118 resultados para Obstructed defaecation


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INTRODUÇÃO E OBJETIVO: A estenose de junção ureteropélvica (EJUP) é importante causa de obstrução do trato urinário e pode levar a deterioração progressiva da função renal. Há espaço para o aprimoramento de novos métodos diagnósticos capazes de discriminar hidronefrose e uropatia obstrutiva. Acredita-se que os biomarcadores urinários podem fornecer indícios de lesão renal precoce na obstrução urinária. Neste contexto, KIM-1 pode elevar-se na urina por lesão tubular proximal, NGAL por lesão no túbulo proximal, distal ou alça de Henle, CA19-9 por produção excessiva no túbulo obstruído e ?2-microglobulina (beta2M) por injúria ao glomérulo ou ao túbulo proximal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as propriedades diagnósticas dos biomarcadores urinários citados em adultos com EJUP, sendo o primeiro estudo na literatura a avaliar tais moléculas nesta população. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados de modo prospectivo pacientes consecutivos acima de 18 anos com diagnóstico de EJUP submetidos a pieloplastia videolaparoscópica de dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2015. Foram excluídos do estudo pacientes com EJUP bilateral, rim contralateral patológico, EJUP em rim único, antecedentes de tratamento cirúrgico para estenose de JUP ou taxa de filtração glomerular inferior a 60 ml/min/1,73m2. Cada paciente forneceu quatro amostras de urina para medição de biomarcadores, uma no pré-operatório e outras com 1, 3 e 6 meses de seguimento pós-operatório. O grupo controle foi constituído por voluntários saudáveis sem hidronefrose à ultrassonografia. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 47 pacientes com idade média de 38,6 ± 12,7 anos (intervalo 19 a 64 anos), sendo 17 (36,2%) do sexo masculino e 30 (62,8%) do sexo feminino. O grupo controle foi composto por 40 indivíduos semelhantes ao grupo com EJUP no que concerne idade (p = 0,95) e sexo (p = 0,82). KIM-1 foi o marcador com melhores propriedades diagnósticas, apresentando área sob a curva (AUC) de 0,79 (95% CI 0,70 a 0,89). O NGAL, por sua vez, teve AUC de 0,71 (95% CI 0,61 a 0,83), CA19- 9 teve AUC de 0,70 (95% CI 0,60 a 0,81) e (beta2M) apresentou AUC de 0,61 (95% CI 0,50 a 0,73), sendo o único biomarcador com propriedades inadequadas neste cenário. O KIM-1 foi o marcador mais sensível com o ponto de corte 170,4 pg/mg de creatinina (sensibilidade 91,4%, especificidade 59,1%) e o CA 19-9 o mais específico para o ponto de corte de 51,3 U/mg de creatinina (sensibilidade 48,9%, especificidade 88,0%), enquanto o NGAL foi o que apresentou maior queda após desobstrução, com 90,0% dos pacientes apresentando clareamento superior a 50%. CONCLUSÕES: A avaliação dos biomarcadores urinários é útil no diagnóstico de obstrução em adultos com EJUP submetidos a pieloplastia videolaparoscópica. O KIM-1 foi o marcador mais sensível e o CA 19-9 o mais específico, enquanto o NGAL foi o que apresentou maior que com a desobstrução. Houve queda das concentrações dos marcadores após pieloplastia no período estudado. O papel exato dos biomarcadores urinários no cenário de obstrução em adultos deve ser mais amplamente investigado


