958 resultados para Occult Metastases
During routine investigations, we are surprised to find that therapy for bone metastases is sometimes delayed for a considerable period of time. To determine the extent of this delay and its causes, we reviewed the medical records of symptomatic patients seen at our hospital who had been recently diagnosed as having bone metastases for the last four years. The treatment delay was defined as the interval between presentation with symptoms and definitive treatment for bone metastases. The diagnostic delay was defined as the interval between presentation with symptoms and diagnosis of bone metastases. The results of diagnostic radiological examinations were also reviewed for errors. The study population included 76 males and 34 females with a median age of 66 years. Most bone metastases were diagnosed radiologically. Over 75% of patients were treated with radiotherapy. The treatment delay ranged from 2 to 307 days, with a mean of 53.3 days. In 490 radiological studies reviewed, we identified 166 (33.9%) errors concerning 62 (56.4%) patients. The diagnostic delay was significantly longer for patients with radiological errors than for patients without radiological errors (P < 0.001), and much of it was due to radiological errors. In conclusion, the treatment delay in patients with symptomatic bone metastases was much longer than expected, and much of it was caused by radiological errors. Considerable efforts should therefore be made to more carefully examine the radiological studies in order to ensure prompt treatment of bone metastases.
Anti-HBc positivity is a frequent cause of donation rejection at blood banks. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection may also occur in HBsAg-negative patients, a situation denoted occult infection. Similarly, very low levels of HBV-DNA have also been found in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, even in the absence of serum HBsAg. Initially we searched for HBV-DNA in serum of 100 blood donors and 50 HCV-infected patients who were HBsAg negative/anti-HBc positive by nested-PCR and by an HBV monitor commercial test for HBV-DNA. Anti-HBs seroconversion rates were measured in 100 blood donors and in 22 patients with chronic HCV infection after HBV vaccination to determine if the HBV vaccination could eliminate an occult HBV infection in these individuals. Occult HBV infection was detected in proportionally fewer blood donors (6/100 = 6%) than chronic hepatitis C patients (12/50 = 24%) (P < 0.05). We noted seroconversion in 6/6 (100%) HBV-DNA(+) and in 84/94 (89.4%) HBV-DNA(-) blood donors (P > 0.05). All subjects who were HBV-DNA(+) before the first dose of HBV vaccine (D1), became HBV-DNA(-) after D1, D2, and D3. Among 22 HCV-positive patients, 10 HBV-DNA(+) and 12 HBV-DNA(-), seroconversion was observed in 9/10 (90%) HBV-DNA(+) and in 9/12 (75%) HBV-DNA(-) subjects (P > 0.05). The disappearance of HBV-DNA in the majority of vaccinated patients suggests that residual HBV can be eliminated in patients with occult infection.
Occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection has been reported among patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Our aim was to evaluate the presence of occult HBV infection in patients with HCV-related liver cirrhosis (LC) with or without HCC in São Paulo, Brazil. Serum and liver tissue samples from 50 hepatitis B surface antigen-negative patients with HCV-related LC who underwent liver transplantation at the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Hospital from 1993 to 2004 were divided into groups with LC only (N = 33) and with LC plus HCC (N = 17). HBV DNA was assayed for serum and paraffin-embedded liver tissue (tumoral and non-tumoral) using real time PCR and only 1 case with HCC had HBV DNA-positive serum. All liver samples were negative. HCV genotype 3 was detected in 17/39 (43.7%) cases. In conclusion, using a sensitive real time PCR directed to detect HBV variants circulating in Brazil, occult hepatitis B infection was not found among HCV-positive cirrhotic patients and was rarely found among HCV-positive HCC patients. These results are probably related to the low prevalence of HBV infection in our population. Furthermore, we have also shown that HCV genotype 3 is frequently found in Brazilian cirrhotic patients, particularly when they also have HCC. More studies involving a large number of cases should be carried out to confirm these data and to further characterize Brazilian HCV genotype isolates to elucidate genetic features that might be related to its carcinogenic potential.
