937 resultados para Object-oriented frameworks


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A large body of research analyzes the runtime execution of a system to extract abstract behavioral views. Those approaches primarily analyze control flow by tracing method execution events or they analyze object graphs of heap snapshots. However, they do not capture how objects are passed through the system at runtime. We refer to the exchange of objects as the object flow, and we claim that object flow is necessary to analyze if we are to understand the runtime of an object-oriented application. We propose and detail Object Flow Analysis, a novel dynamic analysis technique that takes this new information into account. To evaluate its usefulness, we present a visual approach that allows a developer to study classes and components in terms of how they exchange objects at runtime. We illustrate our approach on three case studies.


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As object-oriented languages are extended with novel modularization mechanisms, better underlying models are required to implement these high-level features. This paper describes CELL, a language model that builds on delegation-based chains of object fragments. Composition of groups of cells is used: 1) to represent objects, 2) to realize various forms of method lookup, and 3) to keep track of method references. A running prototype of CELL is provided and used to realize the basic kernel of a Smalltalk system. The paper shows, using several examples, how higher-level features such as traits can be supported by the lower-level model.


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Answering run-time questions in object-oriented systems involves reasoning about and exploring connections between multiple objects. Developer questions exercise various aspects of an object and require multiple kinds of interactions depending on the relationships between objects, the application domain and the differing developer needs. Nevertheless, traditional object inspectors, the essential tools often used to reason about objects, favor a generic view that focuses on the low-level details of the state of individual objects. This leads to an inefficient effort, increasing the time spent in the inspector. To improve the inspection process, we propose the Moldable Inspector, a novel approach for an extensible object inspector. The Moldable Inspector allows developers to look at objects using multiple interchangeable presentations and supports a workflow in which multiple levels of connecting objects can be seen together. Both these aspects can be tailored to the domain of the objects and the question at hand. We further exemplify how the proposed solution improves the inspection process, introduce a prototype implementation and discuss new directions for extending the Moldable Inspector.


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This article introduces the current agent-oriented methodologies. It discusses what approaches have been followed (mainly extending existing object oriented and knowledge engineering methodologies), the suitability of these approaches for agent modelling, and some conclusions drawn from the survey.


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This paper proposes a highly automated mechanism to build an undo facility into a new or existing system easily. Our proposal is based on the observation that for a large set of operators it is not necessary to store in-memory object states or executed system commands to undo an action; the storage of input data is instead enough. This strategy simplifies greatly the design of the undo process and encapsulates most of the functionalities required in a framework structure similar to the many object-oriented programming frameworks.


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The problem of conceptualisation is the first step towards the identication of the functional requirements of a system. This article proposes two extensions of well-known object oriented techniques: UER (User-Environment-Responsibility) technique and enhanced CRC (Class-ResponsibilityCollaboration) cards. UER technique consists of (a) looking for the users of systems and describing the ways the system is used; (b) looking for the objects of the environment and describing the possible interactions; and (c) looking for the general requirements or goals of the system, the actions that it should carry out without explicit interaction. The enhanced CRC cards together with the internal use cases technique is used for dening collaborations between agents. These techniques can be easily integrated in UML (Unied Modelling Language) [2], dening the new notation symbols as stereotypes.