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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a cardiovascular disease where the heart muscle is partially thickened and blood flow is - potentially fatally - obstructed. It is one of the leading causes of sudden cardiac death in young people. Electrocardiography (ECG) and Echocardiography (Echo) are the standard tests for identifying HCM and other cardiac abnormalities. The American Heart Association has recommended using a pre-participation questionnaire for young athletes instead of ECG or Echo tests due to considerations of cost and time involved in interpreting the results of these tests by an expert cardiologist. Initially we set out to develop a classifier for automated prediction of young athletes’ heart conditions based on the answers to the questionnaire. Classification results and further in-depth analysis using computational and statistical methods indicated significant shortcomings of the questionnaire in predicting cardiac abnormalities. Automated methods for analyzing ECG signals can help reduce cost and save time in the pre-participation screening process by detecting HCM and other cardiac abnormalities. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation work is to identify HCM through computational analysis of 12-lead ECG. ECG signals recorded on one or two leads have been analyzed in the past for classifying individual heartbeats into different types of arrhythmia as annotated primarily in the MIT-BIH database. In contrast, we classify complete sequences of 12-lead ECGs to assign patients into two groups: HCM vs. non-HCM. The challenges and issues we address include missing ECG waves in one or more leads and the dimensionality of a large feature-set. We address these by proposing imputation and feature-selection methods. We develop heartbeat-classifiers by employing Random Forests and Support Vector Machines, and propose a method to classify full 12-lead ECGs based on the proportion of heartbeats classified as HCM. The results from our experiments show that the classifiers developed using our methods perform well in identifying HCM. Thus the two contributions of this thesis are the utilization of computational and statistical methods for discovering shortcomings in a current screening procedure and the development of methods to identify HCM through computational analysis of 12-lead ECG signals.


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The end point of immune and nonimmune renal injury typically involves glomerular and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Although numerous studies have focused on the events that lead to renal fibrosis, less is known about the mechanisms that promote cellular repair and tissue remodeling. Described is a model of renal injury and repair after the reversal of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) in male C57b1/6J mice. Male mice (20 to 25 g) underwent 10 d of UUO with or without 1, 2, 4, or 6 wk of reversal of UUO (R-UUO). UUO resulted in cortical tubular cell atrophy and tubular dilation in conjunction with an almost complete ablation of the outer medulla. This was associated with interstitial macrophage infiltration; increased hydroxyproline content; and upregulated type I, III, IV, and V collagen expression. The volume density of kidney occupied by renal tubules that exhibited a brush border was measured as an assessment of the degree of repair after R-UUO. After 6 wk of R-UUO, there was an increase in the area of kidney occupied by repaired tubules (83.7 +/- 5.9%), compared with 10 d UUO kidneys (32.6 +/- 7.3%). This coincided with reduced macrophage numbers, decreased hydroxyproline content, and reduced collagen accumulation and interstitial matrix expansion, compared with obstructed kidneys from UUO mice. GFR in the 6-wk R-UUO kidneys was restored to 43 to 88% of the GFR in the contralateral unobstructed kidneys. This study describes the regenerative potential of the kidney after the established interstitial matrix expansion and medullary ablation associated with UUO in the adult mouse.


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Sixty patients with no clinical indicators of a difficult airway were selected to undergo a fibreoptic assessment after induction of general anaesthesia using both the Berman Intubating Airway and the Williams Airway Intubator. The bronchoscopic view and ease of railroading a tracheal tube during fibreoptic orotracheal intubation were studied. The bronchoscopic views obtained by the Berman Airway and the Williams Airway were significantly different (p < 0.008, test of symmetry). The estimated odds ratio of obtaining an obstructed path was 3.06 times higher for the Berman than the Williams Airway. However, if the glottis could be reached with the bronchoscope, there was no significant difference in the degree of ease of intubation between the two airways.


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There has been negligible adoption of combined heat and power (CHP) for district heating (DH) in Britain, despite continued advocacy. This thesis constructs an account of the treatment of the option, and devises a framework for explanation. Analysis of technological development and adoption, it is argued, should be similar to that of other social processes, and be subject to the same requirements and criticisms. They will, however, show features peculiar to the institutions developing and selecting technologies, their relation to different social groups, and the forms of knowledge in and about technology. Conventional approaches - organisation and interorganisation theories, and analyses of policy-making - give useful insights but have common limitations. Elements of an analytical framework situating detailed issues and outcomes in a structured historical context are derived from convergent radical critiques. Thus activity on CHP/DH is essentially shaped by the development and relations of energy sector institutions: central and local government, nationalised industries and particularly the electricity industry. Analysis of them is related to the specific character of the British state. A few CHP and DH installations were tried before 1940. During postwar reconstruction, extensive plans for several cities were abandoned or curtailed. In the 1960s and 70s, many small non-CHP DH schemes were installed on housing estates. From the mid-70s, the national potential of CHP/DH has been reappraised, with widespread support and favourable evaluations, but little practical progress. Significant CHP/DH adoption is shown to have been systematically excluded ultimately by the structure of energy provision; centralised production interests dominate and co-ordination is weak. Marginal economics and political commitment have allowed limited development in exceptional circumstances. Periods of upheaval provided greater opportunity and incentive for CHP/DH but restructuring eventually obstructed it. Explanation of these outcomes is shown to require analysis at several levels, from broad context to detailed action.