We showed that guaraná (Paullinia cupana Mart var. sorbilis) had a chemopreventive effect on mouse hepatocarcinogenesis and reduced diethylnitrosamine-induced DNA damage. In the present experiment, we evaluated the effects of guaraná in an experimental metastasis model. Cultured B16/F10 melanoma cells (5 x 10(5) cells/animal) were injected into the tail vein of mice on the 7th day of guaraná treatment (2.0 mg P. cupana/g body weight, per gavage) and the animals were treated with guaraná daily up to 14 days until euthanasia (total treatment time: 21 days). Lung sections were obtained for morphometric analysis, apoptotic bodies were counted to calculate the apoptotic index and proliferating cell nuclear antigen-positive cells were counted to determine the proliferation index. Guaraná-treated (GUA) animals presented a 68.6% reduction in tumor burden area compared to control (CO) animals which were not treated with guaraná (CO: 0.84 ± 0.26, N = 6; GUA: 0.27 ± 0.24, N = 6; P = 0.0043), a 57.9% reduction in tumor proliferation index (CO: 23.75 ± 20.54, N = 6; GUA: 9.99 ± 3.93, N = 6; P = 0.026) and a 4.85-fold increase in apoptotic index (CO: 66.95 ± 22.95, N = 6; GUA: 324.37 ± 266.74 AB/mm², N = 6; P = 0.0152). In this mouse model, guaraná treatment decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis of tumor cells, consequently reducing the tumor burden area. We are currently investigating the molecular pathways of the effects of guaraná in cultured melanoma cells, regarding principally the cell cycle inhibitors and cyclins.
Estimates of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection prevalence varies among different studies depending on the prevalence of HBV infection in the study population and on the sensitivity of the assay used to detect HBV DNA. We investigated the prevalence of occult HBV infection in cirrhotic patients undergoing liver transplantation in a Brazilian referral center. Frozen liver samples from 68 adults were analyzed using a nested polymerase chain reaction assay for HBV DNA. The specificity of the amplified HBV sequences was confirmed by direct sequencing of the amplicons. The patient population comprised 49 (72.1%) males and 19 (27.9%) females with a median age of 53 years (range=18-67 years). Occult HBV infection was diagnosed in three (4.4%) patients. The etiologies of the underlying chronic liver disease in these cases were alcohol abuse, HBV infection, and cryptogenic cirrhosis. Two of the patients with cryptic HBV infection also presented hepatocellular carcinoma. Markers of previous HBV infection were available in two patients with occult HBV infection and were negative in both. In conclusion, using a sensitive nested polymerase chain reaction assay to detect HBV DNA in frozen liver tissue, we found a low prevalence of occult HBV infection in cirrhotic patients undergoing liver transplant, probably due to the low prevalence of HBV infection in our population.
INTRODUÇÃO: Identificar a Doença Renal Crônica (DRC) em seus estágios iniciais permite intervenções com potencial de alterar a evolução natural da doença e de diminuir a mortalidade precoce. O Screening For Occult Renal Disease (SCORED) é um questionário de nove questões com pesos diferentes e prevê uma chance de 20% para DRC em caso de pontuação > 4 pontos. OBJETIVO: Traduzir, adaptar transculturalmente e validar o questionário SCORED para o português brasileiro. MÉTODOS: Etapas do processo: 1. Tradução do inglês para o português brasileiro; 2. Retrotradução para o inglês; 3. Avaliação das versões por comitê de especialistas, gerando uma versão consensual; 4. Validação da versão final para a cultura brasileira. O questionário foi aplicado em 306 indivíduos avaliados para DRC segundo os critérios do NKF KDOQI. RESULTADOS: A idade média dos participantes foi de 49 ± 13 anos, 61% eram mulheres, 69% eram brancos, 68% apresentavam escolaridade até o ensino médio, 38,5% tinham hipertensão arterial e 12,3% Diabetes Mellitus. A versão final do questionário SCORED em português brasileiro não apresentou dificuldades de compreensão. A DRC foi diagnosticada em 20 (6,4%) participantes. A versão brasileira do questionário SCORED apresentou sensibilidade de 80%, especificidade de 65%, valor preditivo positivo de 14%, valor preditivo negativo de 97% e acurácia de 66%. CONCLUSÃO: As etapas cumpridas no processo de adaptação transcultural permitiram desenvolver a versão brasileira do questionário SCORED, ferramenta que, por ser de fácil compreensão, boa aceitação e de baixíssimo custo, poderá constituir importante instrumento de rastreio de pessoas com chance de apresentar DRC.