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Los llamados procesos creativos en general, y los del proyectar arquitectónico en particular, mantienen aproximaciones hacia el objeto centradas principalmente en el procedimiento, es decir, en lo estratégico, lo metodológico o/y lo paradigmático. En ellas, además, el potencial de información no suele ser completo ni contemplado o, si lo ha sido, de manera inconciente, o referido de nuevo a lo procedimental. Igualmente, se centra el interés de estas aproximaciones, o en el objeto propuesto o resultado, o en lo procesal, pero sin atender a su constitución, es decir, a la información misma. Por tanto, y como reclama la física, la base constituyente informacional de estas aproximaciones, no ha sido considerada hasta ahora, ni se ha intentado sistematizar. Junto a esta omisión, estos acercamientos no permiten que cada humano configure de manera autónoma, independiente e íntegramente su propio proceso pues, los comentados procedimientos, están apoyados en marcos contextuales, culturales o/y procesales, reflejando así una orientación limitada en espacio-tiempo. Es así que se propone una potencia, o “aquellas cualidades poseídas por las cosas en cuya virtud éstas son totalmente impasibles o inmutables, o no se dejan cambiar fácilmente…”, según la define Aristóteles en “Metafísica”, como la posibilidad de, a la vez, aludir a un abanico informacional completo y apuntar hacia la íntegra elaboración de un proceso personal propio. Desde lo informacional, que a su vez es energético dependiendo de la disciplina científica considerada, se diferencian, en primer lugar, unos atributos o términos mínimos, que son unas potencias que compendian el abanico informacional completo. Es decir, son mínimos máximos. Estos atributos forman la fase cualitativa de la información a la que se llama acompañamiento. En segundo lugar, y apoyado tanto en el funcionamiento cerebral, en el espacio-tiempo cuántico, como en los nuevos experimentos e investigaciones de la biología, la física y la neurociencia en especial, se abren líneas nuevas para acceder a la información, antes contemplada de manera lineal, local y como entidad separada. Por ello, esta segunda aproximación presenta una potencia de intensificación de datos, que permite un aumento de los mismos en el cerebro y, por ello, la posibilidad de evitar el problema del “papel en blanco”. A esta fase se la nombra promoción. En tercer lugar, ambas fases constituyen la generación como propuesta de tesis, siendo la misma un cambio de cualquier tipo en el que alguien es agente de algo, específicamente, cuando un humano es mediador entre sucesos. Fusionando ambas, se añade simultáneamente una con-formación potencial global, que es sinérgicamente más que la suma de las dos anteriores. De esta manera agrupadora, y con objeto de materializar y sistematizar ahora esta generación o potencia, se presenta una puesta en práctica. Para ello, se desarrolla un modelo analítico-geométrico-paramétrico y se expone su aplicación en dicho caso práctico. Además, dicho modelo presenta un funcionamiento autorreferido u holográfico, reflejando tanto a los estudios científicos revisados, como al propio funcionamiento de los atributos o/y de todas las potencias que se presentan en esta investigación. ABSTRACT Generally speaking the so-called creative processes, and particularly those of the architectural design, keep approaches into the object oriented mainly in the process, so to speak, into the strategical, the methodological and/ or into the paradigmatic. In addition, they don’t usually take into account the potential of information neither in a complete manner nor even contemplated or, if considered, worked out unconsciously, or referred back to the procedural. Similarly, the interest of these approaches is focused either in the proposed object or the output, or in the processual, but leaving their constituent out, being it the information itself. Therefore, as physics is claiming nowadays, the constituent core of these approaches have neither been taken into account so far, nor tried to systematize. Along with this omission, these approaches do not allow each human being to set up autonomously, independently and entirely her/ his own process, because the mentioned procedures are supported by contextual, cultural and/ or procedural frameworks, reflecting then a perspective limited in space-time. Thus a potency is proposed, or "those qualities possessed by things under which they are totally impassive or immutable, or are not easily changed...", as defined by Aristotle in "Metaphysics", as the possibility to, and at the same time, alluding to a full informational range and point out to a whole development of an own personal process. From the informational stand, which in turn is energetic depending on the scientific discipline considered, it is distinguished, in the first place, a minimum set of attributes or terms, which are potencies that summarize the full informational range. That is, they are maximum minimums. These attributes build up the qualitative phase of the information being called accompaniment. Secondly, and supported in the brain functioning, in quantum space-time, as in new experiments and research carried out by biology, physics and neuroscience especially, new lines to access information are being opened, being contemplated linearly, locally and as a detached entity before. Thus, this second approach comes up with a potency of data`s intensifying that allows an increase in the brain thereof and, therefore, the possibility of avoiding the problem of "the blank paper". Promotion is how this phase is appointed. In the third place, both phases form the generation as the dissertation proposal, being it a change of any kind in which someone is the agent of something, specifically, when a human being is the mediator in between events. Fusing both of them, a global potential formation-with is added simultaneously, which is synergistically greater than the sum of the previous two. In this grouping way, and now in order to materialize and systemize this generation or potency, an implementation is displayed. To this end, an analytical-geometrical-parametrical model is developed and put into practice as a case study. In addition, this model features a self-referral or holographic functioning, being aligned to both scientific reviewed studies, and the very functioning either of the attributes and/ or all the potencies that are introduced in this research.