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As an extracellular second messenger, nitric oxide (NO) mediates the modification of proteins through nitrosylation of cysteine andtyrosine residues. Tissue Transglutaminase (TG2) is a Ca2+ activated, sulfhydryl rich protein with 18 free cysteine residues, which catalyzes ε-(γ glutamyl)lysine crosslink between extracellular and intracellular proteins. NO can nitrosylate up to 15 of the cysteine residues in TG2, leading to the irreversible inactivation of the enzyme activity. The interplay between these two agents was revealed for the first time by our study showing that NO inhibited the TG2-induced transcriptional activation of TGFb1and extracellular matrix (ECM) protein synthesis by nitrosylating TG2 in an inactive confirmation with inert catalytic activity. However, nitrosylated TG2 was still able to serve as a novel cell adhesion protein. In the light of our previous findings, in this study we aim to elucidate the NO modified function of TG2 in cell migration using an in vitro model mimicking the tissue matrix remodeling phases of wound healing. Using transfected fibroblasts expressing TG2 under the control of the tetracycline-off promoter, we demonstrate that upregulation of TG2 expression and activity inhibited the cell migration through the activation of TGFβ1. Increased TG2 activity led to arise in the biosynthesis and activity of the gelatinases, MMP-2 andMMP-9, while decreasing the biosynthesis and activity of the col-lagenases MMP-1a and MMP-13. NO donor S-Nitroso-N-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP) treatment relieved the TG2 obstructed-cellmigration by blocking the TG2 enzyme activity. In addition,decrease in TG2 activity due to nitrosylation led to an inhibition of TGFβ1, which in turn affected the pattern of MMP activation. Recent evidence suggests that, once in complex with fibronectin in the ECM, TG2 can interact with syndecan-4 or integrinβ-1and regulate the cell adhesion. In the other part of this study, the possible role of nitrosylated TG2 on the regulation of cell migration during wound healing was investigated with respect to its interactions with integrin β1 (ITGβ1) and syndecan-4 (SDC4). Treatment with TG2 inhibitor Z-DON resulted in a 50% decrease in the TG2 interaction with ITGB1 and SDC4, while increasing concentrations of SNAP firstly led to a substantial decrease and then completely abolished the TG2/ITGβ1 and TG2/SDC4 complex formation on the cell surface. Taken together, data obtained from this study suggests that nitrosylation of TG2 leads to a change not only in the binding partners of TG2 on cell surface but also in TGFβ1-dependent MMP activation, which give rise to an increase in the migration potential of fibroblasts.


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This dissertation is about commercial agriculture in nineteenth-century Liberia. Based primarily on the archives of the American Colonization Society (founder of Liberia), it examines the impact of environmental and demographic constraints on an agrarian settler society from 1822 to the 1890s. Contrary to the standard interpretation, which linked the poor state of commercial agriculture to the settlers' disdain for cultivation, this dissertation argues that the scarcity of labor and capital impeded the growth of commercial agriculture. The causes of the scarcity were high mortality, low immigration and the poverty of the American “Negroes” who began to settle Liberia in 1822. ^ Emigration to Liberia meant almost certain death and affliction for many immigrants because they encountered a new set of diseases. Mortality was particularly high during the early decades of colonization. From 1822 to 1843, about 48 percent of all immigrants died of various causes, usually within their first year. The bulk of the deaths is attributed to malaria. There was no natural increase in the population for this early period and because American “Negroes” were unenthusiastic about relocation to Liberia, immigration remained sparse throughout the century. Low immigration, combined with the high death rate, deprived the fledgling colony of its potential human resource, especially for the cultivation of labor-intensive crops, like sugar cane and coffee. Moreover, even though females constituted approximately half of the settlers, they seldom performed agricultural labor. ^ The problem of labor was compounded by the scarcity of draft animals. Liberia is in the region where trypanosomiasis occurs. The disease is fatal to large livestock. Therefore, animal-drawn plows, common in the United States, were never successfully transplanted in Liberia. Besides, the dearth of livestock obstructed the development of the sugar industry since many planters depended on oxen-powered mills because they could not afford to buy the more expensive steam engine mills. ^ Finally, nearly half of the immigrants were newly emancipated slaves. Usually these former bondsmen arrived in Liberia penniless. Consequently, they lacked the capital to invest in large-scale plantations. The other categories of immigrants (e.g., those who purchased their freedom), were hardly better off than the emancipated slaves. ^