Ce mémoire propose un regard transdisciplinaire : historique, sociologique et musical sur Harmonium, un groupe culte de folk-rock progressif québécois des années 1970. Y sont étudiées la révolution musicale engendrée par l’arrivée du folk et du rock progressif au Québec ainsi que la mise en récit de l’œuvre et de l’histoire d’Harmonium. Les œuvres du groupe, les sources écrites d’époque (articles de journaux et de revues), l’histoire documentaire et l’histoire et la mémoire publiques y sont confrontées pour analyser les processus narratifs. D’abord, l’essor du groupe est situé dans les transformations de la scène musicale québécoise au cours des années 1960-1970. L’histoire d’Harmonium, entre 1972 et 1978, est ensuite reconstituée au travers des sources d’époque, articles scientifiques et biographies. Par la suite, les caractéristiques musicales des œuvres ainsi que les thèmes, valeurs et messages véhiculés par le groupe sont examinés. L’essor et le succès d’Harmonium sont ainsi réinterprétés au travers du développement de la scène musicale progressive internationale et de la popularisation de la contre-culture. Finalement, en regard de l’ambiguïté politique d’Harmonium dans les sources historiques, la prédominance des réinterprétations néonationalistes de son œuvre et de son histoire sont analysées selon un processus de mise en récit de l’histoire nationale. Il en ressort que la narration prédominante au sein de l’histoire et de la mémoire publiques semble assimiler le destin des artistes québécois à celui du peuple et de la nation. Dans le cas d’Harmonium, ce récit qui s’appuie principalement sur le nationalisme de Serge Fiori, la figure de proue du groupe, contribue à l’occultation du projet artistique spirituel, progressif, contre-culturel et « authentique » du groupe.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do ácido acetilsalicílico a 10% e 20% em linfonodos mesentéricos de coelhos para posterior embasamento e uso em metástases linfonodais. MÉTODOS: Um total de 20 linfonodos de 20 coelhos (divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos) foi avaliado. As soluções de aspirina a 10% (grupos A e C) e 20% (grupos B e D) foram injetadas em linfonodos mesentéricos de coelhos sadios e seus efeitos macroscópicos e histológicos foram avaliados em 24 horas (grupos A e B) e em sete dias (grupos C e D). RESULTADOS: Nos grupos avaliados em 24 horas (A e B) foi verificada intensa necrose e hemorragia, aumento importante de apoptose em todo o linfonodo, com alargamento dos seios medulares e aumento dos centros germinativos. Nos grupos avaliados em sete dias (C e D) também houve aumento da apoptose, com maior elevação de histiócitos e diminuição importante da necrose; a hemorragia foi ausente e aumento de células gigantes foi visualizado, conferindo processo inflamatório crônico do tipo corpo estranho. Não houve diferença entre as concentrações utilizadas (10 e 20%) em nenhuma das comparações. CONCLUSÕES: A injeção de aspirina em linfonodos causou necrose e um aumento de apoptose após 24 horas e após sete dias de tratamento, houve regeneração dos gânglios linfáticos, com diminuição intensa de necrose e grande aumento de apoptose. Uma vez que o aumento de apoptose é um dos pilares dos tratamentos antineoplásicos, estes resultados experimentais embasam eventual aplicação clínica da aspirina no tratamento de metástases linfonodais.