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Understanding the run-time behaviour of object-oriented applications entails the comprehension of run-time objects. Traditional object inspectors favor generic views that focus on the low-level details of the state of single objects. While universally applicable, this generic approach does not take into account the varying needs of developers that could benefit from tailored views and exploration possibilities. GTInspector is a novel moldable object inspector that provides different high-level ways to visualize and explore objects, adapted to both the object and the current developer need.


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We present a process for introducing an object-oriented architecture into an abstract functional specification written in Object-Z. Since the design is derived from the specification, correctness concerns are addressed as pan of the design process. We base our approach on refactoring rules that apply to class structure, and use the rules to implement design patterns. As a motivating example, we introduce a user-interface design that follows the model-view-controller paradigm into an existing specification.


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Object-Z offers an object-oriented means for structuring formal specifications. We investigate the application of refactoring rules to add and remove structure from such specifications to forge object-oriented designs. This allows us to tractably move from an abstract functional description of a system toward a lower-level design suitable for implementation on an object-oriented platform.


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An object-oriented finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulator has been developed for electromagnetic study and design applications in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is aimed to be a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all high and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The design method is described and MRI-based numerical examples are presented to illustrate the function of the numerical solver, particular emphasis is placed on high field studies.


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In this paper, we present a formal model of Java concurrency using the Object-Z specification language. This model captures the Java thread synchronization concepts of locking, blocking, waiting and notification. In the model, we take a viewpoints approach, first capturing the role of the objects and threads, and then taking a system view where we capture the way the objects and threads cooperate and communicate. As a simple illustration of how the model can, in general be applied, we use Object-Z inheritance to integrate the model with the classical producer-consumer system to create a specification directly incorporating the Java concurrency constructs.


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We discuss a methodology for animating the Object-Z specification language using a Z animation environment. Central to the process is the introduction of a framework to handle dynamic instantiation of objects and management of object references. Particular focus is placed upon building the animation environment through pre-existing tools, and a case study is presented that implements the proposed framework using a shallow encoding in the Possum Z animator. The animation of Object-Z using Z is both automated and made transparent to the user through the use of a software tool named O-zone.


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In this position paper we present the developing Fluid framework, which we believe offers considerable advantages in maintaining software stability in dynamic or evolving application settings. The Fluid framework facilitates the development of component software via the selection, composition and configuration of components. Fluid's composition language incorporates a high-level type system supporting object-oriented principles such as type description, type inheritance, and type instantiation. Object-oriented relationships are represented via the dynamic composition of component instances. This representation allows the software structure, as specified by type and instance descriptions, to change dynamically at runtime as existing types are modified and new types and instances are introduced. We therefore move from static software structure descriptions to more dynamic representations, while maintaining the expressiveness of object-oriented semantics. We show how the Fluid framework relates to existing, largely component based, software frameworks and conclude with suggestions for future enhancements. © 2007 IEEE.


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Almost a decade has passed since the objectives and benefits of autonomic computing were stated, yet even the latest system designs and deployments exhibit only limited and isolated elements of autonomic functionality. In previous work, we identified several of the key challenges behind this delay in the adoption of autonomic solutions, and proposed a generic framework for the development of autonomic computing systems that overcomes these challenges. In this article, we describe how existing technologies and standards can be used to realise our autonomic computing framework, and present its implementation as a service-oriented architecture. We show how this implementation employs a combination of automated code generation, model-based and object-oriented development techniques to ensure that the framework can be used to add autonomic capabilities to systems whose characteristics are unknown until runtime. We then use our framework to develop two autonomic solutions for the allocation of server capacity to services of different priorities and variable workloads, thus illustrating its application in the context of a typical data-centre resource management problem.