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Background: Obstetric fistula is the development of a necrosis between the bladder and the vagina and/or the bladder and the rectum as a result of prolonged obstructed labor, resulting in urinary or fecal incontinence. In Tanzania surgical repair for obstetric fistula is provided freely by the government but it is estimated that there are over 25,000 women living with an untreated fistula. These women experience high degrees of psycho-social stresses exacerbated by the stigma surrounding their condition. There is a dire need to explore stigma within this population in order to better understand its impact, as stigma affects both treatment seeking behavior as well as long term recovery of those who access surgical repair.

Study Aims: This study aims to understand the experiences of stigma among women with obstetric fistulas by examining both internalized and enacted stigma, and by identifying pertinent correlates of internalized stigma.

Methods: This mixed-methods study utilized both quantitative and qualitative data collected in two related studies at a single hospital in Moshi, Tanzania. All study participants were women receiving surgical repair for an obstetric fistula. In the quantitative portion, cross-sectional survey data were collected from 52 patients. The primary outcome was fistula-related stigma, measured using an adaptation of the HASI-P stigma scale, which included constructs of both internalized and enacted stigma. In the qualitative portion, 45 patients participated in a semi-structured in-depth interview, which explored topics such as stressors caused by the fistula, coping mechanisms, and available support. The transcripts were analyzed using analytic memos and an iterative process of thematic coding using the framework of content analysis.

Results: Expressions of internalized stigma were common in the sample, with a median score of 2.1 on a scale of 0 – 3. Internalized was significantly correlated with negative religious coping, social participation, impact of incontinence and enacted stigma. Qualitative analysis was consistent and demonstrated widespread themes of shame and embarrassment. Experiences of enacted stigma were not as common (median score of 0), although some items, like those pertaining to mockery and blame, were endorsed by up to 25% of the study sample. Themes of anticipated stigma (isolation and non-disclosure due to the possibility of stigmatization) were also evident in the qualitative sample and may explain the low enacted stigma scores observed.

Conclusion: In this sample of women receiving surgical repair for an obstetric fistula, stigma was evident, with internalized stigma resulting in psychological impacts for patients. Experiences of both anticipated and enacted stigma were also observed. There is a need to explore interventions that would decrease stigma while also increasing support for these women, as stigma may be a barrier towards accessing surgical repair and reintegration following surgery.

