bathymetry with the presence of shallow banks and seamounts. In this work, a full three-dimensional nonlinear primitive equation ocean model is used to demonstrate that the interaction of tidal currents and the bottom topography of the east Brazil continental shelf is capable of producing local upwelling of South Atlantic Central Water, bringing nutrients up from deep waters to the surface layer. Such upper layer enrichment is found to be of significance in increasing local primary productivity. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study a climatologically important interaction of two of the main components of the geophysical system by adding an energy balance model for the averaged atmospheric temperature as dynamic boundary condition to a diagnostic ocean model having an additional spatial dimension. In this work, we give deeper insight than previous papers in the literature, mainly with respect to the 1990 pioneering model by Watts and Morantine. We are taking into consideration the latent heat for the two phase ocean as well as a possible delayed term. Non-uniqueness for the initial boundary value problem, uniqueness under a non-degeneracy condition and the existence of multiple stationary solutions are proved here. These multiplicity results suggest that an S-shaped bifurcation diagram should be expected to occur in this class of models generalizing previous energy balance models. The numerical method applied to the model is based on a finite volume scheme with nonlinear weighted essentially non-oscillatory reconstruction and Runge–Kutta total variation diminishing for time integration.