Background: This article reports a rare case of metastasis of salivary duct carcinoma of the parotid gland to the gingiva and reviews the occurrence of metastatic processes to the oral mucosa.Methods: A 67-year-old white male presented with a chief complaint of a painless nodular tissue growth on the gingiva with reportedly 5 months of evolution. The intraoral examination revealed a reddish, superflcially ulcerated nodular lesion (similar to 2 cm in diameter) on the right mandibular buccal attached gingiva, and the clinical aspect was that of a benign reactive lesion. The patient had undergone a parotidectomy for removal of a salivary duct carcinoma of the parotid gland almost 1 year before. A biopsy of the gingival lesion was performed, and the biopsied tissue was forwarded for histopathologic examination.Results: The analysis of the histopathologic sections of the gingival lesion revealed histomorphologic characteristics very similar to those of the primary parotid gland tumor. The definitive diagnosis was gingival metastasis from a salivary duct carcinoma of the parotid gland. The patient died of complications of a pulmonary metastasis I month after the diagnosis of the oral metastatic lesion.Conclusions: Gingival lesions that mimic reactive and hyperplastic lesions may be metastases from malignant neoplasias of diverse origins. An accurate and timely diagnosis is crucial to establish proper and immediate treatment of the metastatic tumor and possibly identify an occult primary malignant neoplasia.
Renal clear cell carcinoma (RCCC) is a neoplasia resistant to radio and chemotherapy, with surgical treatment being the procedure that is recognized for its curative treatment. This case report demonstrates the success of an aggressive surgical treatment for consecutive and late metachronous metastases following radical nephrectomy. Case report: Asymptomatic 50-year old man. During a routine examination, an incidental mass was found by renal ultrasonography. He underwent right radical nephrectomy due to RCCC in June 1992. During the follow-up metastases were evidenced in cerebellum on the seventh year, and in left lung and pancreas on the eighth year following the radical nephrectomy, with all of them successfully treated by surgical excision. Comments: The surgical excision of consecutive and late metachronous metastases in different organs arising from RCCC is feasible, being a good therapeutic alternative in selected cases.
We presented a rare case of metastasis of melanoma in palatine tonsils alerting healthcare professionals to this diagnose in black oral lesions. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved.
Brain metastases (BM) are one of the most common intracranial tumors and surgical treatment can improve both the functional outcomes and patient survival, particularly when systemic disease is controlled. Image-guided BM resection using intraoperative exams, such as intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS), can lead to better surgical results. Methods: To evaluate the use of IOUS for BM resection, 20 consecutives patients were operated using IOUS to locate tumors, identify their anatomical relationships and surgical cavity after resection. Technical difficulties, complications, recurrence and survival rates were noted. Results: IOUS proved effective for locating, determining borders and defining the anatomical relationships of BM, as well as to identify incomplete tumor resection. No complications related to IOUS were seen. Conclusion: IOUS is a practical supporting method for the resection of BM, but further studies comparing this method with other intraoperative exams are needed to evaluate its actual contribution and reliability.
Introduction: Denosumab, a fully human anti-RANKL monoclonal antibody, reduces the incidence of skeletal-related events in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors. We present survival data for the subset of patients with lung cancer, participating in the phase 3 trial of denosumab versus zoledronic acid (ZA) in the treatment of bone metastases from solid tumors (except breast or prostate) or multiple myeloma. Methods: Patients were randomized 1:1 to receive monthly subcutaneous denosumab 120 mg or intravenous ZA 4 mg. An exploratory analysis, using Kaplan-Meier estimates and proportional hazards models, was performed for overall survival among patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and SCLC. Results: Denosumab was associated with improved median overall survival versus ZA in 811 patients with any lung cancer (8.9 versus 7.7 months; hazard ratio [HR] 0.80) and in 702 patients with NSCLC (9.5 versus 8.0 months; HR 0.78) (p = 0.01, each comparison). Further analysis of NSCLC by histological type showed a median survival of 8.6 months for denosumab versus 6.4 months for ZA in patients with squamous cell carcinoma (HR 0.68; p = 0.035). Incidence of overall adverse events was balanced between treatment groups; serious adverse events occurred in 66.0% of denosumab-treated patients and 72.9% of ZA-treated patients. Cumulative incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw was similar between groups (0.7% denosumab versus 0.8% ZA). Hypocalcemia rates were 8.6% with denosumab and 3.8% with ZA. Conclusion: In this exploratory analysis, denosumab was associated with improved overall survival compared with ZA, in patients with metastatic lung cancer.