Keywords: Tanzania, obstetric fistula, stigma, maternal health


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Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a cardiovascular disease where the heart muscle is partially thickened and blood flow is - potentially fatally - obstructed. It is one of the leading causes of sudden cardiac death in young people. Electrocardiography (ECG) and Echocardiography (Echo) are the standard tests for identifying HCM and other cardiac abnormalities. The American Heart Association has recommended using a pre-participation questionnaire for young athletes instead of ECG or Echo tests due to considerations of cost and time involved in interpreting the results of these tests by an expert cardiologist. Initially we set out to develop a classifier for automated prediction of young athletes’ heart conditions based on the answers to the questionnaire. Classification results and further in-depth analysis using computational and statistical methods indicated significant shortcomings of the questionnaire in predicting cardiac abnormalities. Automated methods for analyzing ECG signals can help reduce cost and save time in the pre-participation screening process by detecting HCM and other cardiac abnormalities. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation work is to identify HCM through computational analysis of 12-lead ECG. ECG signals recorded on one or two leads have been analyzed in the past for classifying individual heartbeats into different types of arrhythmia as annotated primarily in the MIT-BIH database. In contrast, we classify complete sequences of 12-lead ECGs to assign patients into two groups: HCM vs. non-HCM. The challenges and issues we address include missing ECG waves in one or more leads and the dimensionality of a large feature-set. We address these by proposing imputation and feature-selection methods. We develop heartbeat-classifiers by employing Random Forests and Support Vector Machines, and propose a method to classify full 12-lead ECGs based on the proportion of heartbeats classified as HCM. The results from our experiments show that the classifiers developed using our methods perform well in identifying HCM. Thus the two contributions of this thesis are the utilization of computational and statistical methods for discovering shortcomings in a current screening procedure and the development of methods to identify HCM through computational analysis of 12-lead ECG signals.


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A large eddy simulation is performed to study the deflagration to detonation transition phenomenon in an obstructed channel containing premixed stoichiometric hydrogen–air mixture. Two-dimensional filtered reactive Navier–Stokes equations are solved utilizing the artificially thickened flame approach (ATF) for modeling sub-grid scale combustion. To include the effect of induction time, a 27-step detailed mechanism is utilized along with an in situ adaptive tabulation (ISAT) method to reduce the computational cost due to the detailed chemistry. The results show that in the slow flame propagation regime, the flame–vortex interaction and the resulting flame folding and wrinkling are the main mechanisms for the increase of the flame surface and consequently acceleration of the flame. Furthermore, at high speed, the major mechanisms responsible for flame propagation are repeated reflected shock–flame interactions and the resulting baroclinic vorticity. These interactions intensify the rate of heat release and maintain the turbulence and flame speed at high level. During the flame acceleration, it is seen that the turbulent flame enters the ‘thickened reaction zones’ regime. Therefore, it is necessary to utilize the chemistry based combustion model with detailed chemical kinetics to properly capture the salient features of the fast deflagration propagation.


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Résumé : L'épargne et le crédit sont reconnus comme deux éléments clés du développement économique. Or, jusqu'à ce que les membres défavorisés d'une communauté aient accès aux ressources et services financiers, ils seront toujours privés de la participation au processus du développement et des bénéfices qui pourraient s'en suivre. La recherche indique que les services des prêts offerts par les institutions officielles ne parviennent que rarement aux plus pauvres de la société, qui sont obligés par conséquent de dépendre des intermédiaires informels comme les groupes d'épargne et les usuriers. Diverses organisations sur place comme les coopératives ont essayé de répondre aux besoins du développement des communautés défavorisées. Dans ce contexte, nous ferons d'abord le bilan historique et international des coopératives d'épargne et de crédit (i.e. les caisses populaires). Ensuite, nous analyserons quatre autres tentatives récentes qui eurent pour but de créer de nouvelles formes d'institutions financières, de les développer de telle sorte qu'elles offrent un degré d'accès raisonnable, sinon privilégié, aux ménages de revenu inférieur. L'analyse de ces cas-ci (venant du Zimbabwe, de l'Inde, du Ghana, et du Bangladesh) permettra d'identifier leurs caractéristiques communes et divergentes. À partir des résultats de cette analyse, un projet pilote au Zimbabwe fut initié pour élaborer une stratégie appropriée qui faciliterait le développement d'un réseau de caisses rurales. L'analyse théorique, la mise en pratique du projet, ainsi que les conclusions subséquentes soulignent l'importance de la participation directe des communautés à l'élaboration des organisations populaires. Il est évident que ces méthodes sont de loin plus efficaces que celles basées sur des politiques et des structures uniformes et compréhensives.||Abstract : Savings and credit are recognized as key elements of economic development, but until such time as disadvantaged members of the community have access to financial resources and services, they are obstructed from participating fully in the development process. Experience has shown that formal institutional credit bas rarely reached the poorer sectors of society, who have had to rely on informal intermediaries such as savings groups and money-lenders. Local organizations such as co-operatives have attempted to respond to the development needs of disadvantaged communities, and the historical and international record of savings and credit co-operatives (i.e. credit unions) is examined in this context. Four recent initiatives to design and develop new forms of financial institutions that give fair if not favoured access to low-income housebolds are also identified. These cases (from Zimbabwe, India, Bangladesh, and Ghana) are examined in an effort to identify common and divergent characteristics. Following from this analysis, a pilot project in Zimbabwe was initiated in an effort to elaborate an appropriate strategy for development of a network of rural savings and credit organization. The theoretical analysis, field exercise and subsequent reflections highlight the need for participatory methods of organizational design and development, rather than any all-encompassing structural or policy guidelines.


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Remarkable gains have been made in global health in the past 25 years, but progress has not been uniform. Mortality and morbidity from common conditions needing surgery have grown in the world’s poorest regions, both in real terms and relative to other health gains. At the same time, development of safe, essential, life-saving surgical and anaesthesia care in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) has stagnated or regressed. In the absence of surgical care, case-fatality rates are high for common, easily treatable conditions including appendicitis, hernia, fractures, obstructed labour, congenital anomalies, and breast and cervical cancer. In 2015, many LMICs are facing a multifaceted burden of infectious disease, maternal disease, neonatal disease, non-communicable diseases, and injuries. Surgical and anaesthesia care are essential for the treatment of many of these conditions and represent an integral component of a functional, responsive, and resilient health system. In view of the large projected increase in the incidence of cancer, road traffic injuries, and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in LMICs, the need for surgical services in these regions will continue to rise substantially from now until 2030. Reduction of death and disability hinges on access to surgical and anaesthesia care, which should be available, affordable, timely, and safe to ensure good coverage, uptake, and outcomes. Despite growing need, the development and delivery of surgical and anaesthesia care in LMICs has been nearly absent from the global health discourse. Little has been written about the human and economic effect of surgical conditions, the state of surgical care, or the potential strategies for scale-up of surgical services in LMICs. To begin to address these crucial gaps in knowledge, policy, and action, the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery was launched in January, 2014. The Commission brought together an international, multi- disciplinary team of 25 commissioners, supported by advisors and collaborators in more than 110 countries and six continents. We formed four working groups that focused on thedomains of health-care delivery and management; work-force, training, and education; economics and finance; and information management. Our Commission has five key messages, a set of indicators and recommendations to improve access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care in LMICs, and a template for a national surgical plan.


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INTRODUCTION: High-fidelity simulation-based training is often avoided for early-stage students because of the assumption that while practicing newly learned skills, they are ill suited to processing multiple demands, which can lead to "cognitive overload" and poorer learning outcomes. We tested this assumption using a mixed-methods experimental design manipulating psychological immersion. METHODS: Thirty-nine randomly assigned first-year paramedicine students completed low- or high-environmental fidelity simulations [low-environmental fidelity simulations (LFenS) vs. high-environmental fidelity simulation (HFenS)] involving a manikin with obstructed airway (SimMan3G). Psychological immersion and cognitive burden were determined via continuous heart rate, eye tracking, self-report questionnaire (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index), independent observation, and postsimulation interviews. Performance was assessed by successful location of obstruction and time-to-termination. RESULTS: Eye tracking confirmed that students attended to multiple, concurrent stimuli in HFenS and interviews consistently suggested that they experienced greater psychological immersion and cognitive burden than their LFenS counterparts. This was confirmed by significantly higher mean heart rate (P < 0.001) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index mental demand (P < 0.05). Although group allocation did not influence the proportion of students who ultimately revived the patient (58% vs. 30%, P < 0.10), the HFenS students did so significantly more quickly (P < 0.01). The LFenS students had low immersion resulting in greater assessment anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: High-environmental fidelity simulation engendered immersion and a sense of urgency in students, whereas LFenS created assessment anxiety and slower performance. We conclude that once early-stage students have learned the basics of a clinical skill, throwing them in the "deep end" of high-fidelity simulation creates significant additional cognitive burden but this has considerable educational merit.